Nuclear Physics A499 (1989) 392-412 North-Holland, Amsterdam
Insritut fiir Kernphysik, Technische H~~hs~~ule Darm~t~dt, D-6100 Darmsiadt, Fed. Rep. Germany Y. CASSAGNOU, M. CONJEAUD, R. DAYRAS, S. HARAR’, R. LEGRAIN, E.C. POLLACCO and C. VOLANT D. Ph. N./ B.E., CEN Saclay, F-91 191 Gif-sur- Yvette Cedex, France Received (Revised
28 December 1988 20 February 1989)
Abstract: Correlations between target fragments were measured in o- and “N-induced reactions at 70, 250 and 800 MeV/u incident energies. ‘The reaction mechanism is characterized by the linear momentum transfer and the excitation energy which were deduced from the kinematics and the mass distribution of the fission fragments. By selecting targets lighter than Th (Au and Ho) the yield from peripheral collisions is reduced by the increase in the fission barrier thus allowing events with the highest linear momentum transfer and excitation energy to be favoured. The results show that up to an incident energy of 800 MeV/u hot nuclei are formed which decay via normal binary fission. The linear momentum transfer is essentially constant over the covered energy range, but the excitation energy increases until the total incident energy is greater than 3 GeV. At this energy, independent of the projectile mass the fission probability of the heavy nuclei drops below 50%, while the emission of intermediate-mass fragments increases. The relative velocities between two intermediate-mass fragments exceed strongly the values of binary fission. Monte Carlo calculations show that the relative velocities between these fragments exclude a sequential emission from the recoil nucleus and support a simultaneous breakup mechanism.
NUCLEAR REACTIONS “‘Th(u, F) (‘“N, F), E ~250, 800 MeV/nucleon; rb’Ho(a, F), E = 70, 250, 800 MeV/nucleon; E = 70, 250, 800 MeV/nucleon; E = 800 MeV/nucleon; “‘Au(“N, F), E = 250 MeV/nucleon; measured (fragment)(fragment)~, fragment velocities, fragment energy E,.
“.“Ag(n, fission
F), c,
1. Introduction In the medium-energy regime the linear momentum transfer (LMT) from the projectile to the target residue is a sensitive parameter to characterize the reaction of energies up to mechanism. In earlier works ‘*‘) using p-, d- and a-projectiles 1 GeV on Th, binary fission is shown to dominate the decay channels. The observed trends of the mean LMT led us to propose a classification of the reaction mechanism according to incident velocities. In this work we present a study focussed on possible limits in the LMT and excitation energy in the fission channel and the transition to a multiple breakup of the nucleus. Present
Caen Cedex,
0375s9474/89/$03.50 @ Elsevier Science Publishers (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)
G. Klof~-Eng~lufln
fissile targets
er al. / Binary jissicm and m~~tigragme~tatio~
with cu-particles,
the range in LMT is narrow
and does
not allow a separation between peripheral and central-collision events directly from the angular correlations. Hence, we selected the high LMT domain by bombarding medium-mass nuclei, where due to the higher fission barrier only the more violent collisions lead to fission. The measurements with lighter targets could be considered as selecting subgroups of the cross section measured by bombarding the Th target and being sensitive to upper limits of the distribution of the LMT and excitation energies. At high incident energies a break-up of the target nucleus into several fragments occurs. E.g. in cc- and ~“Ne-induced reactions at incident energies from 5-42 GeV, where binary hssion was still observed in the peripheral collisions, central reactions lead to multifragmentation processes “). As we have shown in ref. 4), bombarding medium-mass targets with cw-projectiles at incident energies between 1 and 3 GeV, the transition from binary fission to multifragmentation occurs. In this work, emphasis is placed on determining the properties and the production mechanism of the intermediate-mass fragments (IMF). It is still an open question, whether they are emitted sequentially from a heavy residue as proposed by refs. ‘-‘) or whether they orginate from a simultaneous breakup of the nucleus [refs. 3,‘“-‘5)]. In performing Monte Carlo calculations to study the distribution of relative velocities between two IMF, we suggest that within the limits of our hypotheses the IMP production mechanism is strongly dominated by a simultaneous breakup of the nucleus.
2. Experimental
The measurements were performed at the Saturne II synchrotron facility at Saclay with beam energies between 70 and 800 MeV/u. The intensities for LY-and 14Nprojectiles were a few 10”’ and 10’ particles per second, respectively and were determined by a calibrated energy-loss detector in the beam line behind the target. Self-supporting targets of 220 pg/cm’ Ag, 440 kg/cm2 Ho, 1080 and 1440 kg/cm’ Au and 1200 @g/cm’ Th were used. The experimental time-of-flight telescope (TOF) to determine velocity, -1 and a position sensitive parallel-plate avalanche the angular correlation and velocity of the coincident
set-up (fig. 1) consisted of a energy and mass of fragment counter (PPAC) to measure fragment 2.
The TOF detector consisted of a channel-plate assembly with a 30 kg/cm’ carbon transmission foil at 15.3 cm from the target and a 6 cm2 surface-barrier detector which provided the stop and energy signals. The flight path used was 40.3 cm and the TOF was mounted at 70” and 90” to the beam direction. Corrections were made for the energy loss in the transmission foil and the efficiency of the TOF. The latter depends on the energy loss in the foil and hence mainly on the atomic number of the fragments. The qualitative behaviour of the efficiency was deduced from ref. Ih) and quantitatively adjusted by the energy correlated efficiency measured with the surface-barrier detector. The correction procedure used is illustrated in fig. 2, showing
G. Klnfz-Engmann
et al. / Binary fission
f Faraday
--__ --_
: I’
Channel PLates
10 cm Beam
1 Fig. 1. Experimental
set-up consisting
7 of a time-of-flight telescope counter (PPAC).
fragment Fig. 2. Raw (hatched
(TOF) and a parallel-plate
area) and efficiency corrected mass spectra measured in the TOF at 90” in coincidence with PPAC. The insert shows the efficiency curve used.
that for fragments of mass A, > 40 full efficiency was achieved. The time resolution of 500 ps led to a resolution of 1.5% on the mean fission velocity. The 20 x 30 cm’ parallel-plate avalanche counter (PPAC) “) was mounted 22 cm from the target. The detector covered angles from 35 to 105” with respect to the beam and out-of-plane angles of *25” relative to the plane defined by the beam and the TOF axis. The position resolution of 4 mm led to an angular resolution of
G. Khtz-Engmann -
1”. The threshold
The detection
et al. / Binary
fission and mult$-agmentation
of the PPAC was adjusted
for heavy
to suppress
below Z, = 5.
(2, < 60) due to the 1.5 km
mylar window foil was 5 MeV. The atomic numbers of the detected fragments were estimated by the energy-loss signal and velocity using a parametrized energy-loss formula lx) with a resolution of LIZ/Z =35X. Multiple hits in the PPAC were recognized by the double read-out technique of the position delay-line chain “). Position, velocity and energy calibration were performed using a ‘%f source deposited on a thin Ni backing. The pulse-height defect in the surface-barrier detector was corrected using the calibration procedure of Kaufman et al. I’)). Angles, energies, velocities and masses of the fragments were analyzed event by event. This experimental arrangement combines three advantages: (i) It allows a high coincidence probability, giving the whole in-plane and out-of-plane angular correlation in one setting. (ii) The velocities of both fragments are measured. (iii) The mass of one is determined with a resolution of 5% and an estimate is obtained for the atomic number of the other. 3. Reaction 3.1. SEPARATION
Using cy- and of the residual to the system fragment-mass
in the medium-
and high-energy
“N-projectiles the coexistence ofbinary fission and multiple breakup nucleus at high incident energies has been reported “). Analogous N +Au in ref. “), fig. 3a exhibits the evolution of the coincident spectrum in the system LY+ Ho as a function of incident energy.
v ff
Fig. 3. (a) Fragment-mass spectra and (b) relative velocities ~1,~between two fragments of a-induced reactions on Ho at 70, 250 and 800 MeV/u incident energy. At the lower energies typical fission-fragment mass distributions are observed with relative velocities corresponding to Viola’s systematics. At the highest energy additionally intermediate-mass fragments occur.
G. Klotz-Engmann
et al. / Binnry.fission
and mult$ragmenfation
Whereas at the two lower incident energies only binary fission is observed, at 800 MeV/u incident energy the fragment-mass spectrum shows the growth of a low-mass component. In fig. 3a both, fission fragments with A, = 50-60 and IMF with A, (40, are observed at the highest energy. As known from Viola’s systematics ‘“) binary fission of an equilibrated nucleus leads to a small range of relative velocities between the fragments nearly independent of the mass of the fissioning nucleus. In the present measurement this quantity is directly deduced from the velocity vectors of the fragments event by event, using the relation z),r= Iu, - u7( (see fig. 1). At all incident energies a distribution centered around 2.3 cm/ns was observed for the Ho fragments (fig. 3b) which is in agreement with Viola’s systematics. However, the light fragments seen at 800 MeV/u exhibit higher relative velocities as evidenced by fig. 4. 51
800 MeV/u
fragment Fig. 4. The relative
1 a+Ho
as a function of the fragment mass shows that IMF are correlated relative velocities than fission fragments.
to higher
For the event-by-event analysis of the LMT the following criteria were used: binary fission events were selected by considering only fragment masses larger than A, = 40 and relative velocities below 2.5 cm/ns (Au target) and 2.4 cm/ns (Ho target). These values correspond to the upper limits of the fission velocities at the low incident energies. This separation prefers symmetric-mass splits, as asymmetric fission in the tails of the mass distribution tends to somewhat higher relative velocities. 3.2. ANGULAR
In binary fission the opening angle between the two fragments (in-plane angle) is related to the recoil velocity of the fissioning nucleus and yields the LMT [ref. “)I. The out-of-plane angular distribution reflects mainly the momentum distribution of the fragments caused by particle evaporation. A perpendicular momentum transfer
G. Klotz-Engmann
the out-of-plane
fixrim and mult~~ugmmtation
further, but using light projectiles
this influence
is negligible”). Hence, the width is governed mainly by the excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus. The fission plane is defined by the beam and the TOF axis. Fig. 5 shows the inversus out-of-plane correlation of the fragments obtained by bombarding Ho targets with cu-projectiles of 70, 250 and 800 MeV/u. At the lowest energy the distribution exhibits concentric rings centered around 90% of the beam momentum. The presence of concentric rings indicates that the transferred momenta are limited to a narrow range and that the broadening is essentially due to evaporation. In the case of the highly fissile Th nucleus at the same incident energy the correlation diagrams show elliptic shapes and indicate an extended momentum distribution I,‘). The present result evidences that at 70 MeV/u incident energy which corresponds to twice the Fermi energy the ru-projectile can be stopped in the Ho nucleus. The observed fission fragments exhibit all the characteristics of a low-energy fission process, e.g. the relative velocities correspond to Viola’s systematics “‘) and the mass spectra show gaussian distributions (fig. 3). These are characteristics of an equilibrated nucleus and indicate a compound-
70 MeV/u
in-plane Fig. 5. In- and out-of-plane 800 MeV/u incident
angular distributions (linear scale) of Ho fission fragments at 70, 250 and energy. The fission events are selected by the P,, criterion (see text).
G. Ki[i~z-~ngm~~r7
like process.
et af. / 6inar~~ssi~~ff and ~~ir~~rffgmenfffi~r~n
The fraction
of fission events corresponds
of the reaction cross section; nevertheless the incident energy of 70 MeV/u is probably
to a low percentage
it represents an interesting result since the highest, where a compound-nucleus
fission process is observed. Increasing the incident energy to 250 and 800 MeV/u the mean value of the angular correlation remains nearly constant, i.e. on average the same linear momentum is transferred to the target. But the contour plots change to elliptic shapes showing that an extended range of momentum transfers contributes to the fission channel. Additionally, the increasing width for the out-of-plane angle indicates an increasing excitation energy. These trends will be discussed in the next chapters in more detail, where both quantities are deduced directly from the measured parameters.
In contrast to heavy-ion induced fission the recoil momenta of the fissioning nuclei in a-induced reactions are low and the broadening of the kinematic by particle evaporation smears out peripheraland central-collision components. On the other hand cu-projectiles do not transfer much angular momentum ‘) and hence the fission probability of the target nucleus is mainly governed by its excitation energy. Choosing medium-mass targets with higher fission barriers the peripheral reactions with low excitation energies are suppressed and only a small subgroup of violent collisions is observed in the fission channel. Hence, by decreasing the target mass one selects the more central reactions and one is sensitive to the upper limits of the energy and momentum transfer. The linear momentum transfer is determined by converting the fragment angles and velocities into the velocity of the recoiling nucleus (fig. l), assuming that the component perpendicular to the beam is negligible “). Approximating the mass of the recoiling nucleus by the target mass A, (see appendix A) one can calculate the LMT (pii) event by event from the component along the beam direction of the recoil velocity by pii = A, x q where v,z),sin(@,+@,) VII= v, sin 0, + v? sin (*? ’ The LMT distributions of a-induced reactions at 70, 250 and 800 MeV/u incident energy are shown in fig. 6. At 70 MeV/u incident energy the Au and Ho targets lead to narrow symmetric distributions of the LMT. They are centered around 70 and 90% of the beam momentum with cross sections of about 15% and 0.4% of the one obtained with the Th target, respectively. With the increase of the incident energy the spectra show tails towards higher LMT, which are partly caused by increasing particle evaporation. But the most probable values decrease slighly and both trends together lead to a small reduction
lo3 102 10' loo 10-l 2
E, = 250 MeV/u
S d t g G
Th ,i.
'0' 100
? g
10-l 103
E, =
lo2 10' loo 10-l -1
2 pII
Fig. 6. Distributions of the linear momentum transfer in [u-induced fission at 70, 250 and 800 MeV!u target mabb incident energy. The tission events are selected hy the q, criterion (bee text). Decreasing evidences the ielectibity of huh-group\ with high LMT.
or a leveling off of the mean value of the LMT with increasing incident energy as summarized in fig. 7. We stress that the excitation energy (table l), on the other hand, continues to increase and therefore the limitation seen in the LMT is not due to a limitation in the excitation energy. For example in the case of Ho, in the mean LMT could arise by peripheral reactions becoming more the fission channel. Generally, the saturation can be interpreted by mechanism via nucleon-nucleon collisions, as will be discussed in
the constancy important in the stopping the next sub-
The highest LMT of 1.33 GeV/c is reached 250 MeV/u incident energy. This corresponds
in the central to a transfer
collisions (Ho) at of 330 MeV/c per
et al. /
G. Klotz-Engmann
Binary fission
and mult~fragmentation
Fig. 7. Mean momentum transfer per projectile nucleon in a-induced binary fission process as a function of the total incident energy. The fission events are selected by the art criterion (see text). Open symbols are from refs. ‘2,23). (The dashed lines are drawn to guide the eye.)
Table Measured mean fission-fragment (u,,). Errors of 13% are assigned after preequilibrium emission of appendix A using F = 15 MeV/u excitation energies are calculated
masses (A,) and linear component of the recoil velocities to both values. The average mass (A,) of the recoil nucleus the fast nucleons (n,,,, ) is calculated in the framework of and @,= 18”. The average linear momentum transfer and by (pII) = (A,)( L’,) and (E,) = ((A, > - 2(A,)) E, respectively
(PI,) (MeV/c)
(EJ (MeV)
250 800
110 101
0.083 0.076
230.6 228.6
5.4 7.4
594 539
I59 399
70 250 800
94 86 81
0.176 0.167 0.145
199.7 196.1 194.4
1.3 4.9 6.6
1091 1017 875
175 362 486
70 250 800
16 63 58
0.237 0.257 0.239
167.4 163.5 162.7
I .6 5.5 6.3
1232 1304 1208
231 562 701
250 800
98 97
0.096 0.066
220.7 219.1
25.3 26.9
658 449
371 376
per nucleon
nucleon and shows can be transferred
that with cu-projectiles nearly the same momentum as with a single proton (3.50 MeV/c, ref. I)).
Intra-nuclear-cascade calculations (I NC) performed with the Yariv and Fraenkel code “) illustrate the relation between impact parameter and LMT. In the calculation events with excitation energies below 2.5 MeV are suppressed to take into account
et al. / Binary,fission
G. Klotz-Engmann
their low fission parameter
for the reaction
In fig. 8 the LMT is given cr +Th
at 800 MeV/u.
as a function the correlation
of impact between
impact parameters and LMT is rather broad, the trend of the mean values indicates that high LMT and small impact parameters are well related. Calculations were also performed to study the typical trends of nucleon-nucleon collisions for the investigated observables. Using cy- and ‘“C-projectiles the LMT per projectile nucleon was calculated for incident energies from 2.50 MeV/u up to 2.1 GeV/u (fig. 9). To avoid effects caused by geometrical properties, we have chosen to compare only central collisions, i.e. the impact parameters range from zero to
800 MeV/u
Fig. 8. Linear momentum transfer as a function of impact parameter calculated that central collisions are correlated to high LMT. The contour lines represent spacing.
Fig. 9. Mean
LMT from
n and
I1111’ 0.5 1
by the INC code shows the yield in logarithmic
“C projectiles on a Th target calculations).
as a function
of incident
G. Khtz-Engmann
r,,(A,“3 - A;‘)
which corresponds
et al. / Binary fission
to complete
and multifragmentation
(A,,) and
target (A,). The following behaviour is seen: (i) The LMT per projectile nucleon does not depend on the projectile size. Each nucleon acts independently and is not influenced by the others arriving simultaneously. (ii) The LMT per projectile nucleon does not vary much with incident energy in the range from 200 MeV/u to 2 GeV/u. These results are in reasonable agreement with the experimental data obtained from the Ho target which represent the central collisions (fig. 7). The predicted scaling with the projectile mass is also in agreement with other experiments, since for central collisions the LMT per projectile nucleon is rather constant, ranging from 160 to 200 MeV/c for projectiles up to X4Kr [refs.Z4m27)]. More straightforward calculations applicable for lower incident energies “) lead to similar conclusions: The momentum transfer mechanism can be understood in terms of individual nucleon-nucleon collisions
The transferred energy is mainly converted into excitation energy of the fissioning nuclei. The mean value of the excitation energy can be deduced from the mean fission-fragment mass. The difference 3A between the recoil nucleus A, and twice the mean fragment mass (A,.) reflects the number of evaporated nucleons, each carrying away an excitation energy of 12-15 MeV [ref.“)]. Hence, the initial excitation energy of the equilibrated recoil nucleus is proportional to the mass difference (AA)=(2(AJ. The Q-value of the fission process is neglected, because it corresponds roughly to the total kinetic energy of the fragments. The recoil mass A, depends on the preequilibrium emission of fast nucleons, being removed from the target nucleus in the initial stage of the reaction. The number of these nucleons is estimated from the data (see appendix A) and corresponds for light projectiles roughly to the number of projectile nucleons. Therefore, the recoil mass is approximated
by the target mass.
Comparing the fragment-mass spectra of the Ho target from 70 to 800 MeV/u incident energy (fig. 3a) the mean value of the fission component decreases continuously. This trend reflects an increasing excitation energy of the fissioning nucleus. In fig. 10 the coincident fragment mass spectra of u- and ‘jN-induced reactions on Th are presented. Using cu-projectiles from 250 to 800 MeV/u incident energy the average fission mass decreases and reflects again an increase of the excitation energy. In contrast, using ‘“N projectiles at the same velocities corresponding to 3.5 and 11.2 GeV total incident energy the mean values of the fission-mass spectra are nearly the same and indicate that here the excitation energies are equal. If the number of fast preequilibrium nucleons would be higher with increasing incident energy the number of evaporated nucleons and hence the excitation energy would even be lower. This constancy is also seen when comparing the systems 3.2 GeV
G. Klotz-Engmann
et ul. /
0 0
fragment Fig. 10. Coincidence
of cy- and ‘“N-induced incident energy.
on Th at 250 and 800 MeV/u
CY+ Th and 11.5 GeV proton + U [ref. “‘)I. These observations led us to the conclusion that above 3 GeV total incident energy the mean excitation energy remains constant in the fission channel. Our results are summarized in fig. 11, where the average mass differences (JA) for N- and 14N-induced fission are shown as a function of the total incident energy. The mass of the recoiling nucleus has been approximated by the target mass A,, the values of table 1 result from the calculation in the appendix A. Up to 3 GeV incident energy (AA) increases continuously. With decreasing target mass (LA) is larger and reflects subgroups of collisions with higher excitation energies selected by higher fission barriers as already discussed in the linear momentum transfer study. Bombarding
the Ho nucleus
with 3.2 GeV cu-projectiles
63 p+u A
40 - ;
_0 5
a+Ho :a;; “N+Au “N+Th
only the most violent
4 ;
20 b l
E, (GeV) Fig. 11. Average mass difference (AA) = A, ~ 2(A,) deduced from the fission-mass spectra as a function of incident energy for LY-and 14N-induced reactions. The p+ U data are from ref. “‘1. (Lines are drawn to guide the eye.)
G. Klotz-Engmann
lead to fission
700 MeV is deduced 6 MeV. The constancy
of (AA)
energy is accompanied
fission and multjfragmentation
et al. / Binary
the mass
l), corresponding in the fission
by a decreasing
to a nuclear
fission cross section
an excitation temperature above
of about
3 GeV incident
as evidenced
in fig. 12.
The ratio of the fission cross section to the total reaction cross section calculated using the soft-sphere model of ref. ‘I) is shown for (Y-, 14N- and “‘Ne-induced reactions on U and Th nuclei as a function of the total incident energy.
YLLO 4 G20
n 0 0 0
a+Th a+U “N+Th 20Ne+U I
E, Fig. 12 Fission
cross-sections normalized to the reaction cross sections, calculated with the model ref. ‘I). The U data are from ref. “). (Lines are drawn to guide the eye.) Table 2 Measured fission cross-sections vfil, the reaction cross sections, calculated with the soft-sphere model of ref. “) and the ratio of both. The error of vii, is estimated to 120% mainly due to the unknown angular distribution
E, (MeViu)
Cfl‘ (mb)
C,CX (mb)
( “/o)
70 250 800
1960” 1720 1060
2700 2330 2480
72.6 73.6 42.7
70 250 800
290 160 100
2490 2130 2270
11.6 7.5 4.4
70 250 800
7 27 48
2280 1930 2070
0.3 1.4 2.3
250 800
1830 760
3600 3760
50.8 20.2
“) From ref. *).
rf al. / Rinury.fis.sion
G. Klotz-Engmann
With increasing incident energy three observations are obtained around 3 GeV (see also tables 1 and 2): (i) The fission cross-sections decrease. (ii) The deposited energy in the fissioning nuclei ceases to increase. (iii) IMF are observed. We conclude that the violent central collisions no longer lead to a fission process resulting in a constant mean value of the excitation energy in the fission channel. They lead to a multiple break up as observed at higher incident energies ‘) where only the gentle peripheral collisions lead to fission and the more central reactions end by multifragmentation. 4. Properties 4.1.
of multifragmentation
As shown in sect. 3.1 in o-induced
2.50 and 800 MeV/u
energy, the binary fission is no longer the only decay channel seen in coincidences and multifragmentation starts to compete severely. IMF appear in the coincident mass spectrum (fig. 3a) accompanied by a fall in fission cross-sections (fig. 12 and table 2). The non-binary character of the IMF was evidenced by the isotropic out-of-plane angular correlation “). It is confirmed in fig. 13, where the correlation between the fragments masses in the TOF and the atomic number of the coincident
800 MeV/u
fragment Fig.
13. Correlation
L’,,< 2.5 cm/ns
between Normal
coincident velocities
a) vtt<2 5 cm/w
fragments exhibit
in the TOF fragment two
A, and the PPAC correlations,
for qf< high
2.5 cm/ns
(a) and
G. Klotz-Engmann
in the PPAC
et al. / Binar~~,fission and multifragmentation
is presented.
the events
due to their
velocity into two classes one finds that for u,r < 2.5 cm/ns two heavy fragments detected in coincidence, reflecting normal binary fission. In contrast, selecting
were high
uti a correlation mainly between two light fragments is observed. Coincidences between light and heavy fragments do not represent asymmetric fission, because their total mass lies significantly below the value seen in fig. 13a. The onset of multifragmentation occurs when the mean excitation energy in the fission channel does no longer increase (sect 3.5 and ref. “)). A similar conclusion has been drawn in ref. “), where (Y- and “‘Ne-induced reactions from 4.2-8.4 GeV incident energy were studied. The multiplicity of light particles was correlated to the total incident energy of the projectile and indicated its important role in the mechanism of relativistic nucleus collisions. The underlying parameter could be the energy deposited in the decaying nucleus where the highest excitation energy of 700 MeV observed in binary fission might constitute the range where fission competes strongly with multifragmentation. This could explain, that for central collisions in 40Ar- and ‘“Ni-induced reactions between 20 and 44 MeV/u incident energy, the fission process decreases strongly. There, the excitation energies range from 650 to 950 MeV [refs. ‘5,26)].
Comparing the fragment-mass spectra of the Au, Ho and Ag targets at 800 MeV/u o-induced reactions an interesting trend is observed (fig. 14): As expected the higher fission barrier of the lighter targets reduces the contribution of fission fragments in the spectrum. In contrast, the contribution of IMF remains nearly constant for the three targets. Bombarding the Ag target the spectrum is dominated by IMF and the fission component is hardly separable. The production process of the IMF is independent of the fission barrier and this rules out fission-type processes including asymmetric
or sequential
-i?J YE 5
2 7-J %_
3 z z m u Fig.
14. Coincident fission
fragment-mass decreases
spectrum with
of a-induced fission
mass reactions
A, on an Au,
the contribution
Ho and
Ag target:
of IMF
is constant.
G. Khz-Engmann
Since the experimental
al. / Binar~~.fitsion
set-up is limited
and mu/~~~ragnwn/ation
in solid angle only a fraction
of the IMF
is detected in coincidence. But the differential cross section of the IMF emission can be deduced from the inclusive mass spectrum, which is dominated by I MF and fission fragments play only a minor role. At 800 MeV/u a-induced reactions a differential cross-section of about 50+ 20 mb/sr at 90” for IMF (10 < A < 40) is obtained independent of the target nucleus.
Concerning the production mechanism of the light fragments the question arises whether they are produced in a simultaneous breakup of the nucleus. In a recent experiment “) bombarding a Au target with 84 MeV/u “0 projectiles, excitation energies around 600 MeV were obtained and IMF have been observed. From the suppression of low relative velocities, which provide information about the Coulomb repulsion between the IMF, a time scale of the emission process was deduced showing that the IMF are emitted sequentially from a heavy residue. The same analysis cannot be applied to our data, because in our set-up small correlation angles and hence small relative velocities are not measured. Assuming sequential emission of the IMF from a heavy recoil, due to momentum conservation the light fragments receive nearly the total Coulomb energy and their single velocity corresponds approximately to Viola’s value of 2.4cm/ns. Taking into account that our set-up accepts only fragments emitted in opposite hemispheres their single velocities sum up to a relative velocity around 4-5 cm/ns. To verify this argument quantitatively we performed Monte Carlo calculations (see appendix B) for the sequential emission of two IMF from a heavy recoil nucleus taking into account the detector acceptance of our set-up. The resulting distribution is centered distribution
around 4.5 cm/ns (fig. 15, dotted of relative velocities between
line) and disagrees IMF (lo< A, (40
U-J I-
800 MeV/u
with the measured and 5
2 1151
5 E , 1
2 vff
Fig. 15. The measured The full curve shows curve represents
relative velocity between two I MF (A, < 40, 2, c 15 1 is centered around 3.8 cm/n% the results of a Monte <‘arIo simulation for simultaneous breakup. The dotted the distribution assuming sequential emission from a heavy recoil nucleus.
G. K/HZ-Engmann
et al. / Binar_v,fission
can be excluded
and multifragmentation
in a-induced
at 3-4 GeV incident
energy. In contrast to a sequential emission a simultaneous breakup of the target nucleus leads to lower relative velocities. In the simulation the fragment masses were chosen randomly using a power-law distribution A-’ with T = 2 and a lower mass limit of A = 10. Assuming a start configuration, where the fragments are positioned randomly inside a sphere, a freeze-out radius of R = 18 fm reproduces the experimental velocity distribution. This radius is slightly larger than in the case of a binary fission process (14 fm) and suggests a decay of a dilute system. However, this value is only a rough estimate since it depends on the chosen start configuration and the lower limit in the mass distribution.
5. Summary The present study of binary fission shows that in bombarding medium-mass nuclei a selection of the high LMT domain is possible. We observed 90% momentum transfer at 70 MeV/u incident energy leading to an equilibrated nucleus which decays by normal fission (a + Ho). In medium- and high-energy induced fission two independent trends in the LMT and in the excitation energy are observed: - Between 70 and 250 MeV/u incident energy the mean LMT of a-projectiles saturates, while the excitation energy continues to increase. The highest observed transfer is about 330 MeV/c per projectile nucleon in central collisions. This constancy can be understood in terms of nucleon-nucleon collisions. - Up to 3 GeV incident energy the excitation energies of the fissioning nuclei increase, while above 3 GeV incident energy they remain constant. The highest excitation energy observed in medium heavy fissioning nuclei is around 700 MeV and corresponds to a temperature of about 6 MeV. Above 3 GeV incident energy with (Y- and 14N-induced reactions this change in the trend is accompanied by a strong decrease of the fission cross-section and the emission of IMF is observed. They stem from non-binary processes and their production probability is independent of the target mass. The parameter provoking the transition from binary fission to multifragmentation is likely to be the energy deposited. A critical value might constitute the highest excitation energy of 700 MeV observed in binary fission events. The relative velocities between two IMF are a key quantity in understanding the breakup mechanism. The measured values exceed those of binary fission, but they are lower than expected for a sequential emission process and suggest a simultaneous breakup of a dilute system. We would like to acknowledge the staff of Saturne for the very good beams and especially G. Milleret for his help in the beam transport. We thank H. Stelzer for
G. Klotz-Engmann
making available
et al. / Binary jission
the PPAC and H. Folger and the GSI target laboratory
most of the targets. This work was partially supported by the Bundesministerium Technologie under contract 06 DA 453.
and mult~fmgmentation
for preparing
fur Forschung
In high-energy collisions during the preequilibrium stage fast particles can be emitted as clusters or single nucleons in the forward hemisphere. From the mass balance between target mass A, and projectile mass A,, and the number n of fast nucleons the mass of the fissioning target residue can be calculated by A,= A,+ A,- n. The number n of the fast nucleons can be estimated applying momentum and energy conservation; the projectile momentum p. is transferred into the linear momentum
pll of the target residue
and into the linear
of the n fast nucleons
p,,(i) by
Po=Pll+ i P,,(i) ,=I
The incident energy E,, is converted into excitation energy E,, recoil energy E, of the target residue, the kinetic energy &,,,(i) and binding energy E,,(i) of the fast nucleons: (3) with E,=(A,.-~(A,.))F
by the measured
Eh( i) - 8 MeV.
The sum of the kinetic energies of the fast nucleons is calculated from the mean value, which is deduced from their mean momentum. This approximation is justified, when the momenta of the fast nucleons do not vary too much yielding f Ekin( i) = n&,,,(i) I-1
= n(J(p(
If the angular distribution of the fast nucleons is known, their average momentum p(i) can be determined from the average linear component. The angular distribution of the preequilibrium nucleons was measured in ref. j2). Using (Y- and “‘Ne-projectiles at 1.05-2.1 GeV/u incident energy in coincidence with fission fragments an exponential distribution d W/dR( 0) - e~“““l~’ with a slope parameter @,, between
G. ~l~t~-~?I~~~~rl~rf
15” and 20” was observed. and integrating
al. / ni~[ir~,~ssi~~
the linear component
over the whole solid angle, one obtains
of the fast nucleons
as a function
PII = Using eq.(5) with dW/d@
Eq. (2) provides
of their total momentum ii j?(i) cos @swdO. .
= sin@ d W/d0
the average
by the angular
the average linear momentum as
it results
of the fast nucleons
Comparing eq. (6) and eq. (7) one can calculate the mean momentum of the fast nucleons and hence their total energy (eq. (4)). As unknown parameter only their number n remains, which can be determined iteratively via eq. (3) using the measured fission fragment masses (A,-) and recoil velocities u, . The result is summarized in table 1 showing that the number of fast nucleons does not exceed twice the projectile mass number. Appendix MONTE
To study the sensitivity of relative velocities between the IMF on their production mechanism, Monte Carlo calculations were performed for the system 800 MeVfu N i- Au. To simulate the distintegration of the recoiling nuclei, their initial mass, atomic number and recoil velocities after the primary reaction were determined from INC calculations. Selecting central collisions (b < 5 fm) the resulting mean values were centered at {A,} = 182, (Z,) = 74 and (v,-) = 0.3 cm/ns. These values are rather uncritical for this study. The IMF were emitted isotropically in the center-ofmass system. Their mass distribution was chosen proportional to A-’ with ~=2 and a lower limit of A = 10. The atomic number of the fragments was deduced from their mass number assuming the N/Z ratio of the recoil nucleus. To determine their final velocity vectors Coulomb trajectories of the many-body system were calculated using the Lagrange formalism and treating the interacting fragments as point charges. Without prescission energies they were accelerated due to their mutual Coulomb repulsion. The iteration was performed up to l= 3000 fm/c where about 98% of the final velocities were obtained. After the transformation into the laboratory system only the fragments in the angular range of the detectors were accepted (see sect. 2) and events with multiple hits in one detector suppressed. In both detectors a general energy threshold of E,,,i,, = 10 MeV was used. Two processes were simulated, the sequential emission of IMF and the spontaneous breakup of the nucleus.
G. Klotz-Engmanrt
et al. J Rinar~~,fi.ssion and mu/tjfra~mPntntion
(i) Sequential emission of IMF. Two IMF were emitted sequentially from the heavy recoil in evaporation-like binary processes. The scission distance of R = (1.225 x ( A,,,.“3 +A:‘>) + 2) fm was determined from the kinetic energies of IMF with A < 20 in ref. “). Varying the time interval between the emission processes 67 from 0 to 2000 fm/c the relative velocities This is due to the fact, that the Coulomb opposite hemispheres is low in comparison
of opposite
IMF remained
rather constant.
interaction between two IMF emitted in to the IMF-recoil interaction. In contrast,
the relative velocity depends on the multiplicity of the fragments. This results from the reduced Coulomb repulsion from the lighter recoil nucleus after the first emission processes. If one increases the multiplicity of the emitted IMF from 2 to 4, the mean relative velocities are reduced by about 10%. (ii) Simultaneous break up. The simultaneous break up was simulated by dividing the recoil nucleus completely into fragments. Corresponding to the chosen mass distribution (see above) on average 5 fragments were produced, which were positioned without overlap randomly inside a spherical freeze-out configuration. The radius adjusted to fragments radius was chosen to 1.4A’, ’ and the freeze-out reproduce the measured mean relative velocity between IMF. The final velocities were calculated from the Coulomb trajectories taking into account the experimental detector acceptance as discussed above.
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