Quantitative infrared spectroscopy studies of lithium-soap lubricating greases

Quantitative infrared spectroscopy studies of lithium-soap lubricating greases

SYSTEMATIC ABSTRACTS OF CURRENT LITERATURE 149 Effect of Alloying on the Cavitation Erosion Reeiatance of Some Copper Allaye+ S. L. ~il~c~~nk~, 0. G...

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Effect of Alloying on the Cavitation Erosion Reeiatance of Some Copper Allaye+ S. L. ~il~c~~nk~, 0. G. Eykovskii and A. G. ~lek~andro~~, So&d M&r. S&i,, J (I) (1968) ‘. 44-47; 4 figs., rtable,rrrefs. (Translation bv the FaradavPress, New York, of Fiz-h’hirn. wMehhan. M&v., 4 (I) (1968) 60-65.) The resistance to cavitation induced erosion of alloys used for ships’ propellers was investigated with reference to the effect of structure and alloying on ttreir cavitation erosion resistance. It was established that there is a relationship between alloying, stacking fault energv. type of dislocation structure and the r&stance of alloys to the action of cavitation forces.

to 300,000 cages should be used.

Effect of Oxidation of Porous Sistered Materials on the Liie of Cutting To&. A. Ya. Artamonov, V. I. Konanenko and ,4. L. Chirkov, Soviet. Mutev. Sci., 4 (I) (1968) 48-49; I figs., 3 refs. (Translation by the FaradayPress,NewYork, of F&+KAim. Nekhaa. Mater., 4 (I) jrg68) G6-68 *) When oxidation of porous sintered materials occurs during machining, wear of cutting tools involves not only adhesion. diffusion and fatigue phenomena but also abrasive wear by hard oxide particles. The relatively low heat conductivity of porous sintered materials inhibits the dissipation of heat generated during their machining leading to a higher temperature rise in the cutting zone whilst their iricreased surface area over massive material contribntes to a more active oxidation.

~eta~ogr~ph~c Cb~ract~sati~ of Transformation Phases on Scuffed Cast-iron Dieselengine Components. M. D. Rogers, I’~ihoZogy, z (2) (1969) 123-127; IO figs., z tables, 7 refs. Scuffing of cast-iron rings and liners in a dicsel engine appears invariably associated with the production of either one or two hard surface phases which can be identified by appearance, etching, hardness testing arnl annealing behaviour. It is suggested that a study of these phases produced under controlled laboratory conditions may lead to $ means of abating the scuffing problem.

A Study of the Process of Cutting with Highspeed Saws. G. D. Eshchenko, I’. A. Mikha~~ov and B. Ya. Borisov, .%2&l iM&?v. sci., .$ {If (1068) 50-55; 6 figs., I table, 7 refs. (Translation by the Faraday-Press, New York, of Fiz-Kkim. tiWekhan. M&r., 4 (I) (rg68j 69973.) Phenomena occurring during cutting of metals with high-speed saws were studied. It was established that the maia process in the cutting zone is brittle fracture of steels heated to high temperatures (8oo-rooo”C) accompanied by the formation of broken-off chips.


Cage Materials for Non-lubricated Ball Bearings, S, D. Tazhibaev, Hussiala Eng. Js, 48 (3) jig@} 58&o; 5 figs., 3 refs. {Translation by P.E.H.A. of Gt. Britain of ~‘eS&.. ~&Z&&ZC&fP.,48 (3) (1968) $2-f+) Comparative tests on thrust bail bearings showed that for DN values up to IOO,OO~ satisfactory results can be obtained with PTFE cages. For greater values of DN up




Abrasive Wear Resistance of ~ang~ne~~ molvbdeuum-Titanium Steel. I. I.‘Raev and A. G. Ivanov &&an Esg. J, , q8 (3) (1968) 68; z tables, 2 refs. (Translation by P.E.R.A. of Gt. Britain of I/&%?%.&fush.inostr., 48 (3} (1968) Go. roo-hour wear tests on the lining of a ball mill showed that the 0.45 C 1.9 Mn 0.5 Mo o.zTi steel has wear resistance under couples condition of mechanical abrasive wear comparable with austenitic type manganese steel. The advantage af the Mn-MO-Ti steel is that it can be machined in the annealed condition and then hardened and tempered.



A Machine for ~nv~ti~ati~ Prictfon and Wear in Liquid Metals at Temperatures up to 500°C. V. K. Grishin, 2. G. Balasanov and M. B. Gendler, So&l Mater, Sci., 4 (I) (1968) 59-60; I fig. (Translation by the Faraday Press, New York, of FL+&7&z. .~~k~~~. A@&er., 4 (I) [1Q68) 8o-82.j A description of a machine and the method used for the determination of the coefficient of friction and wear of metal specimens in liquid sodium at temperatures up to 500°C. Quantitative Xafwed Spectroscopy Studies of Lither-soap ~ub~ca~g Gre.aee$. R. 0. Buttlar and R. E. Centley, ?ZLGI Spakesnaa% 33 (I) (1969) 1%-24; 10 figs., I table, 7 refs. These studies indicate that it is possible to quantitatively analyse lithium rz-hydroxy Wear, 14 (1969) r41-1.5”

stearate greases by an infrared method based on a recrystallization technique. Commercial greases were analysed and the calculated concentration agreed with the actual Ieporteii concentration. In the absence of a controlled recrystallization process, it is impossible to obtain accurate quantitative information cm lithium-soap greases that originate from diffcrcnt sources. The studies also indicate that the hydroxyl band can bc used in conjunction with carbonyl frequency to detect the presence of lithium steam-ate in it lithium hydroxy &ear&e grease but the quantitative accuracy is yet tr, be resolvetl.

Testing of Dispersions, a%. J. Stock,



~,~~~~~c~~~~~~ Ewg... 2.5 (3) (~qtrg) I:$+--I+: 7 figs,, 5 tables, 9 rrfs. tt is shown that with careful test sciection

Friction&earing Test Stan~~th~lectromagnetic Loading. P. 9. Tsybuley and N. F. Iiuz’min, Hussirsn 2?rhg.J., q8 (3) (1908) 60-X,1 ; 2 figs., 3 refs. (Translation by I’.E.R.;1. of Gt. Britain of I’r:sfm. ilfccskinoslv., qs (3) (1968) 54-55. A new machine for testing non-metallic frictian bearings over a wide range of speeds and toads under various conditions of lubrication is described. An eIectroInagnetic device enables the bearings to be Ioaded without contact and the friction torque to be measured. Se~cral investigations into the chara~~~risti~s uf noII-ln~tal~ic bcarin,gs hax*e been carrietl oat. A Machine for Testing Rack and Pinion Gearing. 1’. 1. Kokh ct al., K~ssian Exzg.J., 48 (3) (1968) 61..GY; I: fig., I ref. {Translation by P.B. R.h. of Gt. Britain of L’azlz. Maskinostv,, $8 (3) (1968) 55-56.) j\ test machine to assess the effects of various factors on the rate of wear on the teeth on a rack and pinion drive is described. The machine is suitable for testing gears and racks of various tooth pitches and different tooth form.

hi@-content (2-5 -.~o’;~)) ~oli~l-l~lbr~c~II~ dispersions can ba evaluated in bench-typo tests such as pin and V-block machines, press-fit operations, ring and block and other stalldard nlachincs. Correlation of bench-test results with practice is required for results to be meaningful to both the product developer and user. Development of a Method for Determining the Leakage Characteristics of Lubrfcating Grease. W. J. Ewbank ami 11. 1,. Waring, Ml&i .~~~~~~~~~~~33 (I) (1969) 13-17; 8 figs., 2 tables, 9 refs. j\ slight mo~i~cation of the standard ,1ST1f test on leakage characteristics of @ease enab;les this test to be used as a measure of tho initial leakage rate and the ultimate leakage capacity. Additives are available fur teakaye control and for the additive studied, optimum performance was obtaint:d using the maximum amount of additive coslsistent with satisfactory grease characteristics in the other test parameters.