Questionnaire: Computers in composition instruction

Questionnaire: Computers in composition instruction

12 QUESTIONNAIRE: eo.puler. in eo.po.ilion Instruction 1. Name: _ 2. TiUe: _ 3. University (malling address): - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...

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eo.puler. in eo.po.ilion Instruction 1. Name:


2. TiUe:


3. University (malling address): - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---IPhone_· other (specify), 2yr._ 4yr._

4. Student writinR skill level: remedial_ average _

5. Average student age: 17-22 _ 22-30 _


_ _

above average _ over 3 0 -

6. When did you first use computers in your teaching? 1984 _ 1980-1984 _ prior to 1980 _ 7. What kind or computers do you use? How many are available in the c1assroom?

_ _

8. Average class slze_"


9. How many sections of computer-assisted composition are currently beina taugbt at your school? out or sections

10. What software do you use: a. Word processing (give package name)

Do you recommend it? yes_


yes_ yes_ yes_

no_ no_ no_

b. OUler (give package name)

11. Have you developed any software on your own? yes _ no _ a. If yes: What advice do you have to teachers planning to write their own soltware?

(Optional: attaCb brief desaiption of your software) b. 1LJw; are you pJanning to develop any software? - - - - -_ _ 12. What percentage or total dass time per semester do you use to teach computer sk111s?



13. When teach the necessary computer skills? ThrouBhout semester _ beginnins of semester only _ 1-4. What percentage or class time per week do students spend working with CX)mputers7 , per week.

15. How much time do you erpeet students to spend on the computer mI!:. ~?

hours per week.

16. What support systems are available to your students for computer problems that arise outside of class?

17. How many papers do you assign per semester? h this mQre or fewer than you assigned without computers?

More _



18. Duriq which stqe(s) of writing do students use computers? required suggested. PlanniOI First draft --.. Revisions Final draft



19. Rate the usefulness or computers when teaching the following:

extremely Grammar

Idea generation First draft writing Revision ProoCreading







20. What is the one most needed piece of software which you would like to see deveJoped fot use in your classes?

21. Was overcoming student fear or computers a problem? yes _ no_ If yes, what suggestions can you give fot helping students overcome computer phobia?


22. What is the main advantase computer use offers in teaching?

23. What is the main disadvantage?

2.f. What would you do/are you doing differently to avoid probJems you experienced with: (a) students

(b) equipment and software

(e) course structure

25. How would you teach your course in the best of all possible worlds? Desaibe an idea! situation: students, equipment, syllabus, time frame, etc.

Thanks very much Cor your cooperatlonl Return to: Linda J. Stine Assistant Professor

Master of Human Services Program Lincoln University Lincoln University, PA 19352

Please return by March 10