Prostigmin in the treatment of the delayed period

Prostigmin in the treatment of the delayed period

Friedmann, Ernst : .J. 4330: 1 I9 1944. Prostigmin in the Treatment of the Delayed Period, liri t. 31. The biochemical reaction of the drug on ...

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Ernst :

.J. 4330:

1 I9 1944.


in the Treatment

of the Delayed Period, liri t. 31.

The biochemical reaction of the drug on thti l~:~rasympathetic~ czontrol ol-’ menstruation is nientioneql. The author gave 1 my. of l)rclstigmin intramuscularly on 3 successive days, this treatment being discontinued af IfIr the first or recond injecBtion if the menstrual flow was restored. With the exception of two cases that failetl to respond, the longeht interval between the last injection and the onset of menstruation was 72 hours. The aide effects of the drw are described. Favourahle results were ohtained in 94.7 per (Lent of the cases of rlelayo~l period not due to pregnancy. There is no tendency of the drug to interfrrcs wit11 tllfb ~oursc of pregnancy.

Miscellaneous Hartman, Carl 0.: Regeneration of the Monkey Uterus After Surgical Removal of the Endometrium and Accidental Endometriosis, West. $1. Snrg. 52: 87, 1944. At the Carnegie Institute, the technique for the recovery of early ova in the monkey consisted of enucleation of the cnt,irr endometrium as an intact SW. Following laparotomy, the uterus was incised longitudinally down to the endomrtrium and the endometriunl was then dissectctl out with ~alpel and scissors. In some experiments the exposrtl myometrium wnz then wiped clean with a cotton sponge so that no vestige of the muPosa was visible to the naked eye. These operations were followed by studies of the regenerated c~ndnmetrium, and it was discovered that complete regeneration often oc(‘urs as hoon as the ristecnth postoperative day. In some monkeys, castrxt,ion was perfnrrtle
the regener:ltion rapid latcl.

(II’ an :~lmc~t.



In the prnvess of removing the entlomeirium, it, is inevitable that hi Iti IJf tissue Endomctriosis and formation of chocolate are droppet into the peritoneal cavity. cysts were common. However, this does not prove or dipprovo the Sampson theory (1) The necrotic, desquamatnl tissue of menstruation is less likely for 2 reasons: to transplant than the normal endometriurn which was rpille~l in these experiments. In the experiments of Markee, it wah found quite M&ult to transplant menstruating endometrium to the anterior chamber of tlax eyr while the other transplanteil easily. (2) The uterotubal junction is of such a clmracter as to make it difficult to force any liquid from t,lie uterus to the tubes, especially during menstruation. ~~IILIAiil