R& D reports "R & D reports" surveys the recent scientific and technical literature, highlighting papers on the research, development and application of microprocessor-based systems.
Cornell, D W, Dias, D M and Yu, P S 'On multisystem coupling through functional request shipping' IEEE Trans. Software Eng. Vol SE-12 No 10 (October 1986) pp 1006-1017
Karp, S and Rosild, S 'DARPA, SDI and GaAs' pp 17-19
Artificial intelligence
Shoja, G C and Gron, P E 'A versatile IPC construct for distributed microcomputer applications' IEESoftware Eng. J. Vol I No 5 (September 1986) pp 190-195
Gilbert, B K, Naused, B A, Schwab, D J and Thompson, R L 'Signal processors based upon GaAs ICs: the need for a wholistic design approach' pp 29-43
Describes an interprocess communication facility that forms part of a universal run-time support system, UNI_RTSS, for distributed realtime and multitasking applications.
Milutinovic, V, Silbey, A, Fura, D, Keirn, K, Bettinger, M, Helbig, W, Heagerty, W, Zieger, R, Schellack, R and Curtice, W 'Issues of importance in designing GaAs microcomputer systems' pp 45-57
Spanier, S 'FEPs ease migration to new LAN protocols' Mini-Micro 5yst. Vo119 No 11 (September 1986) pp 93-101
Rasset, T L, Niederland, R A, Lane, l H and Giedeman, W A 'A 32-bit RISC implemented in enhancement-mode JFET GaAs' pp 60-68
Hindin, H l 'General-purpose machines and PCs emerge as AI platforms' CompuL Des. Vol 25 No 20 (1 November 1986) pp 43-48 Review of AI implemented on various microsystem products, with contributions from Apollo Computer and Sun Microsystems. Rauch-Hindin, W 'AI shapes up for mainstream use' Mini-Micro SysL Vol 19 No 10 (August 1986) pp 57-68 'Software integrates AI, standard systems' Mini-Micro Syst. Vol 19 No 12 (October 1986) pp 69-85 Two-part article examining AI hardware and software. The first part assesses the suitability of various microsystems, minicomputers and engineering workstations for running usP applications; the second discusses the integration of AI software into a system, using a large number of examples of available LISP tools.
Computer communications Carchilo, V, Faro, A, Mirabella, O, Pappalardo, G and Scollo, G 'A LOTOS specification of the PROWAY highway service' IEEETrans. CompuL Vol C-35 No 11 (November 1986) pp 949-968 The language for temporal ordering specification (LOTOS) is currently under development within the ISO for application to OSI standards. This paper presents a LOTOS specification for the IEC's Proway interface for process control applications.
Vol 11 No 2 March 1987
Spanier, of Excelan Inc., discusses the use of board-level front-end processors (FEPs) to adapt existing equipment -- the examples used are Sun Microsystems 2/120 and NCR Tower systems -- to emerging network protocols such as ISO/OSI, MAP and TOP. An experiment conducted using an FEP board containing an 80186 with 512 kbyte of RAM showed the FEPto give better performance than a kernel-based system especially on network processing and CPU intensive tasks.
Towsley, D 'Allocating programs containing branches and loops within a multiple processor system' IEEE Trans. Software Eng. Vol SE-12 (October 1986) pp 1018-1024
Larson, L E, Jensen, I F and Greiling, PT 'GaAs high-speed digital IC technology: an overview' pp 21-27
Fox, E R, Kiefer, K J, Vangen, R F and Whalen, S P 'Reduced instruction set architecture for a GaAs microprocessor system' pp 71-81 Larsen et al. discuss chip manufacture and specification for the defence industry, and the development of an alI-GaAs implementation of the Stanford M IPS (microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages) 32-bit RISC architecture. 'Issues of importance' covered by Milutinovic and his coauthors from Purdue University and RCA Corp. include GaAs memory design, arithmetic coprocessors and I/O. Rasset et al. describe the development and architecture of a 32-bit RISC microprocessor and floating-point coprocessor by McDonnel Douglas, while Fox et al. present a 24/32-bit RISC CPU, floating-point coprocessor and MMU from Control Data Corp.
Milutinovic, V 'GaAs microprocessor technology' (Guest editorial) pp 10-13
Graphics McNierney, E 'New issues in PC graphics' Dr Dobb's ]. Software Tools Vol 11 No 11 (November 1986) pp 30-38 The new generation of graphics 111