PATENTS areas of environmental protection, chemistry, metallurg> bioteciumloD,, energy management, elcctr(mics, the fi)od and drink industry and other industries, in attalysis, in the recycling of" valuable substances, t}~r removing unwanted metal ions and h)r purig'ing drinking water, water fi!r industrial use and waste water. The separation of" hea~ v metals, precious metals and radioactixe metals from aqueous solutions is of" particular significance l)aten: numbe77 W( ) m)/20393 lm,entor.,: W. I)emmcr, D. Nussbaumer, A. 1)lessow /'nbMation date." 29 April 1999
Composite membrane with hydrophilic coating ,4pp/"
Korea Research Chemical TechnologT, Korea
Fhis invention lelatcs to a manufacturing method of composite m e m b r a n e having hydrophilic coating layer on hydrophobic support membrane. In particular it covers the manulacturing method (it: an improved compusitc membrane, which has excellent permeation rate and separation performances with easy adjustment o t a coating membrane. It is fabricated in such a manner that when the hydrophobic support nlembranc which has the reacting agent over its surface and in its pores, is immersed in an aqueous solution containing a hydrophilic polymt r, the hydrophilic polymer ix thinly coated over rhc surface of rlIe hydrophobic support menlbrane via reaction betwecn the hydrophilic polymer and reacting agent. [',m'nt ,uw~ber." W( ) 99/2(}378 [nvenu,rs." J.M. b:e, (~.K. ~-om, C U . Kim, B.S. Kiln, K.J. K i n />u/)/ic,:tion :/ate: 2" /\pril 1999
Hollow fibre ultra-dialyser apparatus App/ie, mt." N.A. Ishak An uhra-dialyser f,)r rem,>ving toxins from a patient's blood is described. Thc uhra-dialyser has a housing having an arterial inlet port, a venous outlet port, a dialysate inlet port, and a dialvsate outlet porl. The housing has an arterial housing with the arcriaI inlet port adjacent to an arterial end of the arterial housing and a venous h()using w t h the venous outlet port adjacent t() a v e n o t i , cttd Of t h e v e n o u s housing. A first bundle i#'c(>-axiallv oriented hollow fibre scpanttion membranes ix affixed within the arterial housing at arterial ends of the separation membnmes and also affixed within the venous housing at venous ends of the separation membranes. A second bundle oF co-axially oriented hollow fibre dialysis m e m b r a n c s surrounding hollow fibre separation inembranes, and in fluid communication with the dialysate inlet port and the dialysate outlet port, is affixed with n the venous housing.
MembraneTechnologyNo. 110
Yatent nutllbov W O 99/20377 Inventor: N.A. Ishak Publkadon date: 29 April 1999
Membrane integrity testing Appli,~mt: Cobe Laboratories Inc, USA "Fhe integrity of a microporous membrane within a mass transfer device such as an oxygenator is tested simuhancously by applying a biocompatible surfactant to at least the bloodcontact surface of the membrane. T h e membrane integrity test contacts both sides of the microporous membrane with a conductive fluid u) establish an electrical circuit. An electrical signal is thcn applied to thc circuit all{.] a measurement is taken of the test vohage across an impedance in the circuit. The value of the test vohage is used t(> determine the conductivity and thus the integrity of the membrane. The biocompatible surt'actant is mixed whh the conductive fluid used in the electrical integrity test and has an aft]nits lot the nlicroporous nlelllbrane material so that a durable bio-compatiblc coating is applied to at least a portion of'the microporous mcmbrane. The bio-compatiblc surf'actant additionally reduces tile drying timc of the microporous membrane Following the integrity test, and the surla, ctant may be applied to both sides of the menlbrane to fitrther reduce the drying time. /~ztcnt nutnbc*: US 6900270 Inventors: H.5. Smith, III, "I.1. ( l a r k , [_1.. McBurnev PuMicalion date: 4 May 1999
Filter cartridge ApplicaHt: Corning Costar Corporation, USA A filter cartridge that includes a track-etched membrane sealed therein in a Icak-fiec manner, and a mcthod tor making the cartridge has been dexcloped. The filter cartridgc has a bubble point that is at least S0% of the track-etched membrane's bubble point. In one embodinlcnt, the method includes disposing the track etched menlbrane bdow a heat SOtlrce ;aDd orienting thc membrane so that it melts back on itself', and then allowing the membrane to cool to Form a leak-free seal. £lw~lt nHmbcr: US 5904846 Inventor.,.' ].G. Clements, \V.,q. Macombcr, S. Surprenant I)ub/ication date: 18 May 1999
Purifying hydroxylamine solutions Applicant: Sachem lnc, USA In one embodiment, the present invention provides a method of preparing hydroxylamine fl'om a h y d r o x y l a l n m o n i u m salt solution. Coverage includes an electrochenfical cell containing an anodc, a cathode, a cation selective ntcmbranc and an anion selective m e n ) b r a n t , wherein the cation ~dcctivc
membranc is positi.ned I)etwecn the cathode and the anion selectix,, membtanc, and the anion selective nlemhral e is posilioncd betx~ccn the cation selective mc*nbranc and the anode. This structure detqncs a fccd compartn/ent between thc cation select:x,: mcmbrane and the anion
]llel i[')Fa 11c,
i e c o \ ClV
compartment hctx~c'cn the cathode and the cation selective n';cm'.~rane, ,ind an acid c o n l p a r t m e n t between lhc al/iOI1 sclecrive membrane and the auodc. /talent numDev' [!S 5~){)482 ~, heven>*~v H. Sharifiam ( .I ). Sha~ Publication r/an': bE Ma~ 1')99
Adjusting permeate flow rate in membrane bioreactors App/ieanA" Suez l.vonnaisc de~ Eaux, France This invention c(mccrns * inethod fi>l adinsting the treated x
ill lcspllllhJ
d~.'cle:tse ill t h e
p e r l l l C a t c I]O\V ratc.
Patent number." \CO 99/21 SOFt Im,ento~:,v K. GIucina. l.'i .\lanem. V. Urhain l>u/dieamm date: 6 N1,n 9'>~
Catalytic membrane reactor Aplffh'ant: [~]u'on Rcscarch In~, U S A ['his invenlion lcla[es n, ~ara!v[ic lcaclor membranes ha~ ing a gas-inlpermeablc membtanc fi)r mmsp(,rt ,)I ,)xv,wn anions. "lhe membrane has an . x i d a t i o u surt~l~e and a rednction sur(acc. It i, c<)alcd on its oxidation surfilce with an adhcrc-nt c,ualvst laver and is optionally coated on it:; reduction ',urlilce with a c a t a l y s t [ h a l prt)na()lc!; lethl~.tion (it all ox)/gclt-
containing speck's ~t~)1example ()2 and N ( ) ,1 to generate oxygen alliolt:,(>{l Ihc lllcnlbl-atIu."] tic reactol" h a s a n
oxidation ZOll(J alld a reduction
zone s e p a r a t d by the melnbranc. ,\ conIp()ncnt ¢)f an oxygen-containing gas in the reduction xone is reduced at the memlmme and a reduced species in a reactall[ g~t' iH [hc oxidation >'one of. the reactor is oxidiscd. '!he leacB)r optionally contains a tiltCO dimcnsoual cai,tlysE in tile oxidation zone. Hie adhc cnt catalyst layer and tile three-dimensional c~tal~st arc selected to pronaotc a dedrcd ~x)dation reaction, particularly at pardal oxidalion of" a hydrocarbon. Preferred nlenlhtanc materials oi this inventMn are mixed nwtA oxide~ that are derived from hrownJ dlk'rite and ~an. then~selves, have brownmiIlcrhe suucture. l'aren~ number." XV( ) 9')/216)~ [*]YC,~Z/'b)YS[ ,\t, ~)Ch'vva [ t / , l.I 1. \Xrltitc', f'A. Sammclls l'ub/icadon dr,': 6 \ l : n 1')9 <)