sufferings, by having these imple. barbarously employed. that you see the several Fancy, members of this very imposing consultation, former QUERY: GL...

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sufferings, by having these imple. barbarously employed. that you see the several Fancy, members of this very imposing consultation, former



ments most now,

in regular succession, take up their rules of admeasurement, and ascertain most ac. SiR,—You will perhaps allow me, through curately the length, and breadth, and depth, the medium of your Journal, to inquire of and circumference, of every point of matyour readers, and the profession at large, ter, which may go to assist in the compo. what they would think of the following sition of their patient, from her navel case, if it occurred in a hospital, and of the downwards, even unto the points of her following treatment, if adopted in such a toes; fancy all this, I say, to be at lengtle case, by a hospital surgeon ? got through; and, if it will not tire, just We will suppose then, (for I go no far. imagine the whole to be once more repeaied. ther than supposition,) that some one or This too being, 11 in the fulness of time," other of the female nurses of a royal infir- brought to an end, you must behold, or ra. mary, (and there are royal infirmaries alike ther think you behold, this mighty company in Dublin, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, and GLAS- retiring to one side of the room; and being oow)—we will, I say, suppose that some there surrounded by something less than one of the female nurses, (let it be No.1, 2, half a score of clerks, (all starving for lack 3, or 4, if you like ; or, perhaps, we may as of knowledge,) standing with wide-stretched well say No..5,) by some accident falls in eyes, and gaping mouths, and their " long such a manner as to injure the right hip ears pricked forward," apparently deterjoint, and give rise to a considerable degree mined to see, and hear, and swallow, every_ of inflammatory action in that part. We thing that is intended for them, and as will next suppose her confined to bed for much more as may chance to drop from the the space of three days, without consulting lips of the learned and the true. b Just suppose yourself sitting in anxious either of the surgeons ; but that, at the end of that time, a certain surgeon-physician, expectation, during the time this precious who may chance at the time to be one of the host is standing " in council solemn and de. visiting surgeons, and in attendance on that liberation deep," to decide on the nature of ward, among others, in which this unfortu- the case before them, and the treatment nate nurse lies, is consulted. We will still which ought to be pursued. Fancy yourself go on to suppose that this certain Doctor, quietly hoping for a treat, in seeing the pulafter all due inquiry and examination, pro- leys presently employed, and tell me what nounces this inflammation of the hip joint must be your surprise and astonishment, to be a dislocation of the head of the femur when, the Council being dissolved, you are into the foramen ovale," and accordingly uses coolly informed that its members are unthe pulleys, for the purpose of reducing this certain whether there 11 now be, or ever have " supposed dislocation, without success. We been, any dislocation ! ! ! What, let me ask, must the as as the pupils, think in next well the the will, public, place, suppose patientreturned to bed, and, at the expiration of a few of such a surgeon? And allow me to in. days, sgain dragged into the operating the- quire, if such be a suitable man to fill the atre, to have the reduction of this imaginary situation of a hospital surgeon, where he has dislocation effected. Conceive the surgeon not only the education of his pupils to direct still foiled, and then fancy him retiring for and complete, but the health, and happia while, (during which time his patient is ness, and life, perhaps of hundreds, under left in the theatre), to consult Sir Astley his peculiar and immediate care ?1 And tell Cooper on dislocations, and returning, in the me, ought not this kind of treatment rather course of a few minutes, as wise as when he to have been expected m those times, when left her. Imagine him sending her once our profession was considered as a " mysmore to bed, but not till after he has the tery," than to take place in the present day, second time made a great and heroic at. when it is looked upon as " an art," and as " tempt (with the assistance of his pulleys, "a science ? I am, Sir, and some four-and. twenty men of strength,) Your obedient servant, to give the poor unfortunate, relief. SupTHOMAS CARTER. pose him next, (after a few days more have elapsed,) to have assembled, under the name P. S.-A few words to Messrs. Wood and ofaconsultation," a mighty cohort of the learned and the wise. Picture to yourself Co. in my next. the wretched patient once more(i.e. for the third time) brought out, and stretched upon a bed on the floor, with the dread impleplements of our art spread around her, and in momentary fear of a renewal of all her To the Editor of THE LANCET.