15 Mobility of heavy metal from coal fly ash 95lO3071 Fernandez-Turiel, J. L. et oL, Environ. Geol. @e&n), 1994, 23, (4). . ,
The mobility of Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Zn from six different coalfired power plant fly ashes that show a wide compositional range was examined using a sequential extraction procedure in order to assess their mobility when these wastes are ponded or landfilled. The results reveal differences in the total contents of the selected trace elements among the fly ash samples, which must be related to differences in coal composition and combustion technology. 95lO3072 N,O emlsslons from anthropogenlc sources In the Federal Republic of Germany Schoeo, M. and Walz, R. Nova Acto Leopold, 1994, 70, (288). 349-354. The total anthropogeoic emissions of NO, in Germany are estimated roughly at 200-300 kt/yr. The main emission sources identified are agriculture (including a minor contribution from animal wastes) and the production of adipic acid, the latter possibly being reducible by means of a new catalytic process. These two sources are presently contributing to the total emissions each with a share of roughly 30-40%. Surface water and ground water sources follow with a share of 10-u)%. Combustion of fossil fuels produces up to 10% of the emission, caused mainly by combustion of coal. 95103073 New knowledge of the assessment of coal mlne dust Glue&auf, 1994, 130, (2), 111-114. (In Morfeld, P. and Piekarski, C. German) Discusses the assessment of coal mine dust exposure of miners including the determination of fine dust limits, cancer risks, and chronic bronchitis. 95/03074 treatment Goncharuk, Russian)
New posslbllltles of adsorptlon flltratlon In water and advanced wastewater treatment V. V. et al., Khim. Tekhnol. Vody, 1994, 16, (l), 37-48. (In
95lO3075 New safety movee. Ukralne Atom, Jan.-Feb. 1995, (437), p. 6. Reports that in a move to remforce regulation and safety the Ukraine has created a new Ministry for Environmenal Protection and Nuclear Safety. The Ukraine’s former minister for environmental protection, Yuri Kosteoko, will head the new ministry. 95lO3076
oxlde (NO3 formatlon
In coal utlllzatlon
British Cool Corp., Comm Eur. Communities Report EUR.14895, 1994, 178 pp. The report covers recent research on NO, formation in coal combustion, focusing on reaction rate data for formation and decomposition of NO and N,O in fluidized-bed coal combustion, with an emphasis on using laboratory reactors to obtain data for use in modelling NO and N,O formation in larger-scale units. 95103077 NPT or not to be? Comment from Europe Rippon, S. Nuclear News, Mar. 1995, 38, (3), p. 44. Discusses the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). 95103078 study
Nuclear utlllty mlxed waste stream characterlzatlon
TR.104400, Finn1 Report RP3800-16, $20,000.00, EPRI, Distribution Center, 207 Coggins Dr., PO Box 23205, Pleasant Hill, CA.94523. 95lQ3079 Obtalnlng low N 0, NO, and SO, emlsslons from clrculatlng fluldlzed bed boll&s by reverslng the alr staglng condltlons (Communlcatlon) Lyngfelt, A. et al., Energy & Fuels, Mar.-Apr. 1995, 9, (2), 386-387. 95103080 Orlaln of NO. In coal combustion and countsr-measures to Inhlblt%s forma?lon Gao, J et al., Meitan Zhuanhua, 1994, 17, (3), 53-57. (IO Chinese)
Environment (pollution, health protection, safety)
95lO3002 Pol cyclic aromatlc compound profiler from a Ilaht-duty direct- Ynlectlon diesel englne Collier, AI R. et al., _Fuel, Mar. 1995, 74, (3), 362-367. The exhaust from a direct-injection light-duty diesel engine was sampled for polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC) at three constant speeds and at five load settings for each speed, using a total-exhaust solvent-stripping apparatus. Exhaust samples were analysed for 3- and 4-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and dibenzothiopheoe by g.c.-m.s. in electron-impact mode. The PAC recoveries (per cent of fuel PAC) were highest at low loads and progressively declined with increasing load.
95103083 Predlctlon of acid generatlon from pyrltlc coal: A mechanlstlc model Susarla, M. et al., Hazard. Ind Wostes, 1994, 715-723. Discusses a systems approach in developing a mechanistic model to redict the time variant behaviour of acid generation from pyritic coal. %actors considered in the model development are: hydrological cycle, oxygen transportation by both liquid and gas phases, pyrite oxidation by both bacterial and chemical processes, and transportation of reaction products.
95103084 Predlctlon of anowmelt lnflltratlon Into frozen rolls Tao. Y. X. and Grav. D. M. Numerical Heat Transfer. , I PortA. Dec. 1994.
26, i6), 643-665. ’ ’
A numerical model is presented, based on the local volume averaging formulation of transport phenomena in porous media, for simulating meltwater infiltration into unsaturated, frozen soil. With the defined flow and freezing boundary conditions at the snow-soil interface, using the concept of a surface local averaging volume, the time variation in profiles of temperature, liquid/ice content, infiltration/percolation rates, ahd rate of phase change in upper soil layers are predicted.
95103085 Proceedings of the 14th International Symposlum on Polvcvcllc Aromatlc Comoounds . Cavalieri, E. and Rogan, E. (editors), Gordon & Breach, Bosel, Switzer-
land, 1994, 287 pp. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Polycylic Aromatic Compounds (First Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds) held at Tan-Tar-A, L&e of the Ozarks, Osage Beach, Missouri, USA, 8-11 September 1993.
95to3oes Process and factore affecting the removal of NH,-N from coking wastewater by A/O method Liu, Q. et oL, Mei Huagong, 1994, (3), 52-57. (IO Chinese) Describes the principle of efficiently removed NH,N from wastewater by the denitrification/oitrification method. 95t03087 Qualltatlve and quantltatlve monltorlng of duet content In a mlne atmosphere Belonozhko, V. P. et oL, Ugol’ Ukr., 1994, (3), 48-49. (In Russian) Describes a method for monitoring total dust content in mine air, the concentration of coal dust and rock dust in a mine dust cloud. and the silicosisrelated properties of the dust. Epxerimental studies were carried out on the spectra of absorption of IR emission by coal, rock, and silicosis-causing dust to select the optimal wave lengths of the IR emission and to develop information processing algorithms.
95/03088 Quantltatlve relatlonshlp between emphysema and lung mlnerals In man Leigh, J. et al., NATO ASI Ser., Ser.H, 1994, 85, 305-310. The paper discusses the relationship between quantified emphysema and lung content of coal dust and silica dust in coal workers.
95lQ3oa9 Wahlstrom,
Rodos Technology Oy, PO Box 506, Fin.20101 Turku,
Finland 133~~. 95103081 Pollutant emlsslons from clrculatlng atmospheric fluldlsed beds burnlng low-grade coal KrK&ras, E. and Vourliotis, P. J. Institute ofEnergy, Mar. 1995,68, (474), The paper presents the results of combustion tests on Greek lignite in two CFBC (circulating fluidised bed combustor) facilities. The first, a laboratory-scale facility of approximately 100 kW thermal power, is at NTUA (the National Technical University of Athens); the second, which is of semi-industrial scale (1.2 MW thermal power), is at RWE’s power station at Niederaussem in Germany. The two installations are of different size and different design, and the concepts represent the major CFBC coostructioo trends; the Niederaussem facdity operates with thermally insulated (‘hot’) cyclone, whereas the CFBC in Athens features a non-insulated (‘cold’) cyclone.
The book provides explanation for the non-specialists.
95/03090 process
of radiation
in a clear understandable
alded by new waste removal
Nuclear News, Feb. 1995, 38, (2), p. 28. Describes a new patented process which has been successful in removing radioactive elements from nuclear waste, and may someday be used for groundwater cleanup and for cleaning leaking fuel basins. The processing, using ion exchange columns, removes highly radioactive plutonium, cesium, and strontium from liquid waste stored in large tanks, so that waste is less hazardous and can be treated for disposal.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts
May 1995