16‘2 tions, t,ween
as heretofore, are excellent. a testbook and a compwd.
1~ I~laxsified
as intermediate
X. ‘T. E'lT.Wli.
Obstetrics This
T‘. Ricci principle
of Extraperitoneal
Caesarean Sectiona by 1)~. .~:3~~~~~
and Dr. James P. Marr, has been written to itdmnce the extraperitoneal the Physick-Selhrim pror.edure. of cesxrean sec+on. p:trticularlg,
The authors feel that this t,ype of the mismanaged parturient and should Diihrsaen ‘s incisions and those types accompanied by trauma am1 its end German obstetricians who brought to surgical obstetrics.
ollerstion gives the maximum 05 safety to supplant the l’orro se&ion, nraniotom~v, atut of instrument:tI vaginal delivery whic.1~ :(w Thy Amy special t rihute lo thwc% results. fruition tllcl suprasymphysial technique in
The original suggestion of such :I motle of approach was originally suggestwl on the obstrwted by Physick. In the intervening years many method, Y of attack and potentially or actual infected parturitnt had been proposed. Sclheim’s efforts are high in the dt~vclopmmt of the t,rulv cstraprritonexl approach to t,lw uterus. The senior author of this monograph has uxr,l~ an imlmrtant contribution in his pro posed technique. For a rlea1 The historical and carlictr type, 4 of operation llare been discuswl. understanding of the anatomic relationships involrcd in this particular operation. there are two chapters which are devoted to the relationships of the isthmus and the lower segment and the transversalis fwxin. and it3 anatomic details. Methods of delivery in the extraprritonexl cesxre:m section, as well a:: wounds infectc(l and methods of drainage, are drwribed. There is a review of the various techniques of extrapcritoneal approaches ~r~m~ln~ling with the very recently suggested tec>hniyues of bot,h Waters and Kcci, the senior author. The operations proposed hp the latter txvvo arc thoroughly illustr:tt,ed. These illustrations together with the diagrammatic. representations o-f the pelvic, fascial, and peritoneal relnt,ionships found in the s&ion on anatomy, should enable :tnyoncA familiar with pclvir surgery to follow successfully the technical steps proposed. The essent,ial factors in the execution of the Physick-Selheim rstrapt~ritoneai caesarean section are again given with marked detail in a complete description of a typical operation. The performance of the operation in patients who haw hat1 prrvious pelvic or cesnrenn operations is discussed with regarcl to the difficulties which might be produced hy nclheaions. The closing chspt c’r deals with ccmplications mhiclt may he met during the operation or postoperatively. The appendix presents some statistics and a large l~ibliographp.
This timely brings together nancy, and the
contribution, Urological Diseases of Pregnancy* by Dr. C’rabtrw. his own experience, the man,v puhlicntions on the urology of pregpr~artical interpretation of both. frr. C‘rahttx~(~ refers quite fittingly