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Beam Interactions with Materials 8 Atoms
Nuclear Instruments
and Methods
in Physics
B 136-138
(1998) 846-850
Provenance study of rubies from a Parthian statuette by PIXE analysis
Abstract The aim of this work was the characterization of three red inlays of a Pdrthian statuette (3rd century B.C.) originating from Babylon, Mesopotamia. The external beam setup of AGLAE was used in order to determine the chemical composition of the inlays. PIXE analysis confirmed the expected nature of the cabochons: ruby, and not colored glass as previously reported. According to these results. this archaeological object contains one of the oldest rubies left today. Moreover, quantitative analysis of trace elements allowed us to infer the geographic origin of these gems. PIXE analyses of a batch of 57 rubies from nine well-known sources were carried out in order to establish a geochemical database. The use of multivariate statistical methods enables us to restrict the possible provenance to either Ceylon (Sri Lanka) or more likely Burma (Myanmar). 0 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
1. Introduction Ion beam analysis (IBA) techniques are particularly suitable for the chemical analysis of gemstones because of their non-destructive character, their high sensitivity and the use of an external beam. For several years, our laboratory has successfully applied these techniques to antique jewelry [1,2]. The present study concerns a Parthian statuette (3rd century B.C.) originating from Babylon, Mesopotamia which is now located at the Louvre museum. This remarkable object, made of alabaster, represents the pagan goddess Ishtar, equivalent to Aphrodite in Greek mythology (Fig. 1). Her eyes and navel are formed by three encrusted clear red stones which some curators be*Corresponding
0168.583X/98/$19.00 0 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved PIISO168-583X(97)00894-X
lieve to be rubies although they have been considered to be red glass [3] by others. The external beam of the AGLAE IBA facility [4] at the Laboratoire de recherche des mu&es de France has been used to characterize these inlays, because the size of the statuette (25 cm) and its fragility (the gemstones and headdress are stuck in place) excluded any analysis under vacuum. In-air PIXE/PIGE investigation established that these inlays were natural rubies. The origin of the rubies of this antique statuette was quite problematic since there are no known sources of rubies in Mesopotamia or surrounding countries [5]. By comparing the chemical composition of these rubies to those of a collection of rubies coming from well established sources, we have been able to give the probable geographical origin for these gemstones.
T. Culliguro
et cd. I Nd.
und Mdz.
in Phys. Rex B 136-138
(I YWI 846--X50
cancelled by the octahedral crystal field and transitions can occur between the fundamental level, A?, and the excited levels 4Ti, 4T7 and ‘E. This gives two optical absorption bands centered at 2.2 and 3.0 eV and a fluorescence line at 1.79 eV, and therefore the red color. The PIXE technique is well suited for the characterization of this material (Al,03) containing less than 1% of metallic impurities, since it has an excellent sensitivity for the chromophoric transition elements (Ti, V, Cr, Fe, etc). Simultaneously, the light elements such as Be, B and F which might be present, can be detected with PIGE. Moreover, the small diameter of the proton beam on target (co.5 mm) means that large inclusions in the gem can be included or excluded during the measurement. PIXE studies have been conducted for several years using macro-beams [8,9] and micro-beams [I 0,111 to study trace elements in red rubies in order to determine their geological or synthetic nature, and their provenance. The ability to detect artificial treatments aimed at coloring rubies or at hiding cracks (defects) have also been proposed
Fig. I. Picture
of the Parthian
2. Rubies and ion beam analysis
Gemstone ruby, like sapphire, is alumina (gAl,Oj) colored by the presence of impurities: chromium causes the red of ruby while iron and titanium are responsible for the blue color of sapphire [6]. The red color for the ruby is due to the presence of Cr3+ ions replacing aluminum in the A&O3 structure [7]. Indeed the degeneracy of the 3d orbitals (Cr3+ electronic configuration is [Ar]3d”) is
The external beam facility of AGLAE [13] was operated with 3 MeV proton beam. Collimated with a O.l-mm hole within the vacuum, the beam passes through a lo-urn thick Al exit foil and a 10 mm helium atmosphere path, leading to 0.5 mm diameter on the target. The beam intensity was monitored by detecting the protons backscattered from the exit foil. Each spectrum was obtained with a dose of 0.46 uC and a current between 0.5 and 1 nA. Using two Si(Li) and an HPGe detectors, a wide range of elements can be detected simultaneously. The Si( Li) detector devoted to low energy X-rays detection has an ultrathin window (Kevex SuperQuantum). This and the use of helium to replace the air on the X-ray path from the target to the detector allowed quantitative analysis major and minor elements (8 < Z < 30). and therefore permitted the gem identification. Trace elements (Z > 20) were measured with the second Si(Li) detector which had a larger solid angle and a 50-urn Al filter to absorb the low energy X-rays of the matrix.
T. Cal&m)
et ul. 1 Nucl. Instr. und Merh. in Plys.
mina content and hence the gemstones were clearly identified as rubies. Table 1 summarizes the results obtained on the three spots analyzed in each eye and the navel. The composition of the three rubies have a good similarity: they were probably extracted from the same location. The analysis of Ca and S was difficult because the beam halo possibly reached the statuette body made of alabaster (CaS04) when the small gems were analyzed. The surprisingly high amount of Cu, Zn and Pb obtained in some analyses could be due to inclusions or residues left by polishing tools, often made of Cu-based alloys. In order to determine the geographical origin of the rubies in the Statuette, a comparative study of the elemental composition with rubies of known provenance has been performed. The different sources and the number of gems from each location were the following: Afghanistan (4, Jagdalek), Myanmar ex Burma (11, Mogok), Cambodia (1, Pailin), India (3, Ja’ipur; 3, Mysore), Kenya (1, Tsavo), Madagascar (l), Sri Lanka, ex Ceylon (31, Ratnapura), Thailand, ex Siam (1, Chantaburi), Vietnam (1, Luc Yen). Although deposits in Cambodia, Kenya, Madagascar and Vietnam have been exploited only recently, samples from these deposits were included for the sake of comparison and
3. Results and discussion
The X-ray spectra obtained on the statuette’s gemstones are shown in Fig. 2. The spectrum from the detector for the light elements exhibits a dominant Al line and a few weak lines due to metallic elements (Ti, V, Cr, Fe). The spectrum recorded by the detector for the trace elements displays lines due to metallic elements mentioned above with better statistics and, in addition, lines due to Ga, Cu and at some spots Zn and Pb. Spectra processing by the GUPIX software [14] yielded a 99% alu-
Fig. 2. X-ray spectra of the left eye of the statuette the simultaneous use of two Si(Li) detectors. Table I PIXE results of the analyses
Rex B 136-13X (1998) N46tLSO
of the rubies from eyes and navel Fe
75 245 75 270 105 285
1150 1160 1360
140 245 160
< < II
< < <
I38 < 144 < 147 <
85 267
143 <
135 95 1015 155 85 II75 160 190 1370
180 660 300
641 409 25
212 1710 <
23 9 I7 7 37 <
26 <
1180 1330 1490
< 166 400
53 42 80
85 53 121
166 82 211 30 I84 43
67 320 1333
160 260 810
< < 135
< < <
150 330 500
99.0 97.8 99.0
< < <
210 400 510
< I70 110
< < 175
Navel #I Navel #2 Navel #3
1850 1120 1570
98.2 98.6 97.7
750 640 1280
2610 1550 3320
555 380 840
510 415 710
2010 1260 2840
60 280 60 325 80 355
Left eye #I Left eye #2 Left eye #3
2990 2480 2290
99.2 99.2 99.0
< < <
Right eye #I Right eye #2 Right eye #3
3460 9080 2210
LOD Concentrations under LOD.
in ppm except AI?@ in weight%.
740 620 1250 870
LOD are the limits of detection
123 1187
given by the GUPIX
The sign < means
T. Cdliguro
et ul. I Nucl. Instr. und Meth. in Ph~s. Rrs. B 136-13X (19%)
for testing the criteria of chemical composition used to determine the rubies’ provenance. Except for raw samples from India and Afghanistan, all stones were cut. Two or three analyses were performed on each ruby, depending on its homogeneous or heterogeneous appearance, yielding a total of 130 analysis for the amount of Ti, V, Cr, Fe, Cu, Ga and Pb. The results summarized in Table 2 indicate markedly different amounts of Ti, V, Cr and Fe in the rubies coming from different locations, with a good agreement in the amounts for rubies from the same location. Rubies from Kenya and Madagascar exhibit strikingly different composition from those of Asian origin. In the latter, iron seems to play a dominant role, in agreement with previous studies [9, lo]. Box and whisker diagram (Fig. 3) show that Thai and Cambodian rubies have a very high concentration of this element (several thousands of ppm) in contrast to Vietnamese and Burmese rubies (less than 100 ppm). The other sources have intermediate concentrations of Fe. Concentration values for Ti, V and Cr from different sources partially overlap. Plots Fe vs. Cr (Fig. 4) and Cr vs. V show more clearly the differences between the rubies investigated. The data obtained for the gemstones of the statuette lay in a zone between values corresponding to those of Ceylon and those of Burma. A concentration of some 50 ppm for Ga, a chemical homologue of Al, has been found in all rubies, but its correlation with the rubies’ provenance is not significant [15]. As mentioned by other authors, tracTable 2 Elemental
Afghanistan Burma Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Sri Lanka Madagascar India Kenya Statuette Standard
of different
Fig. 3. Box and Whisker ditrerent sources.
plot of the Fe content
Fig. 4. Plot of Fe vs. Cr for different
es of Cu and Pb were their amounts did not source. The occasional was due to inclusions
of rubies from
found in some rubies, but seem to be linked to their occurrence of Zr and Hf of zirconia. Gamma ray
in ppm
203 (113) 164 (280) 131 (31) 61(11) 114 (21) 187 (108) 458 (45) 291 (240) 37 (6) 89 (43)
63 (40) 199 (139) 13 (7) 15 (8) 23 (8) 53 (27) 28 (17) 102 (76)
3900 ( 1854) 2418 (1693) 3585 (814) 3424 (148) 3302 (276) 611 (327) 4777 (358) 2590 (991) 2661 (280) 1313 (137)
710 (376) 73 (37) 3168 (619) 2590 (241) 89 (4) 713 (339) 4757 (82) 2279 (430) 4 (13) 155 (164)
5 (7) 19 (68) < < < i < < < 137 (222)
43 (9) 67 (33) 37 (II) 31 (2) 58 (3) 57(18) 58 (4) 134 (64) 240 (29) 116(70)
8 (4) 7 (12) i < i \ i i i 19 (26)
I (2) 236 (93)
is given in parentheses.
T. Culliguuro et ui. I Nucl. Instr. and Meth.
spectra did not show evidence of either F or B, which excluded any treatment for crack filling. This was an expected result for an antique gem. Since it is difficult to identify the geographical origin of a gemstone by the amount of only one impurity, multivariate statistical methods have been applied to the whole set of measurements. Hierarchical clustering, principal component analysis and discriminant analysis led to concordant results, namely: the rubies of the statuette have a composition very close to those of Burma and to a lesser extent to those of Sri Lanka.
4. Conclusion The analysis of ancient rubies stored in museums is a promising archaeological research field, because the history of the use of rubies is hardly known, and their introduction into Europe and the Near-east is relatively recent (Greek-Roman era). The present PIXE study of antique gemstones from a Parthian statuette indicates that (1) they are some of the oldest rubies left today, and (2) they probably came from Burma or Sri Lanka. These results are in agreement with Sanskrit texts written in IV-Xth century B.C. [ 16.171stating that rubies were extracted from deposits in India and Sri Lanka. New improvements of the external beam line of AGLAE [18] will allow more extensive investigations which might help to discriminate between the two possible sources of these rubies. Indeed. an external beam focused down to a 30-urn size will be well suited to the characterization of inclusions within these rubies, which have not been analyzed yet.
We wish to thank Mrs. D. Piat, A. Jarry, and G. Gropiron for providing the reference rubies.
in Phys. Rex
B 136-138
(1998) 846-850
Thanks are also due to J. Solomon and B. Moignard for running the accelerator, designing and building the accurate sample positioning system, and to H. Hamon for the development of the spectrum acquisition system. We are grateful to Mrs. A. Caubet and Dr. J.-C. Dran for his constant help and support.
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