Registered Clinics

Registered Clinics

Registered Clinics CLINIC REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registered clinics are full-day, limited-attendance programs. As the number of partici­ pants will ...

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Registered Clinics CLINIC REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registered clinics are full-day, limited-attendance programs. As the number of partici­ pants will be limited, advance registration is required. The fee for doctors will be $50; the fee for auxiliary personnel will be $25. Requests for tickets, accompanied by check made payable to the American Dental Association, must be received before Sept 18. (No refunds will be made after Oct 1.) All registered clinics w ill be conducted in Bartle Hall Convention Center.

U n d erstan d in g y o u rself an d o th ers in the w ork situ ation

A new d im ension in co m m u n ica tio n

Quentin T. Smith, MA, Minneapolis.

Sunday, Oct 25, 9:00-11:30; 1:30-4:00 Room 203 East, Bartle Hall Registration fee: $25 for each session

Saturday, Oct 24, 9:00-4:30 Room 209 West, Bartle Hall Registration fee: $50 for doctors; $25 for auxiliary personnel and spouses The goal of this program is to increase un­ derstanding of the individual’s style of work, with emphasis on motivation, com­ munication, decision-making, and build­ ing a team. Specific objectives are to iden­ tify and describe work behavioral charac­ teristics of oneself in relation to others and to develop skills in “people reading” by identifying the personal characteristics and needs of others. Mr. Smith is director of public communications and public rela­ tions at the University of Minnesota Dental School and director of management education for Performax Systems International, Inc. Suggested for doctors, auxiliary personnel, and spouses.

Gloria Hoffman, Dallas.

The entire professional family can partici­ pate in this program designed to enhance communication skills and add to the ability to perceive the needs of others. Each regis­ trant will have an opportunity to express ideas through a series of games and conver­ sations. Presented in an informal atmo­ sphere, this program w ill offer participants a chance to become aware of practical com munications skills they already possess but may have forgotten to use. Emphasis will be on exercises to develop the discipline necessary to control various situations. Two separate seminars will be offered, and participants may wish to participate in both. Part II is an extension of part I. Ms. Hoffman is a director of Verbal Communications, Inc., a Texas-based firm specializing in unique approaches to com muni­ cation techniques. Suggested for doctors, auxiliary personnal, and spouses.

M eeting the ch allen g e o f esth etic re sto ratio n s Jack D. Preston, DDS, Los Angeles. Sunday, Oct 25, 9:00-4:00 Room 206 East, Bartle Hall Registration fee: $50 for doctors; $25 for auxiliary personnel The need to improve esthetic appearance while restoring function is a challenge en­ countered daily. Too often this challenge is not adequately met because the problem is not fully understood and goals are not es­ tablished at the outset. Esthetic success is PRESTON achieved through recognition of the pa­ tient’s needs and to what degree they can be met. This presentation will explore the interrelationships of form, texture, and color and the effective use of color concepts to achieve better shade control and improved esthetic appearance. Dr. Preston is professor and chairman of fixed prosthodontics at the University of Southern California School of Dentistry. Suggested for doctors and auxiliary personnel.

T a x tips an d p erso n al fin a n ce for the d o cto r W. Charles Blair, DDS, Kings Mountain, NC. Monday, Oct 26, 9:00-4:30 Room 200 East, Bartle Hall Registration fee: $50 for doctors; $25 for auxiliary personnel and spouses This presentation will address such topics as the professional corporation, money management, and the advantages of family members as bona fide practice employees. The material will be beneficial to both doc­ BLAIR tors and spouses. Dr. Blair is a practicing dentist, the author of E-Z Tax Cookbook, and is enrolled to practice before the Internal Revenue Service. Suggested for doctors, auxiliary personnel, and spouses.


Enclosed is $ ____________ for the following registered clinics ($50 for doctors; $25 for Make check payable to

auxiliary personnel and spouses). I have indicated my order of preference below:

American Dental Association Speaker’s name

Scheduled date

Scheduled time

Council on Annual Session

First choice:




American Dental Association

Second choice:

______ ______



211 E Chicago Ave

Third choice:




Chicago, 60611

Fourth choice:




and mail to:

Name -------------Address ---------City and State

Zip Code

In sigh t on tim e m an agem en t

S ex an d in tim acy

Charles R. Hobbs, MA, PhD, Salt Lake City.

Domeena C. Renshaw, MD, Maywood, 111.

Tuesday, Oct 27, 9:00-4:30 Room 201 East, Bartle Hall Registration fee: $50 for doctors; $25 for auxiliary personnel and spouses

Sunday, Oct 25, 9:00-4:00 Room 209 West, Bartle Hall Registration fee: $50 for doctors; $25 for auxiliary personnel and spouses

This program exam ines the causes and cures of ineffective use of time, and helps participants to map a course of action for controlling the work day. Dr. Hobbs gives indepth consideration to personal goals and values as they affect the professional HOBBS person at work. Emphasis will be on in­ creasing personal productivity, reducing crisis management, han­ dling priorities, delegating more wisely, dealing with interrup­ tions, attaining a balanced perspective at work and in personal life, and doing it all in less time, with fewer frustrations. Included in the registration fee will be a 55-page guidebook describing ways to relate the program to individual and office needs. Other instructional materials will also be distributed. Dr. Hobbs heads his own consulting firm specializing in time management. Suggested for doctors, auxiliary personnel, and spouses.

The universal need for closeness and affec­ tion is a strong one, though often neglected in today’s frenzied pursuit of pleasure, dol­ lars, and prestige. Dr. Renshaw will discuss how the soaring divorce rate indicates that true intimacy in marriage requires more atRENSHAW tention, as unmet expectations may result in painful termination of the marriage bond. Dr. Renshaw explains why sex and love may not be synonymous, and why sexual igno­ rance contributes to disillusionment and conflict.* Dr. Renshaw is professor of psychiatry and director of the sexual dysfunction clinic at Loyola University in Chicago. ‘ Explicit audiovisuals and open dialogue will be utilized to explore this topic. Those who may be offended may exercise their right not to attend. Suggested for doctors, auxiliary personnel, and spouses.

G lu cose an d gum s

C lin ical evalu atio n of n ew re sto ra tiv e m a te ria ls an d techniques

Hal A. Huggins, DDS, Colorado Springs, Colo.

Clarence L. Sockwell, DDS, Chapel Hill, NC.

Tuesday, Oct 27, 9:00-4:30 Room 202 East, Bartle Hall Registration fee: $50 for doctors; $25 for auxiliary personnel

Sunday, Oct 25, 9:00-4:00 Room 200 West, Bartle Hall Registration fee: $50 for doctors; $25 for auxiliary personnel

Dr. Huggins will discuss how blood glu­ cose levels can be monitored to give an in­ dication of the health of periodontal tissue. Dr. H uggins suggests that periodontal health goes down as the glucose level goes up. He will discuss how to use mineral and blood analyses to select a proper nutritional program commensu­ rate with improved periodontal health. Dr. Huggins has been involved with the study of the biochem is­ try of dental disease since 1968. In 1972, he established an inter­ state licensed laboratory to process blood, hair, urine, hormones, mineral, and vitamin assays. Suggested for doctors and auxiliary personnel.

New materials and techniques have radi­ cally changed the philosophy, rationale, and approach to treatment in restorative dentistry. Dr. Sockwell will present the re­ sults of research and clinical studies on SOCKWELL tooth-colored and m etallic restorations from the most conservative, practical, and effective operating pro­ cedures. Of special interest will be the results of studies with new composite resins for anterior and posterior restorations, high cop­ per amalgam, and low-cost restorations. Three projectors will pro­ vide panoramic preoperative and postoperative illustrations of successes and failures. Dr. Sockwell is professor of operative dentistry at the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry. He is active in private prac­ tice and dental materials research and has coauthored The Art a n d Science o f Operative Dentistry. Suggested for doctors and auxiliary personnel.

178 ■ JADA, Vol. 103, August 1981