Relation among health values, health locus of conrol and healthy behaviors in adolescents

Relation among health values, health locus of conrol and healthy behaviors in adolescents

Vol. 9, No. 3 JCWRNALOk:ADOLESCENT oxAoTic FAmLY sYsr8t AssocIATm Nm! ADDLBscm OBB9ITT LA mllio, WA. C.J. ItMu. Jr., M.D., L.B. * W.S.. Dapcrtmact. ...

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Vol. 9, No. 3


oxAoTic FAmLY sYsr8t AssocIATm Nm! ADDLBscm OBB9ITT LA mllio, WA. C.J. ItMu. Jr., M.D., L.B. * W.S.. Dapcrtmact. of Family acd Cmsccoity lfadieina md Pediatrica, S&ccl of l4adicice, IJc%wPity of California. stm P~~nclmco. dmch and Eticcchin bwc developed thacrieo that lick Carlo@. diesxdars vlth a dirordeced family aystm, but firm dote to nrpport their thearia him bearafew. Ue are tmiq thp Youth Evaluation &oh CT.S.8.) to amcam” thhe fccilieo of obcra adolescents patticlppoti~ in a v&l% slayawntpro~raa. ho pobrcalar of X.11.8.m.aun fa!aily functioninu baaed 011the Circwlax aode by sec.,oioc riniditlrchao~ ur2~2 tha -Mo9tability Secl. &d di~nt.ooauol&ntu&E the cobuicc Seole. In thef2rat 24 f&liec for uhm data a” a’ailablbla. Zi.OX-had won. hl& 32 011tba Cohemim Secl~ ci~areap pcbli&d fifltaa leadII,to cqmct tbac 18.611would bavc pconp this 26~ (X -1.2. df-2. p=O.SS). In coctcaot, LS.EX of familiec had txotw nbava 29 m tha Mutability Scala whonu, 13.9X would be exp-%tl to scans this hi& (1'.21.04. df-2. p < OJJOL). ‘fbose Prrlistur~

drt. lad cr&,,ea to tb, thesty that a chaotic fail,’ “W”cha*e h,E ‘3 If confimed. thin information could role in rtioloa of obaitY. ba urned to develop aore effective aad idaatifr cdclewante ic hi&-rimk nattincl, in otdar to intenwoa md ptowat obesity. Mare research in the arm of the family fmctionLn~ of abase adolncmts is werraatad.


mtrate~ieo to ttemtoteaity


pB.lGIOSllT M AWLSKWfS. Frank M. Bireo, M.D.. Lccc Il. Cuvlc. B.A., Rlchard R. trotden, F&D.. Div. of Moleotsht the Mtd.. Quildmn’a NO+ calter. Qnclnc.atl. IO. Dept. of bclolrgy/Anth lqay. Misad hiv.,

VALUES, UEALIII LC..ZlJS OFCohTBoI. AND twauY SuSAvx0n6IWAD(ILEScMTs.Stacy Ponnar, HA. Kllen Silver NS, and Narjorie Scsk. PhD, MD,Dart. Ped.. Poe. Ned. 6 P&d.. Pm. Int. Ron. WI., Albert Einstein Coil. Ned.. Noatefiw~ Med. Ctr.. Bronx, NY Coronarl)hurt diaeaae (CUD)is a major CNI. of death in rhs U.S. Promtion at he&by bdvviora related to tedcccioo of CM,loold b&n before life atY1e putt*m an fimly mmblilrd. Xvidecca -eata that iat*rarlitY on thm heclth Ioceucof ccctrol and plac$,,6 .huh wlua w health an apsociated With htalth PMtinl b&More. l’htc etwlyH. tx,drrt&ea to datatine uhW.iwrvaluiu~ health and/or frla that on. ham control over one% health (iUtWality) nUtad to whether cdolsccacto eqaged in habita coapatibla vith SoOdCUdiov~cular health. Spccifially. the aNdy aramined whodlar ado1ucautm clauifiad . . hi@pr en ictanln1ity wdian-~plic) and *cl raeed hultb first 01ucond out of . list of tco valcas vruld bs =rc likely cc pcrticipct9 In acetci8.. limit thair ema,,qaim of high eholsaterol foods, and notm&a Elavench arndsrm 0MWat so ~~cdeaically select urban hi$h nebool VrticiWtadin the etudy prior tu .imttuctloa about CHQin heclth clcO& 92X WC@fWGr: 60% white.20XAmian. 16X black. and 6X Hicponic. Studeata cocpletad a self-report qusstioccairs, the liclti-Dl,wn&c,ol Heal:h LOCUBof Control olltc). ala with the health vdlua rankin& Chi-aquara aMlYsso ahcwed no ethnic or pox diffwancua Ln intonality and health vulue tMkio& The nl&iOaahip bat= health valuar nad internality to mkinl: w not a8muwd bacmma 10 fgr atudmt6 mokad (9%). lk-w.Y anslynin of voriMc9 indicated that nluin~ health hi@ly =. related to mm freqwot WrtieiPntia in jo66i11S(~=.051. ~crobicrlc~li~thcni~6 (p-.03). and to a Eir:or~e?au&or of hour8 want examiainD each wak (p-.05) but cot to llnitiog tbe con ticc of red reatte&9c. Lirdtias red Wtleme “o0 instead related to =unmnt dietbabovior (p-.01). Iatetoclity bed co mati effect on soy of the b@tmiot~ ad no irkraction with health value rmlrrmg was fmmd. since Our findim&y Mat thathealth vclues are iqmrtar,tto tombebaviora. reamweb should bs directed toard thi des&c cod iapleccntat oo of ad catiooal Pmlrp. for adoleacentp rdrich pcmtethe isoort.%,ce Oi “&% be&h. REIATIOIIANONQWALT







stevs, c.

M.D., Frank U. Biro, M.D.. Robert L. Bmmnrr, Ph.D., Linda S. Wlldey, MAN., C.P.N.P., DIvislcn of Adoleecsnt Medicine. Mildrat% Holpital Akdlcal Enter, Ctncinnatl, Ohio

To 1mestIgpa Lf cawlcal lnflcmmtlcn In adolecchnt fearrlcn UID erwcirtd wtth other pynccolq01~1 flndlQ6. we ntrorpcctivcl ravw~ cmlktutive PaPcnicclcar acsw tePot?c to dltatn 106 ucc. or InflaanMm and 56 nolal eifeare kmtrol Smrp). lhe dart of each ~ttrnt UI alao CevlHsd to determIne: palen nphlcp, raal1tn of Sowrch~ Md chlat@dla cultunp, lad :nnstrul Prqpun*;. luaptt= et *sit. nt prep flndlr(pr, Phyo,lul aanr -1 actlvlty. on1

cantncepttve or othermwltc,ttm“le. aId pmiw

dimwe& of 16.6



The dtm@T ICB of the 2 2raupr wan cwnblc. vlth . mean cage dnflamrtlm cwrcd to 16.3 ~ccntml), and a cldlar nclal catPcBitian (69% blitk end 31% Cauarurim In the tnflammtlm prmp ca@wuJ with 7s and 27% in the cantrol rarp, X’ =.334, p> .25). sehuclly tnnomtttd dircaora lnel J ins ehlmydla, Smorrhw, cmdyIalmtll. md tr1dl-r nra datiepardent1y awocle3d (pe 0.05 for each1 with cervloll inflcccutlca. CcAinirlg all pooclble lnfcctlone it was fond that 6lFi of thoce with eswlal inflamwtlon hcd .t least 1 cervical/ Vc#tal lnfectlca caprcd with 34% of caitro10 (X’ 110.49, P< ,011 ulth ttich-r heln# the mpat cm. wo orllor pml&er that w ewtwtad hd a rt~lflunt comlatfa with cenrlul inflrmnticn. These data revcal thct althat& ttlthaacl. Smnrrhal. chlaegdtal. and cauJylcmtcrus infectlava cannot cmplctely orplain eewical InfPBtica, a sl~lfltant mcdwr oa adolercentr with InfllarPtlcln Iwe cam idmtiflpblc gynecolc$tc 1nre::ia..