Radiation effects under multiply charged ion impacts

Radiation effects under multiply charged ion impacts

cw Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 116 (1996) 478-481 NOMB Beam Interactions with Materials 8 Atoms ELSEWIER Radiation eff...

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Nuclear Instruments

and Methods in Physics Research B 116 (1996) 478-481


Beam Interactions with Materials 8 Atoms


Radiation effects under multiply charged ion impacts E. Parilis Cal$ornia Institute of Technology, 200-36. Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

Abstract In experiments by a joint group of Livermore Sandia National Laboratories, and Kansas State University and a group of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory some nanometer-size shallow craters and blisters on mica surface exposed to Xea+ bombardment have been observed. No ion energy dependence of their size was recorded. The electrostatic Coulomb repulsion is an appropriate model to describe the origin of shallow circular features on mica surface. The protruding bumps are created after the binding forces between cations and former anions disappear due to local charge depletion during the near surface Auger neutralization of slow highly charged ion.

1. Introduction The investigation of sputtering and secondary ion emission under multiply charged ion bombardment has a relatively short history compared with the efforts spent to study sputtering by single charged ions. In the first publications [1,2] some multiply charged ions with charge not exceeding +7 were used. Only with the development of new technique the highly charged ions became available [31. The theory is based on the mechanism of Coulomb explosion of a domain on non-metal surface positively charged during step-by-step Auger neutralization of the multiply charged ions [4,5]. The goal of this work is to propose a simple theoretical model to describe the surface damage produced by highly charged ion impacts on an insulating, atomically flat surface of single non-isotropic mica crystal.

2. Summary of experimental


The model is based on experimental findings by a joint group of Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, California and Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas of some nanometer-size shallow craters and blisters on mica surface exposed to slow highly charged xenon ion bombardment [6,7]. Experimental data: - the charge of the projectile Xe ions q = +44, - their energy E, = 0.1-20 keV q = 4.4-880 keV, - the ion flux Z= lo7 ions/cm* s, - the total ion fluence F = l-4 X 10” ions/cm’, 0168-583X/96/$15.00 Copyright PII SO 168-583X(96)00092-4


the incidence is normal, the crater or blister diameter D = 18-20 nm, their depth or height h = 0.3 nm, the crater or blister volume V = 40 nm’, the number of atoms emitted or displaced N = 100-200, - both D and h were found to be independent of E,.

Some relevant parameters of Muscovite mica: - the composition: KAI, [AlSi,O,,] [OH],, - the structure: pseudohexagonal alumina-oxygen-silicate layers formed by double [Si,O,] tetragonal structures in which one Si ion is replaced by Al ion, the layers being connected by Al [OH], forming negatively charged sheets with positively charged potassium K+ ions in between, - the atomic density is 6 = 4 atoms/nm3, - the elasticity of elongation p - 22 133 kg/mm*, - the electrical resistance p = lo”-2 X 1017 R cm, - the breakdown electrical force F, = 300-400 kV/mm = 0.3-0.4 V/nm, - the work function 4 = 4 eV. The main conclusion made by authors of the experiments [6,7] is that the shallow circular blister-like and crater-like features on mica surface produced by single slowly moving highly charged xenon ions are due to local lattice disorder and layer delamination caused by local charge depletion, Coulomb explosion during the near surface highly charged ion Auger neutralization process.

3. The model All the geometry of the phenomenon: the very-thinpancake shape of the features (the thickness-to-width ratio

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E. Parilis/Nucl.

Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 116 (1996) 478-481


Fig. 1. Interaction of a highly charged ion with solid surface.

h/D = 0.015 with the thickness of the damaged layer h = 0.3 nm being comparable with the distance between mica atomic layers, Fig. 1) leaves no doubts that the damage comes from outside the surface rather than from the ion track inside the solid. There are no secondary agents (electrons, recoil atom cascades, shock waves etc.) connected to the nuclear or electronic stopping power in solid that could be responsible for such a geometry. In the meantime for 4 = 44 the electric field of the highly charged ion F = qe/x2 becomes equal to the electric breakdown force of the best Muscovite mica F, at a distance x = 12 nm from the surface, a length that gives an immediate estimate for the radius of the damaged spot, which indeed equals D/2 = 9- 10 nm. Therefore xi, a q’/’ and the damaged area 7rxb2/4 a q, i.e. is linear with the ion charge. This gives an estimate of the charge dependence of the blister volume because the thickness is the same for all blisters: l-2 atomic layers. It agrees with the recent observation by Briere et al. [ 1 l] and rather contradicts the earlier finding by Schneider because the total ionization energy (actually the outer shell part of it) is proportional to q2_ The time I = (2E,/m)-1/2~ = 1.2 X 10-‘4-1.5 X lo-l3 s that the ion needs to cover this distance is large enough to develop an avalanche-type breakdown in the upper layer of the solid releasing free electrons to participate in Auger neutralization and leaving a charge depleted layer that screens deeper layers from the ion electric field. The electrons with typical energy E, E 5-10 eV moving toward the ion, cover this distance approximately (mE,/m, E,,)‘j2 = 1.2-7.8 times faster than the ion does. The current density is i= 4(q + y) e/mD2 = 2 X lo8 A/cm2 for secondary electron emission equal to y= lo2 cl/ion. The Auger neutralization of the 18 upper 0 vacancies in XeU+, releasing just 2-3 keV of the total amount of 50 keV neutralization energy, is quite enough to provide the observed surface damage and secondary electron emission. The typical time T for Auger neutralization by capturing electrons direct from the solid (S) into the vacant xenon shells via 0-SS Auger transitions or by prior filling the upper, including Rydberg, ion states with subsequent autoionization of the hollow atom equals r E lo- *s-1O-‘4


s, i.e. T< 1. Filling of the remaining inner M and N vacancies is accompanied by emission of high energy Auger electrons and (with the fluorescence yield > 50%) photons during r= 2 X lo-l3 s > t, i.e. inside the solid. They add nothing or very little toward creation of the surface damage structures under discussion. Therefore the estimates show that all the events described above are likely to be accomplished before the highly charged ion hits the surface. The experimental findings of the velocity independence of the damaged sites dimensions within the velocity range v = 8 X 106-1 X 10’ cm/s [6,7] is the most convincing evidence of the situation. Of course the ordinary sputtering of a solid due to development of collision cascades under heavy atom bombardment, known to increase with the projectile energy, does contribute toward the creation of the damaged sites, but the sputtering coefficients, typical for this energy [8] equal to SE l-10 atoms/ion, i.e. it corresponds to the amount of matter sputtered which is just about l-10% of the damaged volume. This quantity, which is within the error bars on the experimental plots [6,7], cannot determine the energy dependence of the phenomenon. The main source of the surface damage is the ion neutralization energy Wg, equal to the sum of the ionization energies of the highly charged ion w, = c i=




which is released in series of step-by-step Auger neutralization processes and shared among the Coulomb repulsion energy WC of a surface charged domain containing Nq positive charges, appeared after double ionization of N, anions, emission of ( Nq - q) secondary electrons and NavP energetic Auger electrons and photons. The relevant energy balance equation is wq-q~=W.+(Nq-q)E,+Nq~,+N,,,. For an extremely flat disc with diameter h -=z D containing Nq positive charges WC= 8 Nq2e2( h - h,)/D2.

(2) D and thickness


This formula reflects the non-uniform distribution of the charges due to specific anisotropic structure of the mica surface layers. After stripping electrons from the anions and neutral atoms, the energy I2 being spent to create each of N4 charges, two layers of positively charged ions, together with a layer of cations K+ in between will be created to form a three-layer charged structure. The initial distance between anion and cation layers is h,. The Coulomb repulsion in this structure would cause a blister, if the dome will maintain its integrity, or a crater, if it will be fragmented (Fig. 2). In the earlier investigations [1,4,5,9] the number of electrons Nq stripped from the atoms of the surface layers in partial outside-the-surface Auger neutralization of a


E. Parilis/Nucl.


Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 116 (1996) 478-481


Fig. 2. Mica surface layers deformed due to Coulomb repulsion after multiple stripping of electrons in Auger neutralization of a highly charged ion outside the surface.

q-charged ion, was believed to be proportional to W4 - q*, This assumption based on a model of step-by-step Auger neutralization with energy steps equal to 15-25 eV gives for Xe”+ the numbers Ng = 2000-3000. The corresponding secondary electron emission should be equal to y = k(N, - q) = 600-1000 cl/ion. Actually the model works only up to q = 10-20. For higher charges the dependence N&W,) is nonlinear due to emission of energetic Auger electrons. The emission y = 70-90 cl/ion has been found for Xe3’+ and Xe44’ on Cu and Au [lo]. This corresponds to (N, - q) E, = 2000-3000 eV and N4 = 200-300. This amount relates to the slow electrons emitted from the surface. The delayed high energy Auger electrons emitted inside the solid carry away a major part of the total Wp and spend it on some processes in bulk. Yet there is no clear experimental evidence of the energetic Auger electrons emitted outside the surface. Some simultaneous measurement of secondary electron emission and surface damage under highly charged ions would be very useful. The linear increase of the blister volume with total ionization energy Wp observed by Schneider et al. [lO,ll] does not mean that all this huge amount of energy (up to 180 keV for Th74+) is spent to create the blisters with volume V = 200-800 nm3 containing N = S V = 800-2400 atoms, i.e. to create some hot domains with energy deposition 75 eV/atom. Actually the main part of total Wq is carried out by the high energy Auger electrons or is deposited in bulk. The proportionality V a W4 itself is a manifestation that the electron capture in just the upper levels does play a role in the phenomenon of creating blisters. Returning to the energy balance we can use the value N4 = 250 to estimate WC. If the final thickness of the damaged site h exceeds the initial distance between charged anion and cation layers ho by a factor 2, i.e. ho = (oh, with Q = l/2, then we get WC = 8Nq2e2h(

1 - ‘Y)/D’

= 255 eV.


Even if we would take into account the pre-existing charge of the K+ cations to get WC = 1020 eV, still this amount of energy will remain a very small part of the total neutralization energy Wq = 50 keV. Nevertheless it is enough to provide the deformation of both the upper and the lower layers (Fig. 2) after the binding forces between cations and former anions will disappear due to stripping of electrons. This deformation consisting in a 10m4 increase of the area of the layer bent to form a dome needs in Muscovite mica ( p = 22 133 kg/mm*) just an amount of energy equal to 21 eV. There is no bond to be broken while the dome is integer. Its fragmentation in a part of damage features could be connected with point structure defects (vacancies, dislocations etc.) in the upper layer.

4. Conclusion A model based on partial Auger neutralization of a highly charged ion outside the surface of mica crystal with consequent positive charge deposition in surface layers and their expansion due to Coulomb repulsion gives a possibility to make some estimates that could explain the creation of very shallow blisters and craters on surface. A full description of events displayed needs a more detailed knowledge of the mica crystal structure and ionization energies of the anions and cations in the solid as well as the elastic deformation constants and binding energies of the bonds. The dome fragmentation and consequent formation of a crater depends on concentration of point structure defects (vacancies, dislocations etc.) in the upper layer.

Acknowledgement This work was a part of a project performed for the United States Department of Energy under Contract DEAC0494AL85000.

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