Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 4th edn

Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 4th edn

hr. J. Eiochem.Vol. 21, No. 5, p. 577, 1989 Pergamon Press plc. Printed in Great Britain BOOK REVIEWS Transcription and Splicing-Edited by B. D. HAM...

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hr. J. Eiochem.Vol. 21, No. 5, p. 577, 1989 Pergamon Press plc. Printed in Great Britain


Transcription and Splicing-Edited by B. D. HAMESand D. M. GLOVER.212 pp. 1988. IRL Press, Oxford. Paperback f15, $30. Hardcover E23, $46. There are 4 reviews in this book. (1) Transacting protein factors and the regulation of eukaryotic transcription, by N. B. La Thangue and P. W. J. Rigby. (2) Enhancers and other &-acting regulators, by A. K. Hatzopoulos, U. Schlokat and P. Gruss. (3) Termination and -3’end processine of eukarvotic RNA. bv N. J. Proudfoot and E. Whiteyaw. (4) RNA splicing, by A. R. Krainer and T. Maniatis. Each review is complete in itself with a detailed bibliography and illustrations. Together the 4 reviews provide a good account of the mechanisms of transcription and processing and their regulation.

of lipids and cholesterol in normal, and pathological conditions as well as in animal models. The effects of treatment with Benzafibrate, Fenofibrate, Etofibrate, Gemfibrozil, nicotinic acid derivatives, and pantethine on lipid metabolism lipoproteins, atherosclerosis and cardiac disease are fully described. Comparative NuMtlor+Edited by K. BLAXTERand I. MACDONALD.264 pp. 1988. John Libbey, London. f24, S47.

This multi-authored volume contains reviews on: growth, reproduction and nutrition in primates and man; vertebrate digestion; energy exchange; nitrogen metabolism and protein requirement; lipid metabolism; vitamin C functions; bone minerals and fat soluble vitamins; salt and water Progress in Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine, Vol. 5. metabolism; basal metabolic rates in man; obesity in 131 pp. 1988. Springer Verlag, Berlin. DM 128. animals; atherosclerosis in animals and man; infant nutrition; fibre in diet; retardation of ageing by diet; is man There are five reviews in this volume. They are on unique? The reviews are concise but contain much interest(1) regulation of plasma LDL levels; new strategies for ing information. For example in amphibians, reptiles, the drug design. (2) Biopharmacological regulation of protein pigeon and chicken, the enzymes for the synthesis of vitamin phosphorylation. (3) Calcium activated neutral protease C are present in the kidney. But in most birds and mammals (CANP) and its biological and medical implications. it is synthesized in the liver. However, the enzymes are not (4) Microbial iron transport: structure and function of present in man, primates, bats, guinea pigs and the redSiderophores. (5) Pharmacokinetic drug interactions. vented bulbul. Ascorbate levels are reported to be lower in smokers, diabetics, rheumatoid arthritis and schizophrenia. The role of vitamin C in the antioxidant defence system, Progress in Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine, Vol. 6R. D. SMITH,P. S. WOLF, J. R. REGANand S. R. JOLLY. protection against lipid peroxidation and as a free radical scavenger are also discussed in this chapter. The book will 154 pp. 1988. Springer Verlag, Berlin. DM 128. be very interesting to all those working on nutrition and those interested in the use of animal model systems for This volume contains one topic; the emergence of drugs human disease. which block calcium entry. The prototypes of these drugs are verapamil, diltiazem and nifedipine. These and 70 related drugs have been effective in the treatment of angina Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 4th edn-A. H. pectoris, congestive heart failure, myocardial arrhythmias, BECKEW and J. B. STENLAKE. Part 1. 326 pp. 1988. Athlone peripheral and cerebral vascular disease, hypertension and Press, London. $55. Part 2. 602 pp. 1988. Athlone Press, asthma. The calcium entry blockers (CEB) are surveyed in London, S75. this volume in terms of their action on the different calcium channels, their basic biochemical and pharmacological In this 4th edition the material has been brought up to date actions, therapeutic indications, adverse effects, the perspecbringing in drugs, dosages and methods that are common to tives for new CEB drug discovery. This book provides an the U.K., Europe and North America. The topics dealt with excellent account of this important subject. in Volume 1 are chemical purity and its control; registration and assessment of medicines; theoretical basis of quantitatDrugs Affecting Lipid MetahoIIsm-Edited by R. PAOLETTI, ive analysis; techniques of quantitative analysis; acidimetry D. KRITCHEVSKY and W. L. HOLMES.451 pp. 1987. Springer and alkalimetry; titration in non-aqueous solvents; Verlag, Berlin. $76.50. oxidation-reduction titrations; precipitation and complexometric methods; solvent extraction methods; medicaments There have been three major advances. (1) The direct in formulations. Volume 2 has chapters on instrumental association between drug induced reduction of plasma levels methods; general physical methods; analysis of drugs of total and LDL cholesterol and the incidence of coronary and excipients in the solid state; chromatography; electrodisease in high risk populations. (2) Increased ease and chemical methods; spectrophotometry [S]; U.V.absorption S; speed in the measurement of blood or plasma cholesterol atomic emission and absorption S; spectra-fluorimetry. levels. (3) The development of inhibitors of HMG-CoA ir. S; NMR; mass spectrometry; radiochemistry and radio[hydroxymethyl-glutaryl CoA] reductase and ACAT [acylpharmaceuticals; application of spectroscopic techniques to CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase] inhibitors that reduce structural elucidation. The two volumes provide an excellent plasma lipid levels after oral administration. This multitheoretical basis and practical details of procedures useful in authored volume surveys the biochemistry and physiology the analysis of drugs and complex chemicals.