particle-based immunofluorescence assay: Synthesis, characterization and application

particle-based immunofluorescence assay: Synthesis, characterization and application

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 94 (2009) 45–50 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Photochemistry and Photob...

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Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 94 (2009) 45–50

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / j p h o t o b i o l

Quantum dots/particle-based immunofluorescence assay: Synthesis, characterization and application Bingbo Zhang a, Xiaofei Liang a, Lijuan Hao a, Jing Cheng a, Xiaoqun Gong a, Xuhui Liu b, Guiping Ma b, Jin Chang a,* a b

Insti­tute of Nano­bio­tech­nol­ogy, School of Mate­ri­als Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ing, Tian­jin Uni­ver­sity, No. 92 Wei­jin Road, Nan­kai Dis­trict, Tian­jin 300072, China Cen­ter of Tech­nol­ogy, Bei­jing Entr-exit Inspec­tion and Quar­an­tine Bureau, Bei­jing 100029, China

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 2 May 2008 Received in revised form 14 September 2008 Accepted 29 September 2008 Available online xxxx Key­words: Quan­tum dots Poly­sty­rene micro­spheres Mag­netic Fluo­res­cent Immu­no­flu­o­res­cence assays

a b s t r a c t Recently, it has been proved that quan­tum dots (QDs) hold the potential to be used in the bio­anal­y­sis as fluo­res­cent probes for their many unique opti­cal prop­er­ties. In this paper, immu­no­flu­o­res­cence assay, an inte­gra­tion of par­ti­cle-based immu­no­as­says and fluo­res­cent QD-probes, was con­structed. Firstly, high qual­ ity CdSe/ZnS QDs were prepared. Then after being water-sol­u­bi­lized by amphi­philic poly­mer based on selfassem­bling, the QDs were labeled by immu­no­glob­u­lin G (IgG) anti­body. At the same time, both car­boxylpoly­sty­rene (PS) and mag­netic car­boxyl-PS micro­spheres were prepared and coated by anti­gens. The anti­gen sen­si­tized PS micro­spheres were spe­cif­i­cally cap­tured by the QD–IgG bio­con­ju­gates based on the anti­bodyanti­gen reac­tion, which was con­firmed by the immu­no­flu­o­res­cence test in vitro. The sen­si­tiv­ity of cur­rent assay was tested by sand­wich immu­no­flu­o­res­cence assay using human alpha feto­pro­tein (AFP) as anti­gen model. The detec­tion limit of AFP anti­gen is 4.9 ng/mL. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Intro­duc­tion Par­ti­cle cap­ture enzyme-linked immu­no­sor­bent assay (ELISA) tests, based on the very spe­cific inter­ac­tion of anti­body and anti­ gen, have been in com­mon use, since latex par­ti­cles or micro­ spheres were first used in med­i­cal diag­nos­tic appli­ca­tion as latex agglu­ti­na­tion test (LAT) in the late 1950s [1]. Now­a­days, there have been many inno­va­tive improve­ments based on the latex par­ti­cles includ­ing col­ored par­ti­cles [2], spe­cial devices for results inter­ pre­ta­tion [3–5], mag­netic par­ti­cles [6], and inte­gra­tion of par­ti­ cles and fluo­res­cent report probes [4,7]. Mag­netic par­ti­cles can be used to help pull things out of solu­tion more quickly, which offers an easy solid–liquid sep­ar­ a­tion [8]. Inte­grated with report probes, espe­cially fluo­res­cent probes, par­ti­cles-based immu­no­as­says have attracted great atten­tions from biol­o­gist, chem­ist, and mate­ri­als research­ers. The fluo­res­cent probes used in immu­no­flu­o­res­cence assays are usu­ally con­ven­tional fluo­ro­phores/dye [7]. Those fluo­ro­ phores are not suit­able for extended peri­ods of obser­va­tions using fluo­res­cent and con­fo­cal micros­copy because organic fluo­ro­phores tend to quench rap­idly [9]. Fur­ther­more, it is some­times dif ­fi­cult or impos­si­ble to record fine fluo­res­cent images while the organic dye probes fade in the course of adjust­ing the focus. In con­trast, QDs, also called inor­ganic nano­crys­tals [10–14], are sta­bi­lized over a far longer expo­sure-time to light and can emit a fluo­res­cence of high * Cor­re­spond­ing author. Tel./fax: +86 22 27401821. E-mail address: jin­[email protected] (J. Chang). 1011-1344/$ - see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2008.09.008

lumi­nos­ity at an almost equiv­a­lent con­di­tion as the con­ven­tional organic dye probes. Besides that, QDs have many other advan­ta­ ges over tra­di­tional organic dyes: tun­able fluo­res­cent wave­length by raw mate­ri­als and size, broad exci­ta­tion spec­tra, sharp and sym­met­ri­cal fluo­res­cent peak, large Stokes shift, and dif­fer­entsized QDs can be excited simul­ta­neously by a sin­gle wave­length [15]. Prob­lems with organic fluo­ro­phores include nar­row exci­ta­ tion bands and broad emis­sion spec­tra, which makes detec­tion of multiple color emit­ting probes dif ­fi­cult due to spec­tral over­ lap. With improve­ment of prep­a­ra­tion of water-sol­u­ble QDs, they have shown increas­ing prom­is­ing appli­ca­tions in bio­log­i­cal fields, espe­cially as fluo­res­cent probes for bio­log­i­cal mark­ers, bio­log­i­cal detec­tion and bio­log­i­cal imag­ing area [16–18]. In this paper, we described a novel method, inte­gra­tion of par­ti­cles and QDs, for preliminary bio­de­tec­tion. Firstly the car­boxyl-PS and mag­netic car­boxyl-PS micro­spheres were cova­lently attached by anti­gen/ anti­body. Then the sen­si­tized micro­spheres acted to mag­nify the anti­body-anti­gen reac­tion when they were mixed with anti­bodylabeled QD-probes. 2. Mate­ri­als and meth­ods 2.1. Mate­ri­als and appa­ra­tus Sele­nium powder (100 mesh, 99.99%, Aldrich), Cad­mium oxide (CdO, 99.5%, Aldrich), Zinc oxide (ZnO, 99.9%, Sigma), Sul­phur (99.98%, Aldrich), Tri-n-butyl­p hos­p hine (TBP, 90%,TCI, Japan),


B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 94 (2009) 45–50

Tri-n-oc­tyl­phos­phine oxide (TOPO, 90%, Aldrich), Octa­dec­yl­amine (ODA, 90%, ACROS), 1-Oc­ta­de­cene (ODE, 90%, ACROS), Oleic acid (OA, 90%, Aldrich), Octyl­amine (99%, Aldrich). Car­boxyl- PS micro­ spheres (Tian­jin Base­Line Chrom­Tech Research Cen­tre, 7–8 lm), 1-Ethyl-3-(3-dime­thy­lla­mi­no­pro­pyl)car­bo­di­im­ide hydro­chlo­ride (EDC, GL Bio­chem (Shang­hai) Ltd.), Human IgG: puri­fied total IgG from nor­mal human serum, in which heavy chain is 50.000 Da, light chain is 25.000 Da. Goat anti-human IgG: pure human total IgG immune against goat until 1:100000 (ELISA), Goat anti-mouse IgG: pure mouse total IgG immune against goat until 1:100000 (ELISA),above sup­plied by BEI­JING DING­GUO BIO­TECH­NOL­OGY CO.LTD. Human alpha feto­pro­tein (AFP) anti­gen, mouse mono­clo­ nal anti­body to human AFP (Clone: A3 for PS micro­spheres coat­ ing, Clone: D2 for QDs label­ing), sup­plied by Bei­jing Key­ue­bio Bio­techCo. Ltd. chlo­ro­form, eth­a­nol, dichlo­ro­meth­ane and argon (oxy­gen free) were obtained from local sup­pli­ers. All chem­i­cals were used with­out fur­ther puri­fi­ca­tion. Ultra­vi­o­let–vis­i­ble (UV–vis) absorp­tion spec­tra were recorded on UV-2450 spec­tro­pho­tom­e­ter. Pho­to­lu­mi­nes­cence (PL) mea­ sure­ment was per­formed at room tem­per­at­ ure using an F-4500 (HIT­ACHI) spec­tro­pho­tom­e­ter. QDs and hydro­pho­bic fer­ric oxide nano­crys­tals were visu­al­ized using a Tec­nai G2 F20 trans­mis­sion elec­tron micro­scope (TEM) oper­at­ing at an accel­er­at­ ion volt­age of 200 kV. The mag­netic prop­erty of PS micro­spheres was ana­lyzed at Vibrat­ing Sam­ples Mage­tom­e­ter (VSM), LDJ9600-1. Immu­ no­flu­or­ es­cence assay were exam­ined under an OLYM­PUS.BX51 fluo­res­cence micro­scope equipped with an OLYM­PUS MICRO DP 70 cam­era. 2.2. Syn­the­sis of water-sol­u­ble amphi­philic tri­block copoly­mer-capped CdSe/ZnS QDs CdSe/ZnS QDs were syn­the­sized accord­ing to the pre­vi­ously reported pro­ce­dure [19]. How­ever, amphi­philic tri­block ­copoly­mer was selected as the sur­face cap­ping reagent to form water-sol­u­ble QDs for label­ing IgG. Tri­block copoly­mer from Sigma con­sists of a po­lybu­tyl­ac­ry­late seg­ment, a poly­eth­yl­ac­ry­late seg­ment and a poly­ meth­ac­ry­lic acid seg­ment. At a molec­u­lar weight of ca.100,000 Da, for bet­ter encap­su­la­tion of QDs, about 25% of the free car­box­ylic acid groups were deriv­a­tized with octyl­amine (a hydro­pho­bic side chain). CdSe/ZnS QDs and amphi­philic tri­block poly­mer (The mol ratio of QDs to poly­mer was 1:10) were dis­solved in chlo­ro­form/ eth­a­nol sol­vent mix­ture (3:1, v/v) and stirred for sev­eral hours for chlo­ro­form evap­o­ra­tion. After evap­or­ a­tion of chlo­ro­form, the encap­su­lated dots were sus­pended in PBS, son­i­cated for 3 min and then puri­fied by gel fil­tra­tion (sepharose 6 fast flow, GE health­care life sci­ences).

as cou­pling agent in the PBS buffer for 2.0 h. The mol ratios ofQDs/ IgG/EDC were in 1:15:4000. The final QDs–IgG bio­con­ju­gates were puri­fied by ultra­cen­tri­fu­ga­tion, and then dis­solved in the PBS (0.01 M, pH 7.2, 0.5%BSA). Highly car­box­yl­ated PS micro­spheres, includ­ing fer­ric oxide doped car­boxyl-PS micro­spheres, were both coated with human IgG via the cova­lent bonds between human IgG mol­e­cules and micro­spheres. The solu­tions of human IgG (1.0 mg/mL, 0.1 mL), EDC (10 mg) and micro­spheres (10 mg/mL, 1.0 mL) were gently mixed in the PBS buffer for two hours at room tem­per­a­ture using an orbi­tal shaker fol­lowed by stor­age at 4 °C. The above cou­pling pro­to­cols are fea­s i­b le for the micro­s pheres coat­i ng with mouse anti-AFP McAb, and QDs label­ing with mouse anti-AFP McAb. 2.5. Immu­no­flu­o­res­cence assay The immu­no­flu­o­res­cence assay for the positive and neg­a­tive con­trol exper­i­ments were both car­ried out in the same man­ner. QD-goat anti-human IgG bio­con­ju­gates were used as the positive con­trol, while QD-goat anti-mouse IgG bio­con­ju­gates as the neg­ a­tive con­trol. The human IgG-coated PS micro­spheres (2.0 mg/mL, 1.0 mL) were firstly blocked for 30 min at room tem­per­a­ture in the PBS–BSA buffer (0.01 M, pH 7.2, 0.5%BSA), then gently mixed with QD-goat anti-human IgG bio­con­ju­gates (16 nmol/L, 0.1 mL) and QD-goat anti-mouse IgG bio­con­ju­gates (16 nmol/L, 0.1 mL) sep­ a­rately for 45 min at room tem­per­a­ture, using an orbi­tal shaker. After anti­body-anti­gen reac­tion, cen­trif­u­ga­tions/PBS-T (0.01 M, pH 7.2, 0.05% Tween) red­i­sper­sion pro­ce­dures were applied to sep­a­rate the unbound QD–IgG bio­con­ju­gates, since the PS micro­ spheres can be cen­trif­u­gat­ed down at 4000 rpm/1 min, while unboundQD–IgG bio­con­ju­gates still sus­pended. Finally the micro­ spheres were exam­ined under an OLYM­PUS.BX51 fluo­res­cence micro­scope equipped with an OLYM­PUS MICRO DP 70 cam­era and a broad band light source (ultra­vi­o­let 330–385 nm). The illu­mi­ na­tion light was from an O-LH100HG 100 W mer­cury lamp with Auto­matic expo­sure con­trol. The sand­wich assay was used to test the detec­tion limit of AFP anti­gen. The mouse anti-AFP McAb (Clone: A3) coated PS micro­ spheres and dif­fer­ent con­cen­tra­tion of AFP anti­gen were mixed and incu­bated on a shaker for 1 hour, and then wash three times to remove the unbound anti­gens. The PS micro­spheres/AFP anti­gen com­plexes were obtained. Then QDs-mouse anti-AFP McAb(Clone: D2) bio­con­ju­gates were added. The reac­tion sys­tem was incu­bated with gen­tle shak­ing for another 1 h and fol­lowed by cen­tri­fu­ga­ tion. The sed­i­ments were resus­pended in PBS buffer for fol­low­ing study. 3. Results and dis­cus­sion

2.3. Prep­a­ra­tion of fer­ric oxide doped car­boxyl-PS micro­spheres Hydro­pho­bic fer­ric oxide was syn­the­sized accord­ing to a pre­ viously reported pro­to­col with minor mod­i­fi­ca­tions [20]. Embed­ ding of PS beads was accom­plished by dop­ing a cer­tain amount of fer­ric oxide into car­boxyl-PS micro­spheres. Firstly the micro­ spheres (5.0 mg) were swelled in a sol­vent mix­ture con­tain­ing chlo­ro­form and buta­nol (5:95, v/v) to improve the capa­bil­ity of absorb­ing fer­ric oxide in a cen­trif­u­gal tube. Then 0.1 mg of fer­ric oxide dis­solved in chlo­ro­form sol­vent was added into the tube and stirred for 2–4 h until the fer­ric oxide pen­e­trate into micro­spheres ade­quately. Finally, the micro­spheres were washed with eth­a­nol. 2.4. Water-sol­u­ble QDs and car­boxyl-PS micro­spheres label­ing with IgGs The as-prepared water-sol­u­ble QDs were reacted with goat anti-human IgG and goat anti-mouse IgG, respec­tively using EDC

The dis­per­sion and par­ti­cle sizes of poly­mer mod­i­fied CdSe/ZnS QDs and hydro­pho­bic fer­ric oxide nano­crys­tals were eval­u­ated by a trans­mis­sion elec­tron micros­copy (TEM) as shown in Fig. 1. The par­ti­cles of poly­mer mod­i­fied QDs were well dis­per­sive with­out obvi­ous aggre­ga­tion due to elec­tro­static repul­sion from the car­ box­ylic groups on the sur­face of each QD [21]. TEM anal­y­sis also showed the prepared hydro­pho­bic fer­ric oxide nano­crys­tals were mono­dis­perse. Fig. 2a was the UV–vis­i­ble absorp­tion spec­tra of the poly­mer mod­i­fied CdSe/ZnS QDs. The spec­tra showed that QDs had a broad and con­tin­u­ous absorp­tion, allow­ing exci­ta­tion by a wide range of wave­lengths. And it kept the original opti­cal prop­erty after water sol­u­bi­li­za­tion. Fluo­res­cence emis­sion spec­tra in Fig. 2b showed peaks both nar­row and sym­met­ric with no tail­ings. The red-shift of peak from 604 nm to 611 nm after water sol­u­bi­li­za­tion pro­ce­ dure indi­cates that the sur­face envi­ron­ment of CdSe/ZnS changed from oil phase to water phase [22,23]. And the full width at half

B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 94 (2009) 45–50


2.4 2.2

Polymer modified CdSe/ZnS QDs CdSe/ZnS QDs


UV-vis Absorbance (a.u.)


1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 300









Wavelength (nm)


CdSe/ZnS QDs polymer modified CdSe/ZnS QDs

Fig. 1. TEM image of poly­mer mod­i­fied CdSe/ZnS QDs.

­ ax­im m ­ um (FWHM) of fluo­res­cence emis­sion peaks broaden slightly from 27 nm to 29 nm. Pla­nar assays based on flat car­ri­ers (glass sides, flat-bot­tomed ELISA plate, et al.) are among the most inten­sively inves­ti­gated for bio­as­says [24]. How­ever, sus­pen­sion array based on par­ti­cles is more prom­is­ing since its inher­ent and unique char­ac­ter­is­tics. The high bind­ing capac­ity of three-dimen­sional micro­spheres makes the sus­pen­sion array a very sen­si­tive plat­form for immu­no­flu­o­res­ cence assays. One of the most used car­ri­ers in sus­pen­sion array is par­ti­cles or beads. The encoded par­ti­cles have great poten­tials for bio­ap­pli­ca­tion, for exam­ple, being inte­grated with a flow cyto­ met­ric sys­tem [25], or Lum­in­ex flow ana­lyzer [26] to make a highthrough­put screen­ing. Car­boxyl-PS micro­spheres, which were eas­ily rec­og­niz­able with the opti­cal micros­copy, were used in this paper to be the solid sup­ports for immo­bil­ity of anti­gen via the cova­lent attach­ment. Human IgG were tagged onto the sur­face of micro­spheres using EDC as cou­pling agents for both positive and neg­a­tive con­trol exper­i­ments. Herein, fluo­res­cent report QDprobes were used instead of the tra­di­tional dye mol­e­cule-probes. The QD-anti-human IgG bio­con­ju­gates were used as the positive probes, while the QD-anti-mouse IgG bio­con­ju­gates were used as the neg­a­tive probes. Fig. 3a/b shows the immu­no­flu­o­res­cence images of human IgG sen­si­tized PS micro­spheres treated with QDprobes. The images showed that the fluo­res­cence on the positive con­trol micro­spheres was obvi­ously brighter in (a), while nearly no fluo­res­cent sig­nal on the sur­face of neg­a­tive con­trol micro­spheres in (b), which was well con­sis­tent with our expec­ta­tion. The sizes of QD-probes affect the label­ing effi­ciency to the micro­spheres due to the ste­ric hin­drance [27]. The big-sized QD-probes had lesser capac­ity of bind­ing onto the sur­face of PS micro­spheres than that of small-sized ones. The QD-probes in the pres­ent exper­im ­ ent were smaller than 10 nm. Thus, the fluo­res­cence sig­nal on the positive con­trol micro­spheres was homo­ge­neous and del­i­cate. Non-spe­ cific adsorp­tion should be avoided and elim­i­nated in immu­no­ flu­o­res­cence detec­tion. The water-sol­u­bi­li­za­tion of hydro­pho­bic QDs can elim­i­nate non-spe­cific adsorp­tion to the micro­spheres. The as-prepared water-sol­u­ble QDs in this paper, with abun­dant sur­face car­boxyl groups on their sur­faces, had good water-sol­u­ble

Normalized PL intensity






0.0 550




Wavelength (nm) Fig. 2. UV–vis­ib ­ le absorp­tion spec­tra and fluo­res­cence emis­sion spec­tra (excited at 470 nm) of the CdSe/ZnS QDs and as-prepared poly­mer mod­i­fied CdSe/ZnS QDs.

abil­ity. No pre­cip­i­ta­tion had been found even if they were put in a refrig­er­a­tor at 4 °C for a long time. The QDs–IgG bio­con­ju­gates had bet­ter water-sol­u­bil­ity and lower charge den­sity since IgG mol­e­ cules had attached to the QDs, which could fur­ther reduce nonspe­cific adsorp­tion. In order to test the sen­si­tiv­ity of quan­tum dots/par­ti­cle-based immu­no­flu­or­ es­cence assay, dif­fer­ent con­cen­tra­tions of AFP anti­ gen were added to the micro­spheres coated with mouse anti-AFP McAb. Fluo­res­cent inten­si­ties were mea­sured after the cor­re­spond­ ing QDs-mouse anti-AFP McAb bio­con­ju­gates added. The diag­nos­ tic scheme is shown in Scheme 1. Fig. 4 shows the fluo­res­cence emis­sion spec­tra of the sand­wich immu­no­as­say. It can be seen that the fluo­res­cent inten­sity of QDs labeled mouse anti-AFP McAb at 612 nm increased grad­u­ally with the increas­ing con­cen­tra­tion of AFP anti­gen added. By math­e­mat­i­cal anal­y­sis, the detec­tion limit of AFP anti­gen is 4.9 ng/mL. For fur­ther tap­ping the potential of par­ti­cle-based immu­no­ as­say, su­per­para­mag­net­ic par­ti­cle-based immu­no­flu­o­res­cence assay was con­structed. Mag­netic PS micro­spheres were prepared by dop­ing hydro­pho­bic fer­ric oxide into the matrix of PS micro­ spheres. Mag­netic par­ti­cles per­mit fast and easy sep­a­ra­tion of solid and liquid phases [28]. Mag­netic mea­sure­ments on hydro­pho­bic fer­ric oxide nano­crys­tals and mag­netic PS micro­spheres shown in


B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 94 (2009) 45–50

Fig. 3. Fluo­res­cence/opti­cal micros­copy pho­to­graphs, the immu­no­flu­o­res­cence images of human IgG sen­si­tized PS micro­spheres treated with QD-anti-human IgG probes; (a) positive con­trol, QD-anti-mouse IgG probes; (b) neg­a­tive con­trol; the opti­cal micros­copy pho­to­graph of mag­netic micro­spheres; (c) the immu­no­flu­o­res­cence images of human IgG sen­si­tized mag­netic PS micro­spheres treated with QD-anti-human IgG probes; (d) positive con­trol, QD-anti-mouse IgG probes and (e) neg­a­tive con­trol.

Fig. 5 indi­cated that the par­ti­cles were su­per­para­mag­net­ic at room tem­per­at­ ure. Under a large exter­nal field, the mag­ne­ti­za­tion of the par­ti­cles aligned with the field direc­tion and reached its ­sat­u­ra­tion value (sat­u­ra­tion mag­ne­ti­za­tion). The sat­u­ra­tion mag­ne­ti­za­tion val­ues of hydro­pho­bic fer­ric oxide nano­crys­tals and mag­netic PS micro­spheres were 67.68 and 26.43 emu/g, respec­tively at 300 K.

And the mag­netic rema­nences of the sam­ples were nearly zero with S-like curves in shape, which indi­cated the syn­the­sized par­ti­cles exhib­ited su­per­para­mag­net­ism. The sur­face mor­phol­ ogy of PS micro­spheres after dop­ing in the organic solu­tion were observed using micro­tech­nique as shown in Fig. 3c. Rough sur­face eas­ily results in an increase of non-spe­cific adsorp­tion [29], which

Scheme 1. Diag­nos­tic scheme. (A) Dia­gram illus­trat­ing the inte­gra­tion of PS micro­spheres, mag­netic nano­par­ti­cles and QDs, with solu­tion-based sand­wich assay for AFP fluo­res­cence detec­tion. (B) Dia­gram illus­trat­ing the mag­netic sep­a­ra­tion under an exter­nal mag­net.

B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 94 (2009) 45–50



PL intensity










Wavelength (nm) Fig. 4. The fluo­res­cence emis­sion spec­tra (excited at 470 nm) of 2 lg/mL micro­spheres in the sand­wich assay with a series of dif­fer­ent con­cen­tra­tion of AFP anti­gen added: (A) 0 ng/mL; (B) 1 ng/mL; (C) 5 ng/mL; (D) 10 ng/mL; (E) 20 ng/mL; (F) 50 ng/mL; (G) 100 ng/mL; (H) 200 ng/mL; (I) 500 ng/mL; (J) 1 lg/mL; (K) 10 lg/mL; (L) 100 lg/mL and (M) 200 lg/mL.

fer­ric oxide into the matrix of PS micro­spheres. Var­i­ous char­ac­ter­ iza­tions showed that the as-prepared water-sol­u­ble QDs and mag­ netic micro­spheres were well defined. Immune QD-probes and PS micro­spheres were prepared via cova­lent attach­ment of water-sol­ u­ble QDs and car­boxyl-PS micro­spheres to IgG. The dis­tin­guish­able immu­no­re­ac­tions hap­pened on the PS micro­spheres indi­cated that the QDs would be another smart assis­tant for the par­ti­cle-based immu­no­as­says. Fur­ther­more, the detec­tion sen­si­tiv­ity of cur­rent assay is tested with sand­wich immu­no­flu­o­res­cence assay using AFP as anti­gen model. The method described in this paper could pro­vide a ref­er­ence and strat­egy for appli­ca­tion of QDs in par­ti­clebased immu­no­as­says.


M (emu/g Magnetite)


Ferric oxide nanocrystals Magnetic PS microspheres

40 20 0 -20 -40 -60

Acknowl­edg­ment -80 -10000





Applied field H (Oe) Fig. 5. VSM of hydro­pho­bic fer­ric oxide nano­crys­tals and mag­netic PS micro­ spheres.

This work was sup­ported by the 863 Pro­gram (No. 2007AA021808) and National Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Pro­gram for Key Pro­jects (No. 2004BA519A56-04). Ref­er­ences

should be avoided in this exper­i­ment. For­tu­nately, the micro­ spheres kept spher­i­cal with smooth sur­face, since the cross-linked PS micro­spheres had resis­tance to the organic sol­vent. Human IgG coated mag­netic PS micro­spheres were obtained with the same pro­ce­dure for the blank PS micro­spheres. The con­tras­tive fluo­res­ cent images as shown in Fig. 3d/e also indi­cated that the bind­ing of QD-probes to the anti­gen sen­si­tized mag­netic PS micro­spheres was spe­cific and respon­si­ble. Mag­netic PS micro­spheres are used as solid sup­port for immu­no­re­ac­tions have some advan­ta­ges, such as easy sep­a­ra­tion under an exter­nal mag­netic field and bio­mol­e­ cules con­cen­tra­tion. 4. Con­clu­sion Immu­no­flu­o­res­cence assay based on QD-probes and PS micro­ spheres was con­structed in this paper. High qual­ity water-sol­u­ble CdSe/ZnS QDs were syn­the­sized based on the self-assem­bling on the sur­face of hydro­pho­bic CdSe/ZnS QDs using amphi­philic poly­ mer. Mag­netic micro­spheres were obtained by dop­ing hydro­pho­bic

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