12 Protection of Proprietary Plant Germplasm O U T L I N E Introduction
Material Transfer Agreements
Plant Patents
Intellectual Property Rights in the Public Sector
Plant Variety Protection
Trade Secrets
Enforcement of PVP and Patents
Copyrights, Trademarks, and Service Marks
Utility Patents
INTRODUCTION The biological properties of cell division allow us to perpetuate cultivars that exhibit a predictable set of performance characteristics. Sexual and asexual propagation has been used for both saving seed for the subsequent year’s production and for genetic population improvement. The conservative nature of mitosis and assortative properties of meiosis, however, also present a clear pathway to the potential theft of unique plant genotypes without the permission of the breeders and organizations that own them. This chapter will present the concept of ownership of a plant genotype or set of plant genotypes and describe how to obtain legal title to this relatively new form of property. We must first deal with the concept of germplasm ownership. When did plants cease to be a shared natural resource and become personal or corporate property? The notion that sexual seeds or asexual propagules and the hereditary material within them are subject to human ownership is an ancient one. The advent of agriculture quickly led to stores of selected seeds, bulbs, and cuttings for the following season. Each human tribes trove of germplasm was unique and embodied features that addressed specific needs for food, fiber, fragrances, medicines, and nurturing of domesticated animals. As tribes began to trade, seeds of unique selections were one of the most valuable barters. No phenomenon exemplifies the perceived value of plant germplasm better than the so-called “tulipomania” in Holland during the 1630s. Demand for bulbs of selections with unique and rare floral characters soared to absurd proportions until rampant speculation splintered the economy, resulting in a spectacular market crash by 1640 (Pollan, 2002). Given that plant genotypes may be “owned”, instances of piracy are surprisingly common. The imperfect association between genotype and phenotype and the ease of committing the larceny contribute to the relative ease of proprietary germplasm theft. All new plant breeders are quickly acquainted by sages with accounts of stolen germplasm, whether factual, mythical or somewhere in between. Such accounts often are laced with aspects of mystery, intrigue, and misdirected genius. Typical examples of impropriety (true or fanciful) include posing as a trusted colleague, dumpster diving, conspiring with the janitor who sweeps the floor of the research facility, and walking through a field trial with glue-ladened gloves to snag seeds or special shoes with soles that pinch seeds from the ground. The author has heard accounts of all of these strategies to steal germplasm. Prior to recent advances in biochemistry and molecular biology, genotype identity was based mostly on morphological phenotypes that
Horticultural Plant Breeding. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-815396-3.00012-3
© 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
12. Protection of Proprietary Plant Germplasm
were plagued by low heritability, rendering the identification of allegedly stolen property to be tenuous. The ability to police germplasm precisely with DNA sequencing has greatly improved the precision of genotype identification and, consequently, strengthened the ability to police intellectual property and proprietary germplasm (see “Enforcement of PVP and Patents” below). Patents are legal contracts that are sanctioned, supported, and policed by governments or groups of governments. They are issued to the inventors of objects or processes to give them a head start in the marketplace for a limited time period, thus promoting innovation and economic opportunities. The original period of protection was 17 years, but the U.S. Patent Office has extended the term to 20 years. Another form of intellectual property protection that is used extensively by plant breeders is Plant Variety Protection (PVP), similar but with distinct differences (see below). Copyrights and trademarks are intended to apply, respectively, to written or recorded compositions and names of products or processes. The period of protection extends for the entire life of the author or composer (and heirs) or trademark holder. Copyrights and trademarks are used only infrequently by plant breeders, so most of this chapter will focus on plant patents and PVP. Recent rulings and legal opinions have rendered copyrights to be more attractive to plant breeders as a form of proprietary protection of germplasm, but applications are only beginning (Burk, 2017). The laws and conventions of the U.S. will presented as an example, but those of most other countries or consortia are similar, and are/were often drafted to emulate U.S. codes. Plant breeders are, as a group, suspicious of competitors and tend to possess an inflated sense of the value of their cache of germplasm. From that predisposition, most plant breeders have welcomed interventions by governments to provide a means to protect biological inventions. Most plant breeders are also notoriously averse to paperwork and regulatory processes and especially to the intrusion into their affairs by government bureaucrats. As plant genotypes have been invented that exhibit higher relative value, new offices of “patenting and technology transfer” within public and private sector organizations have appeared to protect biological intellectual. These offices are staffed by lawyers trained in contract law. Very few have more than a cursory knowledge of biology. The individuals charged with the protection of intellectual property often evolve from passive service providers to playing an active role in the planning of research activities. If an end product cannot be protected, many private sector organizations will not support the enabling research and development (Zullow and Karmas, 2008).
PLANT PATENTS The U.S. Constitution spells out the right of inventors to secure legal property protection for creative efforts leading to new objects and processes to make them (Ihnen and Jondle, 1989). Before 1930, however, the applications of patents, trademarks, and copyrights did not extend to living organisms. While plant breeding had been practiced along with agriculture for millenia, it wasn’t until the late 19th century that the commercial potential of genetically improved crop plant populations was demonstrated. As the industrial revolution portended larger and more vertically-integrated farms, private companies began to spring up in the 19th century that focused on the sale of seeds of unique populations of horticultural and agronomic crops to farmers (Butler and Marion, 1985). The Plant Patent Act (PPA) of 1930 provided this new industry with the protection it needed to be confident in the large investments of labor and time associated with plant breeding. The commercial successes of improved plant cultivars achieved by Luther Burbank by the early 20th century were evident, and were cited as evidence that plant breeding should be accorded the same protection as other forms of invention. The Act led to Section 161 of Title 35, with oversight and enforcement by the U.S. Department of Commerce Office of Patents and Trade Names (Butler and Marion, 1985). The PPA of 1930 provided, and continues to provide, for the following: Whoever invents or discovers and asexually reproduces any distinct and new variety of plant, including sports, mutants, hybrids and newly found seedlings, other than tuber propagated plant or plant found in an uncultivated state, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.
In addition to “tuber propagated plants”, bacteria were also excluded from the act. In the late 1920s, when the wording of the legislation was under development, the understanding of bacteria was very limited, and it was even debated whether these organisms could be defined as “living” in the same sense as plants and animals. The exclusion of tuberous plants was politically motivated by potato producing states. The act was also intended only for asexually propagated plants since sexual reproduction was presumed to affect plant population phenotype uniformity adversely. Virus contamination that affected plant performance was common in potatoes and other asexually- propagated crops during the early 20th century, and virus-free planting stocks were virtually nonexistent in 1930. I. ELEMENTS AND UNDERPINNINGS OF PLANT BREEDING
Plant variety protection
The provisions that had previously applied to utility patents were extended to plants in the PPA of 1930 (Anon., 2017): • Novelty • Utility • Non-obvious to those skilled in the art Novelty may be demonstrated by any single unique phenotypic attribute or combinations of attributes, including but not limited to: • Growth habit • Resistance to disease or soil • Flower color • Leaf color • Fruit color • Flavor • Productivity • Perfume or fragrance • Ease of sexual reproduction In addition, certain requirements or conditions must be satisfied. One important area pertains to disclosures of the object or process prior to the filing of the patent application. For the purposes of our discussion, if the plant for which patent protection is being sought had been distributed previously to others freely and without restriction, then the application is voided. Secondly, the concept of enablement must be satisfactorily demonstrated. Enablement is access to the necessary materials and instructions such that someone skilled in the art can re-create the invention. The PPA of 1930 contains an exemption from enablement compliance provided that a description of the variety is as complete as is reasonably possible, but this was later modified (Butler and Marion, 1985). Each plant patent pertains specifically to a single variety, or cultivar. Groups of cultivars that share a common feature are not patentable as such. The PPA of 1930 gave the holder of a plant patent the right to exclude others from asexually propagating the plant or selling or even using the plant so propagated. The act also required patent holders to document and demonstrate any acceptable phenotypic variability, or the range of phenotypes being claimed, for use in future patent infringement legal actions. Interestingly, the Act also requires the patentee to assign a name to the cultivar. No plants collected directly from wild habitats may be awarded patent protection (Butler and Marion, 1985).
PLANT VARIETY PROTECTION Plant breeders employed by seed companies are involved primarily with sexually-propagated plant species that are not included in the PPA of 1930. Specialists in patent law were adamant that only asexual propagation could be made to fit the original intent of precise replication of the invention. Since sexual reproduction usually introduced genetic variability and corresponding phenotypic variability, it was concluded that populations derived from seeds did not constitute an entity that could be effectively protected from piracy (Staub et al., 1996). The International Union for Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) is an organization headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland whose constituency is primarily European, but has enjoyed progressively more participation from countries from North and South America and Asia. UPOV was first organized in 1961 and charged with the development of an effective system for the protection of sexually propagated plant varieties. A code for plant variety protection (PVP) quickly came into existence (Anon., 2015). The U.S. Congress passed the Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA) in 1970 based on most of the elements of the UPOV PVP system (Evans and Taylor, 1989). The PVPA of 1970 was substantially similar to the PPA of 1930, but with certain notable exceptions. Rather than establishing a precise standard for varietal phenotypes, PVPA provided for the application of scientifically-established statistical tests to determine whether two population entities were the same or different. The phenotypes that could be used as bases for establishing novelty and utility were broad, including morphological, physiological, or biochemical attributes. Most sexually-propagated crop species were included, with some notable (and politically-motivated) exceptions (Evans and Taylor, 1989). The procedure for obtaining a PVP certificate for a plant variety incorporates most of the same steps as those in Patents and Trademarks, and the PPA of 1930 (Blakeney, 2012). While patents are the purview of the U.S. Department of Commerce, an overview of PVP is also assigned to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The PVP I. ELEMENTS AND UNDERPINNINGS OF PLANT BREEDING
12. Protection of Proprietary Plant Germplasm
application includes an analysis of “prior art”, or a summation of the history of public domain information and previous inventions pertinent to the current invention. The PVP application also includes a list of specific claims for which the inventor is seeking protection. The PVP examiner, who is trained in a specific area or discipline, is assigned and charged with the verification of assumptions and claims. The process is designed to be simple enough that the inventor may complete the application without legal assistance, but in practice specialized IP attorneys now play a prominent role in the application process. The entire process usually takes 2–3 years and can cost $50,000 or more per application (Smith, 2008). After a PVP Certificate is issued, the holder is entitled to protection from the following forms of infringement (Ihnen and Jondle, 1989): • • • •
Unauthorized sale or other distribution of the variety, or cultivar Unauthorized importation or exportation Unauthorized sexual propagation of the variety, or cultivar Using the variety, or cultivar in the direct production of another variety or cultivar (e.g., as a parent in a hybrid combination) • Using derivatives for the asexual propagation of the variety, or cultivar The PVPA of 1970 does carry certain exemptions. The original legislation excluded certain “soup vegetables”, granted following political maneuvering by a large consumer products company, but this was deemed to be purely arbitrary and was rescinded in 1980 (Zullow and Karmas, 2008). Protection is also excluded from the following: • Fungi, bacteria, and first generation (e.g., F1) hybrids • Seed used for research purposes • Seed saved by farmers for the establishment of next year’s crop With regard to the exemption of F1 hybrids, it is still possible to obtain PVP certificates for the inbred parent populations. Hybrid varieties already enjoy intrinsic protection from piracy by virtue of the population structure. The only way to faithfully propagate a multiply heterozygous genotype is by asexual propagation, a strategy that is technically or economically impractical for most crop species. Fungi and bacteria that had been excluded by the PPA of 1930 were covered by a later extension of patent law (see below). The latter two exemptions have, in retrospect, been the source of considerable consternation and debate. The definition of “research purposes” is vague, but assumed to be the incorporation of the protected variety into a breeding program without recourse or compensation to the inventor. How much “plant breeding” is necessary and sufficient to qualify for this exemption? This question has been argued extensively in the courts, the rule of thumb being more than two distinct populations and greater than or equal to two generations of mating/selection (Staub et al., 1996). The farmers’ exemption was included to preserve a very long-standing tradition, but has proven to be a major impediment to long-term investments into plant breeding programs. This exemption applies almost entirely to self- pollinated agronomic crop species such as small grains, soybeans, and cotton. It is presently very uncommon for farmers of horticultural crop species to save seeds unless there is no alternative to obtain targeted genotypes. Seed companies have circumvented this exemption by imposing sales contracts that prohibit buyers of seed from engaging in seed saving practices (Chen, 2005). The PVPA of 1970 further presents the prospective certificate holder with certain requirements. The examiner may request original data and other additional information to substantiate the factual basis for the claims. Before the certificate is issued, a seed sample must be deposited with an approved third party for purposes of enablement. The act carries a mandatory licensing clause that encourages the beneficial use of the invention and also discourages the filing of applications for “defensive” purposes. For example, Company A might devise a PVPA application with the sole purpose to disrupt the business operations of competing Company B, but the mandatory licensing clause negates the application of the legislation for this purpose (Butler and Marion, 1985). The U.S. PVPA was amended in 1991 to incorporate provisions developed by UPOV, rendering the U.S. PVP codes synonymous with those of UPOV (Smith, 2008). These newly adopted provisions took effect in 1995. They provided for: • • • • • •
Increase of the duration of protection from 17 to 20 years (25 years for trees and vines) Extended protection to include harvested plant organs (e.g., cut flowers) Included the explicit prohibition of “over-the-fence” transactions Protection extends to apomictic seeds (e.g., Kentucky bluegrass) Insertion of DNA sequences (e.g., transformation) does not override varietal infringement Most importantly: provided for protection from “essentially derived varieties”, or sale of seed of a variety, or cultivar, expressing the essential characteristics of a protected variety, or cultivar I. ELEMENTS AND UNDERPINNINGS OF PLANT BREEDING
Copyrights, trademarks, and service marks
Additional “fine tuning” to the PVPA of 1970 was also applied as follows: • Seeds provided to outside parties for testing after the filing of an application are protected • The inventor may begin to sell seed before the application for PVP protection is filed, but no more than one year After the 20 year period of protection expires, the certificate is no longer in force, and all parties are free to produce and sell the cultivar. For OP populations and pure lines, one would simply propagate the cultivar as it was originally sold. For hybrid cultivars where the inbreds are held by the original holder of PVP certificates, the inbreds revert to yet another form of proprietary protection, trade secrets (see below).
TRADE SECRETS The tenet that you cannot steal what you have no knowledge of or cannot gain access to is the basis of proprietary protection by means of a trade secret. Theft of a trade secret may be prosecuted, but only for the physical object of the larceny, not for the underlying intellectual value such as genotype. Many individuals or organizations resort to trade secrets as the default mode of protection because the resources to pursue more formal means are lacking or if the proprietary entity is worth less than the costs associated with pursuing formal proprietary protection. These scenarios are common in cases of cultivars of specialty horticultural crop species where market size may be quite small. In many cases, trade secrets are even preferable to patents and PVP certificates, since competitors are not provided with any information whatsoever about the program; objectives, germplasm, breeding methods, marketing strategies, etc. It may even be possible and preferable to maintain the existence of a program as secret so as not to alert potential competitors of a business opportunity. Unlike patents or PVP, trade secrets are protected without legal registration or procedural formalities and can be protected for an unlimited time period. For these reasons, the protection of trade secrets may appear to be particularly attractive due to the absence of expenses and lack of disclosure. There are some conditions for the information to be regarded as a trade secret by legal authorities that vary from country to country: • The information must be secret. • It must have commercial value because it is a secret. • It must have been subject to reasonable steps by the rightful holder of the information to keep it secret. Hybrid varieties are mostly protected by trade secrets since little incremental competitive advantage is gained by obtaining PVP protection. Bags of seed of hybrid varieties often contain a small proportion of self-pollinated contaminants, the products of self-pollination of the female parent, one of the inbred populations that are proprietary to the company selling the hybrid seed. In rarer instances, the male parent may also be included as a contaminant in the hybrid seed lot. In a landmark 1993–1994 case, the Pioneer Hi-Bred Company brought successful litigation against Holden Foundation Seeds for infringement of a trade secret in such a manner (Anon., 1994). Holden was ruled to be an “unlawful appropriator” of the inbreds maintained by Pioneer as trade secrets, and a substantial financial award ($46,703,230.00) was levied against Holden. This decision conveyed an important message to the industry about the potential penalties associated with misappropriated genotypes.
COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS, AND SERVICE MARKS A copyright is a form of property ownership that protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. The duration of copyright protection depends on several factors. For works created by an individual, protection lasts for up to 70 years beyond the life of the author or owner. For works created anonymously, pseudonymously, and for hire, protection lasts 95 years from the date of publication or 120 years from the date of creation, whichever is shorter (Anon., 2019). A trademark is defined as a symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product that is a form of proprietary protection indicating source or origin (Moore, 1993). A service mark is a word, phrase, symbol, and/or design that identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than goods. Some examples include: brand names, slogans, and logos. The term “trademark” is often used in a general sense to refer to both trademarks and service marks. Unlike patents and copyrights, trademarks (and service marks) do not expire after a set term of years. Trademark rights come from actual “use” and can I. ELEMENTS AND UNDERPINNINGS OF PLANT BREEDING
12. Protection of Proprietary Plant Germplasm
last indefinitely while the owner continues to use the mark in commerce to indicate the source of goods and services within a business context (Anon., 2019). Since the 1980s, we are seeing progressively more trademarks have been used in the marketing of many horticultural products such as nursery and landscape plant products, perennial fruit cultivars, and certain specialty vegetables and herbs (Elliott, 1991; Hutton, 1991; Moore, 1993; Bester, 2013). In recent years, trademarks have been used in association with cultivars as a strategy to protect intellectual property rights (Hutton, 1991). In cases where a targeted population is protected by both a plant patent and a copyright, the US Patent and Copyright Office requests that the copyright be included in the patent application. After a plant patent expires, the inventor loses control over who may grow, use, or sell the patented cultivars. The inventor may, however, continue to control the use of the trademarks that are firmly entrenched in association with the cultivar. Thus, the combined application of both a patent and trademark to a new plant cultivar can often strengthen the breadth and duration of protection without substantial additional costs.
UTILITY PATENTS U.S. patent statutes did not apply for inventions involving living organisms until 1980, except as provided for by the PPA of 1930 (e.g., asexually propagated plants; see above). In 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a case that argued in favor of the extension of patent protection to include all living organisms. That case, Diamond v. Chakrabarty (1980), ultimately provided the cornerstone upon which the entire biotechnology industry was built (Kevles, 1994; Kieff and Olin, 2003). The researcher, Ananda Chakrabarty, had developed a new strain of bacteria that was capable of breaking down long-chain hydrocarbons for the clean-up of oil spills in water environments. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the new bacterial strain could be patented since it would not have existed without a substantial intercession of human intervention. The U.S. Patent Office was compelled by the Court to expand the organizational purview to include living organisms and portions derived therefrom (e.g., cells, organs, tissues, cells, organelles, plasmids, and DNA sequences, molecules, etc.). The extension of utility patents to plant variety protection came largely as a consequence of a challenge brought to the Patent Office Board of Appeals in 1985 on corn varieties that were high in the amino acid tryptophan: Ex Parte Hibberd (227 U.S.P.Q.443) (Hodgins, 1989). As a result of this decision, the U.S. Patent Office began to accept applications for plant material including sexually reproduced plant cultivars provided that the criteria for utility patents have been fulfilled. Utility patents are now granted broadly for biological products and processes, including plant materials and uses. A fundamental feature of utility patents is that they may be issued to cover many genotypes that are subject to a similar set of novel uses. To qualify for such extended protection, utility patent applications carry additional requirements to prove novelty/distinction and non- obviousness (Plant et al., 1982): • The scope and content of the prior art • Ascertainment of the differences between prior art and the included claims • Assessment of the level of skill necessary for the independent development of the invention Additionally, if a patent is sought for a specific functioning gene, some degree of novelty regarding the altering of naturally-occurring alleles is essential. This additional requirement resulted from a 2013 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court regarding patents issued on the naturally-occurring human alleles BRCA1 and BRCA2 (Marshall, 2013). If John or Joanne Q. Public could easily have devised the invention, then the requirement for non-obviousness is not satisfied. This standard is, therefore, very subjective. Until about 2000 CE, the proprietary genotype of an individual or population was defined entirely by the phenotype it gave rise to. Because phenotype = genotype + environment, the genotype was not defined, therefore, very precisely unless the trait of interest was highly heritable. It was relatively easy to misappropriate and perpetuate somebody else’s patented genotypes and elude detection because a measure of doubt existed about the precise constitution of the genotype. With the advent of efficient and effective DNA sequencing methods, the ordering of nucleotide bases is used more and more to define genotypes in biological inventions (Barton, 1997). Molecular biology is increasingly providing accurate insights into the genetic and physiological mechanisms of phenogenesis, such as gene suppression (Chi-Ham et al., 2010). As of this writing, however, composite plant phenotypes are still used prominently to satisfy statutory requirements of uniqueness and utility. It must be proven that the actual gene responsible for the phenotype has been isolated and sequenced to be included in the patent script. The sequence of flanking genomic segments and QTL may be used to help to detect and prosecute genotype thefts. I. ELEMENTS AND UNDERPINNINGS OF PLANT BREEDING
Intellectual property rights in the public sector
MATERIAL TRANSFER AGREEMENTS In instances where trade secrets are not sufficient to achieve adequate protection, but PVP or patent laws are either inappropriate, too unwieldy, or specifically exclude the form of protection being sought, material transfer agreements (MTAs) are often used in plant breeding to preserve property ownership rights. These are written documents that spell out the terms to which signed parties agree to in sharing proprietary information or materials. The enforcement of MTAs is by torte or contract law. The advantages are that they are relatively fast and inexpensive to develop and institute. While government entities recognize MTAs in civil courts, they are written and executed by the appropriate private parties without government involvement. The MTA may be as simple as the implied contract printed on the bag of seed that denies the right to propagate to the buyer. The main disadvantage lies in the enforcement that is uneven, unpredictable, and may take an inordinate time periods, up to several years (Rodriguez, 2005). A new term has come into existence as the myriad of intellectual property (IP) protection laws have evolved and pervaded the industries in which biological materials and processes are invented: Freedom to operate (Kimpel, 1999). If a new product or service is developed that uses any patented materials or processes for which necessary arrangements have been forged with patent-holders, the product or service may not necessarily be free to sell without a license to enable the use of those materials or processes. In the private sector, FTO is a formalized process that generates a formatted report that articulates the ownership and licensing status of critical technologies for a targeted product or service. Specialized companies offer services to conduct a thorough assessment of the IP landscape to (1) identify all third party IP rights; (2) assess the levels of the risks posed; (3) consider how the risks can be managed; and (4) communicate conclusions to the business. Extensive negotiations are often necessary to ensure that a targeted project enjoys the freedom to operate before further resources are invested (Le Buanec, 2005).
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE PUBLIC SECTOR The treatment of strategies to protect intellectual property rights (IPR) for proprietary plant genotypes presented above pertains primarily to research and development in the private sector. While plant breeders the private and public sectors share the same goal of developing improved cultivars, there are important differences that must be considered when developing appropriate IPR for cultivars developed in the public sector. Plant breeding at public universities and foundations often focuses on marginal, specialty, or longer-term crop species with high social returns on investment but with less emphasis on monetary gains. Following product development and proof of concept by public sector organizations, commercialization is accomplished by the private sector with little or no return on investment to the public entity. The public breeding entity often collaborates with the private counterpart to commercialize public cultivars, and considerations must be made to facilitate this technology transfer (Tracy et al., 2016). The costs of operating an effective plant breeding program have escalated as new, more powerful molecular tools have been developed. Concomitantly, funding of public organizations such as land grant universities and government-sponsored research stations has dropped while tax-supported grant programs have become more multi-dimensional and ambitious in scope. The commercial value of improved plant germplasm is, increasingly, regarded as a prospective strategy to garner funds to support research activities in public institutions. The basic strategy for public sector research organizations is to obtain patent or PVP protection for improved germplasm and to develop licensing relationships with outside organizations based on the anticipated commercial value of the genotype. As an incentive to public breeders and other researchers, a portion of derived royalties is returned to support programs. Depending on the context in which agreements are struck, the terms can become very equivocal and complicated. The IPR and licensing strategies of two large public organizations involved in plant breeding are contrasted to illustrate some of these issues and complications: The University of Florida (UF)/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) and the University of Wisconsin (UW). At UF, new cultivars are most commonly protected by either PVP or Plant Patent and released directly to a separate entity, the Florida Foundation Seed Producers (FFSP). FFSP then applies for intellectual property protection, develops licenses and distributes royalties. In contrast to the UF Office of Technology Licensing (OTL), royalty distribution through UF FFSP is weighted toward the inventor’s program when total royalty amounts are lower and divides them more equitably across units and the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station when royalties increase. In the FFSP system, 70% of the royalties will return to the inventor’s program. The vast majority of UF-IFAS cultivars earn less than $50,000 in annual royalties. Despite the trend that plant breeding activities are migrating from the public to the private sectors, the number of germplasm and cultivar releases by IFAS has grown from under 15 prior to 1930 to nearly 260 between 2000 and 2010 (Fig. 12.1). Since 2000, these modest royalties have allowed a broad spectrum of UF plant breeding programs to grow and thrive (Tracy et al., 2016). I. ELEMENTS AND UNDERPINNINGS OF PLANT BREEDING
12. Protection of Proprietary Plant Germplasm
FIG. 12.1 The numbers of plant population releases (germplasm and cultivars) by the Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences from before 1930 to 2016, depicted by decade. Adapted from Tracy, W.F., Dawson, J.C., Moore, V.M., Fisch, J., 2016. Intellectual Property Rights and Public Plant Breeding. College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 70 pp., archived at: http://sbc.ucdavis.edu/files/271437.pdf.
At UW cultivars have historically been released through the Wisconsin Crop Improvement Association (WCIA) that maintains seed inspection and quality programs. All new cultivars created by UW faculty are handled by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) with a standard distribution system for royalties to WARF and UW units (administration and academic units). Because this standard distribution system returns no revenue to the program that created the invention, plant breeders developed an alternative with WARF and WCIA. When WARF helps faculty members start small companies to commercialize a new cultivar or plant genotype concept, the main asset of that start-up is the intellectual property developed by the faculty member. WARF allows these businesses to keep some of the revenue and distributes the remainder as royalties under their standard distribution system (Tracy et al., 2016). The halcyon times during the early- and mid-20th century, when public land grant universities and tax-funded institutions developed and dispersed genetically-improved plant germplasm to the private sector without any attribution or financial quid pro quo, are over. It is expected that efforts to develop, capture ownership of, and capitalize on plant-based inventions by public organizations will further intensify as technologies advance and public resources for research and education are static or declining.
SUMMARY The plant breeder has two general strategies by which formal protection may be obtained for novel germplasm or cultivars: PVP Certificate or Patent. The patent category may be divided further into plant patents (PP) and utility patents (UP). Trade secrets, trademarks, and copyrights are also an option. What factors must be considered in deciding which mode of protection will be most suited to any given situation? In PVP and PP, the varietal population genotype and imparted phenotypic attributes are protected, whereas in UP the uses of the variety or varieties are accorded protection. Most experts conclude that UP is effective, therefore, for protecting both the genotype and its uses. PVP, PP, and UP provide for 20 years of protection, but PP extends the duration to 25 years for long-lived perennials (Table 12.1).
ENFORCEMENT OF PVP AND PATENTS When a plant breeder moves from one organization to another, the whereabouts of proprietary germplasm is often a concern. A new cultivar appears shortly after the plant breeder leaves Company X to join up with Company Y, and
TABLE 12.1 Comparison of the Alternatives with Respect to the Key Criteria that Distinguish them Criterion
Asexual reproduction?
Sexual reproduction?
Research/breeding exemption?
No (since 1998)
Training of assigned examiner
Plant scientist
Number of varieties/decision
As many as possible
Company X is suspicious that proprietary germplasm has been pirated. Alternatively, a mysterious prowler is seen running from a breeding nursery in the dead of night and a new cultivar suddenly appears that bears an uncanny resemblance to one that was being tested in the nursery. The reader may suspect indulgence in feigned drama, but might be surprised to learn that such scenarios have occurred. Molecular markers and DNA sequences have proven to be the best and most unequivocal tools to protect and enforce intellectual property rights for biological inventions. Early uses of protein and DNA markers were in genetic identity cases (see discussion of Pioneer v. Holden above). DNA markers are currently ubiquitous in human parental identity litigations and exploration of genealogical (e.g., paternity) origins. This application relies heavily on adaptations of population genetic principles (Kjeldgaard and Marsh, 1994). An individual DNA polymorphism is manifested by two or more alleles, the frequencies p, q, etc. of which can be measured. By making specific assumptions regarding the population from which two individuals were extracted, the degree of genetic identity may be estimated based on the incidences of like and unlike alleles. Thus, the likelihood that two individuals are related is greater if they share uncommon alleles. No assumptions have generally been invoked for linkage or linkage disequilibrium, each polymorphism treated independently, but this is changing with the availability of powerful new DNA sequencing methods and mapping software (Fister et al., 2017). For independently segregating markers, joint probability estimates increase concomitantly with the number of polymorphisms used in the comparison. DNA marker technology has been used to deduce germplasm piracy in the world of commercial plant breeding (e.g., Pioneer v Holden; Blakeney, 2009). It is much more difficult to prove statistically that two individuals are identical than it is to prove they are different. The author has served in litigations in examples of both scenarios. In the first case, germplasm theft was suspected. A system of molecular markers was developed and applied against a panel of populations, unknown to the researchers who were charged with measuring the degree of genetic similarities/differences. The results were so compelling that the accused party quickly settled out of court. The fundamental parameter is estimated probability, in this case of being identical. For plants and animals, the courts seem to be convinced if the order is of the magnitude of 106. For humans, where the stakes are understandably higher, the acceptable order is more like 107 or even 108 (Blakeney, 2009). In the second case, tests were conducted to determine whether two populations were different. While molecular marker analyses showed the populations to be substantially similar, they differed with regard to several alleles, and the probability of being identical was well below 106, so the jury quickly decided that they were indeed different. The costs and efforts associated with the first case (demonstrating sameness) were at least 10-fold greater than in the second (demonstrating differences). To avoid the complications and expense of using the naturally-occurring genome to prove or disprove the genetic identity of an organism or population, the strategy of implanting unique DNA oligonucleotide sequences via Agrobacterium tumefaciens or biolistics mediated transformation has been proposed and demonstrated (Palazzoli et al., 2010; Fister et al., 2017). Genome editing technology can potentially also serve this purpose. While the presence of unique DNA in the protected entity by transformation makes it easier to protect, the footprint also mandates a GMO label in many jurisdictions.
Acknowledgment The contents of this chapter were derived substantially from information provided by Professor William A. Meyer, Ph.D., Department of Plant Biology, Rutgers University.
12. Protection of Proprietary Plant Germplasm
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