Progressive Step

Progressive Step

Why, if 75% o f those polled in refer­ ence to reciprocity gave affirmative responses (Novem ber 1969 jada ), did A D A question us again? Can it be t...

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Why, if 75% o f those polled in refer­ ence to reciprocity gave affirmative responses (Novem ber 1969 jada ), did A D A question us again? Can it be that those who are to report on the re­ sults are hoping for a lesser showing? I hope not. Our house already is divided, but if deception is at hand . . . aux bar­ ricades! ALLEN HINDIN, DDS COLUMBIA, SC

Progressive step I think the North Carolina Dental So­ ciety has taken an interesting and pro­ gressive step in involving dental stu­ dents in the activities of organized dentistry. This year, at the urging of Wade L. Breeland, president of the North Car­ olina Dental Society, eight of our stu­ dents were seated as delegates in the N C D S house of delegates. These students did not have a vote at this session, but had full privilege of the floor and served as reference commit­ tee members. Each class elected two representatives to serve in this capac­ ity. The reaction o f the dentists serving in the house of delegates and of the students was most enthusiastic. I be­ lieve that a major step has been taken in acquainting members of the student body with the processes of the dental society. The exchange of ideas and in­ formation should be extremely impor­ tant through the years. I would hope that other states might consider following a similar course of action. JAMES W. BAWDEN DEAN, SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY U OF NORTH CAROLINA

Danger to patients Because o f the potential danger of current flow through patients with heart pacemakers, the following letter was addressed to the four major man­ ufacturers of pulp testers in the Unit­ ed States: “Gentlemen: It has come to our attention that a vitalometer (pulp test­

er) could be injurious to a patient with a heart pacemaker. Problems could possibly arise if the current flow were such that it passed through the patient. With regard to this potential dan­ ger, we are wondering if you have considered this possibility, and, if so, do you have any current information to confirm or deny this situation? We are at present investigating stimulation (pain) and would appreci­ ate your cooperation in this matter, since we plan to report our findings in the near future.” The responses received from all manufacturers suggested appreciation and interest. However, only two manufacturers indicated they were prepared to initiate tests concerning their pulp testers. Another manufacturer disclosed a study apparently started in June 1970 but no results were available. Further, attempts to obtain information regard­ ing this study have not been success­ ful. A fourth manufacturer implied that the frequency range of their pulp test­ er was too low to affect a pacemaker embedded in a patient. U ntil research evidence documents the safety of the electric pulp tester in patients with heart pacemakers* it might be w ise for the dentist to elimi­ nate its use if at all possible in these patients. A. M. CLARKE, P. C. MOON, E. C. SANDERS, T. P. SERENE MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA RICHMOND, VA

Our honorary vice-president, Rob­ ert H. Woifenden of Athens, Tenn, and his son, Steve, were here to par­ ticipate in the graduation o f our den­ tal hygienists. They also brought sup­ plies, as did Robert Monaghan of Tacoma, Wash, who came with his wife and assistant Chris Erickson. Forceps, needles, burs, and anesthe­ tics were sent by Charles Fain, our U S coordinator, and Charles Courte­ nay of Orlando, Fla. Another visitor was George Mul­ len, president of the Dental Society o f the State of N ew York, whose son, Robert, has been here with his wife and four children. Father and son worked together at the central clinic of the foundation during his visit. Thanks to the help of all these U S dentists, we are able to boast of some impressive achievements. From Sep­ tember 1971 to March 1972, we treat­ ed nearly 4,600 people in rural areas. In the various schools, we gave pro­ phylaxes and fluoride applications to 1,600 children. In the central clinic, we saw 4,816 patients. Our main needs at the present are a four-wheel drive pickup truck to take us into the mountain communi­ ties, an X-ray machine, som e portable dental chairs, and high-speed equip­ ment. We are grateful to our US friends. Please keep us in your plans. If you have not yet visited us, write to Charles W. Fain, Jr., 320 Harvey, Daytona Beach, Fla 32018, and we will make arrangements for you to do some meaningful, memorable mis­ sionary dentistry here. DORCA LEROY SIMEON, DDS FONDATION PEDODONTIQUE HAITI PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI, WI

Appreciation from Haiti In recent months, we at the Fonda­ tion Pe'dodontique d ’Haiti have been helped by a number of U S dentists in our work o f preventive dentistry for the hundreds of thousands of needy children and adults here. Raphael Escoe o f Massena, N Y , was here with his wife and his assis­ tants, N ancy Snider and Michelle Wildrick. Arnold R. Mannis of Coral Gables, Fla, another volunteer, brought us dental supplies from the Christian Dental Society.

232 ■ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR / JADA, Vol. 85, August 1972

Editor’s note: The work of the Fondation Pedodontique d ’Haiti was de­ scribed in t h e j o u r n a l for July 1970.

Adequate controls After reading the “ Report of the Inter-Agency Committee on Dental Auxiliaries in the May ja d a , I most urgently recommend that the dele­ gates seek to assure the membership (Continued on page 236)