FRANKLIN INSTITUTE (Proceedings of the stated meeting held Wednesday, March I7, z9o9.) HALL
PHILADELPHIA, M a r c h 17, 19o9. President
WALTON CLARK in the Chair.
Present, seventy members and visitors. Additions to membership since last report, four. The Chairman introduced Mr. J. Kent S m i t h , C h i e f Metallurgist of the American Vanadium Company, Pittsburg, Pa., who spoke on the subject of vanadium and its applicdtions to the heavy arts. The lecturer reviewed the history of the metal and described its modes of occurrence and its present sources of supply. Steel as normally constituted was considered and the effects produced upon it by vanadium. Results of tests of vanadium steel and its behavior in actual service were shown. The subject was illustrated by lantern slides and numerous specimens. Mr. S m i t h then called upon Mr. E. W a r r e n Wilson, President o f the U n i o n Saw Company, Williamsport, Pa., who gave an interesting exhibition of saws made of vanadium steel. The next speaker o f the evening, Mr. Albert Stetson, of New York, described the Shore scleroscope, a direct reading instrument for testing the hardness of metals and other solid bodies. The apparatus was exhibited by Mr. Albert F. Shore, the inventor. At the close of the meeting a vote o f thanks was tendered the speakers. The two subjects presented were referred to the Committee on Science and the A r t s for investigation and report, and the lecture on vanadium was referred for publication. Adjourned. JAMES CHRISTIE,