Relationship between family history of hypertension and blood pressure tracking

Relationship between family history of hypertension and blood pressure tracking


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A/H-APRIL 1995-VOL.8 NO.4, PART 2



134 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FAMILY HISTORY OF HYPERTENSION AND BLOOD PRESSURE TRACKING F.Rabbia, F.Veglio, S.Oliya, R.Melchio, V.Surgo, D.Schiavone, L.Chiandussi. Dept. of Internal Medicine, University of Turin, Italy. Many genetic and environmental factors affect BP tracking, i.e. the maintenance of peer rank order of BP at following Bxaminatlons, in childhood. A!M: to analyze the relationship between venous degree of hypertensive (HYP) family hystory to BP tracking. METHODS: SSP, DBP and HR were evaluated on2 occasions, 1 year apart, in 532 school children; all variables were converted in sexage specific Z~cores, and then quintiles (aU) determined forSBP and OBP to evaluate tracking. An assessment of family hystory of HYP was obtained byevaluating parents, and first degree relatives of each children studied. 4 degrees of HYP familiarity (HYPF) were then obtained ranging from no HYPF (no relatives) to high HYPF (all relatives). RESULTS: children who tracked in the higher au showed an higher prevalence of mild·high HVPF in comparison to the whole population studied (20 and 11% vs 16 and 4%) with an observed/expected (OlE) ratio of 1,32, and a lower prevalence of SUbjects without HYP rel=itives (35% vs 46%): OlE 0,7. On the contrary, those who tracked in lower au showed a low prevalence of HYP relatives ( 12% and 2%) OlE 0,7. Those Whose BP decreased from upper to lower au showed Ivw HYPF, thol'\e who travelled from lower to upper au presented an high HYPF. At the same time, evaluating mean zseores of SBP and DBP according to 4 HYPF, we found that children with higher HYPF degrees had significant and persistent higher mean SBP and DBP values than their peers. In conclusion, BP tracking seems to have a clear relabtln with a HYPF, suggesting that the progeny of HYP parents may have some physiological derangements that ~~r~ at future fisk.

CARDIOVASCULAR RISK FACTORS IN WHITE COAT HYPERTENSION Henl6ndel del ReY R. Armario P. Cnstellsaj;ue J. SAnchcl P. CArdenas G. Pardell H. Red Cross Hospital. Hosphale: de Llobregat, Barcelona. Spoin. Bockground. Twenty four hours ornbulatory blood prcssure is more strongly associaled with target-organ damage lhan orlicc blood pressure. Whereos cardiovascular risk factors of I'alienl~ wilh sustained hypertension have heen well cstebhshed. there is littlc research on thecardiovascular ri.k of patients willI white coal hypcrlen~iOll . Objective. The ohjeclive of this study was 10describe and compare tile cardiovascular risk factors of patients with white coal hypertensionand established hypertension. ~ . A group of 106consecutive potienl~ Wilh not treatedmild hypertension(DBP hetwccn 90 and lO4 mmHs) were studiedwill,a husic hypertension protocol, lipid profdc, M·mode echccardiography, nnd 24 hours amhulatory blood pressure measurements (Spacclah 90202). White c,.nl hypertension was defined as II diurnal blood pressurebelow 10 134/90 rnmllg, E£!!!!!!. Of the 106 subjects, 51 (48%) weremen and liteage mcan43 years (sd'" 12). Themean of oflicesystolic anddisstolic blood pressure was ISO (sd= 12) and 96 (sd=4) mmHj;. respectively. WIlite coathypertension wns found in 43 patients (46%). In bivariate anslysis wh ilecoathYPCrlension was assoclnted willt nge (OR forolderthan ~ years old=3.08. 95%(:1 1.36-
Key Words: White "001 hypenension. Cardiovascular risk factors. Mild hypertension. Echncardiography.

BP tracking, Childhood hypertension.





PrevelenceoC Arterial Hyper1ension Police fnslilUl ion M.E.AuJiU. F. Fragachrin', JM. lopez Arterial Hypertension Unit,CaracMUniversily lIospilai. MedicineSchool, Central University of Venezuela. We madea comparative study. randomized in 290 subjects cops of the reclmician Bureau of Judgment Police. to knowthe incidence "r Arterial Hypertension (HA) and the correlation wilh dirrerenl var iahl,~~ taken oC Clinical Record and physical eX~'1! inaljan and used the Statistical Package EpilnCo 5.lJ1B or the W.II.0. We found HA in 18.3 "10 (n=53), correspondinp, 88.7 % to I and :1 stages el severity, 7.S % slar.e J and 3.8 % slate 4. Tire lJody · In,;ex Mass (IJIM) ill hypertensives (H) was 26.56&+/- 2.965 and iil ncrmctensives (N) or 24.405+/·3.012 (p':C.00004) Collowing the ~orma1 CUlVe, and was direclly related wilh the severity 01 HA.The mean o[ age was 38-/·9.5 in H and in N 303t/·7.0 (p


IN LA TItV'A ltIER/CA. £fi:Vf41:flJin~ EM.ClI/I/;t; £.Pr:tf8, .I:M.UI'r.z, M/.Ik) l"S. Art~ailHYpe'rt~ITslon Unit, CU,JCAS lInlv~rsl()'Hosl'll.rI, "luis Ru~"r Mer/lcII SCHOO!, Univcrslrl8u Ct"nlr.! dt" Vmt"zud8, Cllr8cllS, V~n~zu~/II. 7Ul"II~I '}'("HS -r.,," bt;glnlng /1/(/II(,ns tot"Arf.:n;'l/(rpt:tfCllsfiJn llt"i ((INA) ,,(/(ftlr.!Pfi~ ~,ill7l1mml n ;.·fdti,f",s (!iflil/II...,. /nsfJl/llliJIJl!s~

liisl posfgf6r1I1Ir. It'Slilen« IiI CHfl/c,,1 /'CSt:.J«/1

lor (HAj Iii Vrl/r.,rur:14 Jillri [.llillll/ra''''' IIi'I ~/lJpnJl'llt J dt·ll"rsc Ir411J r.,r "r.((~r ~ra/llatljI/lI JI HA pall('/Il alUi6deqll31r prell:l1llul1 10 tiePIn su6/a:l. M~mb~rs:P/I)'Sidans lVilli lwil/i'S I'0.<{/fratlll,rtr .rnas/,;,/Is In basic scir.nrr.s. WorKs in develop: £'tit/athe/IIIRI. rmlclllicll31 cells. III~ni.· ".I·lilc. (,1I11t/IItCHf/S. dis/JIlIIJiSt: sllf'(w.l ~il(') Ilid IIA. l(,uL"I1I:m~ ilCf/i"iltlflll in /IA. SodtulII £'rcrcll,," Fr"cliol1s IiI N"flIIOfclwi'C'..$ S,rltscnsilli", 111tlt plIsifJir.ulllili;'r/I)'SIOlyfJ( HA. Battl' 1I1It! OlseolSc I'CIl·r.pfi(lflS In 1(.11'1"rfms/i r'J, CI{f(tl t't'nllc Inslllt'n'st"lIsllli", dJJJlp Inpa!ir.ols Irr:lilnl 1I1tll II1Ia1Jjlint", compuison /Jr.IU"Cl"11 ~ugb ·t"(,./lJic IPsult'n· s~l/slilit' dollllP ,rnd Insulin lo/er.mcc Icst.!!,pcttt:llsli-cs r.1l1r.'..t:elll·I(-S, 1:liltlRw,HJII7II8n,It'.f,.l'ln Irc.lll1lw/1IIIIA, 1V1r: 11/ NClliVpcplJilc Y In 1fA. Bi"clicIJili.wls slut/it'S el! rr.n:p/lll'S. ,,/ld safln'3{Cs drsigll Ii,r pmglllJSIs oJJIt! /lIJ4(I'SfS in HA.

Key Words :

EpidemiologicalArtcrialHypertcnsion, ocupatiGn. police

Key Words :

rcs~arcli ct"n/~r, LiJ""/lIII~f1i"8, Ii.,p~rtellslon