Purpura Hæmorrhagica

Purpura Hæmorrhagica

Purjm1,.a H cenzorrhag-i~a~ The heart weighed 20 lb. , and an important difference was mani feste d : that for weeks the temperature was hi g h , exte...

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Purjm1,.a H cenzorrhag-i~a~ The heart weighed 20 lb. , and an important difference was mani feste d : that for weeks the temperature was hi g h , extending fr om 102° to 106° F. [The norma l wei g ht of a horse's heart is <~Jbout I per cent. of the body-weight. ] ---------



B. WOLSTENHOLME, F.R.C .V S. Manc/,esler.

Ix the ex perien ce of the writer o f the se notes, purpura hc:emorrhagica is ra re ly se-e n as a s.equel to su ppura ti ng wounds in the h or se, alt h oug h I a m inf ormed that such does occu1· in the humaiTl subje ct. A six-yea·t--old Shi!'e ge lding receive d a severe wound by a tt·ead ove r the pyramidal proce ss of the off hind foot. Th e resulting suppu ra tion was con siderable and unh ea lt hy , the pain was severe . Treatment adopted wa s anti septic fomentation s and hot boric woo l poultices. The pro g.re ss a nd co ndition of the wound con tin ue d to be unsatisfactory. At the end of three week s' tim e purp ura dev-eloped . The pulse became ex ceedingly weak and quick. a ccompanied by the characte r istic swe llin g of all four le gs, a lso of t he face, breast, and beneath the abdomen . P urpuri c spot s were present on th e con jun ctiva'! membrane s, a nd larg-e r ed areas appeared beneath th e Schneid·e rian membra nes. th e latter was accompanied by a sanio us discharge from both n ostril s.

First day Stcond ,, Third Fourth "


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Fifth day Sixth " Seven th,.



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As might be inferred . the re was a n exacerbation of the symptom s on the fi fth clay, and the horse b ecam e \'ery feeble. O n the seven th day thet-e were symptom s of a bd o min a l pain . On the eighth and ninth clays the horse was so weak that he had to be rais·ed with blocks and s lin gs , after which he was kept in the slings, loo s·e ly applied. until he left hospital three weeks later in fair health and fai·rly lively. 13