540 time to ozonise the air of the compartment. The quantity of ozone required is small. The result- would certainly be good since ozone has a remarkably destructive action on aerial impurities and unpleasant smells, and gives the air It a degree of freshness similar to that of the sea-breeze. of the smell stale overcomes tobacco-smoke which rapidly so persistently lingers in smoking compartments or in rooms where the upholstery is heavy or where cumbersome curtain hangings are the custom. It is reasonable to believe that if this expedient could be adopted much of the distress and fatigue of a railway journey would disappear. It is too much to hope that the same means of maintaining air in a fresh and pure state could be adopted in omnibuses, for even the problem of satisfactorily lighting these vehicles has not yet been solved. Again, the speed of the omnibus, we imagine, would never be high enough to generate a current sufficient for lighting purposes. The Underground Railway or "The Tube " might adopt automatic ozonisers in their trains with advantage ; the suggestion might even appeal to the directors and shareholders of the former company as an alternate scheme to electric traction.
increasing as the sections passed upwards to the. region. At the eighth cervical segment of the cord a narrow band of degeneration began to make its appearance: in Burdach’s column close to the entry of the posterior roots. This was continued up the cervical region and almost entirely on the right side. With Marchi’s method no recently fibres be traced in the cord. The anterior could degenerated cornual cells showed marked pigmentary degeneration. The hypoglossal nucleus was somewhat atrophied on the left side. The ependyma of the floor of the fourth ventricle was granular. The trigeminal nucleus in both its sensory and’ motor portions was present only on one side, having become entirely degenerated on the other side. The right cerebral peduncle was considerably atrophied. There were atrophy and changes in the oculo-motor nuclei resembling those’ following section of the nerves. These lesions justified the diagnosis of an atypical and rare form of tabes (cervical tabes), having been noticed but once in 106 cases of tabes studied by Dejerine at the Bicetre. The present case showed the presence, also, of bulbar tabes, a still rarer condition, of which only three other cases are known to medical
literature. ____
"THE NEW POOR-LAW INFIRMARY AT HALIFAX." IN our issue of last week (p. 462) we commented upon the Dr. S. Solis Cohen and Dr. W. G. Spiller of Philaat Halifax with reference to the appointment of 3 of the American in number I position the delphia report, August z officer for the new workhouse infirmary. Dr. T. M. .Tozcrncal of the Medical Sciences, a rare and interesting case of medical tabes affecting the cervical and bulbar regions of the spinalDolan, having refused to take the post without any addition. t his present salary, the Infirmary Committee on August cord, together with the results of necropsy. The conditionto is one which has been mistaken for, or wrongly diagnosed as, 12th offered the post to Dr. J. F. Hodgson. We undersyringomyelia. The patient was a man, aged 67 years at thestand that the reason for the cheeseparing policy of the was that if Dr. Dolan had been granted 105 i date of his death in 1900. At the age of 25 years he con-guardians tracted syphilis. He had had secondary, but not tertiary,in addition to his present salary it would have entailed an syphilis. Later he developed ptosis of the right eye,addition to his superannuation allowance of £80. Notice inequality of the pupils, difficulty in coordinate movementswas given that at a meeting of the guardians held on of the lips, so that whistling and smoking were difficult, andAugust 14th a motion was to be brought forward which if the latter habit had to be abandoned. Deglutition wascarried would do away with the difficulty so far as regarded the also attended with considerable difficulty. The tonguesuperannuation question, but at the time of going to press exhibited tremors and some of its left we have no information as to the result of the meeting in
The tactile
sense was
fair, but the temperature sensequestion. the
markedly impaired right side of the face. STREET NOISES. Vision was good and ophthalmoscopic examination showed normal discs. He now developed an irritable ulcer of the WE have received sundry letters from various corresponThedents upon the intolerable nuisance caused by sellers of cornea which under treatment healed in about 10 days. One correspondent ends up his the The kneeshowed Argyll-Robertson symptom. newspapers and others. pupils there is some remedy." The only the mental condition was clear. letter were and Gait jerks by saying, "Surely present time he is annoyed by a newswas normal and he could stand steadily with his eyes closed is as follows. Next remedy or balance himself on one foot at a time. The above clinical paper seller yelling he must go out, he must keep the report was made in 1889. He remained under treatment for newspaper seller in view with one eye and with the other nearly 12 years afterwards, dying in 1900 from pulmonary look for a policeman. When he is lucky enough to see bothoedema (and inanition following complete paralysis of the policeman and the yeller-he must complain to the deglutition. At this time the sense of taste had been largely policeman who will ask the yeller for his name and address. lost for some time, and he had also begun to complain greatly Some name and address will be given, and at some future of pain in the abdomen which was very tender to touch. date the complainant will receive a summons to attend the Occasional but severe darting pains were experienced in the police-court of his district. There he may or may not The mental find the If and were relieved condiright leg yeller. by great good luck he does find him by morphine. tion was clear to the last. He never at any *period of the the man or boy in question possibly will be fined and the! illness had ataxia or abasia. He had had two attacks of nuisance will go on in exactly the same way as before. before death and one about 10 This is the only remedy of which we know, and if it uraemia, one about two days before the same. At the necropsy the following changes resembles the celebrated recipe for killing fleas we must were found. The whole of the Rolandic gyri and convolu- remember that we live in a free country. There are numerous tions were somewhat atrophied and depressed, the sulci thus sellers of newspapers who do not yell, but that is not to the appearing wide and gaping. This atrophy involved also the point. Why deprive a small boy or a large man of the whole of the’pre-frontal operculum. There was also a localised pleasure of roaring ’’Three o’clock winner" ? True, lie atrophy of the fore part of the superior frontal convolution on annoys a great many hard-working ratepayers, but that only the right side, and the occipital cornu of the lateral ventricle makes his employment more enjoyable. The magistrates are the persons who are to blame. First of all because they will was dilated on the left side to twice the size of its fellow. Examination of the spinal cord showed an absence of de- not, with possibly the exception of Mr. Plowden, hear any generated fibres in the lumbar region. In the mid-thoracic charge except one made on the authority of a dweller in the region there was very slight degeneration of the posterior district, and secondly because they inflict such ridiculous was