Proceedings of the Stated Meeting, June 19, 1872

Proceedings of the Stated Meeting, June 19, 1872

424 I~roeeedings of t~e Franklin Institute. There remain finally to be mentioned, several American processes for utilizing coal waste by the use of...

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I~roeeedings of t~e Franklin Institute.

There remain finally to be mentioned, several American processes for utilizing coal waste by the use of Grahamite as a cement, which, :as far as a judgment of their merits may be formed without the crucial test of practice, may ultimately prove to be satisfactory. With us, however, for the present, this field of industry lies fallow for want of a cultivator.

lZroeeedings of the Stated Meetiw, June 19, 1872. The meeting was called to order at the usual hour, with the President, Mr. Coleman Sellers, in the Chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The minutes of tile Board of Managers were submitted by the Actuary, as well as tile minutes of the several Committees. tie also reported from the Library Committee the following dona'tions for the month ending June 1st: From the Royal Astronomical Society, London, England, their Monthly Notices for April, 1872. From the Societ6 ~[ndustrielle de IMTulhouse, their Bulletin for January, February and March, 187"2. From the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, their Proceedings for October, November and December, 1871. From The Corps des Ponts et Chaussees et des Mines, their Annals for January, February and March, 1872. From the Academy of Sciences, Paris, France, the Comptes ReMus for January and February, 187"2. From the Society for the Encouragement of National Industry, Paris, their Bulletin from October to December, 1871. From the Imperial Austrian Geological Snrvey their Year Book for ]November and December, 1871. From The Royal :Institution of Great Britain, London, their Proceedings, Vol. 6, Parts 3 and 4. From A. Daul, Esq., Philadelphia, samples of Mosaic work fl-om the 10th, 11th and 12th ,centuries, and the Annales de Physik et Chimie fbr January and February, 1872, from tile Editors. The President then announced that the Committee appointed to Investigate the Modes of Rating the tI0rse-power of Steam-boilers were ready to report finally. Mr. Edward Brown, as Chairman, then read, on behalf of the Committee, a lengthy report upon the subject, containing the results

J°roceedlngs of the ~ranklin Institute,


of inquiries extending over more than a year. Upon the conclusion of the Report, it was, upon motion, resolved that the thanks of the Institute be tendered to the Committee for their valuable paper, and the zeal displayed in its completion, and that the Report be published tbr the benefit of the members interested in it. It was further resolved, tha~ the October meeting of the Institute be fixed as the evening for discussing the Report. The Secretary then presented his Report on Current Items of Interest in Science and the N[cchanic Arts. Whereupon the meeting was, on motion~ adjourned. WIl, I,Ia~ H. W~t~I,, Seereta~T.

Proceedbzys of the Stated ;geetb~g September 18, 1872. The meeting was called to order at the usual hour, with the President, Mr. Coleman Sellers, in the Chair. The Actuary submitted the minutes of the Board of Managers, and reported that since their last meeting, held June 12th, 1872, the following donations had been received into the Library : From the Society of German Engineers, Berlin, their Journal for April arvl May, 1872; from the Meteorological Office, London, the Reports from 1867-70, also Instructions for Meteorological Telegraphy, Quarterly Weather Reports 1-4; Contributions to our knowledge of the Meteorology of Cape Horn and the West Coast of South America; Currents and Surface temperature of the South Atlantic Ocean ; On the use of Isobaric Curves ; from the Society of Architects and Engineers of Hanover, Medimval Architectural Treasures of Lower Saxony ; from the United States Department of the Interior, The Geological Survey of Montana and Wyoming, b y F . V. Hayden ; from The Royal Astronomical Society, of London, their Monthly Notices, No. 8, 1872; from tim United States Treasury Department, Washington, Statistics of Mines and Mining, by R. W. R~ymond; the Royal Geographical Society, of London, their Proceedings, Vol. 16, No. 2, for 1872; fi'om the Literary and Philosophical Society, of Liverpool, England, their Proceedings for 1870-71 ; from the Literary and t~hilosophical Society, of Glasgow, Scotland, their Pro, ceedings, Vols. 1. to 7 ; from tile Royal Society of London, England, their Proceedings, Vols. 3, 5, 6, also Abstracts of the Philosophical Tranoactions ; from the t'¢egents of the University of :New York, The Annals of the Dudley Observatory, Vol. 2, :New York State Library Subject-Index, Report for 1872, of N.Y. State Library ; from the Aus, trian Society of Engineers and Architects, their Proceedings for 1872 ; from the Superintendent of the U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C., ]~eports of Observations on Encke's Comet, and Reports Vol,. LXIV,--TBIRa SZRIES.--NO 6.--D~0~BER~ 1872.