Proposal for the basic description and classification of the rock mass for general technical purposes. Conference. In German. 1T, 3R

Proposal for the basic description and classification of the rock mass for general technical purposes. Conference. In German. 1T, 3R

14ZA Experimental and numerical techniques Classification and identification 1396 1505 FOOKES,PG HIGGINBO~M, IE The classification and description...

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Experimental and numerical techniques

Classification and identification


1505 FOOKES,PG HIGGINBO~M, IE The classification and description of near-shore carbonate sediments for engineering purposes. Technical note. 5F,8R. GEOTECHN, V25,N2, JUNE, 1975, P406-411.

DAR, SM BUR .MINES, SPOKANE,WASH .USA BATES, RC BUR .MINES, SPOKANE, WASH .USA Stress ana/ysis of hollow cylindrical inclusions. Closure of discussion of original paper, J.Geotech. E~En Div. V100,GT2,1974. J.GEOTECH.ENGNG DIV.ASCE,VIO1,GT6,JUNE 1975,P587-588. 1397 I~qNEVICH,VP UNIV . ~ C K Y , LEXINGTON,USA Censtrained and shear modull for finite elements.7F,2T,SR. J.GEOTECH.~GNG DIV.ASCE,V101,GT5,MAY 1975,P459-473. The stress-strain matrix used in finite element ana/~ses has been reformulated in terms of constrained and shear moduli. SimPle hyperbolic functions have been proposed to define equivalent elastic compression and shear moduli for modelling nonlinear soil behavlour. Straightforward procedures are provided to determine the parameters for the hyperbolic equations from cenventional one-dimensional compression and slmple shear tests. Several example~ are given for the determination of the hyperbolic parameters from actual soll test data.

1406 BIENIAwSKI, ZT CSIR, PRE~Y)RIA,ZA Geomechanlcs classification of rock mssses snd its application in tummelllng. Conference. 2F,6T,5R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS INT. SOC.ROCK MECH. ~IV~,1974, V2, PART A,1974,P27-32.


1408 HAB~ICHT, H MONTAN .HOCHSCH .LEOB~N,A Prol~osal for the basic descriptiom sad classification of the rock mass for general technical purposes. Conference. In German. 1T,3R. PROC .THIRD CONGRESS INT.SOC .ROCK MECH. ~ D ~ , 1974, V2, PART A,1974,P52-59.

IADE, FV UNIV.CALIF.LOS ANG~.Ws, USA DUNCAN, JM UNIV .CALIF .B~KELEY, USA Cubical triaxial tests on cohesionless soil. Closure of discussion of original paper,J.Geotech. E~gng Div .V99,GTIO, 1973. 1R. J.GEOTECH.ENGNG DIV.ASCE,VIO1,GT5,MAY 1975,P491-493. 1399 MESCHIAN, SR Mechanical properties of soils and the laboratory techniques for their determination, R]lowlng for transient effects. Textbook. In Russian. 72R. MOSCOW, NEDRA, 1974,191P. 1400 DAVAUD, E UNIV OF G~VEVA, CH The automatic mapping of isovalues - a simple algorithm in Fortran IV. In French. CAN.J. EARTH SC I,V12, N6,1975, P1069-1077. A short mapping program in Fortran IV is discussed employing regularly and irregularly spaced data. Interpolation procedure is based c~ a local first degree polynomial function. Maps are obtained on a llne printer and are comparable to those drawn manually. 1401 NIELS~N,JP Polynomial solutions of elastic layer problems. Discussion of paper by N.I.Robinson, Soils and Foundations. V13,Nl,1973. 2F,2T,4R. soILS FOUND. ,V14,N2 ,JUNE 1974, Pl05-109. 1402 MALKIS,NI TRUMBACHEV, VG Polymer materials and their use for modelling inelastic problems. 5F,1T, 16R. SOV.MIN. SC I.VlO, N2,1974, P138-144.

1403 ZLOTNIKOV, MS A sand.urea material for model-making in rock pressure research.2F,3R. SOV .MIN.SC I .V10,N2,1974, P145 -148.

1404 KUJUNDZIC, B J .C~qNI INST. WAT .RES.DEV .BELGRAD, ~ Methods of modelling in engineering geology end geoengineering. Conference. 4F,4R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS INT.SOC.ROCK MECH. DH~V~,1974. V.2,PART A,1974,P60-64.

1407 BRYCH, J FAC .POLYTECHN .MONS, B Rock piercing test, a base for an international classification with regard to their destructibility. Conference. In French. 9F,25R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS INT.SOC.ROCK MECH. DENVER,1974, VZ, PART A,1974,P39-45 •

1409 SPENCE, IM UNIV .DUNDEE, SCOTLAND, GB RAMSAY, DM UNIV .DUNDEE, SCOTLAND, GB DH~, RK UNIV. DONDEE, SCOTLAND, GB A conspectus of aggregate strength and the relevance of this factor as the basis for a physical classification of crushed rock aggregate. Conference. 6F,1T,7R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS INT.SOC.ROCK MECH. D ~ V ~ 1 9 7 4 , V2, PART A,1974, P79-84. 1410 STAMATOPOULOS, AC KOTZIAS, PC The use of the standard penetration test in classifying rocks. Conference. 5F,2T,2R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS INT. SOC.ROCK MECH. DENV~,1974, V2, PART A,1974,P85-89.

Geology See abstract: 1354.

Environmental effects,weathering and soil formation 1411 ONOD~qA, TF SAITAMA UNIV. J YOSHINAKA, R SAITAMA UNIV.0 Weathering and its relation to mechanical properties of granite. Conference. 14F,6R. PROC.THIRD CONGRESS INT.SOC.ROCK MECH. DENV~,1974, 2, PART A, 1974,P71-78.