MAY 1991, VOL. 53,NO 5
7. All staff must be flexible, willing to change, and open-minded throughout the process, 0 Suggested reading
Brightbill, T. “O.R. liaison may provide link to savings and reduced inventory.” Hospital Materials Management 14 (January 1989) 9. Hennick, S. “Changes in the operating room: A materiel management perspective.” Hospital Materiel Management Quarterly (August 1989)
Melson, L M; Schultz, M K. “Overcoming barriers to operating room inventory control.” Healthcare Financial Management 43 (April 1989) 28, 3032, 34.
Thorsfeldt, H. “Inventory management of operating room supplies.” Journal of Hospital Supply, Processing & Distribution 3 (MayIJune 1985) 79-82.
Film Review
Preparing Children for Surgery Surgery has a significant psychological impact on children. Perioperative nurses attempt to make children’s surgery a positive experience that will not leave long-term psychological damage. The surgical experience can produce less anxiety if both children and their parents are properly prepared. Preparing Childrenfor Surgery, by Bradford A. Austin, RN, CNOR, is an excellent 1991 Davis + Geck videotape that describes the role of the nurse during the preoperative phase. The videotape addresses the four developmental stages of children: toddler, preschooler, school-age child, and adolescent. It reviews basic characteristics of each developmental stage, shows children who are being prepared for surgery, and shows nurses using specific nursing interventions and play techniques that are appropriate for each age. The videotape identifies the major concerns of children and their parents and establishes how nurses can help decrease fears. Scenes of nurses interacting with families and children strongly emphasize the psychological importance of the preoperative phase. This videotape is an excellent review of the psychosocial needs of children during the preoperative phase. It can be used by preoperative, pediatric, medical-surgical, ambulatory surgery, or student nurses who are responsible for the preoperative preparation of children and family members.
Two other Davis + Geck videotapes emphasize the intraoperative phase of working with children in surgery. These are The Neonate: Perioperative Considerations (1990), and I’m Not a Small Adult: Nursing C a r e of the Pediatric Patient in Surgery (1970). Combined with Bradford Austin’s new videotape, these make an excellent package for review of the perioperative care of children. Preparing Children f o r Surgery is a 16minute videotape and is available in 1/2-inch VHS for $39 or 3/4-inch U-matic for $51. Rentals are available for $25. There is an additional $4 shipping and handling fee for all videotapes. Mail requests to Davis + Geck Videotape-Video Library, 1 Casper St, Danbury, CT 06810, or call (800) 633-0004. LEANA REVELL, RN, MSN, CNOR AUDIOVISUAL COMMITTEE