The politics of delay could succeed again. But at this writing, it
of the Sheldon plant, the limit
tion year, in which all 435 House
looks as if George Bush has begun
means NPPD could never bring
members and a third of the Senate
to cut the Gordian Knot of clean
the plant up to more than 60% ca-
face the voters. As 1990 pro-
air with his tough new sword of
pacity. The plant is currently run-
gresses, members will increas-
emission caps.
ning at 50% capacity and burning
Of course, 1990 is a federal elec-
ingly gauge their actions on the
even lower sulfur coals that emit
l? h4aize
at 0.8 lbs.
basis of how the issue is playing at home. All evidence to date indicates that voters value the environment highly and want Congress to take a tough approach to environmental issues. If the issue looks too divisive, members could decide to push the issue back until after the 1990 election. Both EEI and the National Coal Association have urged Congress to wait on acid rain legislation until release of the final report of the $500 million National Acid Precipitation Program (NAPAP), established in 1980 to study the issue. For more than a decade, the overriding strategy of both EEI and NCA has been delay With Congress being a fundamentally conservative institution inclined toward inaction where possible, the industry strategy has been successful. EEI and NCA may be crit-
According to NPPD officials,
Real World Pains in
even installation of a scrubber
would not permit the plant to increase its capacity enough to per-
If Congress decides to keep the
mit it to perform its intended role
emission caps in the Bush acid rain
as a load-following unit.
control plan, it will probably have
The problem at Gentleman
to provide some relief for special
plant is just the opposite. The
cases. Two examples of such cases
1300 MW two-unit baseload plant
may be found at Nebraska Public
was operating at high capacity
Power District.
during the 1985-87 base period,
One problem for NPPD is the
burning very low sulfur Powder
1985-1987 base period the Bush
River coal at a rate of 0.68 lbs.
plan uses for calculating caps; the
That made it one of the lowest
other is the plan’s prohibition on
SO2 emitters in the nation.
increases in emissions for plants
But NPPD has been unable to
that were below 1.2 lbs./mm Btu
get coal of that quality since.
in the base period. NPPD’s Shel-
Under the Bush plan, NPPD
don station is hit by the first provi-
would be limited to 0.68 lbs. after
sion; its Gerald Gentleman plant
the year 2000. That means NPPD
is faced with the second. Sheldon is a 225 MW two-unit
would have to build a scrubber
coal-fired plant that was emitting
cleaner plants in the nation, while
and baghouse at one of the
at the 1.3 lbs./mm Btu level in
other far dirtier plants would still
1985 through 1987, the key period
be able to avoid scrubbers. The NPPD situation will be one
for determining pollution rights. But at the same time, because of a
of many to be worked out as the
large power surplus in the region,
Bush clean air scheme inches its
the plant seldom operated, hav-
way through a Congress filled
ing an average capacity factor for
with members intent on just such
the period of only 12%.
local concerns.
The Bush bill penalizes in-
creases in capacity, and forces emissions down so that they 8