Primiparae in the fifth decade of life

Primiparae in the fifth decade of life

488 AMERICAN JOURNAI) OF OBSTETRICS .4ND CYNECOLOGY 8. The Rddix count is of considerable value in differentiating the various t,ypes of toxemi...

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8. The Rddix count is of considerable value in differentiating the various t,ypes of toxemia during pregnancy. 9. Careful observations and wqenfed studies of the blood, urine, and renal function over a period of years in a. large number of toxemic patients are essential for a PropeP classification. REFEREN<‘ES


F. L. :

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Bhreninger-Guggenberger Life, Arch. f. Gynlk.

and Leutenmayer: Primiparae in 154:






The incidence of primiparas more than forty years old has increased in Germany since tho World War. The authors report on 151 such patients deliveretl in the Munich Frauenklinik. They found among them a higher incidence of contracted pelvis with a correspondingly high morbidity and mortality. Another serious complication in this group is the high rate of cardiac disease; there was cclampsia was not encounterell. Apparno increased incidence of renal discasc; cntly the percentage of women carrying t,o term rlccreascs as the age increases rince one out of every six in this group had a premature labor. The duration of labor during the fifth dccadc is no greater than in the fourth Ilccadc; labor lasted longer than twenty-four hours in one out of four, and longer than two days in one out of every ?i. Premature rupture of the membranes occurred once in every 3.5 patient,s. Every third labor was terminated hy operative tIelivery; one in six by forceps. The fetal mortality is high, there being one death in every 5.5 deliveries. RALPH

Macchiarulo, 0. : A Folia



Case of Primary 89, 1934.






of the tTterus,

After a review of the few cases of eechinoccous cyst infestation of the uterus qortcd in literature, the author describes a case of primary infestation of the uterus observed by him. He concludes that the only rational treatment is hysterectomy. MARIO
