Physica B 194-196 (1994) 779-780 North-Holland
Quantized vortices at a moving A-B interface in superfluid 3He E.V. T h u n e b e r g , / J . Parts, Y. Kondo*, J.S. Korhonen t, and M. Krusius Low T e m p e r a t u r e Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, Otakaari 3 A, 02150 Espoo, Finland We have studied the B~-A phase transitions in a rotating container. The initial state contains the equilibrium number of vortices, and after the A-B interface has traversed the container, the vortex state was studied using NMR. We find that the A-phase state resulting from a B--~A transition contains the equilibrium number ~f continuous vortices. Possible explanations are discussed. (a)
The A-B transition of superfiuid 3He allows a unique possibility to study the continuity of topological objects through a phase interface. We will limit the discussion in this paper to the transition from the B to the A phase; the opposite A--+B transition will be discussed in detail elsewhere. The situation is depicted in Fig. 1. In 3He-B, the vortices resemble those in superfluid 4He: they have a singular core of the size of the coherence length (~ ~ 10nm) and a single quanturn of circulation (~ = f v s . dr = h/2m) [1]. In 3He-A, the prevailing vortex type is continuous. Its vorticity is distributed over a much larger area (~D ~ 10pm) in the form of a smooth distribution of the anisotropic order parameter. The continuous vortices are bound to pairs and thus have two quanta of circulation. We may first ask, do the B-phase vortices penetrate through the interface when the A phase grows at the expense of the B phase, or are the A-phase vortices generated independently of the B-phase vortices? Secondly, if the penetration takes place, do the vortices in the A phase remain singular, which is predicted to be the minimum-energy state at low rotation velocities [2], or do they transform to continuous vortices by forming pairs? Our N M R cell is a cylindrical chamber with radius R = 3.5 m m and height L = 7 mm, rotated around its s y m m e t r y axis (Fig. 2). Its only connection to the rest of the 3He volume is via an orifice in the center of b o t t o m plate. The critical velocities for the nucleation of vortices in the N M R cell are on the order of 2.5 r a d / s in the B
pha: ~e
Figure 1. Three possible fates of a singular vortex (lines) in front of a growing A phase: (a) the vortex is pushed ahead in front of the interface, (b) it penetrates through as a singular vortex and (c) it finds a pair and forms a continuous vortex (shaded tube) in the A phase.
phase and 0.1 r a d / s in the A phase. Our experiments were done at varying rotation speeds from 0.4 r a d / s to 1.2 r a d / s at 29.3 bar pressure. Both the number and the type of the vortices can be inferred from peaks in the absorption spectrum of continuous-wave N M R [1]. Before the B - ~ A transition, the B phase was prepared to contain the equilibrium number of vorrices: N = 2rR2~/t~, where 9t is the angular velocity of the container. In the B phase, the number of vortices can be determined with a resolution of ~ 0.01 rad/sec, which corresponds to approximately 10 vortices [3]. Then the transition was allowed to take place at constant ~. After the transition was finished, the N M R ab-
*Present address: Physics Department, University of Bayreuth, 8580 Bayreuth, Germany. tPresent address: Physics Department, University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan.
0921-4526/94/$07.00 © 1994 - Elsevier Science 0921-4526(93)E0969-N
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coil cell
VlR thermometer
sintered heat~ex~hanger and nuclear cooling stage
Figure 2. The experimental cell.
sorption spectrum in the A phase was analyzed. C o n t r a r y to our expectation, it was identical to the one obtained after starting rotation within the A phase: The frequency shift of the satellite peak from the bulk absorption frequency indicated continuous vortices, and the amplitude of the peak corresponded to the equilibrium number of vortices within a resolution +50 vortices. No evidence of singular vortices was seen. According to theory, singular vortices are distinguished by a much smaller frequency shift [4], but this lacks experimental verification because the only evidence of t h e m comes from measurements of ion mobility [1]. An identical N M R spectrum in 3He-A was obtained even in the ease that the initial B phase was in a metastable state containing no vortices. For the interpretation of these results, it is imp o r t a n t t h a t the phase of the order parameter is continuous across the A-B interface, which means t h a t vortices cannot terminate on the interface. The presence of continuous vortices in 3He-A implies t h a t either (i) B-phase vortices transform to continuous ones in penetrating through the interface, or (ii) the A-phase vortices are nucleated independently of the interface. Both alternatives contain puzzles t h a t remain unsolved here. W h a t is the mechanism t h a t in the first alternative (i) makes the vortices to come so close each other t h a t they can form the pair, which is necessary for the formation of a continuous vortex? Moreover, singular vortices should be the absolute en-
ergy minimum at ft < 1 r a d / s in the A phase [2]. The latter possibility (ii) is reasonable because the measured critical velocity for the A phase is low, near the resolution threshold. It is more difficult to prove t h a t a sufficiently strong force exist for pushing the B-phase vortices in front of the interface. Such a force may arise from two mechanisms. Firstly, the superfluid densities in the two phases are different: p~ in the A phase is anisotropie with components Pit parallel and p z perpendicular to the orbital anisotropy vector 1, whereas it is isotropic = P B in the B phase. Weak-coupling theory gives Ptl = (3/5)pB and pz = (6/5)pB near the transition temperature. Because of the kinetic energy density ps(vs - v n ) 2 / 2 , the B-phase vortex is repelled from the interface if 1 is parallel to the line, but it is attracted for perpendicular 1. The magnetic field ( H = 14.2 or 28.4 mT, parallel to the axis of the cylinder) favors the latter case in our cell. It is therefore unlikely t h a t this mechanism could prohibit the vortex penetration through the interface. Secondly, a force might arise from the interaction of the vortex core with the interface. A quantitative estimate of the latter force requires a complicated numerical calculation. Thus we can only conclude t h a t the most plausible explanation of the experimental results would be that the core interaction is strong enough to prevent vortex penetration until vortices are nucleated in the A phase. We thank G. Volovik for useful discussions. REFERENCES 1.
2. 3.
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