axoplasmic flow studies in these eyes. The early swclliag of’ t!w (list, in OLN) is tl~lcb IO a~onill swellinn in the ootic: disc. That is whv the atrot)hic r>art, ofthc optic clisl, tlow not, tlcvc.lor) ()I)(). I II this sturdy stereoicopic colour photoiraphy was fo&l to IJP thv &A nlcthot! ot’tletwtitlg (:arIy ( )!)( ). Twenty-four hours or even less of raised intracranial prwsuw (‘an ca~lsc 0110 (thollph tlwrca is very wdc variation). R~esolut~ion of ODO oc,l,ruwd in a pattcru rewrw to t Il;tt 01’ tsrolllt iorb.
in the Conjunctiva
in Hereditary
Diabetic Mice
There are parallel alterat,ions to the ult,rastruoturc of the capillary ba.scment mcmbranc~ and of the metabolism of the ext,racellular matrix in the conjunctira of hereditary diabetic mice (l
Exchange of Technetium
across the Conjunctiva
Using a gamma camera coupled with a comput,er and a tape unit t.he exchange of pcrtrchnrtatc (Tc99m) across the conjunctiva was determined by the “region of interest” technique on human subiects. The method was applied so that the “fraciional turnover rate“ of technetium represented t,hetransport to the general circulation. In Datients with their lacrimal sacs removed a fractional turnover rate of 0.022 min.-l was found. In paiients with inflamed and hyperaemic conjunctiva due to chronic dacryocystit,is the transport to the blood was found to be twice as big. In some normal humans bhe technetium did not enter the nasolacrimal duct in the 15 min measuring time. Under these circumstances a fractional turnover rate of only 0.014 min-’ was found representing the transport of technetium across the conjunctivn and the lacrimal sac. Blood samples mere taken from several of these patients and a correlation could be found bet\\ een the radioactivity in the blood and the fractional turnover rate. By taking blood samples serinlly at t,hree minute intervals the fractional turnover rate was found bo tally with t.he rat.e of acfi\.ify increase in the blood.
Problems of Quantitative H. VALENZUELA-HAAG,
Correlation H. G. TRIER,K.
of Echographic DETZER,
and Histologic
Findings ANP D. DECKER,S~U~~~~~~
Many authors have tried to correlate echographical and histological findings of defined eye tissues. In order to describe the echogram they have utilized the reduced information which can be extracted from a conveutional A-mode echogram by visual means. For a more complete echogram evaluation, the ratio frequency echo signal and signal processing by machine are necessary. It is known also that it is difficult to describe histologic findings in terms of quantitative parameters. So far comparative reports contain only sporadic quantitative data about the histological elements in relation to the area of the preparation studied. A representative analogous to the three-dimensional histologic description of the structures examined, as can be obtained from twodimensional histological preparations by means of stereologic studies, i.e. through the application
ARSTRA(‘TS of a geometric-statistical methodical problems
method. A quantitative which are discussed more
The Problem of Differential
(:. Ii.
comparison in detail.
such as this
one implies
St’udies of the estimation of ocular rigidity by differential tonometry with the 5.5 g and 10 g plunger weight of the Schi&z tonometer showed the enormous inaccuracy of this method. The present study deals with the problem of measuring rigidity by differential tonometry with Goldmann versus Schiatz tonometers. The results indicate that differences between both tonometries are influenced both by positional effects and abnormal rigidity.
Asteroid Hyalitis Observations
in a Case of Muscular
and Electron
In the case of a X)-year-old woman the clinical symptoms of orulorranioskeletal ~~mxnln~ dystrophy (Von Uraefe) were combined with dense vitreous opacities and vitamin E deficiency. Electron microscopically, the major changes visible in external muscle cells were the appearance of lipid and mild mitochondrial degeneration. The diseased vitreous body was composed of (1) dense sheets of newly formed vitrosin fibrils, (2) a honeycomb-like net,work of large empty spaces, the walls of which consisted of multilayered lamellae with a periodicity of 5 nm, and (3) macrophage-like cells showing electron-lucent crystalloid figures, lipid material, cytoplasmic vacuolization. glycogen deposition, reduction of the endoplasmic reticulum and severe alteration of the mitochondria.
A New Method .J. HBKN~RD,
of Measurement
in Ophthalmodynamometry
Up to now, most ophthalmodynamometric methods required deformation of the cornea and/or sclera to enable a reading, which means that the mechanical properties of the eye and the orbital Gssues influence results. If, however, alternatingly changing gas pressure is applied to an elastic membrane pressed against the eye, the position of the membrane is correlated wit,h the ratio of air pressure and intraocular pressure. The simultaneously recorded gas pressure has to be read with the membrane being always at the same position in order to get a direct equivalent of the intraocular pressure independent of the mechanical properties of eye, membrane or non-lineariCes. A measuring device according to this principle has been built into a contact lens attached to an ophthalmoscopr. Two different readings can be sampled subsequently and read afterwards from ;I digital display.
Vascular (hand) of has been cahemical ruthenium digest,ion
Study of Normal
and Diabetic
Venous Endothelium
endothelium is involved in thrombosis. Ultramorphological study of venous endothelium normal and diabetic patients was performed. An ultrathin coat containing carbohydrates demonstrated in transmission electron microscopy by means of ruthenium red historeaction over the endothelial vein surface. The thickness of the cell coat reacting with the red is decreased and in some cases disappeared completely. The effects of enzymatic with c
Platelet Aggregation F. RERNAULT,
by an Endothelial J. DUHAULT,
Platelet endothelium or subendothelium of capillary obstruction and venous results of a studg on this interaction cord and platelets from non-diabetic
Cell Factor
interaction may play an important modifications in diabetic retinopathy. between endothelial cells prepared and diabetic donors.
role in the pathogenesis This paper reports from human umbilical