Regional institute Futurescope”
Ocfober 26-27, 7973 Habana Inn, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Presented by AORN of Central Oklahoma Sponsored by AORN’s national committee on educaf ion Thursday, Oet 25
Focus on monitoring: 11 am to noon; projected monitoring systems will be pre-
Regisfrafion: 4 to 6 pm, West lobby.
Reception: 6 to 8 pm, Hospitality suite, room
Daniel Carsten, product planner, cardiosurgical systems section, General Electric, MiIwaukee, Wi s.
Friday, Oct 26 Registration: 8 to 8:45 am, West lobby. Opening session: room.
9 to 10:30 am, Seville
Official welcome Mary Davern, RN, president, AORN of Central Oklahoma, and assistant director of surgical nurses, OR-RR, University Hospital, Oklahoma City. Invocation: Linda JeJfries, RN, terian Hospital, Oklahoma City.
Greetings: Ruth S Metzger, RN, President, National AORN, Houston, Tex. Keynote address: George Nigh, lieutenant governor, State of Oklahoma.
lunch: Noon to 1:30 prn Illumination on instrumentation: 1:30 to
pm; display and demonstration of current operating room equipment in small group sessions. Session I: Air equipment Presiding officer:
Doris Emmert, RN,
assistant head nurse, orthopedics, Anthony‘s Hospital, Oklahoma City. Dick McElmurry, Oklahoma City.
Gary Matthews, Stryker, Tulsa, Okla.
AORN Journal, October 1973, Vol 18, N o 4
Session II: Fiber optic equipment Presiding officer: Opal Longhofer, RN, OR staff nurse, Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Oklahoma City. Porter Marr, V Mueller, Oklahoma City. Tom Berkstresser, Pilling, Dallas, Tex. Session 111: Cryosurgical systems Presiding officer: Diana Moorehouse, RN, OR staff nurse, Deaconess Hospital, Oklahoma City, Daryl Dubbs, Alcon, Ft Worth, Tex. W M Haslett, Jr, Ohio Medical Products, Oklahoma City. Session IV: Monitors Presiding officer: Marsha McElmurry, RN, nursing director of surgical suites and postanesthesia rooms, St Anthony’s Hospital, Oklahoma City. Joe Johnson, General Electric, Oklahoma City. Warren Wilson, Saturn Medical Elestronics, Oklahoma City.
Safurday, Oc.) 27 Regisfrafion: 8 to 8:45 am, West lobby. Reflections on death and dying: 9 to 1 1 am, panel presentation “Moment of truth; abandonment of dying patients,” Carol Alexander, RN, national director of education, AORN, Denver, Colo. ”Good morning: a therapeutic community i s well grieved,” chaplain J V Porter, director, department of pastoral care services, Baptist Medical Center, Oklahoma City. ”Death worries,” George H Guthrey, MD, chairman, department of psychiatry, Baptist Medical Center, Oklahoma City. Magnified audiovision: 1 1 :30 am to 1 pm “New vistas in hearing,” Jack V Hough, MD, otolaryngologist, Oklahoma City. Lunch: 1 to 2:30 pm
Tripod on research: 2:30 to 4 pm; three sessions will run concurrently. Session I: Common problems with surgical instruments. Presiding officer: Charlotte Owen, RN, head nurse, OR, Norman Municipal Hospital, Norman, Okla. Marshal McElmurry, RN David Byrd, management and operations consultant, Moutrey & Associates. Session II: Diagnostic x-ray procedures Presiding officer: Sue Sterling, RN, OR staff nurse, Presbyterian Hospital, Oklahoma City. Edmond H Kalmon, MD, radiologist, Oklahoma City Clinic, Oklahoma City. Beryl Brown, RN, OR staff nurse, Presbyterian Hospital, Oklahoma City. Session 111: Interpretation of arterial blood gas studies. Presiding officer: Joan Estes, RN, OR supervisor, Norman Municipal Hospital, Norman, Okla. R J Dougherty, MD, director, pulmonary services, Baptist Medical Center, Oklahoma City. David Johnson, medical laboratory technician, Baptist Medical Center, Oklahoma City.
Closing session: 4 to 4:15 pm Mary Davern, RN Reception: 4:15 to 5 pm Institute chairmen: general chairman, Immojean M Lee; co-chairman, Judith K MCMinn; program, Sue 9erling; hospitality, Sondy Smith; publicity, Beryl Brown; registration, Sally Rhodes; monitorial, Cassie Krag. NCE regional representative Patricia Brydon. One-half continuing education unit given for each day of attendance.
AORN Journal, October 1973, Vol 18, N o 4