Reflection profiling in and around the Puerto Rico Trench

Reflection profiling in and around the Puerto Rico Trench

538 Oceanographic Abstracts EDMONDSON C. H. 1962. Teredinidae, ocean travelers. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 23(3): 45-59. Careful examination of flotsam ...

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Oceanographic Abstracts

EDMONDSON C. H. 1962. Teredinidae, ocean travelers. Occ. Pap. Bishop Mus., 23(3): 45-59. Careful examination of flotsam in the sea and drift material on the beaches may bring to light other shipworms with a preference for unstable conditions, a pelagic existence in the open ocean rather than one of comparative immobility in harbor piling. ~Ihat this preference is a result of long adaptation is suggested by certain species, especially Teredo gregoryi, that still, with favorable opportunity, attack and infest a fixed timber. Without doubt, there are other shipworms, some of them as yet undetected, which are nicely adjusted to special means of ocean transportation. EGUSA S. and T. YAr~AMOTO 1961. Studies of the respiration of the Kuruma prawn, Penaeus japonicus Bate. 1. Burrowing behaviour with special reference to its relation to environmental oxygen concentrations. Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., 27: 22-26. Abstract in: Rec. Res., Fac. Agricult., Univ. Tokyo, 11: 49-50. A description is given of the normal burrowing posture of the " K u r u m a " prawn, Penaeus japonicus BATE in connection with its ventilation. Experiments show that when the environmental oxygen concentration is reduced below 1'0 cc/1. prawns project their respiratory siphons above the surface of the sand and when it is reached to 0.5 cc/1. they come out on the sand and dyspnoea develops. EMERY K. O. and E. E. BRAY 1962. Radiocarbon dating of California Basin sediments. Bull.

Amer. Ass. Petrol. Geol., 46(10): 1839-1856. More than 180 radiocarbon age determinations on cores from the basins off southern California yield rates of deposition of sediments ranging from 5 to 180 cm/1000 years, with greater rates for nearshore than offshore basins. These rates are comparable to those which occurred during the Pliocene Epoch in the now-filled and oil-rich Ventura and Los Angeles basins. 1hey were computed from ages based on total organic carbon. Radiocarbon ages based on associated foraminiferal carbonate are commonly greater than ages of total organic carbon, a difference attributed to redeposition of foraminiferal tests onto the basin floors from surrounding higher areas. Fine-grained carbonate and total carbonate also have greater ages than total organic carbon, but the age differences are less than those of foraminiferal carbonate. Greater ages of carbon extractable with benzene are typical in nearshore basins and are attributed largely to redeposited tar from known nearshore seeps. Surface sediments now being deposited have a mean radio-carbon age of 2500 years, but a completely satisfactory epxlanation for such an old age is still lacking. EROSCHEV-SHAK V. A. 1962. On zoning of argillaceous minerals distribution in deposits of the Atlantic Ocean. (In Russian). Trud. Inst. Okeanol., Akad. Nauk SSSR, 56: 59-69. The zoned climatic-conditions of the water-collecting area of the Atlantic Ocean determine the zoned distribution of argillaceous minerals over this area. lllit is distributed in the weathering soils and crusts of northern latitudes, lllit and montmorillonite predominate in moderate latitudes. For more southern latitudes montmorillonite is specific, in tropical and equatorial zones kaolinite is predominant. In deep-sea deposits of the Atlantic ocean, in latitudes, corresponding to subarctic, moderate and partly subtropical climate, illit is predominant, whereas kaolinite prevails in zones of tropical, subequatorial and equatorial climate. Montmorillonite, distributed on land, being the product of laminar silicate alteration and having the high, uncompensated tetrahedral charge, when mixing with sea water, "fixes" potassium and is transformed into illit. Montmorillonite, distributed in deposits of the Atlantic ocean slightly disturbs the zoning of argillaceous minerals distribution, but on its crystallochemical features and paragenesis with volcanic material, this mineral is defined as originated in process of alteration of volcanogenic material and genetically is not related to the sources of land drift. EWING J. and M. EWlNG 1962. Reflection profiling in and around the Puerto Rico Trench. J. Geophys. Res., 67(12): 4729-4740. Continuous seismic reflection profiles were recorded across the Dominican trench (south of Puerto Rico and Hispaniola), the Puerto Rico trench, and the outer ridge. These profiles show details of the structure in the upper layers which could not be measured by the refraction techniques heretofore employed. In the Caribbean there are several layers (unconsolidated and consolidated sediments) which dip northward as though the crust were depressed by the weight of the island ridge. A very small abyssal plain in the Dominican trench suggests either a relatively recent date for the deformation or the absence of a good source of turbidity current sediments with access to the trench. The measurements in the Puerto Rico trench strongly suggest that the north wall is a fault scarp or a series of parallel fault scarps. Along a traverse extending 120 miles north from the shelf of Puerto Rico, the sediments are thin, ranging in thickness from zero to about 200 m except under the narrow trench abyssal plain. Distortion of the sediments in the bottom of the trench suggests that they have tilted downward toward the south during deposition. The total accumulation of sediment is remarkably small. The measurements on the outer ridge show up to 1 km of low-velocity sediments, except in the region just north of the trench where there is some question of interpretation of the records. In some areas the sediments are markedly distorted, probably indicative of post-depositional tectonic Activity. Along a traverse (SH-2B) extending about 200 miles northeast from 21°25'N, 69°50'W, near

Oceanographic Abstracts


Silver Bank, the average thickness of sediments approaches 1 kin. The southwest half of this traverse crosses an abyssal plain beneath which the sediments show stratification of a type hitherto found by us only near continents. The northwest half shows less stratification and a rough surface, apparently resulting from post-depositional deformation.

FARQUHARSONW. I. 1959. Report on tidal survey, 1958. Causeway investigation Northumberland Strait. Surveys and Mapping Branch, Dept. Mines and Technical surveys, Ottawa, 137 pp. (multilithed). The division of Northumberland Strait into two separate gulfs by constructing an unbroken causeway, would cause marked periodic differences in the levels on the two sides considerable increases in the tidal range in the western part of the Strait, with lesser increases just eastward and westward of the causeway. These increases in range will raise the high-water levels and lower the low-levels water. Near the site of the causeway, weather conditions will effect sea level somewhat at any state of tide. The forecast changes in tidal conditions can be accepted as reliable. The effects of the nonperiodic fluctuations in meteorological conditions are much more complex and, in the absence of long-term data, forecast changes must be regarded as speculative. A regular flow throughout the Strait is hardly perceptible at present because these residual movements fluctuate very considerably with changes in meteorological conditions. The strongest residual currents, with rates up to 2 knots, probably occur with large surges travelling into and through the Strait, a west-going movement being associated with a rise in sea level and vice versa. FILJUSHKIN B. N. 1962. Seasonal sea level variations on the East Adriatic coast. (English summary). Trud. Inst. Okeanol. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 56: 307-312. Seasonal sea level variations at five points for the period 1954-1957 are shown to be similar along the entire Adriatic coast. The range of variation is 30 cm. The main factors determining these as were shown for Split, are atmospheric pressure, current and precipitation fluctations. FILJUSHKIN B. N. 1962. The state of oceanographical knowledge of the Mediterranean Sea. (In Russian with English summary.) Trud. Inst. Okeanol., Akad. Nauk SSSR, 56: 296-306. An analysis of oceanographical observations for all the expeditions cn the Mediterranean Sea is given. The charts of hydrological stations for winter-spring and summer-autumn were obtained. A map of the stations taken during the period of I G Y is also given. The total number of hydrological stations for the Mediterranean Sea is about 3100 with nearly 900 stations being taken during the period of IGY. A pattern of standard sections for the Mediterranean is suggested. FIZE A. and R. SERENE 1957. Les Hapalocarcinides du Viet-Nam. Mem. Inst. Oc6anogr., Nha-

trang., 202 pp., 18 pls.

(1) UTINOMt (1944) ne reconnait comme vraies que six espbces d'Hapalocarcinides, dont cinq de la R6gion Indo-Pacifique et une de la R6gion Atlantique. La r6colte sur les r6cifs de coraux de la Baie de Nhatrang de 22 espbx:es dont 16 nouvelles, r6parties en cinq genres, dont deux nouveaux, conduit /~ faire une 6tude g6n6rale des espb,ces de la famille. (2) Cette 6tude comporte, avec un historique des esp6ces connues, la description d6taill6e de toutes les esp6ces accompagn6e d'observations sur la coloration, le dimorphisme sexuel, les variations morphologiques en fonction de l'~ge (formes jeunes et adultes dans les deux sexes), l'habitat. Elle apporte des 616ments nouveaux pour une revision de ]a classification actuelle de la famille, qui n'est plus satisfaisante. De nouveaux caract6res morphologiques utilisables au niveau de la diff6r, enciation g6n6rique ou sp6cifique sont d6finis, les anci6ns pr6cis6s et discut6s; les relations entre certains caract~res morphologiques de la carapace et des p6reiopodes et al forme de la loge d'habitatsont sp~cialement ~ 6tudier. (3) La cr6ation de quatre sous-genres associe aux caract6res morphologiques d'autres emprunt6s /l 1'habitat; ces derniers int6ressant/~ la fois l'6tude de la forme de lar loge et la d6termination des espb,ces, genres ou familles d'HexacoraLliaires h6tes. (4) Les 22 esp6ces d'Hapalocarcinidds ont 6t6 r6colt6es sur plus de 60 esp~ces diff6rentes d'Hexacoralliaires; une espb.ce d'Hapalocarcinid~ habite souvent plusieurs esp6ces de coraux; une m~me esp&:e de corail est parfois l'h6te de plusieurs e s p i e s d'Hapalocarcinid~s. (5) Une revision de la syst6matique des Hapalocarcinidds n6cessite l'acquisition de connaissances plus compl6tes sur la morphologie d6taill6e des esp~ces; mais celles-ci sont en grande pattie sous la d6pendance d'observations conduites simultan6ment sur leur habitat et leur biologie. U n 6tat d6taill6 de la prospection des esp6ces de coraux h6tes d'Hapalocarcinid~s sur les r6cifs de la Baie de Nhatrang apporte des 616ments utiles pour la conduite dans ce sens de recherches ult6rieures. FONTAINE A. R. 1962. Neurosecretion in the ophiuroid Ophiopholis aculeata. Science, 138(3543): 908-909. Neurocrine activity has been demonstrated for the first time in the Ophiuroidea and for only the second time in the phylum Echinodermata. Three types of neurosecretory cells have been shown, by means of histological staining techniques, to occur in the principal motor ganglia. The secretory