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Agricultural Meteorology, 13 (1974) 281--301 © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands RECENTLY PUBLISHED PAP...

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Agricultural Meteorology, 13 (1974) 281--301 © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands


ARTIFICIAL CLIMATE Appleton, J., 1973. Summer tunnel lettuce crops are the best to date. Grower, 80(6): 257. Basiaux, P., Deltour, J. and Nisen, A., 1973. Effect of diffusion properties of greenhouse covers on the light balance in the shelters. Agric. Meteorol., 11(3):357--372. Bradley, M. R., 1973. Cold cropping of tunnels in winter. Grower, 80(11):482--484. Dragan, G., 1970. Contributions to the technology of lucerne hay production by cold-air ventilation. Lucrari Stiint., Inst. Agron. Ion Ionescu, Iasi, 1970:307--315 (in Rumanian). Fretz, T. A., 1972. Media temperatures in nursery containers. Georgia Univ. Coll. Agric. Exp. Sta., Res. Rep., 121:15 pp. Garzoli, K. and Blackwell, J., 1973. The response of a glasshouse to high solar radiation and ambient temperature. J. Agric. Eng. Res., 18(3):205--216. Germing, G. H., 1972. Some technical aspects of plant illumination. Bedrijfsontwikkeling, 3(12):1155--1160 (in Dutch). Hammer, P. A., and Langhams, R. W., 1972. Experimental design considerations for growth chamber studies. Hort. Sci., 7(5):481--483. Hintze, S., 1972. Plastic film for green pickling cucumbers. Lantbr. hogskol. Meddel., A, 173 : 16 (in Swedish). Hoydahl, H. S., 1967. Net dry-matter production of salad plants under field conditions and various kinds of plastic cover. Wetter Leben, 19:13--27 (in German). Krause, W., 1973. The Finns claim their timber tunnels have many advantages over glass. Grower, 80(6): 263--264. Lacroix, L. J., Westaway, S. J. and Ferguson, A. C., 1971. Some plant growth effects under infra-red heating in greenhouses. Hort. Sci., 6(6): 546--547 Maher, M. J. and O'Flaherty, T., 1973. An analysis of greenhouse climate. J. Agric. Eng. Res., 18(3):197--204. Mor, I., 1970. Factors to be considered in the ventilation of greenhouses in the morning. Hassadeh, 50(11):1351--1353 (in Hebrew). Nieuwhof, B. J., 1972. Earlier harvests with white plastic mulch. Groenten Fruit, 28(14): 667 (in Dutch). O'Flaherty, T., Gaffney, B. J. and Walsh, J. A., 1973. Analysis of the temperature control characteristics of heated glasshouses using an analogue computer. J. Agric. Eng. Res., 18(2): 117--132. Soribe, F. I. and Curry, R: B., 1973. Simulation of lettuce growth in an air-supported plastic greenhouse. J. Agric. Eng. Res., 18(2):133--140. Spice, R., 1973. The expanding market for horticultural plastics is leading to improved films. Grower, 80(6):268--269. Stanhill, G., Fuchs, M., Bakker, J. and Moreshet, S., 1973. The radiation balance of a glasshouse rose crop. Agric. Meteorol., 11( 3 ): 385--404. Stene, J., 1972. Watering and misting in the glasshouse. Gartneryrket, 62(18):361--368 (in Norwegian).

282 Vissia, R., 1972. Economics of plant illumination. Bedrijfsontwikkeling, 3( 12 ): 1147--1153 (in Dutch).

CEREAL CROPS Allmaras, R. R., Nelson, W. W. and Hallauer, E. A., 1972. Fall versus spring plowing and related soil heat balance in the western corn belt. Tech. Bull., Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. Minnesota, 283:22 pp. Aspiazu, C. and Shaw, R. H., 1972. Comparison of several methods of growing-degree-unit calculations for corn. Iowa State J. Sci., 46(4):435--442. Buckle, J. A., 1972. Temperature effect on maize emergence. Rhodesian Agric. J., 69(5): 90. Caddel, J. L. and Weibel, D. E., 1972. Photoperiodism in sorghum. Agron. J., 64(4):473-476. Dancette, C., 1973. Check with a neutron hygrometer of the moisture supply to a crop of Souna millet during two very different winters. W.M.O. Publ., 340:68--89 (in French). Degtjareva, G. V., 1973. Forecasting the yield capacity of spring wheat before its sowing based on inertial factors. Glav. Uprav. Gidrometeorol. Sluz., Leningr., Meteorol. Gidrol., 4:77--84 (in Russian). Goisa, N. I. and Kovtun, I. I., 1971. Increases in accumulation of above-ground biomass by winter wheat in relation to the amount of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed during the autumn. Byull. Mironovsk. Inst. Selekt. Semenovodstva Pshenitsy, 2:55--58 (in Russian). Hashemi, F., 1973. Predicting the Wheat Yield of Iran from Weather Data. Iranian Meteorol. Dept., 38 pp. Hitlel, D. and Guron, Y., 1973. Relation between evapotranspiration rate and maize yield. Water Resour. Res., 9:743--748. Ivanova-Zubkova,N. Z., 1973. Meteorological conditions of the vegetation period as they affect the development condition and yield of millet. Gidrometeorol. Nauch.-Issl. Centr. S.S.S.R., 111:45--51 (in Russian). Johnson, J. A., 1972. Wheat cultivars, environment and bread-baking quality. Cereal Sci. Today, 17(10):323--326. Kabrt, B., 1971. The ecological determination of the height of winter wheat plants. Rostl. Vyroba, 17(11/12): 1213--1222 (in Slovak). Kail, R. M., Kolp, B. J. and Bohenenblust, K. E., 1972. Influence of temperature on crown depth development of winter barley. Crop Sci., 12(6):872--874. Kiriliceva, K. V., 1973. Agrometeorological conditions and the magnitude of productive elements in the sowing and formative period as they affect the spring wheat harvest. Gidrometeorol. Nauch.-Issl. Centr. S.S.S.R., Leningr., 111:3--20 (in Russian). Kogan, F. N., 1973. Improving the forecast of mean regional crop,capacity for spring wheat in western Siberia in relation to the weather conditions prevailing during the harvest period. Gidrometeorol. Nauch.-Issl. Centr. S.S.S.R., Leningr., 111:59--67 (in Russian). Lannon, J. and Raze, A., 1973. Maize and climate. Centr. Meteorol. Reg. Ouest, Rennes, 22 pp. (in French). Maurinya, Kh. A., 1972. Effect of temperature on maize development. Uch. Zap. Latviiskogo Univ., 161:19--31 (in Russian). Mescaninova, N. B., and Koval, V. S., 1973. The rate of depletion of soil moisture reserves in various inter-phase periods, for spring wheat under irrigation. Gidrometeorol. Nauch.Issl. Centr. S.S.S.R., Leningr., 111:98--104 (in Russian). Miiller, W. and Riickenbauer, P., 1973. Investigations into the meteorological influence on the increase of dry matter and the length of stems of spring barley and winter wheat in

283 the Pannonian climate. Arch. Meteorol. Geophys. Bioklimatol., 21B:77--98 (in German). Myrhe, D. L. and Sanford, J. O., 1972. Soil surface roughness and straw mulch for maximum beneficial use of rainfall by corn on a blackland soil. Soil Sci., 114(5):373--379. Plucik, S. L., 1973. The relationship between the duration of the formative period and the wax-ripeness of spring wheat and the agrometeorological conditions. Gidrometeorol. Nauch-Issl. Centr. S.S.S.R., Leningr., 111 : 129--133 (in Russian). Rabey, G. G. and Allison, J. C. S., 1972, Comparative growth and yield of maize and sunflower. Rhodesian J. Agric. Res., 10(1):105--108. Reinhardt, H., 1971. Influence of soil and climate on yield reliability and yield level in maize. Bayer. Landwirtsch. Jhrb., 48(3):306--327 (in German). Savitska, N. N., 1972. Effect of water content in barley-leaf tissues on nitrogen metabolism. Fiziol. Rast., 19(4):776--780 (in Russian). Sinitsyna, N. I. and Chan, D., 1972. The temperature conditions for growth of rice in S. Ukraine. Meteorol., Klimatol. Gidrol., Mehzved. Nauch. Sb., 8:83--87 (in Russian). Smetanin, A. P. and Volkova, N. P., 1972. Dependence of spikelet sterility in rice on low temperatures during flowering. Tr. Vses. Inst. Risa, 2:8--15 (in Russian). Smith, L. P., Cochrane, J. and Bailey, V., 1973. Estimation of wheat and barley acreages in England by reference to the weather of the previous summer. Meteorol. Mag., Lond., 102:265--269. Ulanova, E. S., 1973. A method for the agroclimatological regionalisation of conditions determining the yield of winter and spring wheat in the chernozem zone. Gidrometeorol. Nauch-Issl. Centr. S.S.S.R., Leningr., 111:52--58 (in Russian). Vamadevan, V. K. and Dastane, N. G., 1972. Effects of different moisture regimes at various stages of growth on the yield of rice. Riso, 21(4):335--339. Watts, W. R., 1973. Soil temperature and leaf expansion in Zea mays. Exptl. Agric., 9(1): 1--8. Williams, G. D. V., 1973. Estimates of prairie provincial wheat yields based on precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. Can. J. Plant Sci., 53: 17--30. Zeltaja, N. N., 1973. The connection between regional spring barley crop capacity and fundamental meteorological conditions in the different zones of the European S.S.R. Gidrometeorol. Nauch-Issl. Centr. S.S.S.R., Leningr., 111:21--30 (in Russian). CLIMATE AND WEATHER FACTORS Ajtay, A. and Kmetyko, K., 1973. Weather influences on the abundance of maize and potato crops. Idol, Budapest, 77:184--187 (in Hungarian). Alyanskaya, N. S., 1972. Changes in plants in relation to altitude. Byull. Galv. Botan. Sada, 86:25--30 (in Russian). Austin, R. B., 1972. Bulb formation in onions as affected by photoperiod and spectral quality of light. J. Hort. Sci., 47(4):493--504. Barr, W. and Pellett, H., 1972. Effect of soil temperature on growth and development of some wood plants. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 97(5):632--635. Bernard, E. A., 1973. The importance, needs and difficulties of agricultural meteorology in the semi-arid zone south of the Sahara. W.M.O. Publ., 340:214--225 (in French). Billie, J. C., Lepage, M., Morel, G. and Poupon, H., 1972. Ecological investigation of the Sahel savanna of northern Ferlo, Senegal: description of the region. Terre Vie, 26(3): 332--350 (in French). Bitan, A., Lomas, J., Gat, Z. and Borsuk, Z., 1973. Topographic effects on climatic conditions at Fatsael. Israel Meteorol. Serv. Agrometeorol., Rep., 1 / 7 3 : 3 6 pp. (in Hebrew). Brochet, M. P., 1972. Agrometeorological aids. C.R. Seances Acad. Agric. Fr., 58(15): 1172--1181 (in French).

284 Bunt, A. C., 1972. Effect of season on the carnation, 1. Growth rate. J. Hort. Sci., 47(4): 467--477. Bunting, A. H., 1973. Farming as environmental technology. In: N. Calder (Editor), Nature in the Round. Wedenfeld and Nicolson, London, pp. 48--58. Canneil, R. D. and Finney, J. R., 1973. Effects of direct drilling and reduced cultivation on soil conditions for plant growth. Outlook Agric., 74(4): 184--189. Castiaux, J., 1973. The importance and role of agrometeorological studies in a project of agricultural development. W.M.O. Publ., 340:226--236 (in French). Gatzeflis, J. and Terrettaz, R., 1971. The importance of the intensity of daily rainfall in the Valais. Rev. Suisse Viticult. Arboricult., 3(66):168--170 (in French). Cicasov, G. N., 1973. CharacterisLics of the spring moisture regime in northern Kazahstan. Izv. Vses. Georgr. Obs. Moscow, 105:344--349 (in Russian). De Wiljes, H. G. and Zaat, C. A., 1968. The influence of climate upon the number of weather-working hours in combine harvesting in The Netherlands. Arch. Meteorol. Geophys. Bioklimatol., B.16:105--114. Dimitrov, Z., 1972. Characters of growth of root systems in the early period of development in some agricultural crops in relation to soil moisture. Rast. Nauki, 9(2): 55--62 (in Bulgarian). Ehrlich, P. R., 1972. Weather and regulation of subalpine populations. Ecology, 53(2): 243--247. Franquin, P., 1973, Photoperiodism and cycles of vegetation. W.M.O. Publ., 340:42--44 (in French). Freddes, R. A., 1972. Effects of water and heat on seedling emergence. J. Hydrol., 16: 341--359. (Also: Inst. Land Water Management Res., Wageningen, Tech. Bull., 81: 19 pp.) Gorysina, N. G. and Makarevic, V. N., 1973. The influence of the thermal regime of the soil on the vegetation and productivity of some meadow plants. Glav. Geofys. Obs., Leningr., 306:39--48 (in Russian). Gunn, D. L., 1973. Consequences of cycles in the East African climate. Nature, Lond., 242(5398):457. Hader, F., 1967. The climate and bioclimate of the slopes of mountains. Wetter Leben, 19:269--278 (in German). Harris, R. E., 1972. Farming potential of the Canadian northwest. Can. Dept. Agric. Publ., 1 4 6 6 : 2 6 pp. Hild, J. and Rehnelt, K., 1967. Eco-sociological surveys of the vegetation around the river Altrhein/Dornich. Wetter Leben, 19:155--169 (in German). Jensen, H. E. K., 1972. Light intensity in long days for carnations. Tiddskr. Planteavl, 76(2):156--166. (in Danish). Karschen, R., 1972. Leaf surface/temperature relations in Begonia masoniana and their significance. Ecol. Plant., 7(4):347--356. Kaul, R. N., 1973. An integrated natural resources survey in northern Iraq. Nature Resour., 9(2):13--18. Kramer, C. L. and Holzapfel, E. P., 1973. Air biota of the upper atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean and continental United States. Agric. Meteorol., 12(1 ): 83--94. Kramer, C. L., Wartell, J., and Holzapfel, E. P., 1973. Surface level trapping of air biota on the Pacific Ocean. Agric. Meteorol., 12(1): 49--64. Kronfuss, H., 1972. Comparative microclimatolo~cal measurements at two sub-alpine sites. Mitt. Bundesvers.anstalt Wien, 96 : 159--176 (in German). Lynch, M. R. and Sweet, R. D., 1970. The effect of light intensity and relative humidity on tomato response to diphenamid. In: Abstr. Meet. Weed Sci. Soc. Am., 1970:102. Monteith, J. L,. 1972. Solar radiation and productivity in tropical ecosystems. J. Appl. Ecol., 9(3):747--766. Muller, W., 1972. Two agroclimatological characteristics of the thermal conditions on the Marchfield area. Wetter Leben, 24: 9--16 (in German).

285 Perrier, A., 1973. Atmospheric environment of crops. W.M.O. Publ., 340:134--149 (in French). Plesco, N., Sinik, N. and Loncar, E., 1973. Bioclimatic classification of the south Adriatic region. Zb. Meteorol., Hidrol. Radova, 4:69--76 (in Croatian). Poole, R. T. and Waters, W. E., 1971. Soil temperature and development of cuttings and seedlings of tropical foliage plants. Hort. Sci., 6(5):463--464. Razumova, L. A.(ed.), 1973. Research into agrometeorological forecasting. Gidrometeorol. Nauch.-Issl. Centr. S.S.S.R., Leningr., 1 1 1 : 1 4 4 pp. (in Russian). Rotsettis, J., Quinn, J. A. and Fairbrothers, D. E., 1972. Growth and flowering of D a n t h o n i a sericea populations. Ecology, 53(2):227--234. Singh, N. T. and Dhaliwal, G. S., 1972. Effect of soil temperature on seedling emergence in different crops. Plant Soil, 37(2):441--444. Sinha, S. K., 1972. Crop selection for water use efficiency. Indian Farming, 22(2):62--63. Smith, L. P., 1973. Life in a changing climate. In: N. Calder (Editor), Nature in the Round. Wedenfeld and Nicolson, London, pp. 37--47. Sreenivasan, P. S., 1972. Rainfall and evapotranspiration in relation to crops and cropping pattern. Indian Farming, 22(2):38--42. Wallen, C. C., 1973. Environmental aspects of agricultural meteorology. Agric. Meteorol., 11(3):341--343. Western, and Van Praet, C., 1973. Cyclical changes in the habitat and climate of an East African ecosystem. Nature, U.K., 241(5385):104--106. Winkler, E. and Pregenzer, E., 1970. The dry matter production of permanent prairies as a function of air temperature, irrigation and fertilizers at altitudes of 600 and 900 m. Bodenkultur (C)sterr. Agrarverlag), 21:22--44 (in German). Yao, A. Y. M., 1973. Evaluating climatic limitations for a specific agricultural enterprise. Agric Meteorol, 12(1):65--74. Zuccardi, R. B. and Fadda, G. S., 1972. Arid and semi-arid regions of the Tucuman Province. Edaphic and agronomic characteristics. Rev. Agron. Noroeste Argentino, 9(2):329--345 (in Spanish).

EROSION Charreau, C., 1973. Torrential rain in Senegal. Incidences of erosion. W.M.O. Publ., 340: 170--201 (in French). Elwell, H. A. and Stocking, M. A., 1973. Rainfall parameters for soil loss estimation in a sub-tropical climate. J. Agric. Eng. Res., 18(3):169--178. Faskhutdinov, Sh., Garifullin, A. and Fedorov, V., 1972. Control of soil erosion in orchards. Sadovo dstvo, 10:18 (in Russian ). Gard, L. E. and McKibben, G. E., 1973. "No-till" crop protection proving a most promising conservation measure. Outlook Agric., 7(4):149--154. Olson, T. C. and Wischmeier, W. H., 1963. Soil-erodibility evaluations for soils on the run-off and erosion stations. Proc. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., 27: 590--592. Pasak, V., 1968. Wind and soil erosion. Wetter Leben, 20:243--253 (in German). Uribe, H., 1972. Erosion and soil conservation in coffee and other crops. Cenicafe, 22(1): 1--17 (in Spanish). Wein, R. W. and West, N. E., 1972. Physical microclimates of erosion-control structures in a salt desert area. J. Appl. Ecol., 9(3): 703--719. Young, H. M., 1973. No-tillage farming in the U.S.A.: its profit and potential. Outlook Agric., 7(4):143--148. Young, R. A. and Burwell, R. E., 1972. Prediction of runoff and erosion from natural rainfall using a rainfall simulator. Proc. Sci. Soc. Am., 36(5):827--830.

286 FIELD CROPS Aldon, E. F., 1972. Critical soil moisture levels for field planting fourwing saltbush. J. Range Management, 25(4):311--312. Bennett, O. L., 1972. Effect of slope, inclination and orientation on yield and water use of forage species. Diss. Abstr. Int., B, 32(7):3737. Bennett, O. L., Mathias, E. L. and Henderlong, P. R., 1972. Effects of north- and southfacing slopes on yield of Kentucky bluegrass with variable rate and time of nitrogen application. Agron. J., 64(5):630--635. Blydenstein, J., 1972. Climate and the natural grasslands of South America. Turrialba, 22(3):258--262 (in Spanish). Caddel, J. L. and Weibel, D. E., 1972. Photoperiodism in sorghum. Agron. J., 64(4): 473--476. Cadima, Z. A. and Alvim, P de T., 1972. The effects of drainage on cacao yields. Rev. Theobroma, 2(2): 27--32 (in Spanish). Daubenmire, R., 1972. Annual cycles of soil moisture and temperature as related to grass development in the steppe of eastern Washington. Ecology, 53(3):419--424. Deinum, B., 1971. Climate, nitrogen and grass, 3. Some effects of light intensity on nitrogen metabolism. Neth. J. Agric. Sci., 19(3):184--188. Dragland, S., 1972. Effect of temperature and daylength on growth, bulb formation and bolting in leeks. Meld. Norges Landbr. hogskol., 51(21): 24 pp. Elliott, W. M., 1972. Light-controlled leaf expansion in Alaska peas grown under varied light conditions. Plant Physiol, 49(suppl.):62. Evenson, P. D. and Rumbaugh, M. D., 1972. Influence of mulch on postharvest soil temperatures and subsequent regrowth of alfalfa. Agron. J., 64(2): 154--157. Fedoseev, A. P., 1973. Principles of agrometeorological forecasts of nitrogenous fertilizer efficiency. Glav. Uprav. Gidrometeorol. Sluz., Meteorol., Gidrol., Leningr., 5:86--94 (in Russian). Franquin, P., 1973. The agroclimatology of cotton. W.M.O. Publ., 340:150--157 (in French). Garcia, B. J, and Montoya-Maquin, J. M., 1972. Relationship between the amount of excess water and cacao yield in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Agron. Trop., Venezuela, 22(1): 57--66 (in Spanish). Gardiner, M. J., 1972. An evaluation of the influence of soil characteristics and climate on crop yields, 1. Sugar yields; 2. Influence of temperature. Irish J. Agric. Res., 11(2): 211--217; 219--232. Gulinova, N. V. and Kovaljuk, V. I., 1973. Soil moisture reserves and the regional yield of hay from natural hay-making in the European S.S.R. Gidrometeorol. Nauch-Issl. Centr. S.S.S., Leningr., 111 : 63--75 (in Russian). Hafstra, G., 1972. Response of soybeans to temperature under high light intensities. Can. J. Plant Sci., 52:535--543. Karing, P. H., 1973. The effect of soil climate on the growth of young grass. Glav. Geophys. Obs.,Leningr., 306:26--38 (in Russian). Knapp, R. and Knapp, G., 1967. The humidity and temperature of the air in banana plantations and other crops in Tenerife (Canary Islands). Wetter Leben, 19:231--240 (in German). Koch, D. W., Dotzenko, A. D. and Hinze, G. O., 1972. Influence of three cutting systems on the yield, water use efficiency and forage quality of sainfoin. Agron. J., 64(4): 463--467. Komockaja, L. V., 1973. A method for calculating the industrial stern length, and forecasting the mean regional crop capacity of flax fibre in the main areas of cultivation. Gidrometeorol. Nauch.-Issl. Centr. S.S.R., Leningr., 111:31--37 (in Russian). Kontorscikova, O. M., 1973. the sugar content of beet in relationship to solar radiation and the availability of soil moisture. Gidrometeorol. Nauch.-Issl. Centr. S.S.S.R., Leningr., 111 : 123--128 (in Russian).

287 Loper, G. M. and Lapioli, A. M., 1972. Photoperiodic effects on the emanation of volatiles from alfalfa. Plant Physiol., 49(5):729--732. Mack, A. R., 1973. Soil temperature and moisture conditions in relation to the growth and quality of field peas Can. J. Soil Sci., 53:59--72. Mayer, H. and Walk, O., 1973. Contributions to the meteorology of a grassland area, 2. Surface temperatures and surface heat flux in the drought period. Meteorol. Rundsch. Heidelberg, 26:18--23 (in German). Meriaux, S., 1972. The effect of drought on development, yield and composition of beans. Ann. Agron., 23(5):533--546 (in French). Milkovski, I., Dushev, E. and Nikolov, G., 1971. Effect of water and nutrient regimes on boll formation in cotton. Rast. Nauki, 8(9):77--86 (in Bulgarian). Millar, A. A. and Gardner, W. R., 1972. Effect of the soil and plant water potentials on the dry matter production of snap bean. Agron. J., 64(5):559--562. Morris, R. M., 1972. The rate of water loss from grass samples during hay-type conservation. J. Br. Grassld. Soc., 27(2}:99--105. Nakayama, A. and Sakai, S., 1972. Effect of soil moisture conditions in winter on the growth of young tea plants. Study Tea, 44:1--7 (in Japanese). Osipova, N. I., Karaukhova, V. V. and Muminov, F. A., 1972. Agrometeorological indices of earliness in new wilt-resistant cotton varieties. Tr. Sredneaziats. Region. Gidrometeorol. Inst., 4(85):29--32 (in Russian). Pearson, C. J. and Hunt, L. A., 1972. Effects of temperature on primary growth of alfalfa. Can. J. Plant Sci., 52(6}:1007--1015. Platonova, L. N., 1973. Estimating agrometeorological conditions for mechanised cotton harvesting in the Azerbaydzanskaya S.S.R. Gidrometeorol. Nauch.-Issl. Centr. S.S.R., Leningr., 111:134--139 (in Russian). Rijtema, P. E. and Endrodi, G., 1970. Calculation of production of potatoes. Neth. J. Agric. Sci., 18:26--36. (Also: Inst. Land Water Management Res., Wageningen, Tech. Bull., 7 0 : 1 1 pp.) Roy, M. G., 1972. Heading dates of $24 perennial ryegrass and spring temperatures. J. Br. Grassld. Soc., 27(4): 251--260. Saharova, N. L., 1973. Calculating the reserves of productive water present under potatoes in the European S.S.R., taking account of the mechanical condition of the soil. Gidrometeorol. Nauch.-Issl. Centr. S.S.S.R., Leningr., 111:92--97 (in Russian). Savory, R., 1972. Pasture improvement in Malawi; the introduction of legumes into various soil-climate-management ecosystems. Proc. Grassld. Soc. Afr., 7:87--92. Smith, D., 1972. Effects of day--night temperature regimes on growth and morphological development of timothy plants derived from winter and summer tillers. J. Br. Grassld. Soc., 27(2):107--110. Spiertz, J. H. J. and Ellen, J., 1972. The effects of light intensity on some morphological aspects of perennial ryegrass and its effect on seed production. Neth. J. Sci., 20(4): 232--246. Stahlin, A. and Schafer, K., 1972. The importance of turf areas and parks as the "green lungs" of cities at low temperatures. Rasen, Turf, Gazon, 3(2):58--63 (in German}. Van Eimern, J., 1969. Investigation on the climate of a hop garden. Wetter Leben, 21: 11--22 (in German). White, L. M. and Brown, J. H., 1972. Nitrogen fertilization, and clipping effects'on green needlegrass, 2. Evapotranspiration, water use efficiency and nitrogen recovery. Agron. J., 64(4):487--490. Winkler, E., 1969. Potato cultivation in the Tyrol at 500, 900, 1350 and 1880m above sea level. Eur. Potato J., 12:188--199 (in German). Wu, C. A. and Chou, D. S., 1972. The effects of microclimate on tobacco transplanted on different dates. J. Agric. Assoc. China, 79:27--37 (in Chinese}.

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301 No. ;1047. Effect of water stress on the growth and development of groundnuts. (21 refs., 1951--1967). No. 1063. Water stress in wheat. (55 refs., 1962--1966). No. 1071. Sprinkler irrigation of rice. (8 refs., 1951--1967). No. 1140. The effect of temperature on the germination of oats. (10 refs., 1948--1968). No. 1182(1). Water reqmrements of crops: rice. (106 refs., 1960--1970). No. 1182(2). Water requirements of crops: wheat. (118 refs., 1960--1969). No. 1182(3). Water reqmrements of crops: maize. (85 refs., 1965--1969). No. 1182(4). Water requirements of crops: sorghum and millets. (44 refs., 1960 --1969). No. 1182(5). Water requirements of crops: cotton. (127 refs., 1960--1969). No. 1182(6). Water requirements of crops: soyabeans. (58 refs., 1960--1969). No. 1182(7 ). Water requirements of crops: groundnuts. (31 refs., 1960--1969). No. 1182(8). Water reqmrements of crops: sunflower. (20 refs., 1960--1969). No. 1182(9). Water requirements of crops: methods for determining. (95 refs., 1960-1969). No. 1230. Windbreaks in the tropics. (26 refs., 1947--1970). No. 1264. Irrigation of potatoes 135 refs., 1953--1970). No. 1278. Antitranspirants. 1"25 refs.. 1963--1972~. No. 1309, Effect of light on ~&, rc~)wth~mdyield~ potatoes. (74refs,, 1962 1972). No. 1316. Flooding effects on temperature crops. (19 refs., 1960--1972).