Reduced support costs for shipboard electronic systems

Reduced support costs for shipboard electronic systems

World 552 Abstracts on Microelectronics and Reliability Incremental technique is used in these risk computations whereby fragment impact distribu...

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on Microelectronics

and Reliability

Incremental technique is used in these risk computations whereby fragment impact distributions are computed for discrete vehicle flight times. This allows for a

efforts have been and will continue trade studies.

considerably more accurate of impact uncertainty.

Weapon system parametric life cycle cost analysis. HANS W. WYNH~LDS and JOHN P. SKRATT. PWC. IEEE R&&. Maintaimzb. Symp., Philadelphia (Jan. IX 20. 1977) I>_ 303 A general approach to parametric life-cycle cost analysis is described in this paper. Foundation of fhc methodolog) IS a three-dimensional work breakdown structure (program elements, subdivisions of work. and lifecycle program phases). The other important ingredient is ;I ret of paramatric cost estimating relationships. Adaptation as an interactive computer model with automated data input and selective output is also discussed.



of the various


Effects of temperature on avionics reliability. J. J. ULIHIG WEAVER. Proc. ZEEE Relish. Maintuinuh. Symp.. Philadelphia (Jan. 18-20, 1977) p. 409. The effects of temperature on avionics reliability at the line replaceable unit level are determined. Field failure rates for 42 avionics boxes flying on the USAF C-141 jet transport Heet are analyzed along with operating temperatures obtained in a comprehensive thermal survey. A strong correlation between reliability and equipment price is shown where price is used as a measure of complexity. Using multiple regression analysis techniques, it is shown that the reliability of more complex equipment using flow-through forced convection cooling is very sensitive to increase in temperature. The reliability of less complex equipment cooled by free convection is not as sensitive to increases in temperalure.

and T. E.




for shipboard electronic systems. IEEE Reliuh. Muintainab.-Symp.. Philudelohia (Jan. 18-20. 1977), *D. 316. This naner describes . a Design-to-Life-Cycle Cost (DTLCC) approach which was used to minimize support costs of the AN/SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare (EW) Suites. The Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis described herein was performed during the prototype development phase of the Navy’s Design-to-Price low cost Electronic Warfare Suites program. The results and concepts described, although they deal directly with the AN/SLQ-32 EW suites, can be employed on other shipboard electronic systems. Actual cost data has been avoided intentionally because, at the time of this writing. the EW suites are involved in a competitive procurement evaluation. GEORGE E. EUSTIS. Proc.



System probabilistic studies at the nuclear regulatory commission. WILLIAM E. VESELY and JAMES W. PITTMAN. Proc. IEEE Relish. Maintainah. Symp., Philudelphia (Jan. 18 ~20, 1977) p. 320. This paper briefly highlights some of the work in probabilistic analyses being carried out at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The particular work described. covering some of those areas in which the authors are directly involved, is broken into systems evaluation studies, human error and system quantiiication techniques, and component data analysis studies. Nuclear power plant reliability audits THEOWRE ESSINGER. Proc. IEEE Reliab. Maintuinab. Symp., Philadelphia (Jan. I X-20, 1977) p. 343. Improving nuclear power plant reliability is one of the most fruitful ways of optimizing a utility’s return on investment. Currently, Florida Power & Light Company is extracting useful information from numerous sources through reliability audits to increase plant reliability. Through an organized management approach, various technical disciplines join forces to gather pertinent information, both specific and generic, concerning the failed component, its maintenance history, and its supplier. After the team analyzes the data. it makes recommendations for corrective action to those capable of achieving it. to unit production cost. WILLIAM P. Reliab. Maintainab. Symp.. Philadelphiu (Jan. 18-20, 1977) p. 310..To meet the performance specifications of the COPPERHEAD guided projectile and at the same time keep production cost realistic. Martin Marietta instituted a Design To Unit Production Cost program at the time of contract award. A target goal was established for the all up round. To accomplish this goal, innovative and advanced technologies were examined and applied to both the configuration design and production methods. All Copperhead



to be documented


Effectiveness of reliability system testing on quality and reliability. JAMES B. HOVIS. Proc. [EEE R&oh. k4~air~roinoh. Symp.. Philadelphia (Jan. 18~20. 19771 p. 781. This pnpcr presents a reliability approach to a program for ?I high reliability airborne search and track combat radar \vhich was based on three successful approaches evolved at Westinghouse Defense and Electronic Systems Center The reliability program plan implemented for this radar eyuipment was designed to produce a system which would perform in a flyoff test better than a predetermined meantime-between-failure (MTBF). The basis of this approach was basically that used in the successful Elcctro-Optical system known as the B-52 Steerable TV (AN,AVQ-221 which achieved a field MTBF approximately equal to the predicted value and demonstrated in a Mil-Std-781 test a greater MTBF than the required value. It is felt rhat the principles described herein could bc applied IO an\ program to achieve the desired results m field usage. Reliability assessment for heavy machinery hy -‘HI FMECA” Method. KATSUSHIGE ONODEM. MIFU‘ORI. MIKI and KEIZO NIIKAI)A. Prof. IEEE Rrlioh. Mu~nrrr~ntrh. Symp.. Philadelphia (Jan. 18~10, 1977) p. 346. The “Hl FMECA” stands for Hitachi-Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis. At Hitachi Works of Hitachi, Ltd in Japan, this Reliability Assessment Method (“HI-FMEC‘A”) has been used and proven to be helpful 111designing and analyzing the design of heavy equipment for power generating stations, the same type or model of which is seldom reproduced. This paper will present the “HI--FMECA” method by means of the examples for an auxiliary system of a nuclear power generating plant. A probabilistic approach to design for the ECCS of a PWR. IEEE Reliub. Maintckmh. Svmp.. Phlr/delphia (Jan. 18--20. 1977) p, 332. In this study. a fault-tree analysis and a probabilistic evaluation arc ttsed to compare the different types of designs. based on B different ordrl of redundancy for the Emergency Core C‘ooling Syctem of a 1300 MW Pressurized Water Reactor. The effects of maintenance and common-cause iallurcs are taken into account and appear to IX more and more important when the system redundancy incrcascs. It is found that the system unavailability after ;L lobs of coolant accident increases very slowI> from a Y-train to a 3-train design (about a factor of 2) of from a .<.tram to a 4-train design (another factor of 2). This 1s compared to the disadvantages of an increased redundancy. especialI! plant-cost increase. The Z-train design seems to represent an optimum Ibr the use of redundancy to decrease the system unavailability. B. GACHOT. Proc.

A test approach for commercial F. BEISEL. Microelectron. Reliab.

communication satellites. 16, 91 (1977). A description is given of the test philosophy presently bemg used for the commercial communication satellites to assure good confidence in the design and Right hardware hcforc launch. A summary overview of a typical test program is presented.