Recent, temperate, sub-photic, carbonate sedimentation: Rockall Bank, northeast Atlantic

Recent, temperate, sub-photic, carbonate sedimentation: Rockall Bank, northeast Atlantic

866 C. Submarine Geology and Geophysics margin tectonics. Includes stratigraphic tables and tectonic schematics. U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park,...

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C. Submarine Geology and Geophysics

margin tectonics. Includes stratigraphic tables and tectonic schematics. U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif. 94025, U.S.A. (hbf)


t980. Recent, temperate, sub-photic, carbonate sedimentation: R o c k a l l B a n k , northeast Atlantic. J. sedim. Petrology, 50(2): 331-355.

80:5902 Woodroffe, C. D., D. R. Stoddart and M. E. C. Giglioli, 1980. Pleistocene patch reefs and H o l o e e n e s w a m p m o r p h o l o g y , Grand Cayman Island, West Indies. J. Biogeogr., 7(2): 103-113. The relationships between species development and substrate geology were studied at Salt Creek on Grand Cayman Island. The subaerial to intertidal sediment sequence indicates Holocene transgression and terrestrial vegetation remains only on emergent areas interpreted as Pleistocene patch reefs. The development of mangroves or reefs on these emergent areas will depend on the relationship between relief, elevation, and the rate

and stage of marine transgression. Includes species lists. Department of Geography, University of Sheffield, U.K. (kink) 80:5903 Zhao, Xitao, Xiushan Geng and Jingwen Zhang, 1979. Sea level changes of eastern China during the past 20,000 years. (In Chinese; English abstract.) Acta oceanol, sin., 1(2): 269281. Institute of Geology, Academia Sinica, People's Republic of China.

8. Sedimentation, sedimentary processes and diagenesis 80:5904 Gurvich, Ye. G., Yu. A. Bogdanov and A. P. Lisitsyn, 1979. Behavior of barium in present-day sedimentation d u r i n g f o r m a t i o n of metalliferous sediments of the Pacific Ocean. Geochem. int. (a translation of Geokhimiya ), 16(1): 62-79. High concentrations of barium in surficial metalliferous sediments from the Pacific are believed to have a terrigenous origin and were principally deposited by 'normal' oceanic sedimentation. Dissimilar distributions of barium and the principal ore components, Fe and Mn, rule out a dominantly hydrothermal origin for the barium. Authigenic barite is the main carrier of barium. It has a 11,000 to 12,000 year residence time in the Pacific. Institute of Oceanology, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, U.S.S.R. (bas) 80:5905 Scoffin, T. P., E. T. Alexandersson, G. E. Bowes, J. L. Clokie, G. E. Farrow and J. D. Milliman,

Samples of bottom carbonate sediments, collected by grabbing and dredging and supplemented by underwater television observations, were taken from Rockall Bank. The samples, their components and modes of preservation and distribution are compared with those from similar temperate latitudes. A roughly concentric zonation of lithofacies was noted: coarse fragments of bryozoans and serpulid remains were dominant in waters less than 120 m deep; in the surrounding 120-220 m water bivalve and echinoderm fragments and benthic forams became more abundant; pelagic foram tests, many filled with diagenetic glauconite, predominated below 220 m. Patches of coral (Lophelia pertusa) were found in 200-400 m water. If the rate of carbonate deposition continues to balance subsidence, an aphotic temperate limestone should eventually be formed here. Includes 17 micrographs and 16 bottom photos. Department of Geology, University of Edinburgh, Kings Buildings, Edinburgh, EH9 3JW, Scotland, U.K. (hbf)

9. Bottom sediments, sedimentary rocks and formations (type, composition, etc.) 80:5906 Anderson, A. L. and L. D. Hampton, 1980. Acoustics of gas-bearing sediments. I. Background. II. Measurements and models. J. acoust. Soc. Am., 67(6): 1865-1903; 2 papers. Paper I summarizes current knowledge of the acoustical properties of saturated and gassy sediments and gassy water; acoustic propagation in gassy sediments is also discussed. Paper II examines the 'resonance of gas bubbles in water and sediments' using experimental results for predicting acoustic properties of gas-bearing sediments. Naval Ocean Research and Development Activity NSTL Station, Miss. 39529, U.S.A. (izs) 80:5907 Chen, Lirong, Zuofeng Luan, Tiemin Zhen, Wenqiang Xu and Tailu Dong, 1980. Mineral assemblages and their distribution patterns in the sediments of the Gulf of Bohai Sea. (In Chinese; English summary.) Oceanol. Limnol. sin.. 11(1): 46-64.