Atmospheric Environment Vol. 9, pp.1133-1136.Pergamon Press 1975. Printed in Gt. Britain.
TITLES OF INTEREST Atmospherio carbon dioxide end radiooarbon in the natural oarbon oyole - II. Changes from A.D. 1700 to 2070 as deduced from a geochemioal model. R. Baoastow and C.D. Keeling, Brookbaven Symposia in Biology 34, 86-135 (1973).
A simple method for the generation of metallic oxide aerosols. J.M. Friedman and S.W. Horstmap, Am. Ind. &g. Assoo. J. 2, 825 (1974). The chemistry of sea salt aerosol and its measurement. M.P. Paterson end R.S. Scorer, Nature 114, 491-494 (1975). Effect of particle size distribution on the kinetics of solid phase-gas reactions. J. Skrivanek and J. Subrt, Coll. of Czech. Chem. Comm. g, lllY-1125 (1975). Physical parameters of airborne asbestos fibres in various work environmentspreliminary findinzs. G.W. Gibbs and 6.Y. Hwsng,Am. Ind. IQg. hsoo. J. s, 459-466 (1975).
Atmospheric carbon dioxide and radiooarbon in the-natural osrbon cyale - I. Quantitative deduotions fraa the reoords at the Mauna Loa observatory and at the South Pole. C.A. Elcdahl.Jr. and C.D. Keelinu. Brookhaven Symposia in Biology 3, 51-@ (1973). The biosphere. D.A. Livingstone, Brookhaven Symposia in BiologlL3, l-5 (19737 Boundary Leyer Structure of turbulent boundary lwers at maximum drag reduction. P.S. Frederick and A. White, Nature 2& 30 (1975).
Size distribution of radon daughter particles in uranium mine atmospheres. A.C. George. L. Hinchliffe and E. Slsdowski- kn. Ind. Ryg. Assoo. J. &, 484 (19753.
Horizontal variability and boundary-layer modeling. S. Barr and C.W. Kreitzberg, Boundary-LayerMet. 8, 163-172 (1975).
Cotton dust sampling: short termed sampling. J.D. Neefus, Am. Ind. Ryg. Assoo. J. 3, 470-476 (1975).
Effect of thermal stratificationon the growth of the internal boundary layer. K.S. Rao, Boundary-LayerMet. & 227-234 (1975).
Chemistry of marine aerosols and metecrologioal influences. P.E. Wilkniss, D.J. Bressan, R.A. Csrr and R.E. Larson, J. Reoh. Atmos. a, 883 (1974).
Turbulent fluctuations in convective conditions. S.J. Caughey and‘C.J. Readings, Q. J. R. met. Sot. m, 537-542 (1975).
Air-Water Interfaoe
Carbon Dioxide
Traoe metal fraotionationeffects between sea water end aerosols from bubble bursting. R.E. Van Grieken, T.B. Johsnsson and J.W. Winchester, J. Reoh. Atmos. g, 611-476 (1974).
Rediotion of CO in the atmosphere. L. Maohta, Brook%aven S.svnp osia in Biologl! 2, 21-31 (1973). Factors controlling CO2 content in the oceans and atmosphere. W.S. Broeoker, Brookhaven Symposia in Biology 24, 32-50 (1973).
Variation of the sea surfaoe drag coeffioient with wind sueed. S.D. Smith and E.G. Banke, Q. J. R; met. Sot. 101, 665-674 (1975).
210 The fates of Pb and Po2" in the ocesn surface. K.K. Turekisn, D.P. Kharksr and J. Thomson, J. Reah. Atmos. g, 639698 (1974).
Noble metal catalysts for non-selective oxidation and pollution oontrol. Y.J. Seroombe, Chem. Ind. 4, 157-161 (1975). Investigation of dust oontrol by ventilation using a scale model. R.L. Stein, J.A. Breslin and A.J. Strazisar, Am. Ind. Ryg. Assoo. J. 2, 815-824 (1974).
Atmospheric Conzituente Atmospherio carbon monoxide. R.D. Cadle, Brookhaven Symposia in Bioloa 3, 136143 (1973).
Dust control techniques in the asbestos industry. J. Goldfield and F. E. Brandt, Am. Ind. Ryg. Assoc. J. 35, 79+808 (1974).
Air filter-pressurizationunit to protect tractor operator applying prestioides. E.F. Taschenberg, J.B. Bourke and D.F. Minniok, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxiool. u, 263-269 (1975).
Thermodynamicsand the recognition of alien biosphere. J.E. Lovelook, Proc. R. Soo. Land. &, 167-179 (1975).
Recent Papers
An isotopedilutionmethod for determinationof sulfuron automotiveexhaust gas catalysts. W.J. Mayer,D.f;.Leohman and D.G. Beyerlein, Int. J. appl.Radiat. Isotopes&, 233-236(1975). Deposition The directmeasurementof eulphurdepcsition on bare soil. A.R, Bromfieldand R.J.B. Williams,Naturea, 470 (1974). Effects Dose distribution and neoplasiain the lung followingintratracheal instillation OS 23YFuO and asbestos. C.L. Sanders,Jr., Hlth Bhyz?&, 383-386(1975). The fate of fossilfuel hydroaarbons in marine animals. E.D.S. Corner,Froc.
R. SOC. Lona. $J,
391-414 (1975).
Moths, melanismend clear air - Light moths that got darkerin industrialareas are now gettinglighter. J.A. Bishop and L. M. Cook,Scient.Am, &, 90-99 (1975). Heavy metal pollutionand mineralisation of nitroaenin fore& soils. G. Tvler. s Naturea, 701 (t975). The Sate of fossilSue1 hydrocarbons in marine animals. E.D.S. Corner,R.oc. R. Sot. Lend.*, 391-414(1975). imetricstudiesafter NE:%:: "rir, in rats with regard to the risk of lung and bone tumors. W.A. Muller,3.G. Nenot,M.L. Daburon and J. Lafuma Rad. Environ.Biophys.a, 309318 (1P75\. Influenceof sulphurdioxidema 05on9 on vegetationof bean and barleyplants under differentsoil moistureconditions. A. Markowekiand S. Gizesizk,Bull. Aced. PolanaiseSci.22, 875-888 (1974). Cement,asbestos,and cement-asbestos pleumoconioses. 0. Soansetti,G.C. Coscia, W. Fiaaniaad G.F. Rubino.Arch.Environ. Hlth & 27h775 (1075).’
Hematological effeatsof chronic,lOW level exposuresto carbonmonoxidein rats. J.M. Ramsey,Bull. Environ"Contam. Toxicol.u, 537-542(1975). Seasonalexposureto dust in flax processingin Egypt. M.H. Noweir, A.-A. El-D&&h& H.A. Osmen and M. Moselhi,Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc.J. &, 313 (1975). Cardiacarrhythmiasin hypoxicrabbits during aerosolpropellantinhalation. G. J. Taylor,Arch. Environ.Hlth 2, 349-352(1975). Sulphurdioxidereactivityof commercial limestones.M. Hartman,Cell. Czech* Chem. Ccmmun.g, 1466-1477(1975). Long-termexposureof sulphurdioxide, sulphuricacid mist, fly ash end their mixtures. Y.C. Alarie,A.A. Krumm, W.&i.Busey, C.E, Ulrich and R.J. Kzntz, Arch. Environ.Hlth z!, 254-262(1975). Trachealmucoustransportin beaglesafter long-termexposureto 1 ppm sulphur dioxide. J.A. Hirsch,E.W. Swensonand A. Wanner Arch. Environ.Hlth 2, 249253 (19753. Effectsof formaldehyde ma 05cne cn the trigeminalnasal sensorysystem. T.J. Kulle and 0.P. Cooper,Arch. Environ. Hlth & 237-243(1975). The effect of particlesize on absorption of inhaledlead. R.E.G.Rendall,P. Baily and C. L. Scskolne,Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. &, 207-213(1975). The alveolardepositionof inhaledplutonium aerosolsin rodents. D.K. Craig and R. L. Buschbom,Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc.J. & 172-180(1975). Evaporation physicalstudy of evapctranepiraticn in naturaloonditicns- I. Energybalanceof naturalsurfacesand evaporation. A. Perrier,Ann. Agrcn.& 1-18 (1975). Fluxes
Studieson the metabolismof benzo(a)pyrene in alveol~acrophagee - I. Uptakeof benzo(a)pyrene and inductionof benso pyrenehydroxylase.W. Dehnen,2. Bakteriol.F'arasitenkunde, InfektionskrankheitenHyg. I. AbteilungOriginale. Reihe B &&ene. PraventiveMedizinl6& 191-211(1975). Investigations on the influenceof NO and SO as wellas a combinationof the t& gases on2the productionof precipitating antibodies in guinea-pigs.Ii.Antweiler, K. -Kcmpchvnd A. Brockhaus,2. Bakteriol. Parasitnekunde, Infektionskraukheiten und. HygieneI. AbteilungOriginale.Reihe B Hygiene.Raventive Medizin160, 212-224 (1975).
diSSusicnOf Carbonbioxideand Water throughstomata. P.D. Jarman,J. Exp. Bat. 3, 927-936(1974)9
Automaticmeasurements of the energetio balanceof a crop. Applicationexamples. A. Perrier, B. Itier,J.M. Bertoliniand A. B. de Fabloe,Ann. Agron.z., lP-40 (1975). An analysisof errorsin the calculationof energyflux densitiesabove vegetationby a Bcwen-ratioprofilemethod. T.R. Sinclair, L.H. Allen,Jr. and E.R. Lemon,BcundaryLwer Met. g, 129-140(1975).
Recent Paper8
Comparison of aerodynamio end enerlgybudget estimates of fluxes-over a pine forest. _ A.S. Thorn,J.B. Stewart, H.R. Oliver and J.H.G. Gash, Q. J. R. met. Soo. 101, 93-M
Natural Pollution Heavy metal release from plants into the atmosphere. W. Beauford, J. Barber and A.R. Barringer, Nature _256,35-36 (1975). The miorobiology of airborne oontemination
Indoor Pollution Atmospheric pollution with halothane in operating theatres. S. Mehta, J.S. Robinson, J&l. Thompson, R.S. Bsrratt snd K.R. Nurrin, g&.&Y Anaesthesia 2, 4.06409 (1975). Odor intensity: mixtures and masking. W.S. Cain, Chem. Senses Flavor 1, 339-352 (1975).
Environmental health hazarde from highpowered, infrared, laser deviues. D.H. Sliney, K.W. Vorpahl and D.C..Winburn, Arch. Euviron. Hlth 2, 174-179 (1975). Lone:Ranae Transport Long-renge transport of ~oto~h~i~~ ozone in north-western Europe. R.A. Cox, A.E.J. Eggleton, R.G. Derwent J.E.Lovelock and D.H. Paok, Nature a, 118-120 (1975). Measurement Results Elemental analysis of honey as an indicator of pollution. S.S.C. Tong, R.A. Norse, C.A. Bathe and D.J. Lisk, Arch. hviron. Hlth 2, 329-332 (1975). Weasurement Techniuues The simultaneous analysis of carbon monoxide and suspended partioulate matter produced by cigarette smoking. S.J. Penkala end D. De Oliveira, Environ. Res. 2, 99-115 (1975).
Recognition memory for odors. H.T. Lawless and KS. Cain, Chem. Senses Flavor i, 331338 (19751.
Ratio scales and catefory scales of odour intensity. J.R. Piggot and R. Harper, Chem. Senses Flavor I, 307-316 (1975). Sleeted and standardized values of suprathreshold odor intensities for 110 knlbstanoee. F. Patte, M. Etcheto and P. Laffort, Chem..Senses Flavor 1, 283306 (1975).
Photochemical smog systems: effects of dilution on ozone formation. D.L. Fox, R. Kernensand H.E. Jeffriee, Scienoe l8& 1113 (1975). Pesticides Airborne GC analyzer for study of pesticide vapor drift. L. Elias, J. Chromatog. Sci. l& 178-180 (1975).
Reparation of standard sulfur dioxide gas blends using permeation tubes. A. Cedergren, A. Wikby and K. Bergner, Analyt.Chem. a, 100-106 (1975).
Organochlorina residues in Antarotio snow. D.A. Peel, Nature 2/j& 324 (1975).
An improved fluorometriomethod of analysis for benzo(a)pyrene in airborne partioulates. R.A. Lannoye and R.A. Greinke, Am. Ind. Hyg. ABSOO. J. 2
The horizontal cross-sectionalshape of convective plumes. D.S. Davison, Q. J. R. met. SOC. 101, 463-474 (1975).
Radioactive Pollution Determination of sulfur compounds in air by gas chromatography. F. Bruner, P. Cicoioli and F. Di Nardo, Analyt. Chem. a, 141-143 (1975).
Fall-out plutonium in Swedish reindeer lichens. E. Holm and R.B.R. Persson, Hlth Phyz. 219,43-52 (1975)=
A flow-through electrode unit for measurement of particulate atmospheric nitrate. L.J. Forney end J.F. McCoy, The Analyst 100, 157-162 (1975).
Variation of the ratio of cesium-137 to strontium-90 in the atmosphere. R.D. Sherrill, N.G. Sumerlin, J.N. Be& and P.K. Kuroda, Hlth Pbys. 2, 335-340 (1975).
Turbulent diffusion within a wheat canopy - I. Measurement using nitrous oxide. B.J. Leg& Q. J. R. met. Soo. 101, 597-610 (1975).
Radionuclide levels in mature grain related to radiostrontium oontent and tin* of dire& cont~ination. A. Aarkrog, Hlth phye. 2, 557-562 (1975). Sea 3reeze
Turbulent diffusion within a wheat oanopy - II. Results and interpretation. B.J. Legg and X.F. Long, Q. 3. R. met. SW. 101, 611-628 (1975).
A wind-tunnel study of Y. Ogawa, R, Griffiths Boundscy-LayerMet. 8,
Reoent Papers
Smoking Comparative effects of atmospherio pollution and cigarette smoking on osrbc~haemoglobin levels in man. P.V. Cole, Bature a, 699-700 (1975). Sarbcxyhemoglobinin nonsmokers. Jones and R. Fagan, Aroh. Environ. Hl.th2, 184-189 (1975).
Chemioal studies in tobacco smoke-XXXIV. Gas ohromatographiodetermination of ammonia in oigarette and cigar smoke. K.D. Brunnemenn end D. Hoffmann, J. Chromatog. Sci. u, 159-162 (1975). Short-term effeots of cigarette smoking on bronchial clearance in humans. R.E. Albert, H.T. Peterson, Jr., D.E. Bohning and M. Lippnann, Aroh. Environ. Hlth 2, 361 (1975).
Response of rat lung to inhaled vapour oonstituents (VP) of tobaooo smoke alone or in conjunction with smoke condensate or fraotions of smoke condensate given by intratraoheal instillation. Response of rat lung to inhaled tobacco smoke with or without prior exposure to 3,4,-Beneyprene (BP) given by intratrachealinstillation. B.R. Davis, J.K. Whitehead, E.Y. Gill, P.N. Lee, A.D. Butterworth and F.J.C. Roe, Br. J. Cancer 2, 462-469 (1975).
Stratosphericnitrio oxide: measurements during deytim.eand sunset. E.G. Burkhardt, C.A. Lsmbert and C.K.N. Patel, Soienoe 188, 1111-1112 (1975). Wind Effects Wind effects on buildings and structures. H. Thornann,Am. Soient. t& 278-287 (1975).