Recognition deficits in chronic schizophrenics

Recognition deficits in chronic schizophrenics

Schizophrenia BtOL P s v c h ~ v |99| ~:43A- |8$A 63A from non-Chinese patients as reporte:! in the literatu~. The RI~HL ratios were c l o s e s t ...

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BtOL P s v c h ~ v |99| ~:43A- |8$A


from non-Chinese patients as reporte:! in the literatu~. The RI~HL ratios were c l o s e s t . The greater the HL dese used, the higher the RH;HL ratio produced. RH levels ~ . a m e rapidly elevated ~ n doses h~creased from 40 rag/day to 50 rag;day. An upper therapeutic limit of plasma ElL Level is sagges1~ to be 25 ng/ml. Tnis level can be ac~devcd at dosages no~. ~o,ea*.er ~ ~ mgfd~y ~,:,mo~ Chinese ~fients Based on the dose-dependent increase in RI-IL~HLratios, the importance of RH in determ~nring the theralx~c benefit of HL treatment is discussed.


NEUROENDOCRINE EFFECT OF FLUPERLAPINE COMP.~d~,ED WITH CHLORPROMAZINE Gyorgy Bartko, M.D., Mihaly Kurcz, Ph.D., Ere Frecska, M.D. National Institute for Nervous and Mental Diseases, Budapest, Hungary: Research Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry CHINOIN, Budapest, Hungary. Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Clinical Neuroscience Center, Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, West Brentwood, N¥ 11717. Fluperlapine, classified as a tricyclic psychopharmacological agent, chemically resembles the neurolepfics clozapine and clothapine and to the antidepressants amoxapine and d i ~ e p i n e . The efficacy of flupertap~ on the positive, negative, and depressive symptoms of seifizophrenia was clearly demonstrated in s e v ~ clinical studies and it was found to be free of significant extrapyramidal side effects. This study investigates the neuroendocrine profile of fluperlapine compared to chlorprcrnazint:. Eighteen nonfecund f e t e patients with DSM-m-R schizophrenia were randomly and blindly assigned to an oral treatment of fluperlapine or ~hlorpmmazine for a period of 42 days. Blood samples were obtained on Day 0, 3, 7, 14, 2 l, 28, and 42 and plasma levels of prolactin (PRL), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), growth hormone ~GHL thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), triiodothyronine (13) (total and free), thyroxine ~T4) ~to~ and free), corfisol, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) were determined. There were significant differences between the PRL values of the study groups at every time point of the investigation. However, there was no evidence that fluperlapine had relevant influence on anyone of these hormones with the exception of a significant decrease of PRL levels on day 7. The T 3 ~ and T 3 ~ leveh g~,~wed si~;~:.~nt rise during the chlorpromazine treatment between days 14 and 42 and were significantly higher on day 42 in the chlorpromazine group than those in the fluperlapine groups. Together with clinical experiences, these findings suggest that similarly to clozapine and in contrast to typtcai neuroleptics fluperlapine may permit normal dopaminergic function in h'le anterior pituitary region.


RECOGNITION DEFICITS IN CHRONIC SCHIZOPHRENICS Barry D. Schwartz, Ph.D., William J. Evans, B.S., Frederic J. Sautter, Ph.D., Daniel K. Winstead, M.D. Tulane University Medical Schoo!, New Orleans, LA. Early information processing deficits are consistently observed for schizophrenics. The focus of this study was to evaluate processing while controlling for several sources of variance (i.e., sex, age, duration of illness, medication, and schizophrenic subtype). A forced-choice task measured the critical stimulus duration (CSD) for letter recognition. The task criteria was 70% (i.e., 7 out of 10), a liberal or 7 consecutive, a conservative criteria. The letters were. initially presented for 1 msec. and then increased to criteria. At present, 13 normal controls, 11 methadone controls, and 33 schizophrenics participated in the study. Analysis revealed no significant differences within groups associated with criteria. Negative schizophrenics, positive schizophrenics, and methdadone controls did not differ from each other, but were si~ificant~y different from normal controls. Schizophrenics with less than 12 months illness duration, did not differ from normal controYs, but required significantly shorter CSDs than schizophrenics with greater than 12 months duration of illness. The results indicate that chronicl,~ significantly impacts on information processing. Implications for schi~,ophrenic processing are discussed.