Predicting muscle forces during the propulsion phase of single leg triple hop test

Predicting muscle forces during the propulsion phase of single leg triple hop test

Accepted Manuscript Title: Predicting muscle forces during the propulsion phase of single leg triple hop test Authors: Felipe Costa Alvim, Paulo Rober...

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Accepted Manuscript Title: Predicting muscle forces during the propulsion phase of single leg triple hop test Authors: Felipe Costa Alvim, Paulo Roberto Garcia Lucareli, Luciano Luporini Menegaldo PII: DOI: Reference:

S0966-6362(17)30741-5 GAIPOS 5722

To appear in:

Gait & Posture

Received date: Revised date: Accepted date:

21-9-2016 10-7-2017 11-7-2017

Please cite this article as: Alvim Felipe Costa, Lucareli Paulo Roberto Garcia, Menegaldo Luciano Luporini.Predicting muscle forces during the propulsion phase of single leg triple hop test.Gait and Posture This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.


Predicting muscle forces during the propulsion phase of single leg triple hop test

Felipe Costa Alvim1*, Paulo Roberto Garcia Lucareli2, Luciano Luporini Menegaldo1

1- Biomedical Engineering Program, COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2- Department of Rehabilitation Science, Human Motion Analysis Laboratory, Universidade Nove de Julho, São Paulo, Brazil

*Corresponding author, phone: +55 (21) 3938 8629; fax: +55 (21) 3938-8591; e-mail: [email protected]

Word count: 3320

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Muscle force was estimated based on an inverse dynamics analysis of the propulsion phase of single leg triple hop test using Computed Muscle Control (CMC) and Static Optimization in OpenSim. Joint torques are plausible and muscles synergies from both methods were coherent with the measured EMG. Static Optimization associated with Residual Reduction Analysis seems to slightly outperform CMC estimations when compared to EMG profiles.

Abstract Functional biomechanical tests allow the assessment of musculoskeletal system impairments in a simple way. Muscle force synergies associated with movement can provide additional information for diagnosis. However, such forces cannot be directly measured noninvasively. This study aims to estimate muscle activations and forces exerted during the preparation phase of the single leg triple hop test. Two different


approaches were tested: static optimization (SO) and computed muscle control (CMC). As an indirect validation, model-estimated muscle activations were compared with surface electromyography (EMG) of selected hip and thigh muscles. Ten physically healthy active women performed a series of jumps, and ground reaction forces, kinematics and EMG data were recorded. An existing OpenSim model with 92 musculotendon actuators was used to estimate muscle forces. Reflective markers data were processed using the OpenSim Inverse Kinematics tool. Residual Reduction Algorithm (RRA) was applied recursively before running the SO and CMC. For both, the same adjusted kinematics were used as inputs. Both approaches presented similar residuals amplitudes. SO showed a closer agreement between the estimated activations and the EMGs of some muscles. Due to inherent EMG methodological limitations, the superiority of SO in relation to CMC can be only hypothesized. It should be confirmed by conducting further studies comparing joint contact forces. The workflow presented in this study can be used to estimate muscle forces during the preparation phase of the single leg triple hop test and allows investigating muscle activation and coordination.

Keywords: triple hop test, inverse dynamics, static optimization, computed muscle control


Isolated findings of physical assessments may be frequently poorly related to functional impairments. Otherwise, biomechanical evaluations of athletic performance and clinical conditions can be performed using functional exercises. Single leg triple hop test (SLTHT) may provide more relevant information on knee stabilizer muscles than isolated isometrics or isokinetic torque analysis [1,2,3].


Estimations of muscle force in high demand tests have the potential to predict functional performance and define treatment planning. Musculoskeletal models allow estimating muscle synergies regarding forces and activations during a functional task [4,5,6]. OpenSim is an open source software that combines musculoskeletal models and experimental data [7], allowing several types of analyses. Among them, muscle force estimations can be performed through inverse dynamics associated with static optimization (SO), or through computed muscle control (CMC) [8].

Kinematic changes in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome occur in both the preparation and landing phases of SLTHT, the first evidencing high angular peaks [9]. This condition was also related to movement asymmetries and muscle recruitment timing changes during weight bearing [10]. Several muscles have such changes, including the gluteus medius [11], hamstrings [12] and the different portions of the quadriceps femoris [13]. Thus, knowledge on muscle forces during SLTHT may provide useful information for clinics. This study has two objectives regarding the preparatory phase of SLTHT. The first is to compare residuals (see Methods section) and activation estimations obtained by two different numerical approaches: SO and CMC, with surface EMG of selected representative muscles, in order to assess the consistency of estimations in relation to experimental data. The second objective is to estimate lower limb muscle forces and analyze muscle synergies associated with the task in a group of healthy subjects.

1. Methods

1.1.Sample and experimental protocol


Ten physically healthy active women (23.2 ± 4 years, 59.3 ± 5.8 kg, 1.63 ± 0.06 m) with no history of lower limb injuries were recruited to participate in the study. They reviewed and signed a written informed consent. The study was approved by the Universidade Nove de Julho Research Ethics Committee.

The volunteers performed a series of SLTHT and reaction force, kinematics and EMG data were recorded. Reflective markers were attached to the skin according to the Vicon Plug-in Gait biomechanical model [14]. Eight infrared cameras (SMART-D BTS, Milan, Italy), sampling at 100 Hz, recorded the markers’ trajectories. Kinematics was filtered using a fourth-order, zero-lag, Butterworth, 12 Hz low-pass filter [3]. A force plate (9286A, Kistler group, Winterthur, Switzerland), sampling at 400 Hz, was used to record ground reaction force (GRF) filtered by a zero-lag, 12 Hz low-pass filter. Surface EMG data was recorded by a wireless system (FREE EMG, BTS Bioengineering, Milan, Italy) with four channels sampling at 1,000 Hz per channel digitalized by a 16-bit A/D converter and synchronized with kinematic and force plate data. After skin preparation, Ag/AgCl surface electrodes (Medi-Trace 200 Kendall Healthcare/Tyco, Canada), spaced 2 cm from center to center, were positioned according to Hermens et al. [15]. Electrode cables were connected to a portable amplifier with a common mode rejection ratio higher than 100 dB, output impedance exceeding 10 MΩ, cutoff frequency of 20-500 Hz and a gain of 1,000x. EMG data were rectified offline and filtered with a 3 Hz low-pass, zero-lag, second-order Butterworth filter. All signals were normalized by subject isometric maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) EMG [16].


Before data collection, each volunteer performed 10 minutes of warm up exercises on a treadmill. MVC EMG data were collected. Four trials of five seconds were performed for each muscle, with a one-minute rest between contractions [3]. Then, volunteers were familiarized with the SLTHT, which consists of three consecutive one-leg hops aiming to reach the maximum distance. The SLTHT was performed three times, with a oneminute rest period between tests. A dataset of one representative trail for each subject was selected for data processing [3].

The preparatory phase of SLTHT begins with one leg standing in the initial preparatory phase (IPP) and finishes at the end preparatory phase (EPP), when the foot loses contact with the platform. The supporting leg knee angle marks the transition from IPP to EPP, when trunk and ankle start flexing and the vertical ground reaction force (GRF) decreases. This transition was identified as the instant at which GRF reaches 90% of body weight, and EPP finishes when GRF becomes 10% of BW [3], a short time before the foot loses contact with the ground.

1.2.Data processing, biomechanical model and simulations

Experimental data were converted to OpenSim compatible input files using C3D2OpenSim open source MatLab® routines developed by the authors (tutorial and sample files are available at

A 21 rigid-bodies, 92 muscles and 37 generalized coordinates (GC) model of the whole human body [17] was modified to allow right and left knee adduction/abduction, adding two more GCs. Before scaling, the upper limbs were locked at the same position of the


tests. Trunk, pelvis, thigh and shank length and center of mass position were scaled for each subject. The mass was scaled preserving mass distribution among body segments. An inverse kinematics (IK) problem was solved using the OpenSim IK tool to define GCs time histories that reduced errors between virtual and experimental markers [18].

The residual reduction algorithm (RRA) [7,6] was used for reducing errors inherent to markers’ data collection and modeling procedures. RRA also changes the trunk center of mass and experimental kinematical data (< 2 cm for linear and < 2º for angular degrees of freedom). The sum of residuals and ground reaction forces becomes dynamically consistent with mass-acceleration products of body segments. Tentative residual bounds between ground and pelvis joints were set at 20 N for force and 100 Nm for torque, twice the usually recommended for gait analysis, due to high torque levels associated with SLTHT [3]. The residuals obtained after a RRA run were compared to predefined bounds. This process was repeated iteratively, by decreasing RRA tracking weights related to the degrees of freedom for smaller errors between experimental data and RRA kinematics. This process was interrupted when the residuals were smaller than the bounds, the average RRA decrease between two iterations was less than 5%, or when the maximum number of 15 iterations was reached. Optimizer derivative step size and convergence tolerance were set to 10-4 and 10-5, respectively.

The scaled and RRA adjusted model was used for estimating muscle activations and forces during the task using the inverse dynamics/SO and CMC approaches. RRA increases consistency with the GRF data of the model and kinematics. Therefore, it is supposed to reduce the need for residuals forces in SO. At the implementation of OpenSim SO, maximum values for residuals, called optimal forces, can be defined. If this


parameter is small (here, 4 N for force and 2 Nm for torque actuators), a large control effort is needed, which penalizes the cost function. CMC uses a proportional derivative controller to provide kinematics feedback to adjust model position during the simulation. Moreover, in CMC, the sum of squared actuator controls plus the sum of desired acceleration errors is minimized, while for SO, only the sum of squared actuator controls is minimized. Different from SO, the CMC algorithm allows constraining the residuals directly, which are limited to 20 N and 100 Nm for force and torque actuators, respectively.

2.3 Statistics

The errors between estimated muscle activations and EMG data were assessed using a method proposed by Geers (1984) [19]. EMG can be better comparable to activation than to force since the processing from EMG to activation requires only an integration of the activation dynamics equation. To calculate force, contraction dynamics should be integrated as well, although muscle forces would provide more meaningful information to clinical evaluations. The errors will be used to assess the accuracy of muscle activation and force estimations obtained by each approach (RRA+SO and CMC). The Geers method is based on the calculus of errors of magnitude M (eq. 1) and phase P (eq. 2) between two curves:

𝑡2 1 2 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 ∫𝑡1 𝑐(𝑡) 𝑑𝑡 𝑀=√ −1 𝑡1 1 2 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 ∫𝑡2 𝑚(𝑡) 𝑑𝑡



1 𝑃 = cos −1 𝜋

𝑡2 1 𝑚(𝑡) 𝑐(𝑡)𝑑𝑡 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 ∫𝑡1 𝑡1 𝑡1 1 1 2 𝑑𝑡 2 √ 𝑚(𝑡) ∫ ∫ 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 2 𝑡2 − 𝑡1 2 𝑐(𝑡) 𝑑𝑡


where m(t) is the measured EMG, c(t) is the activation, and t1 to t2 is the time of interest.

C (eq. 3) combines errors of magnitude and phase and produces a single value for a global comparison. M and P should be near zero when there are no differences of magnitude and phase between the curves. 𝐶 = √𝑀2 + 𝑃2


A Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to identify the differences between M, 𝑃 and C obtained by RRA+SO or CMC in relation to EMG. All statistical tests were performed with a significance level of 5%. Frequently, muscle force is the interest variable for clinical applications. Therefore, average error data between EMG and normalized muscle forces, estimated by either RRA+SO or CMC, are reported in the Supplementary Material (A).

The parametrization of time-continuous functions may lead to post hoc regional focus bias, or inter-component covariance bias [20]. To verify statistically significant local differences between predicted activations and EMGs, a vector-field statistical analysis [21] was performed. The results are shown in the Supplementary Material (B).

2. Results

Residual forces and torques obtained after RRA+SO were similar to RRA only (Table 1). Figure 1 shows the residuals obtained throughout RRA iterations (fading shades of gray)


and after RRA+SO (dashed). CMC residuals remained within the predefined limits, as expected.

Joint angles and corresponding moments are shown in Figure 2. The pelvis tilts anteriorly during the entire movement despite a tendency towards a posterior tilt moment in the last 10% of the task (Figure 2A). The pelvis side, contralateral to the supporting leg, rotates anteriorly and downwards in the frontal and transverse planes, as the volunteer descends her center of mass. During the propulsion phase (starting by 80% of the task), the pelvis rotates upwards and posteriorly (Figure 2B and 2C). This movement is accompanied by an internal followed by an external rotation of the hip (Figure 2F). The hip stands in a slightly adducted position, moving towards abduction during maximal power production (Figure 2E). In the sagittal plane, the hip stays flexed during most of the task and extends in the last 20% (Figure 2D). A similar pattern is observed for the knee (Figure 2G), which also tends to adduct (Figure 2H). The ankle flexes dorsally until 90% of the task. It is then followed by a vigorous plantarflexion (Figure 2I).

Estimations of muscle activation, on average among all subjects, for gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, biceps femoris and vastus lateralis are shown in Figure 3, which presents data obtained by using either RRA+SO or CMC and compared to a normalized EMG. For gluteus maximus (Figure 3A), a good agreement can be observed among EMG, SO and CMC estimations. Gluteus medius activation (Figure 3B) presented a closer concordance with EMG during the second half of the task. The CMC was apparently more accurate than the SO at the beginning of the movement for biceps femoris (Figure 3C). However, this pattern inverts during the last part. Finally, for vastus lateralis (Figure 3D), SO estimation apparently presented a good agreement with EMG, while, during the first half


of the task, CMC provided poorer results. Mean values of M, P and C errors between EMG and activation are shown Table 2 for both methods. For C, the SO presented significantly smaller errors than CMC for gluteus maximus (p < .01) and vastus lateralis (p < .01). For gluteus maximus, both M and P were statistically significantly lower (p < .01) for SO than for CMC. For vastus lateralis, only the P error was smaller (p = .03).

Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) vectors of the two-tailed paired t-tests are shown in the Supplementary Material (B). It has been observed that all differences between EMG and predicted activations remained within statistical significance limits.

The M, P and C indexes were calculated to assess the agreement between RRA+SO and CMC activation estimations and EMGs (Table 2). This comparison allows observing whether such errors indirectly reflect in different muscle force estimations. Comparing EMGs and force estimations directly (Supplementary Material - A), similar results were observed, except for the variable P of gluteus maximus, which showed no statistical differences between methods.

The average tendon force (n=10 subjects) normalized by muscle maximum isometric force, and muscle fiber length normalized by optimal fiber length of all modeled muscles are shown in the Supplementary Material (C). In general, the first half of the movement was characterized by ankle, knee and hip flexions with an eccentric contraction of the extensor muscles, slowly lowering the center of mass. This pattern was remarkable in hipextensor biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus and gluteus maximus. The psoas increased anterior pelvic tilt and hip flexion, while gluteus medius and minimus


stabilized the pelvis in the frontal plane. Knee extensors and ankle plantar flexors were also active during this phase.

The second half of the task is related to high power production to propel the body towards the upper-forward direction. Erector spinae (both sides), adductor magnus, gluteus maximus, quadriceps femoris and plantar flexors were highly activated to generate trunk, hip, knee and ankle extensor torques. Normalized muscle fiber lengths show a sudden shortening. Gluteus medius and gluteus minimus also stay active, stabilizing the pelvis in the frontal plane.

3. Discussion

The main novelty presented by this paper was the estimation of lower limb muscles activation and force during the preparation phase of SLTHT in a group of healthy young women. A comparison between SO and CMC OpenSim implementations of these algorithms for muscle force estimation was also shown. A previous study comparing both approaches was found [22] for gait and running. The preparation phase of SLTHT is a moderate speed and high force task, prone to large modeling and experimental errors. The kinematics error bounds were satisfied, and the original kinematics did not change significantly. The recursive application of RRA before the SO was able to keep the residual forces and torques within predefined bounds (Figure 1 and Table 1).

For muscles whose EMG was collected (Figure 3), the activation profiles presented some similarity with EMG during the second half of the task for both SO and CMC. During the first half, both techniques showed good results for the gluteus maximus muscle. However,


for gluteus medius, a poor agreement was observed. For biceps femoris, CMC resulted in closer estimations for the first half of the task, although for vastus lateralis, the SO worked better. Statistical tests showed smaller errors in SO activation estimates for gluteus maximus and vastus lateralis compared to CMC. Furthermore, SO activation waveforms were smoother.

CMC uses a proportional derivative (PD) feedback control loop which could cause phase distortions. We hypothesized that the differences between CMC and SO results in relation to EMG could be associated with a phase shift caused by the PD controller. The phase errors were determined by P and magnitude errors by M, leading to a global error variable

C (eqs. 1-3) between estimated activations and EMGs (Table 2). The Wilcoxon rank sum test showed statistical differences between SO and CMC in gluteus maximus and vastus lateralis, for C. Analyzing P and M separately, both were smaller in the SO estimation of gluteus maximus compared to CMC. For vastus lateralis, only P was greater in CMC. Such findings, associated with lower computational times and smoother activation and force curves, suggest that RRA associated to SO can be more suitable than CMC to predict muscle activation synergies for the studied task in spite of the inherent limitations of EMG as an agreement criterion. Direct comparisons between EMG and muscle forces seem to confirm this.

Based on vector-field analysis, there were no differences between CMC or SO measured and predicted muscle activations. The reason for the absence of a statistical difference may be due to high standard deviations in both measured and predicted variables.


During the SLTHT preparation phase, the volunteer slightly lowers her body center of mass and, then, changes the movement direction, producing a high hip abduction and hip extension and knee extension torques to perform the first jump [2]. The muscles whose EMG were collected have shown a high activity in some phases (Figure 3). Spägle et al. reported vertical jump EMGs and their propulsion phase results are similar to ours, except for gluteus medius, which is not reported [6]. Estimated activations for optimal control differ from ours for iliopsoas, hamstrings and soleus, which may be related to the use of a simpler plane model and to the nature of the vertical jump, which demands no forward acceleration of the body. Other authors have estimated muscle forces in high torque tasks, such as vertical jumping and running [4,5,6]. The optimal control solution for forward dynamics of the bilateral vertical jump has shown elevated vasti and gluteus maximus forces [4]. Here, large gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and erector spinae forces (see Supplementary Material - C) may be also related to the compensation of adduction torque produced by contralateral body weight during single leg support. Hamner and Delp observed increased gluteus medius and vastus lateralis forces during the early stance phase of running when single leg weight support is required [5].

Net knee flexion torque (Figure 2G) and biceps femoris activity (Figure 3D and Supplementary Material - C) were observed at the beginning of the movement. The hamstrings are hip extensors and knee flexors, except for biceps femoris. However, the knee extensors also showed a moderate activity, possibly to compensate for the knee flexing action of the hamstrings. It stabilizes the knee by co-contraction. The observed activation and force patterns in this phase are related to the eccentrical control of hip and knee flexion during the descending phase [23]. Gluteus maximus, adductor magnus, vasti and rectus femoris forces increased during the second half of the task and may be


associated with a powerful leg extension necessary to perform the single side jump. Corroborating these findings, Pandy and Zajac [4] found large contributions of gluteus maximus, vasti and plantar flexors during the preparatory phase of the bilateral vertical jump [4].

The plantar flexion torque increases slowly during the eccentric descending phase, presenting a peak in the propulsion shared by three components of triceps surae. Soleus presented smaller force contributions than gastrocnemii during the descending phase. In the first 30% of the movement, gastrocnemius lateralis exerted forces higher than the medial head. However, in the 20-50% stretch, this pattern inverts. Tibialis anterior performed a concentric contraction during the entire descending phase, showing a cocontraction pattern with the plantar flexors.

Some methodological limitations of this paper can be highlighted. Surface EMG channels are prone to crosstalk in neighbor muscles [24], which could increase the similarity between two different channels. Additionally, EMG presents a high variability especially in dynamic conditions. For such reasons, the agreement between activation and EMG, as a criterion for selecting the most appropriate method (SO or CMC), is not conclusive. The best criterion should be that based on the comparison between measured and estimated joint contact forces, which is beyond the scope of this study. The lower limb model proposed by Hammer et al. [17] is formulated using musculoskeletal parameters from several sources. Maximum isometric muscle force is a sensitive parameter [25], and a mass scaling factor to adjust this parameter to children has been suggested [26]. However, we found no particular technique for young women. In this study, the subtalar ankle joint was locked at a neutral position, making the estimated muscle forces of inversors and


eversors negligible. Another limitation is the relatively inflexible choice of the CMC performance criterion. The collection of EMG of a few but representative subsets of muscles can also be considered a limitation of this study.

4. Conclusions

It can be stated that, for the preparatory phase of SLTHT, running the RRA recursively before a static optimization solution is a useful strategy. The combination of both may provide activation estimations closer to EMGs when compared to CMC. However, only by comparing measured and predicted joint contact forces the eventual superiority of SO could be confirmed. Residuals are likely to remain small for both methods. Joint torques and muscle force synergies are plausible and consistent with the measured movements. Further work is in progress to compare the muscle force patterns obtained here to subjects with patellofemoral pain.

Conflicts of interest The Authors disclose that there are no financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations which could inappropriately influence this work.

Conflict of interest statement There are no potential conflict of interest related to this article.

Acknowledgements The Authors would like to thank the Brazilian research funding agencies CNPq, CAPES, FINEP, FAPERJ and FAPESP.


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Figure captions

Figure 1: Iterative residual reduction by applying the RRA recursively for one trial. Fading gray shaded lines (from darker to lighter) represent successive iterations. The dashed line corresponds to static optimization results using the output of the last RRA run. Horizontal gray lines mark the desired residual bounds. The gray vertical line indicates the beginning of the descending phase during the SLTHT preparation phase. For this trial, the task lasts for 1.15 seconds. Residual forces for x, y and z-axis: (A), (B) and (C), respectively. For residual torques: (D), (E) and (F).

Figure 2: Joint angles ± SD (black line and left y-axis) and corresponding moments ± SD (gray line and right y-axis). A: pelvis tilt (+ anterior tilt); B: pelvis list (+ superior pelvis tilt to the jumping side), C: pelvis rotation (+ posterior pelvis rotation contralateral to jumping side), D: hip flexion (+ flexion), E: hip adduction (+ adduction), F: hip rotation (+ internal rotation), G: knee angle (+ extension), H: knee adduction (+ adduction) and (I) ankle angle (+ dorsiflexion).

Figure 3: Muscle activation estimations ± SD by static optimization (light gray line), computed muscle control (black line) and normalized surface EMG (thin continuous line, ±1 SD) (n=10). (A) gluteus maximus; (B) gluteus medius; (C) biceps femoris long head; and (D) vastus lateralis; N.U. – normalized unities.


Figures – Figure 1 –


Figure 2 –


Figure 3 –


Table 1: Mean ± standard deviations (maximum values) of residual actuator forces and torques after performing the RRA iteratively and then static optimization (RRA+SO). (n = 10) RRA FX (N) -1.08 ± 8.6 (52.63) FY (N) 0.58 ± 2.39 (13.71) FZ (N) 0.71 ± 1.97 (7.47) MX (Nm) -5.17 ± 7.25 (24.84) MY (Nm) 1.19 ± 4.1 (19.04) MZ (Nm) -8.81 ± 9.27 (44.39)

RRA+SO -1.16 ± 8.71 (52.87) 0.18 ± 2.9 (20.58) 0.8 ± 1.92 (4.8) -7.12 ± 7.93 (24.55) 1.24 ± 4.14 (16.89) -6.3 ± 9.49 (41.75)


Table 2: Median values of M, P and C between EMG and muscles activation estimations for RRA + SO and CMC algorithms. P-value obtained by statistical analysis between the two estimation errors. Muscle M p-value P p-value gluteus RRA + SO .12 .18 <.01* <.01* maximus CMC .61 .35 gluteus RRA + SO .11 .30 .45 .10 medius CMC .15 .39 biceps RRA + SO .10 .26 .53 .32 femoris CMC .33 .31 vastus RRA + SO .01 .19 .21 .03* lateralis CMC .17 .35 * indicates a statistical difference found in the medians between groups.

C .21 .64 .43 .49 .44 .59 .19 .69

p-value <.01* .26 .45 <.01*