Vol. 48, No. 1, July 1987
FERTILITY AND STERILITY Copyright " 1987 The American Fertility Society
Printed in U.S.A.
Pul sati l e i ntravenous gonadotropi n - re l eas i n g hormone for ovu lati o n - i n d ucti on in i n fe rti l e women. I I . Analys i s of fo l l icular and l uteal phase responses*
Robert P. S. Jansen, F.R.A.C.P., F.R.A.C.O.G.t* David J. Handelsman, Ph.D., F.R.A.C.P.§ Lyn M. Boylan, R.N.§ Ann Conway, F.R.A.C.P.§
Rodney P. Shearman, F.R.A.C.O.G.* Ian S. Fraser, F.R.A.C.O.G.* John C. Anderson, F.R.A.C.O.G.* II
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, Sydney, Australia
Pulsatile intravenous gonadotropin releasing hormone (IV-GnRH) was used in 36 in fertile patients with primary amenorrhea (n = 5), secondary amenorrhea due to hypotha lamic chronic anovulation (HCA) (n = 22), hyperprolactinemia (n = 1) or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (n = 5), and oligomenorrhea (n = 3), using several dosage and timing regimens. Early follicular phase responses showed four patterns: type 1 consisted of a delayed follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) peak and was seen with severe hypothalamic suppression (n = 4); type 2 consisted of a brisk and dominant FSH peak on the first day of treatment, and occurred with mild to moderate hypothalamic suppression (n = 19); type 3, which consisted of an FSH peak accompanied by an immediate and exaggerated luteiniz ing hormone (LH) rise, occurred with mild PCOS and some cases of HCA (n = 5); and type 4, in which LH levels were high to begin with and neither FSH nor LH levels rose with GnRH, occurred with severe PCOS (n = 2). Exaggerated estradiol responses within 24 hours of therapy were seen in eight cycles: in four cases no ovarian abnormality was apparent; in three cases a dominant follicle was already present; and in one case ovarian hyperstimulation was diagnosed ultrasonographically. With standard human chorionic gonadotropin luteal phase support, luteal phase defects were rare with HCA but common with PCOS. Fertil Steril 48:39, 1987
When patients with hypothalamic hypogonad ism are selected for treatment, follicular develop ment, ovulation, and a high expectation of preg nancy can accompany intravenous (IV) ad ministration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), regardless of the degree of hypothalamic
Received May 6, 1986; revised and accepted March 30, 1987. * Presented in part at the Seventh International Congress of Endocrinology, Abstract 897, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 1 to 7, 1984. t Reprint requests : Robert P . S. Jansen, F . R . A. C . P . , F.R.A.C .O.G., The Fertility Laboratory, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, Sydney 2050; Australia. :j: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. § Department of Endocrinology. II Department of Diagnostic Ultrasound. Vol. 48, No. 1, July 1987
suppression (see accompanying article 1 for refer ences) . Pulsatile GnRH treatment thus offers a useful alternative to pituitary gonadotropin ther apy in patients with hypothalamic chronic anovu lation (HCA) resistant to clomiphene citrate (CC) . The role of pulsatile GnRH in other causes of anovulation, particularly the polycystic ovary syn drome (PCOS) , is less clear, because response to GnRH is unpredictable. 1 - 1 ° For example, in the pre ceding article, 1 we found an ovulation rate with IV GnRH of 97.5% for HCA compared with 50.0% for PCOS, and similar discrepancies recently have been reported for subcutaneous (SC) GnRH ther apy by Saffan and Seibel. 10 Thirty-six anovulatory infertile patients unre sponsive to CC were treated with pulsatile IV GnRH and their follicular and luteal phase reJansen et al.
Pulsatile GnRH ovulation-induction
sponses were analyzed. Nineteen patients with sec ondary amenorrhea due to HCA or PCOS were studied in detail to determine the basis for the fail ure of response that may be seen in patients with PCOS.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Doses and Regimens
GnRH (Gonadorelin, Relefact) was bought from Ayerst Laboratories Pty. Ltd. (Sydney, Australia) and Hoechst Australia Ltd. (Sydney, Australia) and was administered as previously described. 1 A pulse interval of 90 minutes was generally used, except that ten patients with secondary amenorrhea were randomized to receive GnRH at either 60- or 120-minute intervals for the first week of therapy of their first treatment cycle. In these patients, and in nine patients with 90-minute regi mens, measurements of serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were made every 10 minutes from 20 minutes be fore until 20 minutes after a GnRH pulse, from the first to the fourth day of treatment. Other patients had daily measurements of serum FSH and LH, as well as estradiol (E 2 ) and progesterone (P), from initiation of therapy. Therapeutic protocols were approved by the Ethics Review Committee of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, possible hazards of therapy were ex plained to all patients, and informed consent was obtained. Hormone Assays
Serum hormones were measured by the following standard radioimmunoassays: F S H ( B i o - RIA, Montreal, Canada), expressed in miU/ml, Medical Research Council (MRC) reference preparation 69/104; within-assay variability (WAV) < 5 % ; be tween-assay variability (BAV) = 4.3% at 8.2 miU/ ml; LH (Bioclone, Sydney, Australia) , MRC 68/40; WAV < 5 % ; BAV < 6.7%; P (Farmos, Turku, Fin land) , WAV < 5 % ; BAV < 7.7%; E 2 (Diagnostic Products, Los Angeles, CA) , WAV < 5 % ; BAV < 6.8% ; testosterone (T) (Mallinkrodt, Sydney, Australia) WAV < 5 % ; BAV < 8%; normal 0. 7 to 3.3 nmol/1 or 0.2 to 0.95 ng/ml. The detection limit of FSH and LH was 1.0 miU /ml. Serum unbound T (free-T; normal < 60 pmol/1 or 1 7 pg/ml) was as sayed after ultrafiltration. 40
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Hypothalamic Hypogonadism
Hypothalamic hypogonadism (HH), with sexual infantilism prior to endocrine therapy, was diag nosed in four patients. Two of three patients with isolated gonadotropin deficiency were anosmic (Kallmann's syndrome ) . One patient was obese, but showed no other endocrine deficiency. The fourth patient, with short stature and delayed pu berty, had had a diagnosis of primary hypothyroid ism made in childhood. Hypothalamic Chronic Anovulation
Hypothalamic chronic anovulation (HCA) was diagnosed in 22 patients on the basis of low serum FSH and LH levels, serum T levels < 2 nmol/1 (0.58 ng/ml) and normal serum prolactin (PRL) concen trations. Three patients gave a history of previous hospital admission for anorexia nervosa, had par tially regained normal body weight, and were con sidered suitable for ovulation induction after psy chiatric assessment. Seven other patients were below optimal weight for height according to a Quetelet index (QI = weight [kg] /height2 [m2 ] 11) < 20; six displayed evidence of eating disorder and one was a marathon runner. Eleven patients were of normal weight for height (QI < 25) and one was above optimal weight. None had used oral contra ceptives for at least 12 months before treatment. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or PCO-like syndrome was diagnosed in five patients, all with secondary amenorrhea of more than 12 months' duration, on the basis of clinical evidence of hyper androgenism (acquired hirsutism and/or acne) ac companied by objective evidence of bilateral ovar ian enlargement; these patients all had a random serum T level > 2 nmol/1. All except one were of normal weight for height. Hyperprolactinemia
Hyperprolactinemia (serum PRL range, 60 to 90 ng/ml) and a high serum T level (5.5 nmol/1) coex isted in one patient. Although ovulatory cycles and a laparoscopically documented corpus luteum ap parently had occurred with bromocriptine therapy up to 60 mg/day, serum PRL had not fallen below 60 ng/ml. Transphenoidal pituitary fossa explora tion for a suspected microadenoma had been negaFertility and Sterility
tive. Serum-free T was considerably elevated at 122 pmol/1 (normal, 0 to 60) . GnRH therapy was cho sen because of lack of results with bromocriptine therapy, which was discontinued during two cycles of GnRH therapy.
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RESULTS Follicular Phase Analysis: Gonadotropin Levels
Nineteen patients had measurements of serum FSH and serum LH every 10 minutes for 20 min utes before treatment (day 0) and for 40 minutes during administration of a GnRH pulse on days 1 to 4 of treatment. Four patterns of response were recognized (Fig. 1) and daily blood samples on re maining patients in their first treatment cycle al lowed classification of all responding patients into one of these response types. A type 1 response (Fig. 1A) was seen in patients with substantial hypothalamic suppression, in cluding those with primary amenorrhea and HH; several days elapsed before serum FSH response was maximal. This response was seen in 2 of 4 patients with HH and 2 of 22 patients with HCA, but was not seen with PCOS or luteal phase defi ciency (LPD). All patients with this response ovu lated consistently. Mean follicular phase length was 16.0 ± 1 . 1 days (±SEM). A type 2 response (Fig. 1B) was brisker, with peak FSH levels reached after only 24 hours GnRH therapy. LH response was greater or less than FSH response, but the LH/FSH ratio remained below 2. This response was seen in 2 of 4 patients with HH, 16 of 22 patients with HCA, 1 patient with PCOS, and in the patient with hyperprolactinemia. Each patient with this response ovulated consistently with therapy. Mean follicular phase length was 12.8 ± 0.4 days, significantly shorter than with type 1 responses (P = 0.01, t-test) . A type 3 response (Fig. 1 C ) , in which there was evidence of LH fluctuation unaccompanied by FSH changes before therapy but in which baseline FSH and LH levels were otherwise normal, showed an immediately exaggerated LH rise in response to therapy. De spite this elevation, gonadotropin levels, especially LH, rose further in response to exogenous GnRH pulses. This response was seen in two patients with PCOS and. three patients with HCA, all of whom ovulated. Mean follicular phase length was 12.5 ± 0.61 days, not significantly dif ferent from the type 2 response. A type 4 response (Fig. 1D) was characterized by Vol. 48, No. 1, July 1987
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intervals in relation to IV -GnRH pulses in amenorrheic patients resistant to CC. (A) HCA without detectable baseline gonado tropin activity; serum FSH response maximal after 72 hours of GnRH therapy. (B) HCA with detectable baseline gonadotropin activity; serum FSH response maximal after 24 hours of GnRH therapy. (C) Mild PCOS with ovulatory cycles on therapy, showing normal baseline FSH /LH ratio but with evidence of endogenous LH pulses and an immediately exaggerated LH re sponse to GnRH. (D) severe PCOS with elevated baseline LH/ FSH ratio and evidence on day 1 of endogenous LH pulse unre lated to exogenous GnRH.
endogenous LH overactivity and a substantial tonic rise in LH levels, but there was no acute im pact of exogenous GnRH pulses on LH or FSH levels. This response was seen in two of five PCOS Jansen et al.
Pulsatile GnRH ovulation-induction
patients, neither of whom ovulated in response to GnRH. Two gonadotropin patterns were seen in unre sponsive patients. A patient with primary amenor rhea, short stature, obesity, and a small pituitary fossa on roentgenography (features suggestive of the Lawrence-Moon-Biedl syndrome, but without retinitis pigmentosa) , showed no response to ther apy, despite measurable baseline levels of FSH and LH (doses up to 100 �g/pulse at 120-minute inter vals were used) . A patient aged 40 years with a LPD developed postmenopausal elevations of FSH and LH within 3 days of commencement of therapy: gonadotropin levels were still high 6 months later. Neither the duration, the magnitude of the initial FSH rise, nor the length of the follicular phase seemed to depend on the dose or pulse frequency of IV -GnRH. Initial E 2 levels also were unrelated to subsequent FSH response. Follicular Phase Analysis: Exaggerated Estradiol Responses
In eight cycles, a rapid rise of E 2 occurred within 24 hours of initiation of therapy. An exaggerated E 2 response was defined as levels increasing more than 2-fold every 24 hours, over at least 2 days, and was classified into three circumstances. A type A exaggerated E 2 response was unaccom panied by sonographic indications of abnormal ovarian reaction, and GnRH therapy was contin ued as E 2 levels declined spontaneously, to be fol lowed later by ovulation, in most cases, of a single follicle. This response was seen in four patients: one patient with HCA and a type 2 gonadotropic pattern and three patients with PCOS and a type 3 (n = 2) or type 4 gonadotropic pattern; in each case, sonography showed no abnormal ovarian enlarge ment, GnRH was continued, and E 2 levels fell spontaneously before rising again prior to ovula tion. A type B exaggerated E 2 response occurred in association with the early sonographic appearance of a single dominant follicle and was followed within several days by an LH surge and ovulation. This response was seen in two patients with a type 2 gonadotropic pattern and in one patient with a type 3 pattern. A type C exaggerated E 2 response was considered to be indicative of hyperstimulation, with simulta neous development of multiple follicles and ovar ian enlargement on sonography. One suspected type C response occurred in a patient with PCOS 42
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and a type 4 gonadotropic pattern: further GnRH was withheld. Luteal Phase Analysis
Luteal phase length and midluteal serum P levels correlated better with diagnosis than with early follicular gonadotropin response patterns. Mean luteal length was 16.8 ± 0.8 days for HH, 16.5 ± 0.6 days for HCA (not significant), and 14.4 ± 1 .8 days for PCOS (P < 0.05, t-test) . Midluteal serum P levels were below 2 standard deviations below the population mean in 2 of 10 ovulatory cycles in PCOS (mean P 43.3 nmol/1) , compared with 0 of 67 ovulatory cycles in HCA (mean P 66.2 nmol/1, P < 0.02, t-test). Mean midluteal P levels and luteal lengths accompanying type 1, type 2, and type 3 responses, on the other hand, were not significantly different. DISCUSSION
Low endogenous GnRH is assumed to underlie the amenorrhea of HH 1 2 and HCA, 13- 1 5 including exercise and weight-loss amenorrhea/6• 17 and an orexia nervosa. 18 •19 When patients with amenor rhea due to absent or reduced endogenous GnRH activity are selected for treatment, high ovulation rates result from almost all IV -GnRH and most SC-GnRH regimens. 1 •3 • 20 In PCOS, however, evidence indicates that en dogenous GnRH production is probably increased in frequency and amount as a manifestation of heightened positive estrogen feedback. 2 1 - 2 4 The grounds for expecting a response to further GnRH administered exogenously would be the hope that short-cycle periodic or tonically elevated endoge nous GnRH would be suppressed or overridden by slower exogenous pulses. 6 The empirical basis for this hope is limited. In various series, ovulation rates have been well below 90% whenever the diag nosis of PCOS has been implied by the presence of endogenous LH pulses,17 a high baseline LH/FSH ratio,5-8• 10•19 or the existence of multiple small cysts < 4 mm diameter in association with stromal thickening on ultrasound scanning of the ovaries. 3 Bringer et al.,8 for example, found that, with IV GnRH, ovulation occurred in 85% HCA cycles, in 50% PCOS cycles, and in 4 1 % cycles in an inter mediate group characterized by high baseline LH/ FSH ratios-results similar to ours. 1 We did not find elevated androgens per se to associate with a poor response to GnRH therapy: one such patient ovulated normally twice and conFertility and Sterility
ceived despite an elevated free-T level more than twice normal. Conversely, those patients with ele vated baseline serum LH activity over-responded to exogenous GnRH therapy, producing large ele vations of serum LH in comparison with FSH (Fig. 1 ) . When baseline LH levels were moderately ele vated, response to GnRH occurred and cycles were generally ovulatory, though with variable luteal phases (see subsequent discussion) . When baseline LH levels were considerably elevated, the exagger ated tonic response to GnRH was unaccompanied by an immediate LH response to treatment pulses, and not one of these cycles was ovulatory. Al though we conclude that hypothalamic factors rather than direct ovarian effects of androgens un derlie the refractoriness of PCOS to GnRH ther apy, these observations have not been tested pro spectively and should be regarded as tentative pre dictions of response in PCOS. The length of the follicular phase with treatment seems to depend less on the dose or pulse frequency of IV -GnRH than it does on the degree of gonado tropic suppression at the start of therapy. 20 After averaging follicular phase lengths for each patient, the median time from initiation of treatment to ovulation was 12.5 days for secondary hypotha lamic anovulation, but 19.5 days for primary amen orrhea (P < 0.025 ) . Neither the pulse frequency nor the pulse dose appeared to influence the time course of early FSH response or follicular phase length. Peak serum FSH levels (reached before ovarian response produced negative feedback on FSH levels) were most often found a day after starting therapy, but when initial gonadotropin levels were especially low and E 2 responses were delayed, peak FSH levels occurred on the third or fourth day. Initial E 2 levels were unrelated to subsequent FSH response, in contrast to other reports. 25 In six cycles, acute rises of serum E 2 to four to ten times basal levels within 24 hours of therapy did not stop satisfactory FSH responses and subsequent follicu lar development and ovulation. No ultrasound evi dence of rapid follicular growth or hyperstimula tion accompanied these E 2 rises. GnRH therapy was stopped once ovulation had been confirmed. Luteal function was stimulated with hCG. Other studies have shown that pulsatile GnRH can be continued through the cycle and lu teal function maintained,6•26 but this offers no clin ical advantage and is less convenient for patients. Mean luteal phase length was the same for primary amenorrhea with HH ( 16.5 days) and secondary Vol. 48, No. 1, July 1987
amenorrhea with HCA ( 1 6.5 days) , but shorter ( 14.4 days) for PCOS (P < 0.05). Although single midluteal P determinations give only a rough indi cation of luteal phase adequacy, mean midluteal P concentrations were significantly lower among ovulatory cycles in PCOS (43.3 nmol/1) than in HCA (66.2 nmol/1) (P < 0.02 ) . Although hyperstimulation syndrome has been reported after GnRH therapy, 2 7 our study shows that not all acute elevations of serum E 2 with ther apy are attributable to it. We found that an imme diate and rapid E 2 rise: ( 1 ) could also reflect stimu lation and growth of a pre-existing single dominant follicle, or (2) could be transient. The diagnosis of hyperstimulation, which implies a need to suspend GnRH treatment, should therefore be made only if there is ultrasound confirmation of ovarian en largement due to multiple follicular development. We conclude that IV -GnRH is safe and predict ably effective for ovulation induction in women presumed to have GnRH deficiency, whereas the role of GnRH in PCOS is doubtful, probably be cause exogenous GnRH must compete with inap propriate endogenous GnRH in this disorder. REFERENCES 1 . Jansen RPS, Handelsman DJ, Boylan LM, Conway A, Shearman RP, Fraser IS: Pulsatile intravenous gonadotro pin-releasing hormone for ovulation-induction in infertile women. I. Safety and effectiveness with outpatient therapy. Fertil Steril 48:33, 1987 2. Coelingh Bennink HJT, Weber HW, Alsbach HPJ, Thijssen JHH: Induction of ovulation by pulsatile intravenous ad ministration of GnRH in polycystic ovarian disease (Abstr). Fertil Steril 41:34s, 1984 3. Mason P, Adams J, Morris DV, Tucker M, Price J, Voul garis Z, van der Spuy ZM, Sutherland I, Chambers GR, White S, Wheeler MJ, Jacobs HS: Induction of ovulation with pulsatile luteinising hormone releasing hormone. Br Med J 288:181, 1984 4. Loucopoulos A, Ferin M, Vande Wiele RL, Dyrenfurth I, Linkie D, Yeh M, Jewelewicz R: Pulsatile administration of gonadotropin-releasing hormone for induction of ovulation. Am J Obstet Gynecol 148:895, 1984 5. Hurley DM, Brian R, Outch K, Stockdale J, Fry A, Hack man C, Clarke I, Burger HG: Induction of ovulation and fertility in amenorrheic women by pulsatile low-dose gonad otropin-releasing hormone. N Engl J Med 310: 1069, 1984 6. Burger CW, van Kessel H, Schoemaker J: Induction of ovulation by prolonged pulsatile administration of luteiniz ing hormone releasing hormone (LRH) in patients with clo miphene-resistant polycystic ovary-like disease. Acta En docrinol (Copenh) 104:357, 1983 7. Molloy BG, Hancock KW, Glass MR: Ovulation induction in clomiphene nonresponsive patients: the place of pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormone in clinical practice. Fertil Steril 43:26, 1985 Jansen et al.
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