Progressive Medicine . A quarterly digest of advances, discoveries and improvements in medical and surgical sciences

Progressive Medicine . A quarterly digest of advances, discoveries and improvements in medical and surgical sciences

154 American Journal of Surgery Book Reviews PROGRESSIVE MEDICINE. A QuarterIy Digest of Advances, Discoveries and Improvements in Medical and Surg...

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American Journal of Surgery

Book Reviews

PROGRESSIVE MEDICINE. A QuarterIy Digest of Advances, Discoveries and Improvements in Medical and SurgicaI Sciences. Ed. by Hobart Amory Hare, M.D., LL.D. Assist. by Leighton F. AppIeman, M.D. VoI. II. 4 16 pp., 54 iIIus., Phila., Lea & Febiger, 1930.

The contents of this voIume are as foIIows: Hernia; Surgery of the Abdomen, Exclusive of Hernia; GynecoIogy; Disorders of Nutrition and MetaboIism; Diseases of the GIands of InternaI Secretion; Diseases of the BIood and SpIeen; Ophthalmology. The subjects are presented in concise, readabIe and up-to-date form.

Subscribers to THE AMJWCAN JOURNAL OF SURGERYvisiting Xew the office of the publishers (Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 76 Fifth Avenue, New Yo7k) their headrters. Mail, packages or bundles may be addressed in our care. Hotel reserv~ions wit1 gladly Ea made for those advising us in advance; kindly notify us in detail as to requirements and prices. List of operations in New York hospitals on file in our ofice daily. de