[ 5°7 ] Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 54 (3), 507 (1970) Printed in Great Britain
PROCEEDINGS IO April 1970. Special General Meeting held in the Harkness Ha...
[ 5°7 ] Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 54 (3), 507 (1970) Printed in Great Britain
PROCEEDINGS IO April 1970. Special General Meeting held in the Harkness Hall, Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London, W.C. I, at 10.30 a.m. with the President, Dr S. A. Hutchinson, in the Chair. The following Changes to Rules (these Transactions 50, 699-702) proposed at the Annual General Meeting held on 6 December 1969 were approved nem. con.: Rule 4. Insert' a Membership Secretary' between' General Secretary' and 'a Programme Secretary'. (Line 2.) Rule 5. Insert 'The Membership Secretary' between 'General Secretary' and 'the Programme Secretary'. (Line 3.) Rule 6. Insert 'The Membership Secretary' between c General Secretary' and 'the Programme Secretary'. (Line I 7. ) After the formal business of the meeting was completed, a Symposium took place entitled:
GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION IN FUNGI The following papers were given: D. H. LEWIS (Sheffield). The control of cell and colony morphology in yeasts bya-glucosides. B. E. DIXON (Bristol). Fine structure of conidiophore and conidium development in Oedocephalum. R. CAMPBELL (Bristol). Development and ultrastructure of Alternaria brassicicola. R.]. THRELFALL (Imperial College). Genetic and non-genetic control of fungal cell walls. K. CORBETT, A. G. F. DICKERSON and P. G. MANTLE (Imperial College). Metabolic changes during growth and differentiation in Claviceps purpurea. ]. E. SMITH (Strathclyde). Biochemical aspects of sporulation in Aspergillus niger. S. DAY (Oxford). The morphogenesis of mycelial strands in Serpula lacrimans. A. P. J. TRINCI and R. RIGHELATO (Queen Elizabeth College, London). Differentiation of glucose-starved mould cultures.