sufficient means at its disposal to spread the knowledge of the preventive measures against these maladies among the members of the lay public, and to reduce and finally exterminate venereal disease from our midst.
F,S.S., F . F . I . ; Prof. J. W. Smith; Sir William Thorburn, C.B., M.D., F.R.C.S. ; Sir Frederick Treves, G.C.V.O., C.B., M.D., F.R.C.S. DIRECTIONS FOR SELF DISINFECTION. A.
Materials required :-(a) Some cotton wool. (b) A bottle containing a solution of Potassium Permanganate, 1 in 1,000. (Details below). (c) Some 33 per cent. calomel ointment. (Details below).
Methods of a p p l i c a t i o n : I, I f exposure to risk takes place out of doors or where complete disinfection is in,practicable. (1). Make water. (2). Soak a swab of cotton wool with the solution of Potassium Permanganate. Draw back the foreskin, carefully swab the head of the p e n i s a n d the under surface of the foreskin, especially at the opening of the pipe. These steps must be taken within an hour of exposure to risk. (3). On returning home the sexual organs must be thor0ughly washed with soap and water, and 33 p e r cent. calomel ointment well r~ubbed into the penis, drawing back the~ foreskin as in (2) above. This must be done within six hours of exposure to risk.
The Society for t h e Prevention of Venereal Disease have issued the f01Iowing instructions for immediate self-disinfection. The leaflet itself is backed by, a n d is issued with the direct authority of an extraordinarily strong list of Officers and Committees of the Society; including :-~ Th6: Rt. Hon. Lord Willoughby de Broke (Presideiat) ; Mr. Hugh Elliot, Prof. Leonard Hill, *F.R.S;, iX~r. Rudyard Kipting, Sir E . Ray Lankes:ter; K:C.B., F.R.S.; Sir Laurence R. Phillips, 'Bart. (Vice-Presidents) ; Sir Wm. Arbtithnot Lane, ~Bart., C.B., M.S., Sir James Crichton-Browne, F.R.S. (Treasurers) ; Sir H. Bryan Donkin, M.D., F . R . C . P . ; : Sir William Lister, K.C.M.G., F.R.C.S. ; Lt.-Gen. Sir F-rancis Lloyd, K.C.V.O., 'K.C.B., D.S.O., L.C.C. ; Sir J. Y. W. MacAlister ; Sir F. W. Mott, K . B , E , F.R.S., F.R.C.P. ; S i r D'Arcy Power, K.B.E. i F.R.C.S. ; Sir G. Archdall Reid, K.B.E., C.M.G., F.R.S.E. ; Dr. R. R. Rentoul ; Sir Humphry Rolleston, K.C.B., F.R.C.P. ; Dr. J. H.Sequeira, F.R.C.S., F.R.C.P.; Prof. W. J. R. Simpson, C.M.G., F.R.C.P. tn addition to the above whose names appear on the printed instructions, the following well known names are included among the members of 'the Grand Committee of the Society ~-Col. J. G. Admni, M.D., F.R.S.; Sir G. Barling, "C.B;, F.R.C.S.; Sir G. Lenthal Cheatte, C.V.O., C.B., F.R.C.S. ; Mr. Harold Cox; Mr. Thomas Davies, M.P2'; Captain W. E. Elliot, M.P. ; D r . A. Mearns Fraser; Sir Alfred D. Fripp, K.C.V.O., C.B. : Sir J. Bampfylde Fuller ,K.C.S.I. ; Sir William Grey:Wils0n, K.C.M.G.; Prof. M. Hay, M.D., F.R.C.P. ; Sir Atfred Keogh, G.C.B., K.C.B., C.B. ; Prof. Harvey Littlejohn ; Sir Wm. Milligan, M.D., C.M.; Sir B. Moynihan, C.B., M.S; ; Sir Thomas Oliver, • M.A., M.D.; Sir William Osler, M.D., F.R.S.; Dr. William P~steur; Sir George Riddell; Mr. P . Rockliff,
I f exposure to rist~ h a s taken plaee indoors, a more eo~nplete immediate disinfectiot~ s h o u l d be made. ( i ) . Make water. (2). -Wash the sexual b r g a n s and parts round with soap a n d w a t e r . (3). Swab with Potassimn Permanganate solution a s in 't i." (4). Rub calomel ointment weI1 into th~ penis. Note I. The careful swabbing of the penis with the solution of Potassium Permanganate-is the most impor)ant measure. Note II.
It is an excellent additional, safeguard to apply the calomel ointm,nt before intercourse.
III. IJ exposu, re to risk has occurred whilst •under the i~fluenee of alcohol.so that the
"precautions recommended m- I . and ~ II;: h'ave.not been, promptly ~taken';, the chan:ce of .inf.ecI.i0n Kmy,~be" co2nsi.der~ab!y lessened, .though.it cannot be removed, taking as soon as possible all the steps mentioned in " II.," well rubbing the 0inf~ment i n for t~fi minutes, an d'{n addition"'syringlng, the pipe {~itij PotaSsium 'of perma~iganate so'lution of iialf the-,strength reeommended for sponging the outside: that.is, add at/edfual quantity 0~ W'a:te'ffo the soiu}ion and sctui/t ~about a teaspoonful up the pipe w i t h ' a s m a l l glass syringe. Do this three times,and-then fiIl ttie/pipe a n d hoJd the, soltt.tiofl in for two minutes/by pinching the lipsof the pipe. This method is not nearly agreeable as the immediate disinfection, and is usdess after 1.2 hours:. IV,::if: flone of the above precautions have been taken, afidttlere .is reason .'tO believe that ifffection~:iS prolSable, 2a ,doctor should be conlsu,lted a.t the earlie'st possibleopportunity. NOTE'. The above.methodsof;sel'f diginfection are Oi:fly:use.fal'~Or'preve:nting ;/the diseases and are q~ite :ttseles~ :for.¢u;re or treat:me~t ,if;the diseasels have ali'ead,y',started. V'. "]erescriptionslfor mc~terialk mquired. O (a) : :17 6tassium Permai.~ganate: Solution :-.. ~DigsOlve, One fi'¢e-grain tablet of Potas~iu'm Pe,tmangana~e~in half a pint of water, F0ur tal>lespdonfuls of this solution:if~ .a small bottle will be enough for-one. application, •(b), C~10mel: oi,n,tment (SpecialStrength) :-Ca!'omel.3 parts,, Lanoline' (Hydrous) 4 parts, White Vase!in ~ 2parts. Half a-small teaspopnfu! wi!!'.b,e plenty for one.application. ....... Fhe H0n. :Secretaxy to:the. Society is,Mr. H. \¥ansey Bayly, M~.C..,"M.R.C.S,,'l,.43, Harley ~treel;,::-W~6;.from wkom. copies: 0,f the above leaflet can be obtained on application.
~F~IE3R0Ya.l:Sanitary. Institute are to be invited to hold their 192! Congress a t F0!!~estone. M:Ri0:.D.!-j(/WI:EEiAMSON, : M,D~.Edin.,~ D:P.H., ttik/er'eUlosis o~ceg: North.•Kensington, has been appointed assistala't ;medical •officer of health and •,c,h,i¢.f;tub,er.cu.!q~s ,~offi.,cer,fqr~t}le:Cou-nty=B~oug,h of :p,grt:smpkg!b.~,
.SOCtE~Y~ OF .M~EI)!C:AL: : O F F I C E R S OF, HEALTH. , , . ,
COUNC:IL!2M]EETING. A meeting of- the~Councit was held at the house of the Society on December 19th, 1919. The •Ptegident (Prof.' H. R: i~Onwood, C:M.'G.) wkg in the chair, and there were present Prof. A. Bostock Hill, Drs..Lyster,:Veitch: Clark; Sanders, Ridley Bailey, Snell, K a y G ~uohan~ Chas.: Porter, TubbThomas, Barlow, and Howarth. >, .Messages of apology :for absence,were received from Drs. Edm:und Smith, Chalmers, Caldwell :Smith, iand, Gates,, T h e M!nutes of: the last meeting having been approved and signed, .letters were. read: (a) from: the, Ministgy)of ,Health accepting.the offer:of the .Society to,send a deputation of,::six .members to place before Sir ,George Newman and other officers'of:the department, the, views o f the Society on the 7appointment o f Veterinary Officers for- the purposes of !the' MjlI~ 0,pd Dai:ries ,(C0nso!~dation) :Act,'1915, an d 0n-.the policy~:!o; be, purst}ed :with regard to privies: and pail closets in connection ,W![!I ~hpusing :schemes. Th e :Executive ,Secretary : .was. directed to ask the Ministry_, ,,t O .receive the deputation, consisting ;,of the President, a n d Drs. Bost0ck Hill, Lyster; :Reid, J. R0!?ertson and 'C..Porter o n Janum'y,q~6th 0r:23rd, t920:, (b). from ,tim British Medical Association inviting: t h e S o c i e t y to appoint: two representative9 to serve On the Ministry of Health Committee of the Association. Prof., A:.,BOStOCk: Hilt and Dr.,T. Ridley Bailey were re-elected to~.serve on . the Committee. (V) :from the Royal Sanitary Institute, asking :the: Society- to . .nominate delegates ~to attend the Congres s of the Institute to be held,at Birmipgl~am, July 19th-.24th t920..- It was .decided- that the President a n d Dr..: Sanders: :shou-ld .represent- the Society on ?th!s79ccas!on. (d) from, the . Mid and Branch drawing a ttent on:.t9 the inadequate salary offered for the: pe,pd!pg appointment..:of .Medical •
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