Relation between elastic and strength characteristics of soils

Relation between elastic and strength characteristics of soils

32A Charman J. The stability of a boulder clay slope. 4. Cocksedge J.E. and Hight D.W. Artesian slopes in glaciated landscapes and their influence on...

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Charman J. The stability of a boulder clay slope. 4. Cocksedge J.E. and Hight D.W. Artesian slopes in glaciated landscapes and their influence on the stability of road cuttings. 5. Bevan O.M. Tunnelling experience in glacial materials. 6. Bennett D.H. Problems of excavation in permeable drift. 7. Dunn C.S. Use of quick lime to facilitate the handling of glacial clays.

Properties of rocks and soils See also abstracts:312,475. 313 SZECOWKA, Z Variation of certain mechanical properties of coal with moisture content from the aspect of combating seam rock bursts .-In Polish. CENTRAL MIN. INST.KATOWICE .TRANSACTION, N568,1972,35P. 314 GIDIGASU, MD BANI, SK Gsotechnical characteristics of troublesome laterite materials. Conference. Session four. 5F,hT,23R. PROC.EIGHTH INT.CONF.ON SOIL MECH.FOUND.ENGNG. MOSCOW,1973,V2.2,P89-96. Data on the engineering characteristics of laterite materials indicate that they range from poor to excellant for engineering purposes, but difficulties arise in the distinguishing of troublesome laterite materials from non-troublesome ones. This paper suggests that sensitivity to drying and remouldlng and potential swell ere significant properties by which troublesome and non-troublesome laterite materials can be distinguished. However, it is suggested that before satisfactory procedures for evaluating laterite materials can be evolved, there is a need for a greater standardization of terminology and test procedures. 315 MIKHEEV,W PETRUKHIN, VP KRONIK, YA.A. Froperties of saline soils used in construction. Conference. Sesslon four. 3F,2T,9R. PROC.EIGHTH INT.CONF.ON SOIL MECH.FOUND.~GNG. MOSCOW, 1973, V2.2, P133-138. This paper is in two sections .Section one deals with the specific physlco-mechanical properties of saline soils in arid and seml-arid regions, and section two deals with a similar study for clayey, water-saturated saline soils, characteristics for five cate@ories of saline soils classified according to their granulometric composition ere given, and features of the deformation of saline soils with time upon wetting the soil base ere discussed. Laws ere l~rOposed for the char~es in saline soil properties with leaching, and proposals made for the standardization and studying of saline soils in field and laboratory conditions, and for carrying out measures that ensure normal maintainence of structures erected on saline soils. 316 DE GRAFT- JOHNSON, JW BHATIA, HS YEBOA, SL Geotechnical properties of accra shales. Conference. Session four. 7F,BT,11R. PROC.EIGH~ INT.CONF.ON SOIL MECH.FOUND.~GNG. FDSCOW,1973,V2.2,P97-10h. In this paper a study of the geotechnical properties of shales of Accra, Ghana, has been undertaken. The study groups the shales into soft (uncemented) shales, and herd (cemented) shales, each of which can be further described as sandy, silty or clayey. A range of properties ere given for each type of shale and it has

been realised that the problem shales ere generally of the soft type. The clayey shales have the tendency to develop high swelling pressures. 317 KHAZIN, BG GONCHAROV,BV The use of ultrasound to estimate the strength of frozen soils during working. 2F,2T,4R. SOIL MECH.FOUNDATION ENG.VII,N2,1974,PI22-125. Experiments were carried out to determine the influence of the n~uln intrastructural and external factors (temperature, moisture etc.) on the velocity of ultrasound, using longitudinal ultrasound waves on clay loam and sand using direct and counterdirected sounding. Investigations were then carried out to determine the correlations between the acoustic and strength characteristics of soils. The results are presented here in graphical and tabular form. A classification of soils for crushability based on acoustic characteristics is suggested° 318 BARKAN, DD TROF I M ~ V , YUG GOLUBTSOVA,MN Relation between elastic and strength characteristics of soils.6F,SR. SO IL MECH .FOUNDATION ~ G N G .Vll, N1,1974, P51- 54. Data from various sources is plotted graphically to show the relationships between elastic characteristics of soils (modulus of elasticity and values derived from it such as the elastic stiffness of a Winkler foundation bed, wave velocity) and strength characteristics of soils. Quantitative experimental data is accumulated to demonstrate an approximately linear correlation between elastic and strength characteristics of soils. 319 HANRAHAN, ET SHAHROUR,M Prediction of strain rates using Eg ~und Ek persmeters Conference. Session one. 4F,IT, gR. FROC.EIGHTH INT.CONF.ON SOIL MECH.FOUND.ENGNG. MOSCOW,V1. I, 1973, P171-175. The Eg and ~ parameters ere principal strains in cylindrical specimens (with provision for radial drainage) brought about, respectively, by i) principal stress difference and li) volumetric stress. The paper demonstrates the application of these psrsmeters to the problem of forecasting the stress.strain relationship for specimens of silt which are being sheered to fsilure in a triaxial cell in both drained and undrained conditions. Good agreement is found between computed and observed values.

32O GOLDSCHEID~, M GUDEHUS, G Rectilinear extension of dry sand-testing apparatus and experimental results. Conference. Session one. 7F, IT, 8R. PROC.EIGHTH INT.CONF.ON SOIL MECH.~73UND.ENGNG. MOSCOW, Vl. i, 1973, P143- lh9 • This paper describes a truly triaxial appsratus, which satisfies both the need for producing uniform stresses and strains throughout the samples, and the need to have sufficient degrees of freedom to s/low for 3-dimensional defor~tions in the soil, and which is used to obtain quantitative information concerning the stress strain behaviour of soils. Some results obtained when this apperatus w~s used in Karlsruhe ere also presented. 321 HAKIMI MARCHAND ORLIAC Pore pressure in pertly saturated soils predictionLaboratory test and in-situ measurements. In French. Conference. Sessien one. llF,2T,2R. PROC.EIGHTH INT.CONF.ON SOIL MECH.FOUND.ENGNG. I~DSCOW, VI. I, 1973, P163 -!70. A mathematical analysis to predict the development of