Redistribution of abutment pressure on stowage material at working of thick steep seams by slicing method

Redistribution of abutment pressure on stowage material at working of thick steep seams by slicing method

35A 307 SPICK~hNASEL, R Iz~lueuce of coal wi.zmlmg%eb/~niquee on surface subsidence; In German; 6F~IT, ISE~; GLUECKAUF FORSCHUNG~'I'~, VBk, NS, 1973,...

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307 SPICK~hNASEL, R Iz~lueuce of coal wi.zmlmg%eb/~niquee on surface subsidence; In German; 6F~IT, ISE~; GLUECKAUF FORSCHUNG~'I'~, VBk, NS, 1973, P168-174. The mine subsidence depends on the strength of the material~ on the depth of the workings, the angle of the gateroads amd the time factor; The author describes the observations and measurements after finished coal wimming operations. Tabulated data give the speed of the subsidence in periods of 50 - 72 days from Ma~ to OctOber 1971. The rock movements in the mine occurred in three phases. The first two phases took place in the unlergrourzl and only the third phase became evident as surface subsidence.

Temporary and permanent supports 3O8 CARTHEW, J BALKS, AI Roof boltimg ,~ehines in the Australian coal ir~ustry; Procv Symposium on Rock Bolting, Wollongo~, 1971. 6F,4T,4R. AUSTRALASIAN INST.MIN.METALE.TLL&WARRA ~E~hNCH, 1971,16P.

supported structures, Vol.2. Prec. Speciality Conference, PUrdue Univ. 1972. 13F, IT, gR. ASCE, NEW YOEK, 1972 ~P1303-1322.

313 LIU, TK DUGAN, JP An instrumented tied-back deep excavation. In Perf~nce of earth stud earth supported stau,~tures, Vol.2. PROC. Speciality Conference, Purdue Univ.

1972; TF. ASCE, NEW YORK, 1972, P1323-133 9. 314 POSORHOV, GE INST .MIN. SIB~, BRANCH, AS, SU Redistribution of abutment pressure on stowage materiel at workimgs of thick steep seams by sliclmg method. 2F,2R. SJ¢I~T MIN. SCI.VS, NS, 1972. P615-617. 315 BRADY, BT DUVALL,WI Strez~d~henlng of fractured rock pillar by the use of mnall radial reinforcement pressures; Figs,Table, Refs. US BUR.MINES, RI 7755,1973,20P. The effects of small radial reinfcccement l~essure on the postfailure characteristics of 2 types of granite, a sandstone and a marble are presented.

309 SALA~©N, MD CHAMBER OF MINES S.A.COLL.RES.LAB.ZA Integrating strata control with coal winnlrg systems. Proc ~. Symposium on Rock Bolting, Wollongong, 1971.

3F, TR. AUSTRALASIAN INST.MIN.MRTALL.ILLAWARRA BRANCH, 1971, 9P. Under South African coal mining comditioms, in the majority of instances coal is won using the bard and pillar system without pillar extraction. ~ Examples demonstrate that aT,rata control policy has an effect on practically all aspects of mining: 1. the choice of mining method; 2. degree of coal recover3G 3. effect of productivity; 4~ integration of support techniques with other operations; This is confirmed by use of modern research results amd computer simulation. Auth.

316 GRANT, F MINES BR.DEPT.EN.MIN.HES.ALBERTA, CDN Strata control by roof bolting in the western Camadlan mountain coal mines. 9F,3T,8R. CAN. INST.MIN.M~TALL.BLKL.V66, ~T(39,1973,P7~87. The results obtained by the coal mines of the area and by the Mining Research Centre of the Department of Er~rgy, Mines ~ Resources, frc~ stuclies of the use of roof bolts to improve strata control in coal mines are ~m~arized;

Construction methods

310 RAFFOUX, JF CERCHAR, SCH.MINES, NANCY, F Resin bonded bolting in French coal mlnes. Proc. Symposium on Rock Bolting, Wollongong, 1971. 13F, 2R. AUSTRALASIAN INST.MIN.METALL.ILLAWARRA BRANCH, 1971,18P. Roof bolting with resin bonded bolts has been developed extensively in French coal mines. Three aspects of this development are considered: i. The reason for ar~ the care used in the development of roof bolting from use as a reinforcement in a classical arched roadway to use as the only support in roadways in advance of the working face; 2. The problems encountered and studied; ard 3. Expansion of this system of support due to safety controls.

317 MCCOY, AE M ~ O P O L . COLL. ~ N S B U R G H , NSW. AUS VNENK, L HARGRAVES, AJ Rotary boring and resin bolting at Metropolitan colliery. Proc. SympOsi~n on Rock Bolting, Wollongong, 1971. 7F, 3T,6R. AUSTRALASIAN INST.MIN.MRTALL.TTT AWARRA BRANCH, 1971,16P. The disadvantages of percussive roof bolting at the face in this colliery have led to recent production trials with rotary boring and rapid-settimg resin anchored roof bolts developed at the Colliery. The three innovations involved are: (1) the wet drilling of small holes with an all-hydraulic, portable rotary boring machine; (2) the rapidity of loading a "point anchored" resin bolt; and (3) the consistently high an_chorage strength available. Auth.

311 H~B~RSTAD, J WAIDE, C SIMPSON, R The pumpable rock bolt. A new roof control concept. ENGN3.MIN.J.VI74 ,N8,1973, P76-79. The development of a new, pt~npable, fully grouted polymer roof bolt is reported.

REBULL, PM Earth responses in soft groumd tunmelling. In Performance of earth amd earth supported structures, Vol.2. Proc. Speciality Conference, Purdue Univ.

312 SWATEK, EP A&ROW, SP SEITZ, AM Performance of braclrg for deep Chicago excavation. In.Performance of earth and earth


1972. 9F, 5R. ASCE, NEW YORK, 1972, P1517-1535. 319 Soft-groumd tunnelling system l~Oved practicable. 2F, 3R. S.AFR.MINING ENGNG.J.V85, N4083,1973, P15, 23, 26. The techmlque is based on a machine known as the