Rapid analysis techniques in food microbiology

Rapid analysis techniques in food microbiology

263 BOOKS RECElWD Pstel, P. - Rapid onnlysis techniques in food microbiology. I vol. (15.5 x 24 cm). 294 pages. Blackie Academic & Pmfessional. IO...

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P. - Rapid onnlysis techniques in food microbiology. I vol. (15.5 x 24 cm). 294 pages. Blackie Academic & Pmfessional.

IO the bwk “Rapid Analysis Techniques in Food Micmbiology” the edimr. P. Patel. has assembled a technical rcfcrence that will appeal to a broad cmsssection of scieutists in the fuud indushy. 1 believe the readership which will must benefit from this work includes micmbiologists, biahemisb and immunol~ gists in the food industry. the public health sector. academic and revarch institutes. nd muttufactwea of kits and iusttumettts. Written by 15 international experts. it uffers comprelta.sive. uptu-date covetage of the new genemtiuu of altemutive medmds able tu pmducc results much more quickly and reliably dtau tmditioual micmbiological techniques This textbook cotttains 294 twes and is uicelv organized into 10 chapters. Thi &-it of the book lies in the expettise of tlte authors aud the organization of *ir preseutatiuns. It begins with an I’ntetesting chapter on the history of, and prospects fur, the microbiological examination of foods. A gmup of five chapters deals with the gemml metltuds used to detect fuodbome pathogens. including membrane filtration techniques, immunumagnetic techniques automated electrical techniques, lumhtescent techniques and polymerase chain reaction. A chapter discusses the evaluation of commercially available kia and instmmettts for the detection of fwdbome bacterial pathogens and toxins. Two chapters ate dwoted to modern methods for the detection of viruses and fucdbume fungi. A chapter discussing the introduction of the mpid microbial methods in tuudetu food pmduction is included. Each chapter is concise and well illustmted. The book “Rapid Analysis Techniques in Food Microbiology” deserves tu be considered as a vultuble contribution to the latest general description of new methods for the analysis of foodborne pathogens. J.-L. Guesdou

Bungrand, P. & Claessun, P.M. - &dying ceII adkesion. 1 vol., 250 p. (DM 128,998.40 sFr 128.-). Sprinper-Verlag, Heidelb=erg, 1994.


: 6S

Cell adhesion - the uttachment of cells to any surface such as otba cell metubraoes or tissues-is u complex pmcess. In many physiological and pathological processes. adhssiou of a cell is the fmt critical step. A wide specmutt of the most powerful techniques currently available to study the basic parameters of cell adhesion. including binding strength, binding efficiency, ntetnbmuelmembmne or membmne/substmte iuteraction. suuctural pmperties and dynamics of cell surface molecules. is presated in this strate~ bwk. Sophisticated quantitalive approaches as well as comptebensible semiquantitative methods are described. The detailed theoretical buckground allows the critical assessment and applicution of these teclmiques. Abstract


T. - Symh&e er ufilismion da oligonuclbtides. 1 vol. (15.5 x 24 cm). 176 pagcs. Technique et Documentation Lavoisier. Paris, 1994. Ptix: 270 F.

Huynh-Dinh’s book “Synthesis and Utilization of Oligonucleotides” is au excellent work, simple, well-documented and pnseuted with great clarity. It will serve as a refwnce work for all molecule biologists working with synthetic oligonuclwtides. Furthermore, chemists-researchers as well as dzxtoml students interested in areas at the interface of chemistry and biology will find value in its excellent qua,. The muueruus references. includiue the must recentones, allow the reader t&y acces-I” CnigiMI articles, and will help to expand his knowledge in a pattiwlararea.