THE QUATERNARY General and chronology
Sea ice and iceberg observations in the western Barents Sea in 1987 Loset S. & Carstens T., Cold Regions Science and Technology, 1996, 24/4 (323-340).
The surface alhedo of the Greenland ice sheet: satellitederived and in situ measurements in the Sondre Stromt]ord area during the 1991 melt season Knap W.H. & Oerlemans J., Journal of Glaciology, 1996, 42/ 141 (364-374).
Pleistocene upfift and palaeoenvironments of Macquarie Island: evidence from palaeohenches and sedimentary deposits Adamson D.A., Selkirk P.M., Price D.M., Ward N. & Selkirk J.M., Papers and Proceedings - Royal Society of Tasmania, 1996, 130/2 (25-32).
On elevation models as input for mass-balance calculations of the Greenland ice sheet Van de Wal R.S.W. & Ekholm S., Annals of Glaciology, 1996, 23/- (181-186). Visible and near-infrared reflectivity during the ablation period on Peyto Glacier, Alberta, Canada Cutler P.M. & Munro D.S., Journal of Glaciology, 1996, 42/ 141 (333-340). lnterferometric radar observations of Glaciar San Rafael, Chile Rignot E., Forster R. & Isacks B., Journal of Glaciology, 1996, 42/141 (279-291).
Palaeoclimatology Late Quaternary history of sedimentation on the Mac. Rohertson Shelf, East Antarctica: problems with 14C-dating of marine sediment cores Harris P.T., O'Brien P.E., Sedwick P. & Truswell E.M., Papers and Proceedings - Royal Society of Tasmania, 1996, 130/2 (47-53). Power spectrum analyses of storm layers in marine silty sediments: a tool for a paleocHmatic reconstruction? I-Ientschke U. & Milkert D., Journal of Coastal Research, 1996, 12/4 (898-906). Longest instrumental regional and all-India summer monsoon rainfall series using optimum observations: reconstruction and update Sontakke N.A. & Singh N., Holocene, 1996, 6/3 (315-331). Preliminary study of Quaternary stratigraphy and palynology in the Yangtze Delta, eastern China Zhong-Yuan Chen & Min-Te Chen, Journal- Geological Society of China, 1996, 39/1 (59-72). Timing coral-based climatic histories using 13C enrichments driven by synchronized spawning Gagan M.K., Chivas A.R. & Isdale P.J., Geology, 1996, 24/11 (1009-1012). Record of Holocene palaeoclimate change along the Antarctic Peninsula: evidence from glacial marine sediments, Lallemand Fjord Shevenell A.E., Domack E.W. & Kernan G.M., Papers and Proceedings - Royal Society of Tasmania, 1996, 130•2 (55-64). The role of Antarctic sea ice in global climate change Hanna E., Progress in Physical Geography, 1996, 20/4 (371401). The transition from the Younger Dryns to the Preboreah a case study from the Kattegnt, Scandinavia Hui Jiang & Klingberg F., Boreas, 1996, 25/4 (271-282). The magnetic susceptibility of modern soils in China and its use for paleoclimate reconstruction Han Jiamao, Lu Houyuan, Wu Naiqin & Guo Zhengtang, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 1996, 40/3 (262-275).
Productivity cycles of 200-300 years in the Antarctic Peninsula region: understanding linkages among the Sun, atmosphere, oceans, sea ice, and biota Leventer A., Domack E.W., Ishman S.E., Brachfeld S., McClennen C.E. & Manley P., Geological Society of America Bulletin, 1996, 108/12 (1626-1644).
Tropics and sub-tropics Tsunami as a major control on coastal evolution, southeastern Australia Bryant E.A., Young R.W. & Price D.M., Journal of Coastal Research, 1996, 12/4 (831-840).
Mid-latitude and extra-glacial Reconstruction of Quaternary history of southern Kuril Islands Bulgakov R., Journal of Coastal Research, 1996, 12/4 (930939).
Glacial landforms and sediments Composition and origin of volcanic ash zones in late Quaternary sediments from the Reykjanes Ridge: evidence for ash fallout and ice-rafting Lackschewitz K.S. & Wallrabe-Adams H.-J., Marine Geology, 1997, 136/3-4 (209-224).
The retreat of the Barents Sea ice sheet on the western Svalbard margin Svendsen J.I., Elverhoi A. & Mangerud J., Boreas, 1996, 25/4 (244-256).
Sea-level and river terraces Rapid changes in coastal sea level Morner N.-A., Journal of Coastal Research, 1996, 12/4 (797800). Morphological changes on Russian coasts under rapid sealevel changes: examples from the Holocenc history and implications for the future Selivanov A.O., Journal of Coastal Research, 1996, 12/4 (823830). The wandering of the Volga Delta: a response to rapid Caspian sea-level change Kroonenberg S.B., Rusakov G.V. & Svitoch A.A., Sedimentary Geology, 1997, 107/3-4 (189-209). Variation of relative mean sea level during the last 4000 years on the northern shores of Lncydon, the ancient harbour of Marseilles (Chantier J. Verne) Morhange C., Laborel J., Hesnard A. & Prone A., Journalof Coastal Research, 1996, 12/4 (841-849).
II Peculiarities of the contemporary hydrological conditions of the northern Caspian Sea Kosarev A.N., Kuraiev A.V. & Nikonova R.E., Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya Geografiya, 1996, 5/- (4753). Late Pleistocene and Holocene sea-level highstands in northern Australia NoR J., Journal of Coastal Research, 1996, 12/4 (907-910). Mangrove habitat formation and response to Hoincene sealevel changes on Kosrae Island, Microncsia Fujimoto K., Miyagi T., Kikuchi T. & Kawana T., Mangroves and Salt Marshes, 1996, 1/1 (47-57). Pacific rim marsh foraminiferal distributions: implications for sea-level studies Scott D.B., Collins E.S., Duggan J., Asioli A., Saito T. & Hasegawa S., Journal of Coastal Research, 1996, 12/4 (850861).
Sea-level change during the last thousand years in Chesapeake Bay Kearney M.S., Journal of Coastal Research, 1996, 12/4 (977983).
Evaluation of rapid relative sea-level changes in north-west Scotland during the Last Glacial-Interglacial transition: evidence from Ardtoe and other isolation basins Sherman I., Green F., Innes J., Lloyd J., Rutherford M. & Walker K., JournalofCoastalResearch, 1996, 12/4 (862-874).
Late Quaternary coastal records of rapid changes in the eastern Baltic Raukas A., Journal of Coastal Research, 1996, 12/4 (811-816).
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