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Proceedings of the Society
PROVINCIAL M E E T I N G . THE annual provincial meeting of the Incorporated Society of Medical Officers of Health was held at the County Hall, Wakefield, on Saturday, July llt, h, 1903. Present: Dr. J. Spottiswoode Cameron (President), in the chair ; Drs. Alfred Greenwood, Ralph Young, Alex. Anderson, W. M. Robertshaw, Albert Thorp, H. Maclean Wilson, F. E. Atkinson, Charles W. Thorp, J. Lawson, J. Howard-Jones, J. l~f. Martin, Reginald Green, T. Eustace Hill, T. RidIey Bailey, F. W. Martin, J. Buck, Musgrave Craven, Thomas Logan, J. R. Kaye, W. H. Coates, John H. Buchanan, James A. Ross, J. F. J. Sykes, John Housley, William Berry, It. W. Arbuckle, C. J. R. McLean, E. M. Smith, Thomas Johnstone, W. Bailey, W. S. Hunter, James B. Wilkinson, S. G. Moore, A. S. Williamson, Alfred Hill, R. E. Williamson, Joseph Priestley, C. Childs, C. J. Cammidge, and Herbert Jones ; LieutenantColonel A. M. Davies, R.A.M.C., and Mr. Wolf Defries, B.A. The following visitors were also present: Drs. Samuel John ston, W. S. Wade, Thomas Gibson, and J. W. Miller. The minutes of the meeting held at Southend on June 2Sth, 1902, were taken as read, and signed by the President as a correct record of the proceedings.* CORRESPONDENCE.--The Hon. Secretary read the following letters : 1. From the Home Office, acknowledging the receipt of the Society's letter r e proposed byelaws (or regulations) in connection with bakehouses. The Hon. Secretary was instructed to write again to the Home Secretary. 2. From the Home Office, enclosing circular letter recently issued to Local Authorities, suggesting to such Authorities the need for taking steps to carry out their duties under Section 101 of the Factory and Workshop Act, 1901; suggesting also that as early an intimation as possible should be given to the occupiers of underground bakehouses with regard to alterations therein needed to be carried out before certificates can be given. [This circular letter has been issued at the request of the Conference held at the Home Office on March 13th, 1903, between the Society of Medical Officers of Health, and ~he Associations of Masters and Journeymen Bakers.] 3. From the Home Office with reference to the Society's suggestion of 500 cubic feet per worker being required in bakehouses on account of the nature of the work carried on therein, and enclosing copy of a letter sent to the Home Office from the Associations of Master Bakers, criticising and opposing the suggestion of the Society. Referred to special meeting of the Council, with power ~o act. 4. From Dr. Robertson, ~I.O.H. Sheffield, with reference to the proposed standards for the ventilation of factories and workshops, as foreshadowed in the First Departmental Report (on Ventilation of Factories s,nd Workshops) recently published. Referred, ~fter discussion, to special meeting of Council, ~o take such action as might be deemed necessary. * PUBLIC HEALTH,August, 1902, p. 677.
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5. From the Sanitary Institute, inviting delegates to a joint committee to eonside~¢ the building of premises to be used in common by the Sanitary Institute and Parkes ~{useum, the Society of Medical Officers of Health, and other Societies. Referred tn sub-committee of Council dealing with the question of office accommodation. 6. From the Epidemiological Society, enclosing copy of Mr. Manson's paper on " T h e Relation of the P a n a m a Canal to the Introduction of Yellow Fever into Asia," together with copy of resolutions passed by the Epidemiolcgieal Society in connection therewith : I. " That since the mode of infection of yellow fever has been proved beyond all question to be due to the agency of the infected mosquitoes (Stegomyic~fasciebtc~), which it is known can be conveyed in ships, and still retain their infectivity for weeks, the prospect of the introduction of the diseases to Eastern countries is a real danger." II. " That it ~s desirable that a representation concerning the danger of the introduction of yellow fever to the East, in consequence of the rapid and increased communication between the yellow fever area of the West Indies and the ports of Japan, China, Malaya, Singapore, the Philippines, Borneo, Australasia, India, and Ceylon, be made to the Governments of the countries interested in these parts of the world." Received and acknowledged. On the motion of the President and Dr. J. M. Martin, it was unanimously resolved that the Hen. Secretary write to the relatives of the late Dr. D. S. Skinner, a former Vice-President of the Society, and of the late Dr. John Woodman, expressing the sympathy of the Society in their bereavement. I t was resolved, on the motion of Dr. J. R. Kaye, seconded by Dr. J. M. Martin, that the seal of the Society be affixed to the contracts for the printing of PUBLIC HE~.LTH, and for the advertising rights therein. Mr. Herbert Jones read a short paper on " A n n u a l Reports," and a discussion followed. ~ A vote of th~nks was accorded to the reader of the paper on the motion of Dr. J. M. Martin and Dr. J. F, J. Sykes. The President proposed, and Dr. Sykes seconded, the following resolution, which was carried unanimously. "That the best thanks of the Society be accorded the West Riding County Council for the use of the Council Chamber in which to hold the meeting." The Mayor of Wakefield (Alderman E. A. 13rotherton, M.P.) subsequently entertained the Society to luncheon in the Town Hall. There were present, in addition to those who attended the meeting, the Lady Mayoress (Miss Ratcliffe), Mrs. Spottiswoode C~meron, Mrs. Kaye, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Reginald Green, Mrs. Middle~on Martin, l~rs. Coates, Mrs. Radcliffe, an/[ ~[rs. Johnstone. At the conclusion of the luncheon the loyal toasts were drunk. Dr. J. Spottiswoode Cameron proposed the health of their host, the Mayor of Wakefield, and thanked him in the name of the Society for his hospitality. The Mayor, in responding, expressed his gratification at meeting so ma,ny members of the Society, and proposed the toast of " The Incorporated Society of Medical Officers of Health," coupled with the names of Dr. Alfred I-Iill, the senior Vice-President, and Dr. J. R. Kaye. ".-"See p. 626 of present issue.
Proceedings of the Society
Dr. Alfred Hill and Dr. Kaye responded in felicitous terms. The members and their friends then drove to the West Riding Lunatic Asylum, where they were met by Dr. W. Bevan Lewis, the Medical Superintendent, and other members of the stall The Plenum method of ventilation, which has been installed in a portion of the institution, was inspected, and the details of the system were graphically described by Dr. Lewis, who also exhibited the apparatus in use for the treatment of the insane by electricity. Upon returning to the County Hall, an inspection of the Public Health Laboratories was made under the guidance of Dr. Cammidge. This gathering was one of the largest and most interesting of the provincial meetings which has yet been held, and Dr. Kaye, who arranged all the details, is to be congratulated upon the successful issue to his labours; Southern Branch.mAt the annual meeting of the Branch, held at Brighton on Friday, ,June 26th, 1 9 0 3 - present: Drs. Stephens, Willoughby, Newsholme, Stott, Griffith, Nunn, and Groves-1. The accounts for the past year were presented by Dr. W. G. Willoughby, duly audited, showing an income of ~10 15s. by portions of annual subscriptions due to the Branch, and an expenditure of ~7 2s., leaving a balance in favour of the Society, for the year, of £3 13s. It was resolved that in future the second-class fare of the Hon. See.. to and from the various meetings of the Branch shall be paid out of the funds of the Branch. 2. The following gentlemen were recommended as officers of the Branch for the ensuing year: _President: Dr. Fraser, M.O.H. Portsmouth. Vice-Presidents : The ex-Presidents. Representati~ves of the Branch to the General Committee: Drs. Lockhart Stephens (Emsworth) and W. G. Willoughby (Eastbourne.) ilion. Treasurer: Dr. Scott (East Sussex Combined Districts). Hon. Secretary : Dr. Oriffith (Hove). The Cou~cil : The above officers, and Drs. Parkinson, Bostock, and Norman. Dr. Norman was chosen as President-Elect for the following year. 3. A letter from Dr. Parkinson was read suggesting the division of the Branch into districts. The consideration of this was postponed until a later meeting. 4. It w~s resolved tha~ the best thanks of the Branch be given to Dr. Parkinson for his kind hospitality at Wimborne at the preceding meeting. 5. Drs. Newsholme and W. G. Willoughby were appointed representatives of the Branch at the Congress of the Sanitary Institute at Bradford. 6. Dr. Newsholme addressed the Branch on " The Prevention of Phthisis, with Special Reference to its Open-air Treatment." Dr. Newsholme described at length the experiment he has successfully initiated in this connection--viz., the opening of a block at the ordinary infectious diseases hospital for the treatment of phthisis. He laid stress on the fact that he did no~, from a preventive point of view, consider so much the cure of the patient as the education of a large number of those suffering from consumption in the principles of preventive treatment for themselves and for the great advantage of their relatives, fellow-workers, and others with whom they would be coming in contact. With this object in view he kept the patients, as a rule, about a month,
Proceedings of the Society
during which time they had ample opportunity of seeing the line of self-treatment they must adopt when they returned to their homes. Also with the same object in view he selected his cases from among those who, on returning from the hospital, would be again mixing with their relatives and fellow-workers, and would, if not thus educated, continue to disseminate the infection of phthisis. Dr. Newsholme intimated that later he would be reporting in fuller detail on his work in this respect. A vote of thanks was heartily accorded to Dr. 1%wsholme for his address, and the matter was fully debated by the members present. After enjoying the kind hospitality of Dr. and Mrs. 1%wsholme at lunch, the members dr6ve to the sanatorium, where the abovementioned experiment with regard to the prevention of the spread of phthisis is being carried out in a most interesting, thorough and successful way. There could be no doubt as to the practical education which the sufferers were receiving as to how to prevent the spread of the infection that they were unfortunately carrying about with them ; and not only that, but they themselves were in every case immensely benefited in health by their sojourn of a month or more at the institution, Home Counties Branch.--A meeting was held at the London OpenAir Sanatorimn, Pinewood, Wokingham, July 4th, 1902. Present: Drs. Beale Collins, Tew, Woodforde, Ashby, Brincker, Cadell, Barclay, Sanders, and Meredith Richards, with Drs. Fletcher Beach, Chidell, and Stevenson (visitors). The members first inspected the sanatorium under the guidance of the Medical Superintendent, Dr. Chic]ell, after which Dr. Chic]ell read an exceedingly interesting and suggestive paper on "Results." On the motion of the President, seconded by Dr. Tew, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to Dr. Chidell for his paper and to the committee of the sanatorium for their hospitality. The following were unanimously elected officers for the next session : President, Dr. Sanders, West H a m ; Treasurer, Dr. Ashby, Reading; Hon. Secretary, Dr. Meredith Richards, Croydon ; Branch Representatives, Treasurer and Hon. Secretary.
Birmingham and Midland Branch.--A meeting of this Branch was held on July 2nd, 1903, at the Leicester Fever Hospital. Present: Dr. Millard, President, in the chair, Drs. Gordon Kelly (visitor), F. H. May, Henry May, J. E. O'Connor, J. Richmond, T. Robinson, E. H. Snell, and Allan Warner. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Drs. Bailey, Boobbyer, Alfred Hill, Bostock Hill, and Manley. Mr. Howard Wilkinson, Medical Officer of Health to the County Borough of Dudley, was elected President for the year 1903-04. Drs. Alfred Hill, Henry May, Herbert Manley, and Millard were elected Vice-Presidents. Dr. Richmond was re-elected Hon. Secretary, and Dr. Bostock Hill Hon. Treasurer. Drs. Barwise, Boobbver, Fosbroke, Mulet, Mabyn Read, George Reid, and E. H. Snell were e~lected members of the Council of the Branch. Drs. Bostock Hill and George Reid were elected representatives of the Branch on the Council of the Society. At the close of the meeting the Branch enjoyed the hospitality of its Leicester hosts, and visited some of the hospital wards and the Leicester crematorium.