T h e Journal o f the A m erican D en ta l Association
T h e rational use of drugs and chem icals is an essential part of dental prac tice. Over a period of years, the Council has issued numerous reports designed to aid the dentist in the selection of drugs and chemicals of demonstrated useful ness. Many of these are National Formu lary and U. S. Pharmacopeial substances and are listed and adequately described in Accepted Dental Remedies 1939. In
order that the dental profession may use acceptable and official products to best advantage, the following formulas have been suggested. The Council appreciates the coopera tion of George C. Schicks, assistant dean of Rutgers University, chairman of the Committee on Dental Pharmacy of the American Pharmaceutical Association, in the preparation of the formulas.
SERIES III Metric Approx. 1.0 cc.
Apoth. Equivalents
Metric Approx. 0.5 gm.
Apoth. Equivalents gr. viii
Metric Approx. 0.3 gm.
Apoth. Equivalents gr. v
Paraldehydi U.S.P. *Ft. caps, dura fd.t.d. No. X Sig: Two with a glass of water i hour before retiring. Note: One of the safest of hynotics— rapid acting. Disadvantage— taste not pleasant. Capsule disguises it. Does not relieve pain. Maximum dose— single 75 minims— daily 150 minims. Average dose— 30 ms. or 2 cc. Sedative 15-30 ms. Sleep 30-60 ms. *Caps. dura=hard gelatin capsules. fDentur tales doses (d.t.d.)=give such doses. b)
Carbromali U.S.P. Ft. caps. *dentur tales doses No. X Sig: One with a glass of water for sleep at bedtime. Note: Average dose 8 grains. Maximum dose 15 grains. Efficient, prompt sedative, producing sleep where a powerful hypnotic is not de sired. Useful in mental excitement, restlessness, anxiety. *Dentur tales doses (d.t.d.)=give such doses. SERIES III c)
Tab. Barbitali *Dentur tales doses No. X Sig: One with a glass of hot milk half hour before sleep. Note: Hypnotic where prolonged action is desired. Average dose 0.3 gm.=5 grains. Maximum dose 1 gm .= i5 grains. Larger doses usually not advisable. Sedative 0.1 to 0.12 gm. ( i j to 2 grains) each dose. Preoperative and postoperative medication.
C o u n cil on D en ta l Therapeutics
May be prescribed as Elixir Barbital N.F. dose each dose. Proprietary name— Veronal *Means give of such doses. d)
Metric Approx. 6.0 gm. 44.5 cc. 0.13 cc. 0.13 cc. 60.0 cc.
Apoth. Equivalents
Tab. Phenobarbitali *Dentur tales doses No. VI Sig: Take one tablet the night previous to appointment and repeat one-half hour before office visit. Note: Hypnotic and analgesic. Average dose 0.03 gm.— J grain. Maximum dose 0.60 gm .= io grains. Sedative 0.015 to 0.2 gm. ( i to 3 gr.) Preoperative and postoperative medication. May be prescribed as Elixir Phénobarbital N.F. dose 3 i (4 cc.). J grain phénobarbital in each dose. Proprietary name— Luminal. May be administered at office. Wait one-half hour before giving treatment. *Means give of such doses, ss (semissis)— one-half.
Eugenol 3 1SS Peruvian Balsam SS Acetylsalicylic Acid (fine) iss White Wax Wool Fat q.s. ad. Dentists use for painful tooth sockets (dry sockets). Note: Dental Anodyne Paste Eugenol and Acetylsalicylic Acid are antiseptics and anodynes. Consistency may be controlled by the quantity of white wax used. May be obtained by prescribing Pasta Acidi Acetylsalicylici Composita N.F. VI. f) Guaiacol Benzocaine Balsam Peru Dentists use for relief of pain in dry sockets. Note: Antiseptic, anesthetic, promotes healing. g)
i ISS *Aethyl Aminobenzoate E iss Alcohol m. ii Oil Cinnamon m. ii Liquor Amaranth % ii Dist. Water q.s. ad. M. Sig: Topical Anesthetic Note: Apply to mucous membrane and wait two minutes before inserting needle. Aethyl Aminobenzoate 10% in 70% alcohol. *Common name Benzocaine; proprietary name Anesthesin