337 in London, where a
course of lectures em- of general botany of at least three months’ bracingmedical botany and materia medica, duration, previous to his obtaining his dionly extends to three months. Materia ploma or liberty to practise. medica alone ought properly to take up the 9, Nicolson Square, March 15, 1829. whole period, consequently no time can be spared for botany. In Edinburgh, where the conrse
extends from five to six months,
pharmacy, and dietetics, are all included ; consequently the same remark must be made. I have now taught materia medica and practical pharmacy for eight years in Edinburgh, and I feel every year teria medica,
more and more convinced of the propriety To the Editor of Tnr LANCET. and the necessity of confining my attention to and materia entirely practical pharmacy SIR,—As so much trouble has already medica during that period, excluding bo- been caused you about thepost-mortem exatany and dietetics entirely, and have accord- minations at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, I ingly done so of late. Were I doing other- shall merely take the liberty of askin wise, and introducing medical botany, I Iwhether you consider it fair, that all the would not benefit the student ignorant of most interesting cases (of one of the surgeneral botany, in the slightest degree, and geons) should be examined at so early an must make s jumble and confusion of the ’, hour as seven o’clock in the morning, withwhole. out any previous notice having been given How, I would ask, is a medical student to the pupils, as they must then lose that to be taught medical botany, if he be en- shadow of a chance of hearing of them, tirely ignorant of general botany, which which they possess when ;the examinations more than three-fourths of them are ! What are conducted in the middle of the day ? is he to benefit by being told, in describing I have the honour to be, Sir, coniummaculatum, or hemlock, that it beYour obedient servant, to the to the or longs umbelliferce of Jussieu, A PUPIL. pentandria digynia of Linnaeus, if he be ignorant of the nature of the calyx, corolla, St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, May so. &c., of the Linnæan and Jussieuer arrangements Any man acquainted with general botany must be aware, that it is a science so extensive, as not to be acquired in a shorter period than from three to six months, with PROPOSED REMEDY FOR GIBRALTAR FEVER, the greatest industry, opportunity, and attention, and that medical botany is merely AT a late conversazione at the College of a more advanced branch, detached from it as a whole. The individuals who intro- Physicians, a paper, by Mr. P. Jeffrey, who duced the regulations no:v complained of, has long resided at Gibraltar, was read, on neverwere enthusiastic or proper botanists ; the prevention of fever at that fortress. Mr. and their having done so in such a care- Jeffrey attributes the fever to the bad con. less manner, is sufficient proof of this ! struction of the drains of the fortress, and Every medical man ought to know general suggests the establishment of a steam engine and medical botany as an interesting part ofat Europa point, for pumping up a supply of his profession, and he can only acquire that water into a reservoir to be formed in the knowledge by attending diligently and at- rock above the town, having the drains so tentively one or more courses of general constructed, that the water contained in the botany of three months’ duration. Every reservoir might, every night, completely medical officer entering the army, navy, or cleanse out their contents. At present they public service of his country, where he pos- are allowed to remain quiet for some days, sesses ample opportunities of moving from which, owing to the excessive heat of the place to place over the earth’s surface, sun, occasions dreadful smells. The plan ought to know intimately general botany, has been under the notice of three persons as putting it in his power to benefit the connected with government, and is regarded human race, and to employ his spare hours with considerable approbation. Mr. Jeffrey to advantage. The carrying this improve- argues that the vapour arising from the ment into effect, lies with the different pub- drains and cesspools is the operating cause lic medical bodies, the army and navy medi- of the fever. Fresh water is very dear at cal boards, by abolishing from their riegula. the fortrass ; and the only mode of obtaintions meoicat botany, as it at present st&.uJs ing salt water for the purpose of cleansing connected with materia medica. and insist- the place, would be by the meana 1Iug. ing upon every student attending a course gested.