It would seem au irume!l~\l task to eorul,·n"'' ali tliis iuto a ,,rnu.ll lmok. The autltot has aecomplished it nlry 'l!H'•'essfully in an ••rt.'.', lm,ither ··•mr: tries.
Primer of Pulmonary Function. By Hurold !.rnyon 'l'rimble arHl .lames I\ieran. Oakland. Calif., Hl54, California Health and 'l'uherculosis Assoeiation.
22 pag('R.
This is an introduction to the subject of pulmonary function, written simply, with readily applicable examples. It discusse~ and explains the various tests of pulmonary function in a practical manner. A very useful table of lung volumes and formulas is reproduced, and a graph of lung volume subdivisions from Pappenheimer iJ. }\•deration Pro('., 1950), Tlcis eollc·dion of data, together with its information on the eost of equipment, will prove to be most useful for the general praetitioner and medirAl ~tmlent and those wishing to bt" briefly acquaintecl with newer methods in this :field. Problellli dello Stroma Endometriale nelle Metropatie "disfunzionali," a Oontegno Emorragico ed an9lllorragico (The Problem of the Stroma of the Endometrimn in Dysfunctional Bleeding, both Hemorrhagic and Nonhemorrha.gic). By F. Destro. 28 pages with 14 illustrations. Fidenza, 1953, 'l'i.pografia '!'ito Mattioli. 'l'he author describes the problem of the "silver wire Teticulum" and of the" stromal mucoid'' of the endometrium in eases of dysfunctional metropathia, both hemorrhagi(• ancl nonhemorrhagic, comparing it with the particular modification of the normal men~trual cycle, and of other pathological conditions of hormonal dysfunction. He finally interprets the genetic mechanism and meaning, in the light of modern knowledge on the constitution and function of the connective tissne,. L'endometriosi (Endometriosis). By]'. Destro, lVI. Goisis, and C. Slirtori. 71 pages with 25 illustrations. Fidenza, Hl53. 1'ipografia Tito Mattioli. 'l'he authors analyze the several aspect~ (pathogenetic, anatamohistologic, clinical, and therapeutic) of endometriosis, illustrating with numerous photomicrographs the most interesting and characteristic histologic picture of the cases they have studied. Among these. u ease of vaginal endometriosis with ll clecidual reaction, one of endometriosis in the rectum, a diffuse peritoneal endometriosis with the infiltration of the stroma of a coexistent carcinoma of the sigmoid deserve special mention. Sulla Necrosi ipofisaria puerperale (Necrosis of the Hypophysis PostPartum). By Filippo J lestro. 23 pages with 8 illustrations. Ficlenza, 1953, 'l'ipografia Tito Mattioli. The author describes a case of hemorrhage eaused by plaeenta previa and aceompanied by necrosis of the hypophysis brought about by autochthonous thrombosis of the vessels, eoncerning mainly the front and rear lobes. The sudden onset of a serious polyuria was the elinical symptom which led to the diagnosis of necrosis of the hypophysis, later eonfirrned by autopsy and histologieal ex· aminations. 1'he fact is stressed that, while the al"enee or disappearance of lactation is a precocious symptom of necrosis of the hypophysis, the presence of polyuria is a precocious symptom of necrosis of the posthypophysis. A discussion follows on the pathogenesis of the necrosis of the hypophysis.