Prints relating to dentistry

Prints relating to dentistry

\~~olulne “4 Sun1lwr L are givcw to nuppltwu~nt. the tclst. ‘I’hc of cuwrgcwc~~ thc~rapp. \Vhcre applitahh~, wfcreucrs (*lmJJtw on acwte oral lwions 1...

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\~~olulne “4 Sun1lwr L are givcw to nuppltwu~nt. the tclst. ‘I’hc of cuwrgcwc~~ thc~rapp. \Vhcre applitahh~, wfcreucrs (*lmJJtw on acwte oral lwions 1wicdi.v outlines situations c~ommonlp cwcouutrrcd in rlinic*al hlthough possihl~ tw~ontl 1lrwtir.c. anal avoids nwrc c*atxloging of various diwaw tantitiw. thcb RW~J~~of this hook, it is felt tlmt tIltI tliwussion d tw~l lwions c:ould bt? amplifietl and cador lJlatc*s iueluclcd hew rdlwr tlmu sinipl~ to illustrate prolwr ph~siwl c~xaniina~tiou. Hqwdl~ss of tlw wader’s status--dwtal rtuclcwt or c~staldishrcl rlinician-this hook wrvw ~~11 to provitlr a sound xl~l~rowh to c#wtiw lmntlling of tlivww c~sigwwiw. S. .lf. Silbt ,:ulcitl Prints



l’uhlic* Swriw ~‘ul)liwtion Printing Offiw. 36 pugw. I’riw, $0.5(1.


I-. S. Govrrnnient.


160% \$‘aslliugton,


Tlw T,ihrury nmintainn a sizaldr group of c*aricatuws otlwr prints illustr2ltinp tha* history of tlcntistry, in addition to wrly priuttd works wlatiny to this field. .Pri~s Rd&,t, to I)tnt istry trontains rc~protluctions of sonw sixty-sewn of thcw prints, along with 1)ric.f ~lwc~ril~tiorlr. The t1atc.s of thcl prints raugr from the fiftwntlt to the twwtic~th wnturiw. Most tpas of lwiutumking aw rqws~wtwl : wootlcnts, qgwing, t+chings, nwxzotints, aquatints, ant1 lithographs. Tlww arc‘ illustrations from Iwoks, nmgazincs, awl newspalwrs, wprodwtious of ~HI~~UW paintiugs, original graphic works, ant1 6ww sonw rornic~ drips of tlw 1XW’S. ‘NV c*atalog incIu(lt~s a rqJro~luction of tIlla wrliwt known tlrntal rngraving, IAm!as van Jqdcw’s 1623 roppw wgrzaving of a toothdrt~ww ant1 his light-fingrrc~d pirkIJoc!ket~ arwuqdiw, both “trwting” a victim. Also iucludwl uw works IJ.V I-lelmm (INO1550 ), ‘I’iq~olo (16!Wl7i(l ), Goyx ( Ii461828), ant1 I)sumiw ( lRO%l.8i9 ). 1nfornmtiou on ordering photographic* wprodwtions of t IIV prints from tlw Sat ional 1,ihrar.v of Mdic*iw is inc*lutld in thch catalog. itlld

Osteosynthsse bei Frakturen der Gerichtsskelets. Sorhcrt ~d~wrnzw. Stuttgart, lWi, &orfi Thicww Vw1a.g. Papwbound. 104 paps, 63 illustrations. Prim I)M 30.. Sinw injuriw of the facial skrlrton IIRBC incwared and hcwnw mow cwnl~lieutct~l duriug tlw last tlrwrlr, the author of this nwuogrsph cliscussw l~rinc~il~ally t.he ncww nletho~ls of olwrative twatnwnt in whic*h wiring plap an important. role. HP stittw that. thp ol&r cwuawvntivc nwthotls arc not ahh to newt the nwls of tlw morr swious injurins and that )I cwuhinatiou of nwthods will giw the lwst rwults. Tl~c* monograph dwls, thewfow, with the! uw of nailing (pin fixation ), nwtal platf~s attiwhrd with wrows., Kirwhncq wire, and tlirwt wiring of frqgnrnt.s. Thr author diswssw that rcwlts of thcl various nwtho~ls and tpls 01 nmtrria.1 usd in aninml c~?rlJ(lriiiit~ntation w ~11 as in x larger nunilwr of c*linic*d (wc~s and givw his witical conclusions wgartling tlw various nwtl~odw of thcwp~ for micltlk~-fawn as ~11 as mandibular frarturcs. Tlw monograph in highly rc~romlnc~ntlrt11 for studrnts who arc intcwst.cYl in traumat.i(s wrgwv .- J t is \wll illustratd am1 cwntnins an c~swllwlt l~il~liopr:~ld~~ of both (ferruan an,1 .\nlrrican articlw. K . If . ‘! . Zur