Proc. 12th meeting on earthquake engineering JSCE, July, 1972

Proc. 12th meeting on earthquake engineering JSCE, July, 1972

140;~ properties° Congress. In Proc. ist Iranian Congress of civil engineerirg and engineerir~ mechanics: Figs, Refs. PAHLAVI UNIV. SHIRAZ, IRAN, MAY...

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properties° Congress. In Proc. ist Iranian Congress of civil engineerirg and engineerir~ mechanics: Figs, Refs. PAHLAVI UNIV. SHIRAZ, IRAN, MAY, 1972 The results of an experimental programme of stress relaxation tests on sedimentary rocks showed that: 1. stress relaxation behaviour in rocks can be predicted from knowledge of the rheologlcal properties; 2. the rate of rebound varies directly with the dynamic modulus of elasticity of the rock; 3. a relationship could be developed from analysis of the relaxation tests to give the relaxation stress at ar~ time from a knowledge of the Youngs' modulus and logarithmic decrement of the rock; This relationship was checked and was founl to give satisfactory results. 1376 MiKHAILOV, CD Effect of vibration on the shear strength of thawed ground, dR. US ARMY, CRREL,TL 387,AD-772 767,JULY,1973,6Po Pulsating loads, on clay soils, such as those experienced by a railway bed from passing trains, lead to fatigue phenomena ~nd to weakening of the soil, while the vibration effect leads to the origination of thixotropic occurrences in the soils and to their thixotropic weakening. The softening of soils promotes the development of strains in the main area and slopes of the earth bed. In regions with deep seasonal freezing these deformations are usually intensified in spring on the thawing of soils. It is therefore considered that the dynamic effects are especially aggressive in thawing soils. 1377 SISKIND,DE Ground and air vibrations from blasting. In SME Mining Engineering Hamdbook, Section 11.8. SME, AIME, 1973,13P. This r e v i ~ describes the problems of groumd vibrations and noise produced by surface and ur~lergrour~ blasting. Emphasis is placed on seismic ard airblast damage to structures, and the generation and propagation of seismic energy produced by mining, quarry, ~ excavation blasting.

Tectonic processes 1379 CONSTANTINESCU, L CORNEA, I LAZARESCU, V An approach to the seismotectonlcs of the Rumanian Eastern Carpathians. 2F, 3OR. REV.ROUM.GEOL.ET GEOPHYS.SERIE DE GEOPH.V17,N2,1973 , P133-144. The authors have urzlertaken the seismotectonic stilly as a first stage tc~ards compiling a general seismotectonle map for the whole of the Rl~sulan territory. The paper brings together many observational facts, previously considered separately, and tries to elucidate the relations of selsmicity and tectonics.

Environmental effects,weathering and soil formation See also abstract: 1344. 138o sUNAMURA,T UNIV.TOKYO, J Coastal cliff erosion due to waves-field investigations and labaratory experiments. 109F, 27T,68R. J.FAC.ENGNG.UNIV.TOKYO (B) V32,N1,SEP~.1973,P1-86. Aerial photogral~hy was used to ascertain accurately the state of coastal cliff erosion. Results of field investi gations (coml~essive stretch and tensile stretch of cliff forming rocks and wave characteristics) are discussed; Laboratory experiments usir~ a wave flume a~i wave tank were used to study the cliff erosion mechanism. The influence of sand particles in a wave upon its erosive force was analysed quantitatively and an empirical formula showing the relationship between the magnitude of cliff erosion, wave characteristics and the strength of cliff formlr~ material was established.

Earthquake mechanisms and effects See also abstracts: 1330,1379

Geology Mechanism of faulting and folding See also abstracts: 1446,1525. 1378 DROZDZEWSKI, G Relation between large scale tectonics and level tectonics in the Ruhr carboniferous structure. In GermanJSF, IT, 1BE. Z. DEUTSCH.GEOL. GES.VI24, NI, 1973, P177-189. Results of a research project indicate that: i. Extensive regions of the Ruhr carboniferous have no distinct change of the folding and overthrust tectonics with delY~h; 2. Differences in folding intensity of various age strata do not necessarily indicate the existence of tiers of different structural character; 3. Large scale investigations in the strike of the Ruhr carboniferous suggest that there is less folding in axial elevations. The charges in folding and overthrust are much greater in the strike of the folded mountain than with depth.

1381 MEETING Proc. 12th Meeting on Earthquake Engineering JSCE, July, 1972. JAPANo S0C. CIVIL ENGRS.TOKY0,1972. Among the mar~ papers included in this volume the following may be of particular interest : 1. Rar~om loading dynamic trlaxial tests on sands by T. Asano, Y. Sato and M. Hakuno; 2. Seismic behavlour of rockfill dams, by T. T. Takahashi et al; 3. Elastic properties of gelatin used ss soll in d ~ i c model experiments, by E. Kuribayashi et al; and 4. Dynamic experiments on collapse of rockfill dams, by S. Oka~oto, C. Tamura and K. Kato. 1382 REPORT Soil behavlour under earthquake loadi~g conditions. Report.-A state-of-the-art report, ir21udimg an annotated bibliography. Figs,Tabls,Refs. SHANNON AND WILSON INC., AND AGBABIAN-JACOBSEN ASSOC. SEATIESE AND LOS AI~GELES,USA, JAN.1972. 1383 OZAWA, I Observations of vibrational strains in earthquakes, and relation of the maxlmmm amplitudes to the seismic magnltmdes and the epicentral distances.